Calling out is against the rules, don't share someone else's profile. And don't ask others to do it. And you have to give him the key.
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There are quite a few users like this and as I, like you, think this is not really nice to act like this, it's not against the site rules. Nobody is forced to give away anything here. So, no, there is no official list, at least none which I knew of. Easy solution to your problem: don't make no level giveaways.
Also, as the others have already pointed out, calling out users for whatever issue you have with them is against the site rules. When problems occur, support is supposed to handle it aka file a ticket. If you want to avoid getting punished/suspended you should really remove the link to the person's profile in your post. You can edit your thread by pressing the downward arrow included in the big green button with "Open" on it in the top right corner of this site.
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First things first, you have to give the key. You can't just choose who gets one and who doesn't, at that point.
Secondly, the 'leechlist' is just upping the level of your giveaways, pretty much. Level 0 can only be leechers or newbies. I mean, sure, they could've given away a bunch of No Value games, but eh.
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As i do it, i don't think give "no values games" is leeching. I do dig for key, spend time, share them, that's a gift. My opinion^^
If u don't want to give me games, i'm ok with that ^^ But i won't blacklist myself and others students/low budget peoples^^ (Especially if i'm currently giving no/low value games ^^).
I just don't want to feed bot and pure leech :)
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I get ya, it's all good. There's just not really a way to separate someone who has given away games but only No Value ones from someone who hasn't given any away at all. Unless you use SGTools, I suppose, but I don't think it's worth the trouble.
If you really don't want pure leechers, just make giveaways for level 1. At least you know they've given something away :)
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I just finished sending 12 low value keys (otaku bundle games) for level 0 giveaways i created today. On further inspection, most of the winners have over $1,000 won and $0.00 contributions. I had no idea there were such things as scripts for autojoining GA's. Of course I give the benefit of the doubt to all of the winners.
I'll still do lvl 0 GA's but I'll save them for games that don't drop cards, this way I hope I can weed out some of the bots or script users.
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Level 0 can only be leechers or newbies. I mean, sure, they could've given away a bunch of No Value games, but eh.
Level 0 members are newbies or leeches, yes. But level 0 includes all levels above, obviously. So in your level 0 giveaway you include everyone. The low-level leeches, and also the most generous 25.0-ratio premium members. While I prefer to do higher level giveaways myself, I think it's good for the site to do a level 0 giveaway from time to time. Not only leeches will enter, but also newbies. And what a shame it would be if newbies came here and there were no giveaways to enter for them. They would probably leave the site quickly. So level 0 GAs are actually good for the site. I don't do nearly enough of those, though. Should do more. ^^
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Level 0 GAs are food for the bots, autojoiners, leechers.
The normal new members have not really a chance against the OVERWHELMING ammount of the bad ones.
And normaly new members that don't know the site aren't long here OR give anything. Why they should when they don't win anything (too much bad ones that took the wins) ?
So only the new users that know experienced users here will stay AND each of the experienced users will advice a, as fast as possible, level up to level 2.
So the level 0 GA's only supports leeching (when i want give to the superb members i can set a higher level restriction).
The only thing that would help will be Rules against EXTREMST leeching.
As example a 25:1 ratio for users or anything like that (each one that are above that can't click the enter button)
And a faster kicking of the ones with Multi wins and don't activated wins.
I made the last times a bit of testing with public, lvl 0 and 1, GA's with really cheap stuff.
For 30 winner i send 20 reroll tickets because of red marks at sgtools. A part of them were granted (not enough for my taste). In the end landed 32 from 37 on my BL because of red marks, extremst leeching (80:1, 270:2, 180:0 and such nice things -each one at least 1 year at sg, mostly 3-5 years-) and/or don't know a thanks after taking the win.
It took me a lot of time to check all that users and the support to check them. I think the support should have more time for other things then checking such people all day long ... for years -i reported people that break the rules since 6 YEARS .... and i don't understand why such people get every time "a new chance" after proofed that they don't want change there "don't activate/multiple wins" behavior-), report all with red marks (around 70% of the winners, biggest part of them with 4+ red marks, biggest part of them don't suspended and the ones that got a suspension mostly only 4 days -a very bad joke in my eyes-) and the results don't motivate to make myself such work.
I want do other things with my lifetime.
So 3 solutions:
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The normal new members have not really a chance against the OVERWHELMING ammount of the bad ones.
Is that just your personal assumption or do you have any actual site stats on this?
The only thing that would help will be Rules against EXTREMST leeching.
As example a 25:1 ratio for users or anything like that (each one that are above that can't click the enter button)
That would mean we would ask people to give in order to get something. So far that was never the site philosophy. I am undecided about this. I know what kind of people you want to block with such a rule, sure. But imagine a guy who doesn't have any money. He wins 25 games here and managed to give away one game, because he wanted to give something back. To me that's no leech. To me that's a guy who has some extra games thanks to the site, which he would otherwise not be able to afford. And he even gave something back, despite having so little money. I wouldn't want to block someone like that. That raises the question which ratio is acceptable and which is not. And that is very hard to determine. Some people like me would accept even very bad ratios for said reason. Others would already call everyone with 1:2 or worse a leech. The idea that everybody has to have a 1:1 ratio or better is nonsense, I am sure we agree on that (and I remember lots of posts where people with slightly worse ratio were called leech). Anyway, this site was always a way for people to get free stuff. Giving away games was purely optional. And I tend to the position that it should stay that way.
For 30 winner i send 20 reroll tickets because of red marks at sgtools. A part of them were granted (not enough for my taste).
Not enough for your taste? If a suspension was already served, there is no reason for a reroll, which was probably the main reason for your declined requests. So there were exactly as many granted as was appropriate.
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Oh ok. I understood that he meant he would have liked to see more of his requests granted (=more of those people suspended).
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If you send in a reroll request for possible rule infractions, and it isn't approved, that means the user was already punished for the infractions they've committed. There's no such thing as the support approving your reroll request but not suspending the user for breaking rules (given they weren't suspended before).
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dear crossbourne - i guess nobody knows better than you to deal with newbies problem cases. i see you all the time with lvl 0 GAs - i often ask myself why this guy wouldnt create lvl 1 or 2 to avoid absolute beginner mistakes? you like educating many lvl 0s? :-) ... is the support treat u special with all your requests? xD
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I never have any trouble with my public giveaways. Support does not give preferential treatment to anyone.
Edit: I get more headaches with higher level giveaways than with lower level ones.
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Actually of all the giveaways I made to this date, I have had the most headaches with my low(ish) public giveaways so I guess that this varies from user to user.
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Mostly right but i must disagree that guy who doesnt have any money.There are multi sites to get games that are not given away for free via their points (like tremor,orlygift,OP) .Only need some effort to get is not so hard and does not require money.Only time and internet.According to he has access to SG, he has internet.So no barrier,handicap [not sure which word to use] not to do that.
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Sure, it's certainly possible to invest a lot of time and get "free" games on Tremor and so on. But does a person who simply uses SG without going on the forums even know that this is expected from him? Is it even expected? Where does it say that you have to give something back? Let's go back to the example of the poor guy who has no money and is simply glad that he gets a few games here on SG. Why should he give something back? Don't we create giveaways in order to make someone else happy? Isn't this the perfect scenario then? A guy who otherwise couldn't afford games, and we give him a few leftovers? Do we really need something in return then? I don't.
I know there are other people who clearly have more than enough money. Who have 5k games and a ratio of 100:1. So my example isn't meant to represent all of SG's level 0/1 community. It is meant to show that not all those level 0/1 guys with bad ratio are bad people or abusers or whatever. Some of them are the reason why this site is so great.
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Tremor (and mostly other sites like it) are blocked to some countries... Like mine. This mean that I cant win tremor points for playing games or watching publicity and stuff. I actually move to another country now, so hopefully, if things gets better now on, I´m going to start giving back to SG at least someting better back.
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I wish you the best of luck in that other country. :)
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i agree but just if one guy wanted to give something back,money should not be excuse.
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Well, the question is do we expect him to give something back. Is it even correct to expect it.
Also, is money really no excuse if that guy lives in a country where Tremor and most other sites like that are blocked? At least then it sounds like a decent excuse to me. ;)
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Ofcourse we should not expect anything at all.Also you sticked at Tremor.There are various.i am sure orly contains almost all countries.
Plus earn achievement is forbidden in Tremor in my country.i just watch 1 add per day and gives 1 point+ 5 points for completing 1st quest a day.Thats enough for me.Dont want to bother more :).Specially not getting points from survey i try to hits hard ^^
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I was just referring to this. He said Tremor and most other sites like it. I didn't check if that's true (way too busy I mean lazy ^^ for that). But I have no reason to doubt it. Maybe Orly is the goto site for all countries, no idea. My point was just that it might be more difficult for some. And the more difficult it is, the better the excuse "no money" is. ;)
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So level 0 GAs are actually good for the site.
I agree. Lower level giveaways, in particular level 0, show new users that they can win, and sometimes encourages them to make giveaways of their own. I occasionally do a couple myself, but you've reminded me that I need to do more.
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I don't even remember when I did the last level 0 giveaway. As soon as I get back to my keys list I will do one. ^^
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Oh, yeah, of course that's true too! We all start as newbies, and I wouldn't want the site to be so devoid of level 0 gibs that it leaves them with no reason to stay D:
I was just going by the OP's definition of leechers and giving him an easy rule of thumb for the kind of people he wants to avoid giving to. I haven't had any problem with any giveaway winner yet, level 0 or otherwise -- personally, my definition of a leecher is mostly just anyone who doesn't give thanks for winning a game :'(
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I also had very few problems with my level 0 giveaways over the years. Maybe we were lucky. ;)
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Edited, name/profile removed.
Mb, once more. Readed the guidelines 5 times in 3 days.. ^^' Not enough i guess.
Still, is there any solution?
(No need to say, i will give him the key if i have to. But he definitely look to botting & do not respect the activation rules. So if rules allow me, i won't. That's what i'm saying.)
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Only option to not give him the key is report him for violation of rules, and if he will be banned - you can reroll. But I don't think it would happen. Leeching is not against the rules, you have no solid proofs that he uses the bot, and sgtools can't detect DLC's, so this is most probable false positives.
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Yes, that's right. I forgot that I did it like that, thank you.
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You can open a support ticket on someone not activating won gifts, wait for them to get suspended, and then ask for a reroll. However, DLC is basically impossible to detect reliably, so if all you've got is sgtools saying some DLC wasn't activated (especially old DLC) it's very unlikely you're actually dealing with someone who doesn't activate. The only sure way to verify is to add them as a friend, then attempt to buy the DLC as a gift. If they have it, Steam will tell you.
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I doubt a 4k3 games leech play his game :p (Plus, this one look to essentially ask for steam card ^^)
I don't feel like that :) Atm i won crappy cards game, i shared crappy cards game :)
Even no cv one. (Gaved a key at discussion fews hours ago)
I do not have the money to buy "valuable" game atm. So i deal with it, get what i can, share the same^^
Sound legit if people want to blacklist me because they don't want to share expensive game with me who can't afford them^^ (Just set lvl3 ga, i guess with my reduced value game i won't enter anything until long time lol)
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Sure ^^ But atm it's not.
And, in my opinion, this game who's being farmed add something. They're free, or close too and they're spread anywhere. So, when i found some i feel like i'm a treasure hunter. (I've never pleased got random key before this.)
And, thanks to sg, and few others (I won't read the guidelines another time, so i will not advertise here ^^), even if i found double it still pleasant.
And for sure, stc games are not nasty as for-games-collect game ^^ I've got few good one. And few ones who look good i havn't played yet.
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at this time you should have been flooded by our messages... here's another one :D
as you're pretty "fresh"... do not only think about blacklisting. there's also the whitelisting way: fewer numbers, more control, and you have more chances to know better, by "trusted" members, how the SG cube works and how to handle it the best way :D
above all, grith, have fun.
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Not gave even a single game since
there's no rule that u must make giveaways here
Plus, sgtools say some (tons) of looted dlc havn't been activated
sgtools can't detect dlc's
And is there a "leechlist" to blacklist them all?
Is there any option left to don't give him the key?
u can just don't send a key to the winner and after 7 days u will get +1 "Not recieved" in your profile and -1 giveaway slot
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u can just don't send a key to the winner and after 7 days u will get +1 "Not recieved" in yor profile and -1 giveaway slot
and risk to be suspended, because intentionally not delivering key is bannable violation. And it will be hard to prove this was unintentional after this topic.
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for reason? Fake giveaway? You can't get ban for thing like this, its not "bannable violation", all u will get - maximum
5 days suspension (and the chances of this are very small).
And i don't know single person who got suspension for not delivering small bundle game (not talking about GTA V x5 copies giveaways from new users)
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Of course, for the first violation you will get short suspension. And I know people were suspended for this before.
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You can't get ban for thing like this, its not "bannable violation", all u will get - maximum
5 days suspension (and the chances of this are very small).
This is bad advice.
Here is some good advice: understand that your winner(s) will be randomly selected. You may get a "deserving winner," or you may not. The more control you have over who enters your giveaway, the more control you have over who wins it.
And i don't know single person who got suspension for not delivering small bundle game
I do. More than one, actually.
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Sure its bad.
Still waiting for FAQ updating xD
what is spam? 10 bump comments in 5 minutes - its a spam?
what is fake giveaway? if i make giveway with 50 copies of GTA V - ofc this is fake. But if i make giveaway for indie game and for some reason can't send key and don't want to contact with winner - this doesn't make my giveaway fake.
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what is spam?
What is love?
what is fake giveaway?
This is actually a good question. The phrase "fake giveaway" is used to refer to three different things in relation to SteamGifts.
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I just want to point out that neither SG nor sgtools can do a proper job at checking DLCs in users' accounts because steam doesn't really show them as owned in the profiles (except for some specific cases). So don't trust those unactivated DLCs too much, the only real way to know for sure is to add the user on steam and look at the store page for each DLC you want to compare and check the "x amount of friends already own this" section.
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Good one. Up to now I've been going through the motions of buying it as a gift until Steam asks me for the recipient, but this is faster. You can open directly to check ownership. (For example, list of all your friends who own or want Crypt of the NecroDancer: AMPLIFIED.)
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I always at least check for ownership of the game/DLC I'm giving away, since every so often SG/Steam gets it wrong and lets people enter even though they own the game (with Deluxe and Complete editions, mostly). You don't need to laboriously check for every "unowned" DLC SGTools reports, though; if it's a concern, sampling a few is enough.
It's still good policy to check if someone has unactivated wins and report them if they do. Personally I care far more about regifters/traders getting banned than about "leechers".
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I get bot users at the same point^^ I'm not that much worried about someone who leech a bit and don't get time to share. Or have not the opportunity to do it.
I do share because if i got some key i won't use, i'm glad to know some people will be happy to get this. (don't know if i can say that, that way. bad english sorry.). And if that's someone who can't offer game, my own reward still the same. (Until fews days, i've been used to drop key anywhere when i got some, so i'm ok with that)
I'm worried about someone who dig on everyone share, like industrially, without even take time to do it.
So no proof here. But getting only no owned games (with a 4K3 library), with a 120+ average join per day since 2 years.
I'm credulous but that one is tough.
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No. And even if there was, Steamgifts has over 1 million registered users (though considering there's normally only 2K-3K giveaways at a time, I expect there are no more then maybe 20K active users).
If you want your giveaways to go to people that actually give away games, just set them to higher levels, or use SGTools.
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I am not 100% sure about the thread. But i think it was the sgtools thread that provide (all or a part) of the infos
I am nearly sure that post it there from time to time.
When i have more time (not today) i will look for it
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It's here:
(When you click on "My Stats" in the dropdownmenue next to you avatar you have a menue to the left hand side with all kinds of stats surrounding this site.)
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There are 1.06m registered and 903k ppl are lvl 0.Thats kind of many.Maybe they didnt stay here long.
Also i didnt know there are that many russians here in SG
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It give at sg 1 million/billion users (nearly all inactive and a big part should be deleted that anyone can find anyone that they search at the user interface -but you can dream from that... they need the +1 counters...-).
35k from them are still active (yay).
1,6k give anything (great or?)
The other ones are ALL leechers that gave anything.
In the end you need over 33k slots to blacklist all Leechers + a bit more for the people that don't leech but dont activate wins (trade/selling them brings more PROFITZ^^) or take stuff more then once (multiple wins).
And yes i am a bit sarcastic i am known for that :-D
In the end..... DONT MAKE PUBLIC GA's
or at least raise the level to 2+ -i do them with level 2-
I would advice level 5 because of all the $1 Bundle cv farmers in the last few months, when it not only hits the normal users that don't do cv farming. Because it hits the normal users more then the cv farming ones i don't advice it that way ..... BUT i don't have a solution for the problem
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1k is much too less to block each bad one.....
As i looked the last time ALL entries on a public, lvl 2, GA from me i blacklisted 180 from 330 users.
That numbers are disgusting.
I only made this one full check ... not enough spots for more then 1 time -_-
Ps.: Welcome on my Whitelist :o)
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Haha, thanks :)
Would add you in return but were already there xD
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When you see "Not Activated" and/or "Multiple wins" (both is higlighted in red) by that name at the site, then click on "request new winner" at example: -i changed the GA to 123AB for this example-.
Wrote the support as example this way (yeah thats my standard text -they are not more worth :-D-):
DETOUR (2016-01-23 02:00:00)
Hacker Evolution Source Code (2016-01-28 01:39:00)AND
Sleengster (won 2 times) (on 2017-04-25 00:29:00 and 2017-04-25 02:41:00)Please look if he need a punishment or not.
Thanks and have a good day
And then wait what the support say.
You have 7 days to deliver and that anybody that don't activated wins or had multiple wins must wait is nothing that should interest you :o)
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I don't think it's for protecting the 'active members' count. I think it's more to avoid public lynching and transform the community into a monster. "Witch hunt" ambience isn't cool.
Just report/BL people you see violating the rules, and move on.
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Right... but when you have such a big ammount of rule breakers it is not realistic that ALL real/normal users BL that ammount of "black sheeps".
And so the black sheeps raise there numbers and get more and more because it's PROFITZ and one tell it the other and that one to the next.... you know....
I think the ammount of "black sheeps" is far over the point anyone can "avoid" them or "don't look at them".
A witch hunt don't help (much)... we need NAPALM and burn them all
Rules from cg or (better) automatic checks -at least for level 0, 1 and 2- for multi wins/not activated that involve the support only when anyone has a Red Flag without a punishment for it. That would save a lot of time and energy for the users and the support.
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I happen to collect the most dedicated leeches I encounter in what I refer to as my "Leech Gallery". Currently there are only 21 users on that list but the most impressive of them (a.k.a. the Leech King) has won 774 games while not giving away a single one yet :D
Not much point in blacklisting them though, just set your gibs to Lvl 2+ and you'll never hear from them again.
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Often they are at lvl 0, a lot at lvl 1 and since the $1 Bundles that bring/brought $40-60 real cv MANY THANKS -_- they are level 2-4 too.
They don't leech then complete but i am not happy with the ones that spend $1-2 and have a 350:20 or 250:5 statistic.
Congratulations to your one that had 774 wins. I don't had such a big leecher.
I can come up with the biggest RED FLAG (near level 6) user at sgtools.
41 not activated wins (not reported from me but from a friend)
My own reported biggest one has "only" 34 or 36 not activated wins
Schau mal in deine Profil Kommentare^^
Or a fem user that used, at least, 3 accounts. Main Account near Level 7 (well known and liked), the other ones very low. And then everytime the little ones win from the main acc. Each time +1 send count.
Too bad that i am such a evil one that follow sometimes things when my belly feeling or my nose say "anything is strange/shady here" :-D
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41 not activated wins
I vaguely remember occasionally seeing that user on the forums but apparently I never ran SGTools for them.
Now you made me wonder who that girl with the 3+ accounts was.
Too bad that i am such a evil one that follow sometimes things when my belly feeling or my nose say "anything is strange/shady here" :-D
I know what you mean. This site also made me even more distrusting of humanity than I already was to begin with :D
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How is that even possible from the site
You have to sync regularly anyway, why can’t it also check for not activated and send a ticket automatically?
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I know, that's a shame and it bothers me a lot, from my personal experience more than half of the winners of the public ga's I created, are rules-breakers. It takes so much time to check and report them all, so I stopped to do it for infractions that happened more than 1 year ago.
Thankfully, I got some of them perma-suspended.
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Wp, nice one you got here ^^
I'll think about doing my own table hunting ^^
Only 200-220 wins on this one, but tons of giveaways entered so i guess he do not ask for the little one to got that low winrate x)
70 wins for 2 giveaway (at least he tried lol) on the others one but with far less entries so i guess that's not that bad.
As i'm broke, i do ask and share for little game so i feel a bit guilty to set the rank up :/ But if that's the only solution, let's do this ^^'
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Make good game for whitelist/groups, make trash game for low level, make somewhat average for higher level. That's what i do.
Toxic users just enter my blacklist :D though i don't have much in my blacklist
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Well, if you are speaking with a tone like this, i might also add, that games you have been giving away are ultimate crap.
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Sure they are^^ Same as the three i've won xD
I share the key i got ^^ The only "playable key" i got to give away is uplay key. And we're on "steam" so, i do what i can ^^
(And people took ticket for this so i can suppose they want it ^^)
Edit: My english is bad, so i'm not sure to have understood what you're saying* "if you are speaking with a tone like this, i might also add" I got each word, but can't be sure of the meaning?
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(I do not want to get the contributor lvl up. I'm lvl0 atm. Low budget, share crappy games, enter for little game & steam card. So i don't feel like that's a fair option.)
It's not unfair to bump the required level a little bit IMO. I think in the past I've made a few GAs for like, 1 level higher than mine. You'll find "leechers" at about any level though. If you really, really want to avoid them, you'll have to do private GAs with SGTools ;)
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A "leech list". Because SG can never have enough elitism and segregation.
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I'm honestly not trying to be a dick but this message would be a lot more convincing if there wasn't a Patreon star next to your name. Not that I'm against Patreon but given you can disable the star it sort of undermines your message.
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Care to elaborate how so? Obviously I did not mean to imply Patrons should disable the star but displaying it sort of seemed to contradict the anti-elitism statement.
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You made it sound as if being a Patreon is something bad and that Patreons think they're better than other SG users and therefore consider themselves to be part of an elitist group which I personally highly doubt. Also, it's not like people who support SG via Patreon have better chances of winning or any other benefits that would really set them apart from any other SG user.
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No, Patreon is not a bad thing. Given I don't know how much ad revenue SteamGifts creates it might even be necessary to keep the site afloat. And even if the ad money suffices to cover all expenses the additional Patreon donations are a good incentive for cg to keep improving the site. Maybe my mind just went where it did because the (apparently barely active) Patreon only group is called The truly elitist: SG Patrons.
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I should have sayed, a "unfair member" list or whatever idk... I don't speak english that well to do it.
I speak about people like this who own 4K game, earn hundreds here, probably use bot and don't contribute (4k game on steam account account, cannot even gave a little one here? I'm not saying everyone need, nor can give tons of game.). I don't see elitism nor segregation here.
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You can use not only BL but also SGTools to weed out the worst of them as it has a lot of ratio based (and a lot of other) functionality.
Btw the reality on SG is that you can find leeches from level 0 until and including level 10 and in nearly all the roles on SG. :O
Personally I have a very good laugh and an even better chuckle when someone that has an approximate ratio of 300\5 or 200\1 revenge BL me. ^^
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How do you even know who blacklists you. I ask because I've been curious on who put me on a blacklist. I don't know what reason they did and it's not that big of a deal but I am curious.
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I think that by chance and with the hunting module of the ESGST script that those are the most common ways to find out who or what that blacklisted you. BL reasons can really be anything and everything.
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384 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by Vee79
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13 Comments - Last post 30 minutes ago by xurc
138 Comments - Last post 33 minutes ago by HustlaOG
187 Comments - Last post 37 minutes ago by herbesdeprovence
//Edit: My ask been answered. I do not close the topic to let people who whant talk.
//Edit: If you want to ask that kind of questions, don't. As a newcomers i've been here for like 3 or 4 days, have gaved 4 (crappy, but gaved, games) (won 4, crappy too) been blacklisted by 90 people xD
I've do use research about this but havn't found this yet..
4 days here, started 2 giveaway (crappy but still). And... Here's what i found:
cutted, guidelines
(First winner look the same, but not that much..)
A great leech, maybe using bot (122 giveaway average giveaway/day since 2 years.). 4k3 game on profile.
Not gave even a single game since. 4k3 game, not even gave a single one?..
Plus, sgtools say some (tons) of looted dlc havn't been activated. (Steam trading card base game mostly.)
//Edit: I now know DLC detection are garbage.
So... I don't want to give anything to this person. Not even a crap.
Is there any option left to don't give him the key?
And is there a "leechlist" to blacklist them all? (I do not want to get the contributor lvl up. I'm lvl0 atm. Low budget, share crappy games, enter for little game & steam card. So i don't feel like that's a fair option.)
Apologize the messy post, i don't speak english that well..
//Edit: The key has been sent since post.
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