Define AAA games all you want, 75% of your GAs dont classify as AAA.
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Yeah I changed it to 50% a few minutes ago, 75% was too much. Also, I just added "recent giveaways" to make the criteria clearer. 7/10 of my giveaways fit that criteria (even though you're right, they're not AAA games by definition, I just wanted to find a way to say "good" games)
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Then create enough quality giveaways to join them?
You have made so few giveaways over multiple years and their quality is leaving a mixed impression at best.
No idea why you expect people to join your group when there are similar groups, organized by reliable people.
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They have other criteria I find too strict, it's not just about the level. I started to make giveaways 2 months ago (I had a few giveaways before, but at the time I was just giving away keys I had in duplicate). What games left you a mixed impression? (excluding the few old giveaways) I genuinely want to know, I thought I was giving good games.
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Well Urban Trial Playground is the only game from my recent giveaways I consider meh, but all the other recent ones are all games I consider good. And personally, I don't consider an old game to be bad, I play more "old" games than recent ones. It's all about the game itself.
And I wouldn't call the other games "very cheap", they have actual content, they're well rated, they have updates etc. A very cheap game to me is a game with 5 minutes of gameplays, 10000 achievements, extremely low price and low rating. Unless you meant cheap as low price but that wouldn't make a lot of sense.
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It wouldn't make a lot of sense in that context. I know the different meanings of the word cheap, but the average of the games that are not "very old" from my profile is $9. Which is correct I think, but why would the price be compared to quality anyway.
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They have other criteria I find too strict
With the above criteria, I would be surprised if you get a significant number of members who then also create giveaways
Just for the sake of interest, why exactly is the requirement to join the group that you create public giveaways?
At least 35% of your recent giveaways are public
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Yeah I understand what you're saying. The goal is not to necessarily have a lot of members nor members who create giveaways. It's more about the games themselves.
As for the public giveaway thing, it's more of a subjective criteria than a requirement. I was even considering removing it (or lowering it).
It's just that I find it annoying that some people only have giveaways with less than 5 entries in some private groups and want to join the group.
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I understand that the main criteria of the group is the quality of the games. But you also need to have members who create these giveaways. An important question you should ask yourself is: why would a GA creator join this group? Or do you want to create them all on your own? Then maybe the whitelist would make more sense.
As for the second point, the best thing that can happen to you is to have people who basically create GAs in groups. Because what's the point of having members who only create GAs publicly, if at all? The group gets nothing out of it. I personally create over 90% of my GAs in groups. That's the point of being a member of groups.
I find it annoying that some people only have giveaways with less than 5 entries in some private groups and want to join the group.
I'm sorry, I don't really understand this point. If there are less than 5 entries, the creator doesn't get CV. In my opinion, it speaks more in favor of a group if there are only a few entries in GA. But maybe I'm misunderstanding your statement.
Last but not least: I skimmed a few posts here. I also took a quick look at your 10 members. Some of them create a lot of public regio-lock GA (looks fake) which makes them not really public anymore and I know 2 of them because they were kicked out of other groups as leecher. I think the idea of the group is really good even if such groups already exist here. But quality is always good.
You might want to reconsider the criteria to to recruit more relevant members.
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i got him to update the rules
before, the criteria was AAA games, not "good games"
yes, those groups do exist. But at level 2 he would most likely not meet the requirements. hence the group he wants to make for himself.
guess that's the point of most groups anyway
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Well technically the criteria is the same, I changed "AAA" to "Good" but the rules were "Having 20 000 reviews on Steam or more
Having 85% of positive reviews on Steam or more" from the beginning.
A lot of groups similar to mine accept people from level 2 but these groups are generally bloated with low quality games (furry puzzles, 5 minutes games with thousands of achivements etc). I wanted to make a group that could reunite "the best of both worlds" (even though that's a little ambitious lol)
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Yeah I updated the text to replace "AAA games" with "good games" which is more fitting. I also explained the reason I created this group:
A lot of similar groups already exist, but the ones I found either don't apply their rules or they're too demanding (level 5 minimum required or you have to make a giveaway every month for example)
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I'm not sure why people are being so snarky. I think your requirements are more reasonable than a lot of other of these kind of groups I see posted around here. Not interested personally, but I wish you luck finding some good people for it ^-^
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Good luck but creating a group with no GA requirement is just a recipe for a group that will be dead in 1 month.
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I'm talking about this "Note: Making giveaways in this group is completely optional". Nobody will create GAs.
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managing a GA group isn't easy. users are more than happy to exploit anything that lacks rules and monthly requirements
you will find out soon enough
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I'm sorry, but you've made 8 GAs for cheap games in 6 years, that doesn't exactly sound promising. If you've decided to give away more and are picky about possible winners, maybe it would be wiser to create a whitelist recruitment thread instead.
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To clarify, I actually made 10 giveaways in total, 7 in the last 2 months. Before that, I was just giving duplicates. Also, I must respectfully disagree with your statement saying that I made cheap GA. Half of my giveaways from the last two months are Half-Life 2, HL2 Episode One and The Elder Scrolls IV which are highly regarded titles with a significant following.
Anyway, would you mind explaining what a whitelist recruitment thread is? And what's the difference with a group?
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A group is generally a community where multiple participants give away games, while you seem to aim at just giving away games to selected people by yourself. You could just create a whitelist (manually select people that satisfy some criteria) and make GAs for them. Less hassle, same result.
Also, I might be wrong, but when people read Β«AAA gamesΒ», they think Starfield and BG3, not ancient games that cost peanuts, so if you decide to go with this title, be prepared for mass disappointment. There's nothing wrong with giving away classics, mind you. But I'd rename the group if I were you.
I'd also disagree with your criteria for Β«good gamesΒ» (AAA is hardly a synonym for Β«goodΒ» - both meaning that not every AAA game is good and that the majority of the actually good stuff is not AAA and will never reach 20000 reviews), but that's totally subjective, of course.
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Yeah I replaced every "AAA" mention to "good" (I can't change the group name itself but the changes in the rules should be enough). By good (or AAA before) I wanted to aim games that are or were popular and high rated enough, I understand the confusion though.
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If you open a group, i recommend that you set a rule for how far in the -$ the members could go maximum because if you don't set their a limit then each one will enter each GA (and most likely create no GA by themself).
With other words the most users that join such groups will exploit the group to dead -if they can...-.
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both 20000 reviews and 85%+ rating at the same time? good luck finding those
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Heh the exact same thought went through my mind when reading the description.
It seems the more reviews a game has, the lower the rating goes. I don't know if it's unrealistic expectations that come with AAA games or the fact big studios cut corners more and more to maximize profit and end up delivering games that are half baked and nowhere near ready for release.
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the rating ok i get it you want a group with high value games given away but the number of reviews required is crazy high only very famous games can get. look how many great games with 1000-20000 reviews are left out
Edit: the link doesn't work properly , if you have augmented steam you have to adjust the rating in the search yourself
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The criteria is games that have 20 000 or more though, not games between 1000 and 20 000 reviews, if you enter all the filters needed you still have hundreds if not thousands of games
But I will maybe lower the requirements for games, something like 10 000 reviews and 80% rating.
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I've sent a request to join, even though I don't meet the following criteria (also you haven't defined what you consider to be 'recent'):
At least 50% of your recent giveaways are "good games" (see criteria for games below)
At least 35% of your recent giveaways are public
I think you may want to re-consider how you define 'good games'. Only 5 out of the top 20 wishlisted games meet your criteria. The 20,000 review requirement strikes me as rather high.
but the ones I found either don't apply their rules
I suspect part of the reason that group rules are not always followed, is because that requires someone to actively police them, and kick offenders out of the group. This can be quite onerous and time consuming as the group grows.
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Yeah you're right it's not very clear, by recent I usually mean in the last few months. A lot of people complained about the review requirement, I may lower it to 10 000 in the futur idk yet. But for the whitelisted games, I must add that a lot of them are very recent which explains the lack of reviews and a lot of them will get a higher rate of positive reviews in the months upcoming (as they fix bugs and stuff). I checked and hundreds (if not thousands) of games on Steam still meet the criteria. Even though I may also lower the review requirement to 80% or even 75%
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Oh I hope people will not see it this way :(
No poop games that are only here to increase your steam library
I thought it was clear enough that what I define as "poop games" are either hentai/furry puzzles games or very very short games with billions of achievements to increase you Steam stats. Obviously a whole lot of games that don't meet the "good" games criteria are still good, it's just a way to filter games.
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It might help if you reword "good" to "great" or "popular". "good" sure implies that everything outside of your criteria is bad.
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I've played amazing games that never managed to get 1k reviews, let alone 20k, so I don't think that those parameters of what counts as "good" are very reasonable. It honestly feels more like it's aimed at only very popular games.
Not really interested in joining, just wanted to point out that 20k seems like way too high.
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Yeah I understand, that's why it was called "AAA" before but people complained that my criteria included old AAA games (which apparently a lot of people don't consider as AAA anymore) so I changed it to "good". I think I'll have to change the wording again to be more neutral
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Yeah, AAA is probably a more fitting name, not sure of why an old game would stop being counted as AAA since that denomination is usually used in reference to the scope and budget of a game at the time it was made. But I guess the current title is a bit less ambiguous.
And I see that you lowered the amount of reviews from 20k to 10k, which while still being high is a lot more realistic. I was thinking about how Sunset Overdrive is definitely a good game and AAA, made by Insomniac and published by Xbox so it doesn't get much more AAA than that, yet it still wouldn't make the cut because it only has 9k reviews XD
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How exactly will your group works without required giveaways? Most likely none will do giveaways for games via you rules just cause they can. So if your expactation was to create a group where will people do AAA giveaways for you to keep winning them, sorry to disappoint you π
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Haha no obviously I wasn't expecting people to do giveaways for me. Actually, for the moment it's more of the contrary, I will soon make giveaways for the group so I will probably be the only one giving for the moment. A lot of people told me that it's not a super good idea because they will not contribute (which is a justified comment).
I will see how it turns out in the future.
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Less than 25% of your recent game giveaways fulfil the criteria (instead of at least 50%):
Having 10 000 reviews on Steam or more
Having 80% of positive reviews on Steam or more
I added the second line because all your last giveaways were not public, but taking in account all your last recent giveaways you meet that requirement
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Just sent a request but I think requiring 10000 reviews with %80 positive rating for a game is a bit too much. Many AAA games either below %80 rating or has less than 10000 reviews.
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A group only takes off when GAs are being made. You need to get the ball rolling for people to start joining and making GAs themselves.
Of the few you have so far, only one is a regular gifter and they most likely don't want to bear the weight of making all the group GAs on their own while everyone else just cashes in.
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Hi! I'm starting a new group focused on "great"/popular games (I've listed the requirements for games below).
Note: The games that don't meet those criteria are not necessarily bad/poop games, those criteria are subjective and here to only keep popular and high rated enough games
The purpose is to only have giveaways for games that are genuinely good, popular etc. No poop games that are only here to increase your steam library. A lot of similar groups already exist, but the ones I found either don't apply their rules or they're too demanding (level 5 minimum required or you have to make a giveaway every month for example)
Here's the rules:
Note: Making giveaways in this group is completely optional
Games requirements:
Here's the link to the group
And here's the steamgifts link to the group
I just created it so there's no giveaways for the moment, but I will start to make some in the near future!
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