I just seen this like 5 minutes ago! I'm so excited! I can't wait to play it, its been wishlisted for a bit <3
I'll check out your videos! They look very helpful :D
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OP's link didn't work for me, maybe this will help someone else.
Starts tomorrow and is discounted huh? Maybe this will be a good time to finally pick up Gold Edition.
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I'm en-US, not en-GB. It kept getting stuck on the Age Gate.
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Hello Jims, yes you can play the quests and exploring alone:) For the world bosses you need help, but them you can fight with strangers.
And for the group content like the 4 player dungeons or the 12 player trial you need of course people;) But you dont have to play them if you dont
t want.
Beside of that you can freely roam all Zones of Tamriel. If you have any more questions feel free to ask:)
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Ah, a shame you live in Canada, Jims. If you lived in Europe I would have loved to play with you! (It's server based)
I'm still kinda a newbie to this game since I only have 500 hours in it, but I truly love this game! Lots of fun, interesting and everything! ^-^
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I just freed ~100GB of space on my hard drive to install it (and leave a small safety buffer), in case I feel the need to play it (which I should).
I've never played any MMO, but if I had to pick one that would definitely be ESO, since it's predominantly single player (and it's The Elder Scrolls).
Too bad they won't allow us to start downloading early, it would take me at least 12 hours to download at full speed (more realistically ~18).
At least it's an entire week, as opposed to the usual free weekends, so I would still have plenty of time to play.
As a beginner question, how would you compare it to Skyrim? Is it as newbie friendly, or more difficult to get into?
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Yeah you need a lot of space to install it. I think for the free weekends they allowed to download it earlier... as you already said i guess it is because this time they make a complete free week:)
Since ESO was my first MMO i found it pretty easy to get into it. I tried it at at the free weekend in December 2015 and liked it so much that i bought it after one day of playing :) Not all is perfect and it is still a MMO and not a Single Player RPG but i enjoy it a lot. You have in ESO so many big Zones to explore and there are many quests to do :) The community is really helpful and friendly....or i was just lucky and had only friendly people around me;) If you decide to get more social you can join 5 guilds and maybe try then the dungeons or trials..or you make a visit to Cyrodiil and try PvP? And if you collect later some gold you can buy yourself a house and craft some furniture too! There are many different things to do:)
The Leveling System is a bit similar to skyrim. The Skill what you have on your skillbar will level up while you earn xp with fighting or completing a quest. Same for the weapon and armor types you have equipped.
And at the moment the anniversary event is activate so youw will get 100% more XP after you finished the Jubilee Cake Quest and ate from the Jubilee Cake ;) Here the Video about the Jubilee Cake.
If you have more questions feel free to ask:) Hopefully you will enjoy ESO as much as i do :)
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my problem with it was i played too far ahead of my friends/family and at that time you had to be in the same level range as your friends to party and gain experience. so it kinda ruined multiplayer for me at that time. since i haven't played, from what i read in news updates, it's been changed so that will no longer be an issue. i just haven't actually gotten back into it since.
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Yes since laster year they launched the one Tamriel update. With that they removed all Alliance and Level restrictions and you can now go freely everywhere with everyone :) Except for Cyrodiil where you still play for your Alliance:)
Maybe you come back in June when the new chapter Morrowind with the Warden will arrive?:)
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yeah, i'm hoping to return to it before that even. there are several new DLCs i haven't touched at all too i could play until morrowind update releases. last i played was just a few months after orsinium released, so lots of goodies for me really when i do return. ^^
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Oh then you have a lot to do:) I don`t know if you ever had ESO+ but they added the crafting bag which can hold (almost) unlimited amount of all your materials^^ And the materials go automaticly in this bag when you pick them up:) And they plan to add for Morrowind double bank space for ESO+ members.
I like to collect stuff so i am pretty happy with this crafting bag if you had maybe a inventory space problems;)
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oh yeah, i had eso+ the whole time i played, will again after i get back into it and play on a new character for a little as a refresher. i had logged in once since that update and noticed that, that will certainly be helpful though. ^^
i had already purchased several levels of the bag upgrade and bank upgrading, so after i get back into it and clean up i should have tons of free space. :D
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Okay, decided to take the time to read about the game.
The game is apparently very good, but the quality of the servers are absolute shit.
So if the servers were already bad before this trial period, I can't imagine they'll be any better dumping tons of people on it.
Steam servers can't keep up with downloads. My completion time is now up to anywhere from 1~4 days.
Damn, Gold Edition still isn't low enough for me to afford.
Gold Edition is 50% off ($29.99) and Tamriel Unlimited is 67% off ($9.90)
Was really hoping Gold Edition would hit 67~75% off.
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If you dont mind to get eso outside of steam you can get it often for a good price:)
But if you really want to play it with steam i never saw it cheaper than that.
I am sorry that the download goes so slowly for you but hopefully you will like then your gaming experience;)
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Disconnected from Wi-Fi and hardwired into my router. Everything was smooth sailing after that.
Still, 68.5 GB took a while to download.
And I refuse to use Grey / Black Market sellers.
GMG apparently has it for $20.57
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I don't think he's talking about resellers, he's talking about buying ESO from Bethesda and playing it with the ESO Launcher instead of using Steam.
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Not even Bethesda has it for $20.57, I just need to be able to get the money together.
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And that's just the base game that Steam has in the Database. Remember that this is an MMO and there will probably be lots of patches after this.
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Does anyone know if the gold edition is needed with the upcoming expansion : Morrowind ?
From what i understand it contains some DLC, but will they remain relevant with the new content coming ? Or you can just skip them without missing too much ?
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From what I have heard none of the DLC is absolutely required, it merely opens up stuff in those areas.
As far as your first question I have no idea if it will be included or not with Gold Edition, one can only hope.
Gold Edition is the cheapest way to get Base Game + DLC when it's on sale.
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You dont kneed the Gold edition if you want to buy the morrowind update.
The gold edition edition includes 4 DLC`S:
The 5th DLC - Shadows of the Hist DLC is not included with the gold edtion. This DLC only includes two dungeons in Shadwowfen.
For Morrowind you dont need any of the DLC`s:) But if you have some time you maybe want to take a look at them ;)
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I beta tested this game before it launched and I thought it was mediocre at best but showed potential since it is in the Elder Scrolls universe.
Afaik the game already went F2P, there is just expansions/DLC you have to buy to get access to most of the good stuff, so what does this event even mean?
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Normal you have to buy the game to play it?:) And this week the game and the gold edition are on sale:)
I guess they want to interested many new players for the upcoming Morrowind Chapter (which you have to buy extra).
Maybe try it out again since it changed a lot over the time:)
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I was beta testing this game in 2014. It had a monthly sub when it released. It no longer has a monthly sub but has a premium account option aka ESO Plus. ESO is now a quasi-F2P MMORPG. It has been since 2015 when they released Tamriel Unlimited. Anyone that was a subscriber before doesn't have to repurchase the game which is mostly where my point of it being more F2P than not.
Similar to other MMORPGs, The Elder Scrolls Online originally used a per-month subscription model, but abolished that beginning in March 2015.
Tamriel Unlimited
On January 21, 2015, it was announced that an active subscription would no longer be needed to play the game effective March 17, 2015.[28] Aside from the initial game price, there will be an optional subscription called "ESO Plus" which grants free access to all current and future downloadable content (DLC) and a monthly allotment of 1500 Crowns, one of the in-game currencies, as long as the player stays subscribed. The DLC will also be available for separate purchase in the Crown Store. Additionally, the optional subscription grants various perks that allow players to progress slightly faster than a free player.
So my point still stands. IMO There is no point of this "free week" when the game was already free, they just trying to get some money before releasing Morrowind update and then cutting more costs on all their servers after the release (which they've been doing since 2015 to every ESO players dismay).
That said I'm not trying to bash the game, Elder Scrolls is great, just the marketing campaign.
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I find it great that they do this free weeks. Like that i said ok i try out the game for the weekend and see if i like it. Especially since i never played a MMO before and i didnt want to buy it without testing it;) I guess we have a different opinion about free^^ For me is a game still not free if i have to buy it to play:) But yes you don
t need a monthly sub, thats right :)
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Well... to put it that way: Before ESO is like WoW or FF14 model where you HAVE TO buy the game and HAVE TO pay monthly fee, subscription every month in order to play it.
They eventually change model to b2p and sub is optional. However you do still have to PAY for the game, you don't have to sub though. It's somewhat similar to Guild wars 2 . This free weekend is you don't have to pay for the game, you can try it out for free. That's the point of free week.
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Nope... I can't leave my PC on when I'm not using it because it's expensive for electricity for my mum to do that. So I'm just going to play my PS4 instead today :P
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It would probably just be the same pretty much! Not to mention buying PS+ to be able to play online! Meh it's alright! I'll get a bit of the download done tonight when I'm reading a VN or something :P
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Tomorrow starts the Free Play Week for the Elder Scrolls Online for Steam, PS4 or XBox One.
Here you can find the official announcement
If you have any questions about ESO or you need some help feel free to contact me :)
I made some Videos about ESO if you want to take first a look if you want to try it out:)
Complete Announcement:
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