Title made me feel like they buy the developer(s) as a slave.
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Redo a whole game in another language? I don't even expect that, it's not something expectable :P
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Minecraft was much better when it was simple, most games become unplayable for me when it gets too complex, like the Call of Duty series, COD4 was simple and it is why I love that game more than the rest.
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Yes but in simple terms, Killstreaks consisted of Radar, Airstrike and Helicopter, now they an awful amount of KS such as the nuke and AC-130 and others which ruin games, Perks were simple and fair enough.
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Right, some updates was changing so much that u can thinks its complicated. But truth is that its not. Its complicated only when u want to do some advanced redstone circuits or smth. Ok, then it is. But u always find someone who know a lot about this.
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What do you mean ruin? I doubt they could make the graphics, sound, ai, combat, and engine any worse than it already is. Unless they make it so you can't mine a block and place it somewhere else I don't see how they could not improve upon the game.
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They won't I think. They already closed the marketplace and most Microsoft Studio games are being transferred to Steamworks after being remodeled or whatever. If it gets sold to Microsoft, I think Minecraft will finally come to Steam. :/
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They may add DLC, remove mods support, make it F2P with ingame store, and abandon it, so no new features or updates.
Not to mention very unlikely they will let us use standalone server's (bukkit).
Or, they will make MC XBOX exclusive, with 6 months delayed updates for PC.
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That is literally the 2 billion dollar question, Minecraft hasn't made that much over the course of its lifetime so far and I think it is in or has already past its prime.
The best I can think of is it is less about making money directly off of it and more about getting more into getting their system when the "Must Have" kids game becomes an Xbox exclusive or even built directly into the system as a free service trying to one up Nintendos Mii's with full on customizable worlds to go with your character and interaction.
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I was in the alpha and have played it off and on for years. Yeah redstone is cool and all but survival mode is just flat out unfinished and the ai sucks. Most of the later updates were originally community made mods. (One example is potions) The game had so much potential but Notch just took the money and ran.
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Jeb is working on the game, not Notch, for a long time now already, yeah tons of updates were made from community made mods, but if they're good I see no problem, but not all the updates he made were good, there is lots of stuff I dislike too, like the enchanting table changes on the latest 1.8 version, other previous thing about animal breeding and spawning, and some previous about other things.
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When was the last time you actually sat down and played Minecraft for more than a few minutes?
The update that you're talking about, the survival update, was 1.8/1.8.1 beta, that was like 3 years ago, aside from the base graphical style not changing much, it's almost a completely different game than it was in 1.8beta.
There's a TON of stuff in the game now, the AI has gotten a lot better, they have a dedicated AI guy for at least a year, year and a half. They have DinnerBone working for them now and that guy busts his ass working on the game and he legitimately listens to the fans and adds things that they want to see in the game, that are feasible and fit with the basic theme of the game at heart.
Then you come to the mods... o_O Holy hell are there a lot of mods for that game!
There are mods that completely overhaul the game making it either really survival-centric, all the way to modpacks that give it the feeling of running a massive factory system, with nuclear power plants galore.
Also, if you've never tried it, I HIGHLY suggest you try out the Witchery mod, that one mod alone adds weeks worth of content (by weeks I mean literal weeks, not you just playing for 2 or 3 hours a day for a few weeks!)
There are modpacks that play off of the old "SkyBlock" challenge map from way back in the day, only this time there's a great lady who made this intensely cool quest system mod with built in rewards and a "level-like" system (different from enchanting levels, I mean the mods actually level up and get progressively harder as you progress through the quest system. That specific modpack is called *Agrarian Skies, if you like a challenge that's great fun from start to finish, I strongly recommend that modpack as well)
I could go on and on, but I hope you get my point. o_O
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I played it 2 months ago. It still has much less content than terraria. http://terraria.wikia.com/wiki/Item_ID_List I don't see how it's wrong for me to want more decorations for my minecraft castle. I find it very disappointing that there is hardly any craft-able furniture.
Don't get me wrong I've had great times playing modded minecraft. I used to play on a pvp server with like 50+ people. It was awesome we built fake bases and traps. Bases were destroyed. Alliances were forged and team mates betrayed. I still talk to people I met on that server to this day.
The modded game is better than the vanilla game by a wide margin and Notch should have made the Vanilla game better before he quit.
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Yeah, I have Terraria as well, I just don't see a comparison between the two games though, sure they might be survival, crafting, fighting exploring games, but they're very different experiences.
To me, Terraria feels like I'm playing a game, while Minecraft feels like I'm actually in the game, not outside looking into an ant farm while being able to control one of the ants, which is the main feeling I always get when I play Terraria. I just can't get drawn into it like I can for hours at a time with Minecraft.
But, Minecraft just isn't for everyone, I've learned that over the years.
Just like any other game that's been out for quite a few years (mainly just on the PC), the community mods are what makes the game alive for the people that love it.
If you're interested in furniture, might I suggest "MrCrayfish's Furniture mod", it adds a great deal of fully functional, craftable furniture to the game, including a toilet with push button fart sounds. :P (take some microblocks and you can make yourself a portapotty at any deep woods campsite you want to set up. lol
I'd bet money that there's a mod for everything that you feel Minecraft is lacking, but don't force it on yourself though, it seems like Minecraft has just run it's course with you. That happens with games and people sometimes. No harm no foul, you had fun while you were playing it and that's what matters.
You definitely got your moneys worth if you bought in when it was still in alpha, it was really cheap back then right? Either $12USD or $15USD if I'm not mistaken. Sadly, I didn't find out about the game until it was almost out of beta, I've only been a "strictly PC" gamer since about 2009 and back then I only had my HP G71 notebook (still have that old thing sitting right next to me, still runs pretty good, but it's age is noticeable. :( )
So by the time I found Minecraft and actually got a copy it was up around $23USD, but still very much worth it!
I still play it every few weeks, right now I'm quite addicted to FO:NV modded, I've only had my current desktop (a self built budget gaming rig, FX-6300, MSI R7 250 2GB, 8GB RAM, ect) so I'm finally able to work through my backlog of AAA games on Steam and over the last 2 months it's been basically nothing but New Vegas. lol (If you've played it, I suggest trying a play through with the companion mod "Willow", she's awesome. lol)
This thread is making me really sad though... Hearing that it might have actually been Notch's idea to sell Minecraft to Microsoft... o_O
I'd really hate to see it become something "processed" and generic like all of those FPS shooters on the XBox...
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Yeah it was like $10-15. Yeah I've played modded FO:NV, I install mods for almost every game that has them. Vanilla FO:NV has a lot more content compared to minecraft though.
What I'm trying to explain to you about terraria is that they are similar games. They both have square based building, mining, exploration, crafting, and enemies. Terraria isn't just about building unlike minecraft. There is actual progression. you start off with wooden weapons and you work your way up to copper, iron, silver, meteorite, etc. There are at least 12 tiers of armor with different sets for high defence, melee attack, ranged attack, magic. There are also more than 10 bosses which drop weapons. There many more biomes in terraria than minecraft with many different items and enemies. Your world can be invaded by armys of goblins and such. You have to do more to defend your base from enemies in terraria than you have to in minecraft. You can have npcs move into your base that sell for more than what you trade npcs for in minecraft. There is simply more decorations for your house in terraria. You should look up some of the weapons in terraria, I would love to see stuff like that in minecraft. You can have teams for pvp with out a plugin in terraria. Playing on a sever with friends is a blast in terraria. More fun than I ever had in minecraft, and I put a log of hours into minecraft. Sure in miecraft you can make a 3d replica of the new york city subway system, but what is the point? It's pretty darn monotonous to do that with out some kind of mods.
I understand that there doesn't need to be a point to build stuff but think of how much better minecraft would be if it had even half the content of terraria.
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I don't know, there already is a game with all the stuff that Terraria has, it's called Terraria. lol
But seriously, I view them as very different games that have a similar base.
Just like Terraria really isn't my cup of tea, Minecraft just isn't yours anymore, there's nothing wrong with that.
That's the beauty of gaming, there are A TON of games out there for when we eventually get bored and everyone will eventually get bored of every game ever made so they move on to the next one in their backlog or the next big thing that's been released.
When I play Minecraft anymore, it's always with mods, there's always a new mod coming out that I try out, sometimes I love them, sometimes I hate them. It's all about personal opinion, in the end, you're the one that has to enjoy it, otherwise it's a waste of your time. lol
Out of curiosity, what are you currently playing? (You may have already said and I just missed it, I'm on a lot of meds so sometimes I miss things. :P )
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Just look at my steam profile.
You seem pretty dense. When I played the minecraft alpha and beta I was hoping for a lot more. Come on you wouldn't like to see more weapons, clothing, enemies, and furniture in the regular game then have mods on top of that?
How many hours do you think you have in minecraft anyway?
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Was it really necessary to say "You seem pretty dense."?
I thought we were having a civilized conversation about gaming and our particular tastes...
Forgetting that comment, honestly, I've been fairly happy with what Minecraft has brought to the table. Sure I can get bored of playing it sometimes, that can happen with any game, but talking about it today has made me actually want to get back into my TerraFirmaCraft world and check on all of my baby animals, crops, fruit tree orchards and continue my progression through to the highest tiers of steel.
As for how many hours of game play I have of Minecraft?
That's a tough question to answer, what with all of the different mods and clean installs I've done, making it impossible to track my game time through the in game option.
I'd have to guess that I have no less than around 4,500 hours over the past 3 or 4 years, since the 1.8beta release.
That's a conservative guess as well, it's probably well over that, I've just never attempted to keep track
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I've already finished school years ago and I'm disabled, so working isn't something that I can do, video games are a pretty big part of my life. It's a hobby/past time that gives me a lot of joy. There's nothing disgusting about it...
You don't really know the circumstances of my life, so you can't really justify that statement either.
Over at least 3.5 years, 4,500 hours isn't actually that many hours. I've seen guys on Steam with at least that many hours into CS:GO and that games only been out for about 2 years now at most.
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4,500 hours is more than half a year. I am sorry for being rude, but half a year of minecraft is a waste of time. I know the saying "time enjoyed is not time wasted" but you could have a lot more to show for that amount of time and still enjoy yourself. You could design your own game or get paid to make websites or make music, and a lot more.
What is your disability anyway?
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I broke my back in a car accident almost 7 years ago. I'm not wheelchair bound, but pretty close, I can get around "fairly" well still with only the use of a cane, but I have severe progressive nerve damage that's slowly taking away my mobility as well as all of the feeling in my left leg.
I can't have the same kind of "normal" life that someone with full mobility can, so I find other ways to fill my time and entertain myself, one of those ways is by playing video games, which I've done since I was a child in the early 80's.
You might think it's a waste of time, but I enjoy it and it hurts no one, so there's no real reason for me to stop.
I've dabbled in game making in the past as well, a friend and myself created and ran an online mafia role playing text based MMO for about 2 years. My friend did most of the coding, I did a little bit and I ran the game. It was fun for a while, but it just got too taxing and stressful, which isn't good for my health, so we shut it down.
As for making websites or music, nah, not my thing. Music used to be a big part of my life, but it's not anymore, I just don't get as excited about it anymore. No big deal really though, I'm content with the way my life currently is, I might not be rich but I'm also not destitute or homeless.
I have a hobby that isn't destructive or harmful to myself or anyone else that I really enjoy and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. :D
I've always felt sorry for people that automatically assume that someone's wasting their time if they're not producing something or making a bunch of money...
Life is about more than what job someone has or how much money they make. Well, at least for me it is, it might be different for you.
What do you do for a living, if I may ask?
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If course there are better games out there, but that doesn't detract from the fun that Minecraft can give someone.
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I think Notch won't do that. If he really don't wants to lose his indie spirit and not depend from a big company, as he said before. As he always said money was not their primal source for what they are working and what moved them. Other ppl like Occulus Rift creator said similar things, but they got acquired by Facebook, so who knows, let's just believe this won't happen, this will completely ruin the game, Jeb already made some changes in the game that aren't really good, but if Microsoft does something, just say goodbye to Minecraft. I think Mojang worked to much with Microsoft in their Xbox 360 and One versions, that Microsoft now wants to acquire them.
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I might make some great stuff without cash being my motivator, but when someone comes down and drops 2 BILLION dollars for it (Several times what it is actually worth), many change their tunes quick. Think about it, NINE trailing zeroes on your check is hard to resist.
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Yeah I know, but still if he really believes in his ideals, and said he is happy with the money he got, he doesn't need more, and if Microsoft acquires them they will probably ruin Minecraft and ppl will be very unhappy about that, and all their works this years will just go to trash, just for money. Still 2 billion is very tempting, if he really believes in what he said before and that money is not his first necessity, so it's like a test, Occulus Rift creators failed it, let's hope Mojang won't.
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Can't say too much, if I were in his shoes and my company had only made a single successful game that is already on the way down more than likely and offered that much. There is a good chance I would sell it, take the cash and invest in a new company and start from scratch as I now have over 10 times the capital to start with than I finished with the last time.
Now if I honestly believed I could improve on it, then I might stay.
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Notch isn't hasn't the lead dev for minecraft since 2011 and I doubt he even works on it anymore. Doesn't seem like indie spirit to quit working on a game once it's popular. As far as believing what Notch said there are many features that he said would be implemented before he quit that we have yet to see so I don't understand where your trust is coming from.
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He is the head of Mojang, Jeb is the Minecraft development lead. So the final decision might come from him, also Microsoft wants to acquire the entire Mojang, not just Minecraft. Also about from where I get info, there were multiple posts, tweets, etc latest years, about these things.
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Who ever owns the company can do what ever they want to it. I read all the same info as you. When minecraft came out of beta it was hardly a full version compared to what it is today. Taking the game out of beta was an excuse to charge more for it. The alpha was like $10 then they increased the price for the beta and again for the release version. After the release Notch stepped down leaving a game that was just as unfinished as the beta. That is why he is untrustworthy.
Sure he can tweet that he wont sell out but he already did and I would be surprised if he doesn't take 2 billion for mojang. If he really wants to keep making games he can just use the money to make a new company.
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I just realized it was Notch who asked M$ to buy Mojang:
"The deal came together after Mojang founder Markus Persson reached out to Microsoft a few months ago, based on a positive working relationship on Minecraft for Xbox, said the person familiar with Microsoft."
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Minecraft was a very innovating game for the time and it is not a bad game whatsoever, though I doubt Mojang can surpass Minecraft and I think that buying Mojang is a pointless investment, but if it occurs I guess I am curious to see what Mojang can produce for Microsoft... Just remember what happened to Rare.. :(
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If it means the game gets remade in .NET, C++, or some crap, for all I care it's a good thing.
Java is a huge security issue. Playing MC with my friends once every week or two is the ONLY REASON I keep that backdoor open. Eugh.
It's also probably gonna mean the game actually will become a fun game to play on your own.
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I really hope that Mojang doesn't sell, I have a feeling that Microsoft are going to ruin the feel that Minecraft has had for the last 4 or so years.
It's one of those games that really doesn't get old because it has this ability to reinvent itself, either through the modding community creating these epic mods and working together to release these even more epic modpacks or from the guys at Mojang itself still releasing tons of in game vanilla content even after the game's been full release for what, at least 2 years now.
That's pretty incredible for a game that's not an MMO! o_O
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What exactly could they do in a Mincraft 2 honestly other than NOT being based in Java?
Other than that, all they could really offer would be a higher resolution for the textures, different block sizes and integrating the more popular mods directly into it at which point that is more like a version update than a sequel. Unless we are going with the Madden NFL philosophy for sequels.
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Do you mean they're looking to buy Mojang?! Oh, please no! Do you see what happened after Microsoft bought Rare? Y'know, the company that brought us Donkey Kong 64, Banjo-Kazooie, Battletoads, and Conker's Bad Fur Day? Rare went from making amazing games to making /Kinect Sports/. You don't want the same fate to befall Mojang. They would ruin Minecraft forever. There would be microtransactions and DLC /everywhere/. It'd be bad. Trust me. Nobody wants this.
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it's insane.
did they really offer that amount of money?
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Don't see too much point in it from Microsofts side at a price tag of 2 billion dollars.
From Microsofts side, so far they have been a 1 hit wonder with Minecraft which has already made the bulk of its income some think and even then, it still hasn't earned them the 2 billion Microsoft is paying for them.
Some think they might be trying to integrate it into their system as an Xbox version of the Mii's from Nintendo but even then 2 billion is a huge price tag for that one.
If they do get it, the next question becomes are they going to continue allowing all the mods for it and any new releases will they be Xbox only or will they continue to support the PC.
What do you guys think?
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