Oh my, what the hell, I didn't even see every comment, I only wanted to give 2 freaking game to 2 freaking hungarian, but suddenly 2 foreigner won them, and I just didn't want it, because I choose the Hungary group for a reason. I don't hate foreigners, I don't hate anyone, I accept even Justin Bieber, but I just wanted to give those games to my lovely people, that's all. If someone can't understand this, and thinks that I'm racist, then first of all check my profile, I made a giveaway for everybody just yesterday, when I made the 2 for the hungarians. And now people are talking about nazism and be like "uuugh you're blacklisted", and "uuugh, you're such a raciiist", what the hell, seriously, how can some people be this stupid? Fuck.

8 years ago*

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No, you need a specific reason.

8 years ago

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Damn. I made 2 giveaways for the Hungary group, because I just wanted to give those games to hungarians, but a polish and a portugese won.

8 years ago

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you asked the wrong question than

8 years ago

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I did indeed!

8 years ago

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Perhaps a group that is not open for everyone will serve that purpose better.

8 years ago

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Well yes, probably. It's just annoying.

8 years ago

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You can ask support for reroll if there is some kind of regional restriction and people from other country than hungary won't be able to activate game. Tho it might not be rerolled.

It's up to the group admins to check if users should be part of the group.

8 years ago

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lol nazi

8 years ago

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Is that a bad thing?

8 years ago

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I believe the general consensus is that the nazis were bad people, yes. lol

8 years ago

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General consensus is shit. Nazis were people too. And you can always find shitty people and good people. So, what makes you think that there weren't good nazis?

8 years ago

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Well, a little fun fact is that Oskar Schindler, who was portrayed (inaccurately, but that's normal in films) in the famous Spielberg movie, was a nazi. And he is generally considered to be a good guy.

8 years ago

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By supporting the regime of a lunatic. By allowing millions of people to die based on superficial differences.

But no, you're right, they're good people.

I can't believe you're arguing this. How fucked up is your moral compass that you would try to reason around it? I'm not saying that everything they did was bad, but the good is GREATLY marred by the evil here and you're a p.o.s. if you say otherwise. Plain and simple. Black and white.

8 years ago

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Yeah sure, call me a piece of shit or whatever. But the truth is much more complex than black and white, "and you are a retard if you say otherwise". Do you really think that every nazi supported Hitler? Why, can't different points of view representd by different people exist in the same political party? You are from the US, so I'm pretty sure you know about republicans who don't agree with D. Trump. And also, do you think that every nazi thought that killing jews was the answer to Germany's problems? Grow up man, NOTHING is black and white.

8 years ago

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oH, man .. I am from Europe. Nazi kill my family. Please SHUT THE FUCK UP

8 years ago

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I don't have to answer this kind of comment. Not really.

8 years ago

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I'll admit that it's possible the history books left out all the good little nazis, but let's just be clear about one thing, choosing to be a nazi essentially made you a white supremacist. A racist.

I'm sure there were one or two nice Ku Klux Klan members among their brethren, but are you also going to suggest they were okay people?

Wait, what the fuck am I doing? This is a fucking giveaway site, I'm not getting dragged further into your stupidity. Fuck off.

8 years ago

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Bye then. And no, I definitely wouldn't say that the Ku Klux Klan is entirely composed of good people, and I'd say that most of them are "pieces of shit". But I would surely defend those "one or two" members.

8 years ago*

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How many of them chose to? I don't think there was much choice after Hitler gained absolute power.

8 years ago

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Well I'm not going to pretend treason is something small everyone would do if they had a chance, but if ever there were a reason to commit it, it would have been then.

8 years ago

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Do you really think that every nazi supported Hitler?

The overall image of a regime is the result of its total performance. Nazi regime simply was a bad one so it doesn't matter if YOU were a GOOD guy or BAD guy. YOU as a German must knew how that regime was working in a general view and simply reject joining them.

8 years ago*

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I see your logic, and it's good! But take in mind that we are talking about judging individuals, not the whole regime. As individuals, you or me can intend to change any kind of organizations from the inside, even if it took a long time. Thanks for not rushing to insult me like others did, even if you disagree with me.

8 years ago

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So everyone who wants to do a regional giveaway is a nazi now? Then SG has more of them than the NSDAP in its prime.

8 years ago

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it's technically not a regional giveaway though. That's like if I only wanted to do a giveaway to Californians...and did it to a group "Californian surfers" and a new yorker entered and won and then I decided to say I wanted a reroll....It's stupid really...regional Giveaways are mandatory since some games are region locked. It wasn't ever really put in place to make it easier to exclude people...they have blacklist, whitelist, private and group giveaways for that.....that being said, I'm pretty sure Saraph was joking...(erm...I hope so at least)

8 years ago

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I'm not 100% sure of that. Due to our politics, we are often branded as nazis nowadays (somewhat justly), and I saw other thinking they are witty and mainstream when they say that to a Hungarian on the internet.

8 years ago

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I for one love the Hungarian mentality, more European countries should have that.

8 years ago

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Don't feed the troll man

8 years ago

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Valid point, I assumed he just meant because of excluding race and such...if he was serious, that's messed up...I just assumed it was a joke by the "Lol" at the beginning, but thinking back, a lot of people throw lols around like they are punctuation marks.

8 years ago

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Looks like he was, luckily. ^^
You are right though, lol on the internet forums is like a sentence-starting Spanish punctuation mark. Like how Kappa is essentially used as a full stop now on Twitch.

8 years ago

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lol I got confused witth the reply brackets. Hopefully this one will do it:

Then you understand why a Hungarian trying to re-roll a GA that was fairly won, and saying he will blacklist 2 users for not being Hungarian doesn't help with that image.

8 years ago

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Well, it is not uncommon to blacklist winners in general. Some don't even have any other reason than that they won already, so they shouldn't any more. I could say that I also could justly blacklist anyone who enters a HOG giveaway of mine from the HOG-specifi group some of them are made for, and I discover that they don't even play HOGs just want them because most of them have decent-priced cards. The country-specific groups aren't that different. They welcome people, but you can see sometimes that they still want a certain nationality, like how many other groups want a certain kind of people in them. The only difference here is that people like to attach petty politics on nationality-related things.

8 years ago

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You have a point. I guess I'm just not into a lot of restrictions, especially for reasons of nationality, same as I wouldn't be for reasons of religion or race, etc. Even if they are totally within the rules.

8 years ago

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Don't forget that they are in the Hungary group. + anyone can blacklist for anything essentially... Claiming to be something that one is not is not that farfetched reason for it, but definitely not racist.

8 years ago

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Well joking... I understand someone would want to make a giveaway for certain community, but wanting to reroll because of someone's nationality seems a bit extreme. The condition to enter the giveaway is to be in a group, if not specified in the description.

8 years ago

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I understood the joke, and Lunardeath obviously didn't. But it's not about the non-hungarian thing, I don't have any problem with the foreigners, except syrians, obviously lol, but I just wanted to give those games to my fellow hungarians, and that is all, and I even didn't know that there are other people in the Hungary group, it surprised me to be honest, and that's why I wanted to request a new winner. Because I really think, they entered into the group because of the giveaways, and I just don't like this.

8 years ago

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Did you decide to write to support after all? I'm very interested in finding out what they think about this.

8 years ago

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Nah, I've them the keys, I was just curious if I can reroll just like that, I never did that before, and didn't find the answer in the FAQ.

8 years ago

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I don't have any problem with the foreigners, except syrians, obviously lol,

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Do you know what lol means?

8 years ago

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Do you know that text renders a lot of nuance meaningless, especially when many people use "lol" at the end of such statements to pretend to be kidding so they can later act like it's a joke?Sort of like what you're doing here.

8 years ago

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I guess it's a longer no.

8 years ago

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You're just not in any way witty,clever, or funny.

8 years ago

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Gosh, how I hate too serious people.

8 years ago

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Their mandatory just in case the game is region locked. Some people will still do just regionaly locked giveaways for all the ROW games.

8 years ago

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Is that for real? You won a special place in my blacklist...

8 years ago

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Oh nonono, pls no, don't do that!
:( !

8 years ago

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Lengyel, Magyar – két jó barát, együtt harcol, s issza borát.

8 years ago

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What is the name of that group as I should be moving to Hungary hopefully next year. My fiancée is Hungarian and shes getting home sick. So I'm looking for some groups.

8 years ago

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Pole and Hungarian cousins be,
Good for fight and good for party.
Both are valiant, both are lively,
Upon them may God's blessings be.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago*

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Wouldn't the support want to know when exactly were they kicked?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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They do. Kick must be before giveaway finishes.

That's why ArchiBoT kicks leechers out of my 2hus 1 hour before gib ends, if needed :3.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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Nope, not if the giveaway already ended and if they were in the group while it ended. He should have made an invite only group.

8 years ago

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Nevermind, I'll give them the key, but blacklist them.

8 years ago

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But how would giving the key accomplish anything? He would simply mark as not received, or risk having to take the non activated win (hereby leading to a suspension). I would highly suggest you make support delete the giveaway(s?) instead.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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It would accomplish finishing the giveaway the way it should. I doubt the creator can just delete giveaways just like that after they end.

8 years ago

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True, Pretty sure you can only requesty a delete before the GA ends...You can afterwards, but only if both parties agree.....He could ask the winner if he would be willing to agree to delete the GA, since it was only intended for hungarians. The winner might agree to it...I know I would if someone explained that they only wanted it to go to certain groups. Alternately he could also just take the "not received" marks against him too if he wanted and just not send the key.

8 years ago

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blacklist for not being hungarian? Or Blacklist for entering a giveaway for a group they were a member of? Eitherway....Kinda harsh.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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Shhhhit padawan, are you always here waiting where will I post something? I'LL CALL THE POLICE

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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Poor you, you thought, this will be a funny post, with funny poll, and then it turns out, that I'm just a poor nazi, and I need no sympathy. But don't worry, tomorrow I'll write something shitty, and make a poll with an answer "just die", get the most votes for that, and kill myself.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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It's actually a good idea, and since we have the same wallpaper on steam, I should listen to you! But I would like to make my ass flay, so I won't do that!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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I will, and I'll change my name to Supernazi!

8 years ago

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Yes. You can request whenever you want but it doesn't mean it will be granted.

8 years ago

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Ilyet nem nagyon tudsz elkerülni, plusz sok lengyel már csak az évszázados komaság miatt is szeret csatlakozni a magyar csoportokhoz. Ha tényleg mindenáron magyaroknak akarod adni, akkor szedd össze őket fehérlistára és úgy tedd fel. Ha nagyon nem találsz, írj egy toborzó posztot a Magyarország fórumra – csak tegyél róla, hogy elég sok helyesírási hiba és elgépelés legyen benne ahhoz, hogy ne lehessen gépi fordítani és mások ne válaszolhassanak rá.

8 years ago

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Sajnos igaz, csináltam már magyaroknak ilyet, viszont akkor olyan is nyerte meg, nem is tudtam, hogy egyáltalán külföldiek is ilyen előszeretettel lépnek be a csoportunkba, erre most két külföldinek sikerült. Gondolkoztam, hogy csinálok egy Steamgifts Magyarország csoportot, de nem tudom, a magyarok eleve mennyire csinálnak ilyet, vagy csak én adnék, a többiek pedig várnák az áldást... :D
Plusz én sem tudok olyan gyakran feldobni valamit az oldalra, csak épp nézegettem a csomagokból származó játékaim, és gondoltam, akkor már magunk között sorsolom ki, úgyis van elég bajunk.

8 years ago

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Eh, az országspecifikus csoportokba mindenfélék belépnek. Sokszor elég annyi, ha éppen szimpatikus az a népség vagy ha valahol a családfa messzeségében volt egy olyan ős. Meg az is előfordul, hogy valaki így akar nyelvet gyakorolni az őslakosokkal. :)

8 years ago

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Az a bajom ezzel, hogy sokan azért is léphetnek be ilyen csoportba, mert tudják, hogy ha nem is gyakran, de néha lehetnek itt adakozások, persze lehet, hogy csak én vagyok túlságosan paranoid, de nem mondanám véletlen egybeesésnek, hogy steamgiftel valaki, és belép X ország csoportjába, csak azért, mert kedveli az adott helyet, és ez az, ami szúrja a szemem, adok én külföldieknek is szívesen mindenfélét, de ha egyszer magyarnak szeretném, akkor magyarnak.

8 years ago

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És ilyenek belépnek minden létező csoportba, tudom. Ezért írtam, hogy ezt nem tudod elkerülni,mert itt is sokan szó szerint scriptekkel lépnek be annyi nyilvános csportba, amihez itt kiírtak sorsolást, amennyihez csak lehet. Ezt tényleg csak kézi szűréssel és saját listával kerülheted el. Vagy egy meghívásos csoporttal, de tudod, hogy mennyire kurva lusta népség tudunk lenni még ha cak arról is van szó, hogy meg kell nyitni egy oldalt és megnyomni ott egy gombot.

8 years ago

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Az egyszer biztos, ha csinálnék is egy steamgifts magyarország csoportot, és meglódulna, 1 nap alatt belépne 100-200 ember, a francnak se lenne kedve egyenként megnézegetni őket, valóban magyarok-e... :D plusz azt sem tudom, pontosan hogy működne ilyesmi, meghívásos csoporthoz még nem volt szerencsém, de gondolom, nem lehet akkora waszizdasz, csak hát a türelem.

8 years ago

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meghívásos csoport annyi, hogy csak a csoport alkotója és az adminok hívhatnak meg embereket, senki más nem. vagyis egyesével kell ott meghívót küldeni, amit vagy elfogadnak, vagy nem.

8 years ago

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Aó baze tényleg, hirtelen ki is ment a fejemből, mit jelent a "meghívás" szó, és az ugrott be, hogy jelentkezhetnek, majd én és az adminok dönthetjük el, csatlakozhatnak-e, vagy sem... az úgy már valóban neccesebb lenne időigényességet nézve, plusz amennyien olvashatják a Magyarország csoport témáit, jó, ha lennénk öten.
Ami persze így is több a semminél, de mégis.

8 years ago

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http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ajandekjatek és/vagy http://steamcommunity.com/groups/IDDQDblog, magyar Steamgifts-orientált(abb) csoportok :)

8 years ago

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No akkor ez megoldotta magát, köszönet a linkekért! :D

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Na, gyorsan beszéljük ki az itt válaszolókat, úgysem értik!!!!!4

8 years ago

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Meglepődnél, ha tudnád, milyen jól fordít már a Google angolra. :D

8 years ago

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If you wanna be bitter you CAN wait the full 7 days (Well, lets say 6 days 23hrs..) before sending them the key :) Though I wouldn't do that unless you said something in your description too. I mean people may be members of other groups due to family, friends, gf's, etc. So if it wasn't made clear ahead of time it's no fault of theirs.

8 years ago

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Enegm hívtak brazil csoportba is csak azért, mert egy brazil tradertől vettem valamit Nuuvem-en keresztül. Aztán pár héttel csatlakozásom után kirúgtak, WTF? Amúgy meg ez a probléma, hogy a Support már nem engedi a külön szabályokat, pedig milyen jó lenne pont az ilyen esetek elkerülése végett.

8 years ago

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Valami kis országra való szűkítés pedig jól jönne, azért sem kértem újrasorsolást, mert valszeg nem engedték volna, felesleges köröket meg minek fussak. Az egy dolog, hogy ahogy látom, sok kicsit visszamaradott nem nagyon fogta fel, mi is az én valódi bajom ezzel, de legalább lenne valami opció erre, hogy olyannak adjunk játékot, akiknek valójában szeretnénk abban az adott esetben, és ne vihesse el azoktól olyan, aki belép ezer csoportba, köztük országosokba, mert majdcsak lesz valamikor benne sorsolás. Azt nem néztem, hogy az 50 körüli belépésből mennyi valójában magyar, de mindenesetre vicces, hogy mindkettőt külföldi vitte.

8 years ago

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People stupid for blacklisting you for being rasist, but if you want giveaway a game strictly for hungarians, its not the best idea just to use that one group, you really think only hungarians join that group? No. If you THAT anal about that giveaway you had to add 50-100 people into your whitelist and giveaway it for white, if you are too lazy to do so, giveaway games for the winners, dont complain.

8 years ago

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I've made only 1 giveaway for that group before, so yeah, I didn't know it's a thing, and foreigners like to join to other countries' steam group to be honest, but I'll be more careful next time, that's for sure.
And then I'll be a racist again, because of the White list thing, damn.

8 years ago

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Én egyszer már írtam hasonló eset miatt supportnak itt. Privát vagy group giveaway-hez írhatsz saját szabályokat, pl ha "If you are not hungarian and you win will reroll". Mielőtt ilyet tervezel azért nem árt egy ticketet nyitni, hogy engedéjezzék, de szerintem nem fontos. A lényeg, hogy privát illetve group giveawayhoz írhatsz saját szabályokat.

8 years ago

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Köszi a tippet! Legközelebb lehet, letesztelem, hogy működik ez a verzió, akkor talán nem lesz ez, hogy még a lengyelek is elkezdtek az országok közti barátságról írni, mintha kiejtettem volna a számon, hogy megvetem őket... :D

8 years ago

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