I'm not asking about delivering the key. There's no real option here. You deliver it, as per site rule, but do you do anything else?

My point here is not about ratio but about users who never bother to thank any GA creator (as is evident by having 0 comments, yet plenty of wins giving enough opportunity to do it). I'm therefore removing the "0 games given" from the title.

Update: Thank you everyone for the great feedback so far. Based some of the comments here what I'm going to do in these cases (winner has many wins, but 0 comments) is send the key + congratulations in email, instead of using this site. If the winner activates the key but doesn't even respond to the mail, then they won't be winning more games from me. The "SOLVED" in the title is a bit tongue-in-cheek, but I really am hopeful that this approach can work better than just blacklisting or ignoring, so thanks again! :-)


8 years ago*

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You have a winner with 20 wins, 0 games given, 0 comments - what do you do after sending the key?

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I blacklist them, as they obviously never thanked any giveaway creator and don't intend to start
I try to contact them in order to give them some constructive criticism, and if I can't, I blacklist them
I just move on
I ask Dan Quayle for advise

If they've activated all 20 games and they activate mine, I go with the nuclear option: I do absolutely nothing. Obviously, people who win free stuff are going to be happy about it. I don't know anyone who would enter a giveaway, win it, and be unhappy. Even people who enter for games they'll never play get some enjoyment out of the win and the +1 to their steam games count. If I cared about the winner actually wanting the game, I'd stick it behind a puzzle and say what the game was ahead of time (which I have done a few times).

8 years ago

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I just move on!.

After 1 year activity on SG and sending 150 successful GA, i can say with confidence that ~80% of winners don't comment after the win for very different reasons:

  • Maybe cultural reasons!

  • Personal reasons: sometimes doing it intentionally, for example : they don't like the way you are acting here and simply ignore to have chat with you.

8 years ago

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yea, because writing random 'thank you' below every giveaway is must have thing

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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OMG, that's a new level of autism

8 years ago

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Pretty much.

8 years ago

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If the winner can't be bothered to write "thank you" even though winning many times then blacklist them.
It's your blacklist, feel free to fill it how you want to.

8 years ago

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