How many categories do you organize a game in? (RPG,Strategy, Anime, etc)
i used to have an intricate genre-based categorization system but then i had steam up when i left the room a few months ago and a dog-- yes, a fucking dog-- jumped on the keyboard i guess and deleted half of the categories. when i discovered the wreckage i decided that i was Too Tired For This and redid the entire library as a useless shitpost.
is it in any way comprehensive? no. are things miscategorized? yah prolly. do i care at this point? nope.
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I had my categories deleted twice after a system-crash while steam was running. No idea how this happens, as they should be save on the steam-servers and not affected by my system crashing.. I gave up categorising after the second time, but I hope they changed the system with the new library.
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You can always try this.
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Should have clarified: The problem occoured with the old library and I hope it won´t happen with the new one. Thanks for the attempt to help though =)
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i've had to turn my computer off by holding down the power button twice in the last month and both times steam reset all my client preferences like the download region and if i wanted it to auto-login to the chat (spoiler: i did not want that). not surprised it pulls that crap with the categories too.
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HAHAHAHA well when you say it like that it sounds stupid!
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I have all my games divided into categories (4X, Adventure, FPS, etc.). There are some special categories due to volume, such as LucasArts and Total War. Generally speaking, each game only fits in one category, although there are a handful of exceptions. But there's also a separate category for games my son plays, all of which are in another category too
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Now Playing
Multiplayer only
SG wins (so I don't delete them!)
And then I have some of my older games organized by when I bought them. It's an effort to make me play them and clear my backlog a little.
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Beaten - complete the main story
Completed - 100% achievements
I didn't use to bother with these, but started once I joined the Backlog Assassins
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Currently playing/installed are favourited to see easily, High on playing( ~15 games), Medium - may play, low - will 99.9% never play but not trash( trash are hidden), + Special - good or big games tagged permanently, Special 2 - those maybe decent average small games but not prolific indie games permanent tag, Finished, On-hold/dropped.
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Wow, that's a lot. Are you one of those people that tries to watch everything currently airing? :P
I'm barelly over 3k, I didn't bother to add most of the series I watched back in the 90's and early 00's tho, but I doubt it will amount to more than a few hundred extra episodes.
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i have, --good, --dont like, --trash and every game can only be in one of those. I prefix -- to make it more clear. also have lots of category for the source where i got it, formatted like so: B-Steam for bought or G-Steam for giveaway. than some more named #singleplayer for sp only #localcoop etc. what i like is the sorting in the list on the left. a category with # will be on top below will be - an even more -- and --- so you can group categorys like this. so when i get a game it has to go in one of the -- prefixed categories and one source the rest is optional.... on the bottom i have x-glitched for weird steam bugged once, x-deleted for games with no store page, x-beta/test/demo. so # categories are game type related. -- categories are personal taste related and you can go on find your own groups of categories. have fun sorting. and dont try todo them all at once xd
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I have categories
Favorites(for games I play all the time)
Games completed
Games to craft badges for
Games to play
Racing games
Games for controller
VR games
Games with GFWL
Games for kids(no violence, not explicit content, such as Lego games)
FPS games
Walking simulators
Hidden, Object, puzzle and VN games
Games still in beta/early access
Games that belong in the trash
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I have a few random categories:
100% in-progress
Games Won
Gifts/Trades - Friends
Hidden Object - All
Hidden Object - to play
HumbleBundle Monthly
Local Co-op
Never going to complete
Remote Play Tablet
Star Wars
Time Consuming Games - Shortlist
Uncategorized.... >.>
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I use categories:
The Favorites include all games that I currently play. The To-Do categories include all games that I would start playing as soon as I finished a game from the Favorites.
A game can be in more than one category at once. For example, CoD Modern Warfare 3 is in Action, First Person Shooter and Multiplayer. As soon as I finish a game, I usually move it to "Durchgespielt" and remove it from all other categories.
When I play a game but stop playing for some reason (maybe I didn't like the game, maybe I had technical difficulties), I usually move it to the "Angespielt" category, but I keep it in the genre based categories as well.
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I used to categorized via genre but when the new steam library arrived I just use the search via steam tag for the one's I like to play.
Now I just categorized them via publisher. And if it's indie I list them via ratings. But I haven't categorized about 400+ games yet. It's just too much work :P
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I just have a couple of basic categories (Stealth, MMO, F2P, Horror, Adventure etc), as well as "Garbage", "Highlights" and "Assorted".
Used to have a "Play Next" category as well, but ended up putting pretty much all newly bought games there so it became pointless :D
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Not really buying a lot, but neglecting my gaming backlog a lot :D It really piled up.
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100% -> Games where I earned all cheevos
100% PL -> Games where I earned all cheevos but the game is profile limited
played, not perfected -> Games what I played but not earned all achievements. While I like to perfect games this folder is also home of 130-140 games what I did not like so not completed or wasn't enough fun to replay to get the missing achievements
never ever no achi -> Games without achievements
not want to play -> Games with achievements, but don't want to play because crap, no effort game, or genres I don't like (platformers, Metroidvania, sport, racing)
spam -> no effort games with no effort spam achievements, I never want to touch (well, sometimes hard to avoid to get them by bundles, it is like a black plague folder for me)
backlog -> Games I would like to play or looks fun, probably will never play all, but it gives me a good selection of games I can choose from, currently 180 games in it:-(
VR2 -> on the old library there was a VR folder but steam placed these VR games to the regular games folder too, so sorted all to here
bugged achievements -> games with not working achievements
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I´ve got the following categories:
1: Games I´m currently playing (Using the "favourites" category for this)
2-5: Games I want to play" in four priorities.
6: Games I´ve finished
7: Games that are good to play/try if I only have a few minutes of time.
8: Games I´m completely unsure what to think of.
9: Trash I won´t touch.
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I have a few categories, mostly by genre, but I have some for franchises (Deus Ex, System Shock, Batman, Star Wars), and another one for the games I buy on Steam. Still have around 600+ games to organize tho.
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I have about 50 categories, with games filed by publishers for the big publishers and then the indies broken down by very specific genres. So not just 'platformer', but 'hard', 'old school', 'modern', 'metroidvania'. And then a few special categories for 'completed', and a 'must play' list. Generally speaking it makes it pretty easy then for me when picking a new game to install, just pick the genre I feel like and browse.
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I've used Depressurizer to create categories for:
I also manually created some categories for:
The most difficult to group is by genre, it is not always clear cut...
I try to follow the most common genres like:*gD5usvdFAY3L7RpkESOjCQ.png
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Since the update I have "sort by recent activity" activated and it works well for me, at the moment.
Before update I had some basic genre tags.. shooters, puzzle, adventure, open world
Cant really come up with a way to organize them without having tons of different categories..
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Hadnt noticed it, to be honest. Thanks for reminder it exists
Looks nice. I just dont entirely like the automatic genres the games have (I suppose these come from user tags ?)
Racing games have "action" tags and games I would never classify as simulators, do have "simulator" tag..
But all in all useful, thanks
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3 custom categories.
Games (Games I have installed and I play)
Games to Install (When I get done with 1 of games from 1st category and if I am in mood to play one of games I put in "games ot install" then that games moves to 1st category and I install it, and remove it from "games to install")
Not installed (Games that will have to wait before I clear 1 and of course 2nd category, if my mood changes and I want to play soon something that is not in 1st or 2nd category then I will check 3rd, and if I find something that kinda tells my brain "this is it" I will move that game to 2nd category.
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Organizing the steam library is quite challenging. I'm thinking of the different ways I can organize it and wanted to see what other people are doing.
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