I'm not asking about delivering the key. There's no real option here. You deliver it, as per site rule, but do you do anything else?

My point here is not about ratio but about users who never bother to thank any GA creator (as is evident by having 0 comments, yet plenty of wins giving enough opportunity to do it). I'm therefore removing the "0 games given" from the title.

Update: Thank you everyone for the great feedback so far. Based some of the comments here what I'm going to do in these cases (winner has many wins, but 0 comments) is send the key + congratulations in email, instead of using this site. If the winner activates the key but doesn't even respond to the mail, then they won't be winning more games from me. The "SOLVED" in the title is a bit tongue-in-cheek, but I really am hopeful that this approach can work better than just blacklisting or ignoring, so thanks again! :-)


9 years ago*

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You have a winner with 20 wins, 0 games given, 0 comments - what do you do after sending the key?

View Results
I blacklist them, as they obviously never thanked any giveaway creator and don't intend to start
I try to contact them in order to give them some constructive criticism, and if I can't, I blacklist them
I just move on
I ask Dan Quayle for advise



9 years ago

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9 years ago

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the blacklist lives :O

View attached image.
9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Move on. If I did a giveaway without level requirement, I'd kinda expect something like this.

9 years ago

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The problem is that adding level requirement locks out many users who would be thankful and don't feel entitled.

Wouldn't you mind sending more games to a user that fits the poll question?

9 years ago

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Level requirements are pretty much just convenience to me, less likely to have problems with winners. I'm not against making giveaways without level requirement in the future, but they would be rare.
Perhaps I'm not a good person for locking out people from my giveaways, but disappointments would discourage me from making more giveaways.

9 years ago*

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You can blacklist people without creating a poll about it ;-)
(Based on your comments you are really pissed off - now handling such situations is exactly what blacklisting is invented for)

9 years ago

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You don't blacklist to handle situations. You blacklist to walk away from them.

9 years ago

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Ok, "situation" was not the best pick for describing some kind of internal struggle (English is a foreign language for me). Because that was what I meant, a single-person "situation", where the other "party" is the fact of having such a winner, not the winner themselves.
Having a very different personality compared to Yirg, I simply would not come up with this idea of trying to squeeze out an answer from the winner.

9 years ago

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Ah, I understand, thanks for clearing that up. I see what you mean now.

9 years ago

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Black list i doubt was created just to add people for whatever reason,i would imagine that it was meant for good use but most use it for whatever they feel like,which anyone has the right to do so.

I mean i guess it could have been created for the sole purpose of just because,but i think it was intended to block rule breakers,re-gifters and such,but the by product is anyone can use it for pretty much anything they want.

The same way laws here state you can not discrimination while hiring,but good luck proving that why you chose not to hire a person based on race,age,record or so on.I am using this as an example how something meant for good is still use for mostly the wrong reasons,it was meant to help stop it when in the end it did very little to control it.

That being said anyone can still use it for whatever reason they want,but i am still against it being used just because someone might said something you did not agree with,or have a ratio you think they should,or if they say thanks or what not,but it just how i feel.

9 years ago

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Rule breakers etc are in, generally, will be handled by staffs. Blacklist is tailored for personal reasons, and so to prevent people bitching about the lack of control.

So in short, blacklist for personal is good, but in reality it's more often than not to satisfy someone's ego.

Heck, in real life blacklist does exist within each people's heart. If I don't want to work with certain ethnic as teammate/workmate, whether they're capable or not, I already made a blacklist, for example.

9 years ago

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True,but still some on here go as far as to announce it like they want do some public form of shaming lol.

And yes people in person do black list other people like you said,but if you wanted to give back to the poor so you go and help server food to the homeless,would you put them on your black list or damn them for not saying thanks or maybe grabbing an extra dinner roll because they went over there ratio?

I am just saying this site was meant to be about sharing games you do not want or just games that you want people to play or whatever your reason for giving a games.

now with the black list it seems now some have turned into bigot's and some feel the need to tell people how much they should give and how and when they should say thanks.

To be clear in case some are not aware of what a Bigot is

a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

In other words black listing because someone said something you did not like.

In the end i just think the black list is use more to censor then to keep cheats and such out.I think it is wrong but i know it happens but it is there choice to do so.I want to be clear if your on my black list it because i suspect you broke rules,and yes i have taken some off because they have showing they learned from there mistakes.I do not turn into some witch hunt though i only add them as i come across them.

9 years ago*

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I understand your point, however in a pure technical view, blacklist is the way how you keep away people from your giveaways who you have heard about at least. And 1000 members at most. All the other "friendly" filters (groups, whitelist, region, level) are guaranteed to affect large masses of members you have never encountered.
Filling your blacklist with completely random members has 0.1% the restrictive effect (1000 out of a 900 000) of creating a GA for the probably largest group, SteamGifts (865 000 out of 900 000).

(S.Gifts has circa 35 000 memebers, and the site has around 900 000, based on the current last page)

9 years ago

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(S.Gifts has circa 35 000 memebers, and the site has around 900 000, based on the current last page)

Notice how few of them are actually active? Only 1 of 25 listed on this page has been active in the last week. If this rate is similar to other pages (I haven't checked) you are left with 36,000 active users.

9 years ago

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Yes, the magnitude of your estimation is probably correct, while I expect somewhat more, there are certainly not 900 000 active users.
This might be used for coming up with some estimations. Like there are around 115000 more LVL0 registered users than a year before, and at the same time LVL1 has changed by 17000. While being registered does not mean anything, moving up a level certainly needs some activity. The same applies to other changes, summing up to some 27000 as I see. And then comes an unknown part of those 750000 LVL0 users (including the approximately 115000+17000 new registrations, which may or may not result in some activity).

9 years ago

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Well the region one should not even be included as how can it effect a large amount of people if they can not redeem the gift so they would have no chance of using said region restriction game.

And how did you come up with 0.1%?? You have no way of knowing how many are on people black list and how it effect them,and nor do i.

Though i was never debating how many it effects or how big of impact it was,i was just merely sharing what i thought of black list and so on.

9 years ago

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And how did you come up with 0.1%?? You have no way of knowing how many are on people black list and how it effect them,and nor do i.

1000/865000=0.001156. I rounded that to 0.1%
The 1000 is the maximum size of a blacklist (so that many people are blocked out if you have a full blacklist, and create an open, LVL0 giveaway), the 865000 is the number of SG members who are not part of the SG group (=blocked out from a GA created for the SG group). Rather theoretical numbers, but this discussion is also theoretical after all.

Though i was never debating how many it effects or how big of impact it was,i was just merely sharing what i thought of black list and so on.

We even agree on them to a significant extent. I solely have the numbers here to show how little actual effect blacklists have when compared to any of the other restrictions one apply (and SGTools has not even been mentioned). Otherwise yes, I recognize, the act is different: "I like this group of people", "I appreciate if someone gave away this high amount of games", versus "I dislike X". But restrictions remain restrictions at the end.

9 years ago

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Fair enough i get it i was just asking how you came up with them i had guessed it was based on theory of someone having max black list and so on,but most do not.

Though i was never trying to debate odds of winning or odds of not winning based on the whole black list or how much it effects those on it or what not.I just do not agree with how a lot use it.

I am just sharing why i dislike the black list and what i think it should not be used for.Nobody would want someone telling them how to live there life,so why do people feel the need to tell people on here if they should or not not say thanks,and what ratio they should have based on there opinion and motives.Then black list them because they are not doing what you think they should be doing.I understand why they do it i have no issue with using SG Tools for that purpose pf ratios and so on,but not to black list them just because they are not doing what you think they should be doing.

Again i have said several times though,it is there black list to do as they see fit,but i do not have to agree with it,just the same as they can use it to black list someone who has a lower ratio then they think they should or waht not.

9 years ago*

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+1 I'd move on too. It happens with enough 4-5+ GAs, too ....

9 years ago

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I would stop creating giveaways without level requirements. :)

9 years ago

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  1. You have a winner with 50 wins, 1 game given, 0 comments - what do you do after sending the key?
  2. You have a winner with 200 wins, 10 game given, 0 comments - what do you do after sending the key?
9 years ago

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I can see that you are trying to do right. And it is the honourable intention. Myself, I do not care that much, sadly. If I don't like somebody I'll blacklist and move on.

9 years ago

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Well then you must care,if you take the time to black list them because you do not like them.

As if you did not care you would not take the time to do it.Though it does make me curious how many black list i ended up just for sharing my opinion.

I know it can not be for breaking any rules,as i have not done none of those,and i have come across a few i have been blacklisted from.

9 years ago

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Personally, I do not BL someone just because I disagree with the person. Aggressive and abusive behaviour on the other hand...
When trying to enter private GAs, I found that I am ended on BLs of at least three people.
EDIT: I mean invite only private GAs.

9 years ago*

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Stop making no-level restricted gibs...

9 years ago

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  1. You have a winner with 50 wins, 1 game given, 0 comments - what do you do after sending the key?
  2. You have a winner with 200 wins, 10 game given, 0 comments - what do you do after sending the key?
9 years ago

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Carry on my live, it was bundle trash anyway ;D

9 years ago

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It's not necessarily bundle trash, at least not in my case. I had giveaways of unbundled games like Skyrim, Trine 2, and Just Cause Collection without level restriction (for solvers of the beer quiz). It can happen again.

9 years ago

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Just saw a guy had 100+ wins, 1 game given, and had lvl 1 with this $ 0,99 GA... (cant believe, because i reached lvl1 at $ 80 or more)
you cant solve that on that way by making lvl restriced GA's only... Better like some others suggested already, if you see someone like that, just blacklist them. Any day they will be blacklisted by almost everyone ;)

9 years ago

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Depends on where you restrict. I usually start at 3. But then 10 is good too.

9 years ago

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Well, if you create a level 0 ga, you have good chances to get a level 0 winner :\

9 years ago

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Which I'm ok with. They're not all bad you know.

9 years ago

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I know, but what I meant is that you shouldn't be surprised

9 years ago

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I'm not surprised. I'm just wondering what would be the best thing to do when this happens. My tendency is to just blacklist, then move on :-)

9 years ago

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that would be mine too, I don't mind if people can't afford 5 copies of GTAV, but 1$ game with a discount it's not that expensive (with steam cards and stuff, everyone should be able to buy that)

9 years ago

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Maybe they're just not sure of the etiquette here if they haven't won a lot

9 years ago

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Yes but thanking someone who gives you a game for free is just plain common sense wherever you are.

9 years ago

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love ya

9 years ago

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I don't do gibs at lvl 0 or 1 anymore :s so I usually carried on back then

9 years ago

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The same question applies to users of higher levels that never thank giveaway creators.

9 years ago

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I do nothing - no rules were broken.

9 years ago

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Simplest comment, yet I like it most.

9 years ago

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Even though it should be plus all xD

9 years ago

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Send them a working keyboard with a thank you button

9 years ago

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I am disappointed due to lack of potato. I offer you a bump either way.

9 years ago

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There is a potatoe. You just need to look harder :-)

9 years ago

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I have been satisfied by potato.

9 years ago

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Atm i don't really care. But i still don't understand why people can't create at least one giveaway to contribute and by the same way be level 1.

9 years ago

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Honestly, probably nothing at all. Send the key and move on. At least they're activating the games (right? - SGTools check.)
If I was feeling awkward about it then we have an email on their won page. Just send a friendly email saying congrats, that they've won, and the key can be found on the won page. Don't send the key directly to email, or they'd likely activate it from there and forget about marking as received, but using that same opportunity ...

  1. Point out they've not commented at all. Could be a non-english speaker, or could be they don't feel involved with the forums or don't know how they can get involved with the posts. Maybe link a recent discussion.
  2. Opportunity to point out tremorgames perhaps? With or without referral link since would be off site. If they have spare time to do a survey or two, they could earn points to either get games for themselves, or pick up even one to giveaway and boost their level to 1.

Though these days I don't bother much with Lv0 giveaways, mostly Lv2+. Except for last time I did a train then Lv1. I don't even have a definitive reasoning behind that, I did have issue with some guy marking a Lv0 giveaway as not received, after already marking as received and activating on his profile, was only a bundle game, but was a bit bitter about that. especially when he seemingly ignored attempts to contact. Was changed by him after about two or three months anyway, but hardly the point. You do see a lot of these who feel entitled though just because they've joined the site, but just as many who join, then within days, are giving away multiple games before or after their first win. I remember one person who hit Lv7 in like a week?

9 years ago*

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I like the idea of sending an email. I need to come up with a template, because I'm seeing more and more users recently who have never thanked any giveaway creator...

9 years ago

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Nothing. There are no rules nor any real requirement to participate in the giving or socially active parts of the site. Heck, if they'd actually played those games I'd whitelist them (if I used the whitelist, that is…).
(Edit: To clarify, yes, I know what that 0 posts mean, but it never bothered me.)

9 years ago*

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So what that he won 20 times and never giveaway anything?! If he won so he won! Next time just use steamgifts tool or level 1+ or something...

9 years ago

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It's not exactly primarily about the not-giving part, more about the 20 wins : 0 posts one. At least if I know Yirg right from his previous similar threads. :)

9 years ago

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Ok, so guy is an asshole! So what... use steamgifts tool or/and some level restrictions and eliminate people like this one. You can also blacklisted him so he will not win your GA again.

9 years ago

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I use SGTools frequently, but... (1) it doesn't support checking the number of comments, and (2) I want to also have some public giveaways.

9 years ago

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Yes, it's about never thanking any giveaway creator, not the win/sent ratio.

9 years ago

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it s normal..nobody asked anybody to give anything..everything is optional...if it wasnt like this this site will not work anymore !

9 years ago

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Really? You think that users with 0 comments are what makes this site work?

9 years ago

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some users find comments as spam..so its optionally too

9 years ago

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Yes, but I've never seen a user complain that someone send him a thank you note after receiving the game, although I've seen lots of users say that they find it disappointing when the winner doesn't take the time to thank them...

9 years ago

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I don't do anything about people not being thankful after winning a giveaway. That said, I hardly do low level giveaways at all any more. At least not public ones. So the chances of me running into nice people are higher I feel.

I think it's very important to be thankful when someone does something for you, thus I always do my very best to show apreciation if I win a giveaway, or people do something for me, because it shows that person that I care. Do I expect it from other people? Yes. Should I? No. I can't expect other people to act the same way I do, although I can't help but feel a bit, I don't know, let down maybe, if people do not at least say "thank you" when I give them something. Value doesn't matter to me, it's the thought that counts.

As already stated, I think your best option is just to blacklist people. Not out of hate or despite or anything I'd say, just because you're looking for a different audience then people who doesn't know how to show apreciation.

9 years ago

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Check if they are a Game Collector or if they atleast play the games they have won. If no then I will curse them in my mind but doing nothing else. Then I decide to make level 0 giveaways behind a puzzle. So even if they don't thank afterwards they will still suffer.

Also, just because they did not comment here they can still have thanked the contributor through Steam. Unlikely but possible.

9 years ago

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I think it's very unlikely that they choose to thank over Steam. In more than 400 giveaways I've only received thank you over Steam when the delivery of the key (gift) was through that platform.

9 years ago

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Seems like you specially stress on "comment". I don't intend to restrict my giveaway only to those who "comment". So, I just move on. Most of my giveaway received some responds and that's enough for me.

That's my opinion.

9 years ago

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Even a simple "thank you" on the giveaway page increases the number of comments a user has. If they have 0 comments, it means they never said "thank you" on the giveaway page.

9 years ago

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They could said thank you on Steam message or even email.

9 years ago

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I don't think you said thanks anywhere when you won a game from me :)

9 years ago

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I wouldn't know if you didn't comment here that I didn't said thank you.
From my searched, it's probably your Light giveaway 3 months ago.
I can't exactly remember why I didn't but I assume it's because I said thank on nearly every giveaway I won except 2, yours included
My clarification is done. Now let me said thank you for your 3 months ago giveaway! Hope you don't take it personal.

PS. I don't considered myself as hardcore SteamGifts user so I'm surprised that you remembered I won your giveaway and not say thank you. Am I one of the very few? XD

9 years ago

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I wouldn't remember honestly but I use a plugin called 'Steamgifts++" (you can find it on the site) that let's you "tag" other users, in combination with the "Blacklist / Whitelist indicator" that shows an icon next to a user if they are on my black-/whitelist. So I see you're blacklisted and I made a note of that you won but didn't say thanks.. Trust me, there's other users with much worse tags for breaking rules and all, not saying thanks is still very shitty imho which is why I blacklist even if the ratio is great.

However, I do see you did say thanks in all your previous wins. Since I'm not desperate for blacklisting users and I saw you commenting quite a bit in the forums (it jumped in front of my eyes each time because of the plugins), I decided to unblacklist you :) Would be great if you can leave a comment in the Light giveaway, so just in case I lose my tags or I will go through everything again I will see you did say thanks, lol.

9 years ago

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The question is, you do your giveaway just to be thanked or just because you want to give a game to someone? I know people should be thankful but if they arent are you going to blacklist them for that?

I really dont know, ive done some giveaways here but actually the value of the things ive won vs the things ive given its pretty bad, im careful to be thankful to the person that do the giveaway and give us the chance to win a thing... But i think the real question is why do you give away games?

Because you can? Because you want someone to say thanks to you? because you want to level up and have more chances to win games? because reasons?

I personally dont care if the other person is grateful or not...

(And yeah the lack of potato in the poll is disturbing...)

9 years ago

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I create giveaways because I enjoy giving and because it would feel wrong to not contribute back given that I also win games here.

Getting winners who feel entitled or are rude is less enjoyable. Winners who don't ever thank don't necessarily fall into those bad categories, but there's a high enough chance that they are so it's also less enjoyable to give anything to them.

The potato option is there. You just need to look harder.

9 years ago

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I totally understand how Yirg can feel. I giveaway games because I enjoy doing it. It just about simple courtesy, someone give me something I say thank you. Even though I don't do it for people to be grateful to me, it is disappointing when someone doesn't even take the time to thanked the creator after winning a GA, it is simply good manners to do so.

9 years ago

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Move on - this is a voluntary gifting site, if you can't deal with that, you need to not be here.

9 years ago

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Blacklisting is a valid way to "deal with it", or should I just leave this site because you don't consider it to be a valid option?

9 years ago

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Its valid. You express that that guy got something from you but you'd rather limit that to a one timer only. (might be a sgtools rule for that too)

9 years ago

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I've never done a giveaway yet but i've won 5 games, and i thank the ga creator every time i win.

9 years ago

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So many giveaways done in which i didn't get a thank you (even at higher levels), tempting as it might be sometimes i think about blacklisting them afterwards, but i don't (yet).
Don't think it should matter if they are AAA games or bundle games, usually people can just be as happy winning such a game, if you gift something to someone a simple thank you after they win (comment before winning is useless spam) is the least they can do.

9 years ago*

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In the early SG time i puzzled how to properly thank the GA creator after i won stuff, as there is no direct user 2 user messenging here. Might apply to a few of yours too but i think high levels know how to work this.

9 years ago

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I don't do anything.
If I made a giveaway with no level requirements, then who am I to complain when someone MEETS that criteria?

Now non-activation or something, thats another deal.

Not saying you shouldn't blacklist him or something, just that if you don't want those people in your GA's, raise the requirements.

9 years ago

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What type of requirements can ensure I don't get users who win but never thank GA creators? Adding a level requirement definitely won't achieve this, and there are perfectly fine L0 users who are thankful.

9 years ago

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I wonder if SG Tools could be used to filter out people without comments? Never actually looked at it myself, but just a thought.
Also GA's on the forums in general would probably yield a better quality of respondent, as they are more engaged and not just refreshing the homepage or something.

9 years ago

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Doesnt bother me really. A thank you would be nice, but I dont get too hung up on it. Maybe Id be more upset if I were in the habit of giving out triple A releases rather than bundle trash.

9 years ago

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I really wouldn't care. I created a giveaway to get rid of a game I don't want and give it to someone who does want it. If they aren't breaking the rules and are redeeming the game on their account then I don't care. If I want it to go to someone who contributes a lot, I will use a level restriction or group.

9 years ago

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How do you check their number of comments?

9 years ago

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If you click on their name, itll show in their profile

9 years ago

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Ohh... under registered, thanks.
First time I even looked at that, I guess it includes trade comments as well.

9 years ago

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Trade comments are seperatedly noted in a +- fashion pretty much on top of the stats. Like +15 / -0

9 years ago

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