Fetish: Every Second Counts

Compatibility: Win,mac.
Plot type: Multiple Paths.
Ending type: Multiple endings.
Length estimation: 29K words.
Graphics: Not special,but on a good level.
Voice acting: no.
Engine: Ren'py.
Source: Official blog post
In a nutshell: You can only put your finger in the dike for so long.
Download(200mb): Win+Mac
Important notes: The official downloads are not very comfortable,so this is my reuploaded version of mac and win in a single .zip and a little bonus.

This visual novel has a 'timeout' that leads to additional dialogue if you don't choose any option at some choices,in the same way The Knife of the Traitor had when you had to choose whatever you let Corvus get bitten or not.

You know what this links to. 0 CV,one week.

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10 years ago*

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I feel it is hard for me to describe this visual novel because it was so...okay. The art was good but not spectacular. The music didn't set my mood to anything but it didn't feel out of place. The characters didn't get any strong development during the story but I can't say that the result wasn't good. The UI wasn't fabulous(unlike witch/knight) but it wasn't dull either. The routes are what I feel really gives this visual novel something to feel unique about. There are three 'main' routes,each featuring good and bad endings,for a total of 14 endings. If you haven't found all of them yet,here's a walkthrough. While some endings are somewhat similar to each other(esp. in Veir's route) I think that the fact there are essentially 3 different stories in makes up for that fact. The parent's good ending(if you choose he isn't a good father) was my favorite.
Reaching different endings unlocks character profiles,which gives you some information about the character's background, designing,and possible future. You may notice that there are references to other works - the first being 'fetish 1.0'(with fetish: every second counts being considered 2.0) which only contained Cain's route and is entirely embed in this visual novel. The other work referenced is an incomplete comic about Cain,which I have included in the bonus folder in my download. A sequel to this game,tentatively called 'fetish otome' and set 6 years later,is being worked on.

10 years ago

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Thanks for uploading a package with your saves so we don't have to unlock character profiles and gallery images ourselves :)

10 years ago

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I wanted to clean them and only leave the gallery data,but I was afraid of breaking it or that it might get rewritten so it got left in place.

10 years ago

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Stopped playing your VN recommendations because I was trying to work on my backlog, but this one is really tempting.

10 years ago

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Nothing I suggested so far is very long,so you have the advantage of being able to download and finish it in a single sitting(if your download speed is decent,file sizes ain't terrible usually).

10 years ago

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Yeah, these ones are pretty short, but my mood generally decides what I do. I'll probably end up playing through all of them during summer break in about a week. When I do play VN, it's generally during the summer. Actually finished several ~10-40 hr. VN last summer. Also, I was just joking because of the pleasant-sounding title.

10 years ago

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Downloading, thanks. :p

10 years ago

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Wait a minute... The thread bumped but there are no new replies...?

10 years ago

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You're awfully late realising this.

10 years ago

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The Aristocrats - The Game

Fetish makes one thing clear from the start - the protagonist Hexia is a horrible person. She kills men and collects their eyes as trophies. Having a protagonist like this creates specific expectations, at least for me. I expect stories that follow a criminal or murderer to show their reasons for doing these acts, their psychological struggle, moral dilemmas. Fetish has nothing of this. Hexia's serial murders are presented as just a hobby, nothing more. No mention of why she started doing this except of line about her liking his brother's eyes in profile, no meaningful resolution either - she just "tires" of this in good endings. Her murders, after being featured prominently on first pages, are even not factor in the plot in two paths out of three.

Story paths present another problem - each is completely separated from others. All events and characters encountered in any given paths are absent from other paths, as if choice at the branching point eliminated them from existence entirely. For example, on Cain's path Alec Sage will visit the mansion regardless of Hexias attempts to avoid contact, while on Vier's or parents' path he's never mentioned. Writing several story branches is good, but they have to be interconnected, otherwise I don't see a point in putting them in a single game.

Unlocking additional choices by letting the timer run out could be an interesting feature - if it was indicated somehow. Walking Dead and Sakura Wars have a shrinking line on screen to show how much time left for player to make a decision; I had no idea I can (and must!) wait out some choices in Fetish until I read the walkthrough - started to wonder if it have any good endings at all or it's supposed to symbolize the inevitable punishment for the murderer.

Avoiding psychological or moral questions, all that Fetish is really about is a daily life of unsympathetic, idle, rich an spoiled family.

10 years ago

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I think that more than anything,Hexia's fetish was meant to emphasis the whole 'grew up alone,weak morality' part,rather than be a whole deep background story.
While it would doubtlessly take the story to a higher level if done right,I think the chances are pretty high that it would turn into one big mess if the creator tried to do this. Except one time pretty much everything spotlit in this series was written by people with no to little experience. I think aiming for simple and managing to achieve that is already impressive.
Splitting into different stories? It's possible,but why not just think of it as 3 different stories in one package? There's a pretty clear early branching point,so I don't really see any problem with it.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by xKomachi.