So a new show called The Watch just started last week on BBC/BBCA. Just watched the third episode and I am sticking with it. Show is great.

I mean, I do have a few issues with some of the characters but it's the liberties they take with TV/movies.

If anyone doesn't know, The Watch is based off the characters from the Night Watch created by Terry Pratchett and based on his wildly hilarious Discworld franchise.

Here's a trailer for the show.

And on a side note, Marama Corlett is HOT in this.

Sorry, HAD to say that.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4,4 now

4 years ago

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I'm not subscribed to any of the services currently streaming it so I've only watched the first episode. If I get the chance, I'll watch the rest. I'm a big fan of the Discworld books. Since I knew it was going to be different than the books I'm not disappointed by the series. Kind of reminds of when I watched the Dirk Gently TV series. It didn't really follow the books, but was quite entertaining.

4 years ago

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You don't need a streaming subscription, unless you don't have access to the channel VIA cable/satellite.

4 years ago

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No satellite or cable here. Only Netflix and what I can stream from the local library (Acorn, Hoopla, Kanopy).

4 years ago

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You still need to pay for a subscription to stream it via the ancient obsolete cable/satellite channels :)

But thanks for the reminder, I still haven't watched any eps yet.

4 years ago

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As a longtime Discworld fan, I find the show painful to watch so won't be keeping up with it, but I'm happy for the people that can enjoy it 👍

4 years ago

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Dunno if I should even be trying this as a fan of the novels, seeing the reception. I would prefer not to tarnish the world I have fantasized while reading the books.

4 years ago

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As Foul Ole Ron would say: "bugrit, millenium hand an' shrimp!"

I'm sticking with it to see how this train wreck ends up turning out. So far I'm not impressed by the actor choices, or how they've taken one of my favourite books in the Discworld series, "Night Watch" & twisted it so that it's the other way around with Carcer being thrown into the present instead of Vimes going back into the past.

The show says based on the world & characters created by Terry Pratchett, yet none of the characters or the world they have created for the show really represents what we know from the books.

I think the tv mini-series "Going Postal" from 2010 did a much better job in portraying the world, & Charles Dance was really good as Lord Vetinari - he's always given me the creeps with his imtimidating stare since I first saw him in the Arnie movie "Last Action Hero", when I was a kid.

4 years ago

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As a huge Pratchett fan I find it is an insult to his memory and works. It is so far from his characters and world that they don´t even say "based on" the books by Terry Pratchett, it says "inspired by", which is a first, no matter how bad an adaptation or how far it is from the source material (to my knowledge) it always says "based on". Rihanna Pratchett (his daughter) has said pretty much the same thing.

I really can´t understand why companies buy the rights to books or comics or whatever and they they pretty much completely ignore the source material (the only thing in common between the World War Z movie and book is the name or change it so much as to make it almost unrecognizable (The dark tower, Preacher).

Of course there´s no accounting for taste and if someone likes it then more power to them, but even though I´ll watch the whole thing I doubt it will win me over.

If you want to see what the world of Discworlod is really like check out The Color of Magic ( and Hogfather (

Glad you are enjoying it and happy new year BTW.

4 years ago

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I wrote a whole rant, but actually you said it better :)

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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hmm, i don't know, there is something of a trend. Many of these adaptations to tv share some common ground,like they are made for the same crowd, and i've enjoyed most of them. At least the trailer reeks of doom patrol
But even watchmen (2020) got good reviews despite also not being faithful at adapting the source material, instead building of it to something more current. So, what happened here? You would think at least those not familiar with the works would find some enjoyment out of it.
Scores don't matter, except when it's something as low as this.

4 years ago*

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I loved the entire Guards series. Not sure I’ll watch this though. Hogsfather wasn’t done so well. I doubt the ability of most producers to make book adaptations that are faithful to the book fans; they are too preoccupied with capturing a broader audience that they won’t remain true to the source.

4 years ago

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Saw the trailer and i have to say i stay with the books.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago*

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Read the books. All will never be clear then.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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To each their own. To be fair, Terry Pratchett still holds the dubious honor of having the only book where even I gave up trying to figure out where the story was going where he had an 800 year old monk sitting outside of time having a civilized discussion with the 5th horseman of the Apocalypse, who also happens to be the worlds milkman. Meanwhile the other 4 horsemen rode out not to destroy the world, but to save it while Death's granddaughter Susan was also trying to stop the invaders with the only weapon that can kill them. Chocolate.

Thief of Time. FANTASTIC book.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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Amazing book.

4 years ago

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Triggered ;)

Oh that trailer!! I kinda wish I hadn't seen this.
This looks like it could be slapped straight onto a happy meal box!
Blend in some vegan chicken nuggets and a few punchlines, and you have got yourself a Netflix ready modern money making cash cow!!

Damn, It basically looks like a MARVEL movie!! Like Guardians of the Galaxy!!
Nothing inherently wrong with Guardians of the Galaxy, I liked that movie, but come on!! It's Terry Pratchett!
It looks like it is supposed to blend right into the MARVEL universe! Which it will in a couple years time when Disney buys the film rights.

Why do these soulless death eaters always ruin everything! No creativity, no soul, just sheep following the hive mind.
What is happening to you UK? This trailer smells of producers trying to score a movie deal at the BBC by checking all the media subsidy boxes.
I feel like I need to protect the legacy of one of my favorite authors a bit here!

Why do modern Brits always copy America??

Correction, why do Brits often copy America and why do they let Americans ruin Pratchett?

Can't you see that you have your own culture and authenticity?
that you have world renowned authors with their own style entirely?
that you have an ancient history that has shaped your beautiful reasonably pretty country.
that you make the US look like a bunch of savages with your literature and theater?

I know it is not at all hip or acceptable to love your own country or culture nowadays, and I understand the UK is sometimes kinda hard to love, and it is going through a tough time and all, but no one else is going to love your country for you, because often its cities are as grimy and criminal as Ankh Morpork, and its villages as stubborn as Badass. The truth is that Terry Pratchett found the friendly and humorous things in British culture that make the UK unique. He saw the beauty and the fun in the bustling chaos that is the UK. He saw the stunning nature and the magic. The discworld is a fantasy world I know, but you can feel the Britishness throughout the books.

America has its own history and its own culture and aesthetics, and that is fine. Let them make what they want to make but don't lose your own culture; create your own culture. Just look at the difference between the British "the Office" and the American one.

I am a huge Terry Pratchett fan and I have read almost all of his books.
Whilst reading the books I remember thinking: this could be made into a really good television series, and I also remember thinking: this will probably be made into a piece of sh%t because no one can think for themselves nowadays.

4 years ago*

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Why do modern Brits always copy America??

The series, developed by BBC Studios for BBC America - Wikipedia

This is your garbage with American wank stains all over it, not ours. Not even aired over here.

4 years ago

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Who in their right mind would work together on a Terry Pratchett thing with Americans? I mean no disrespect intended but come on, there must be a limit to these shenanigans.
So is BBCA basically an American opperation? Does it get British tax dollars/pounds?
Aren't these the same people who ruined Doctor Who?

4 years ago*

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I assume the original/new content is American funded, but too lazy to investigate.
Only the British aired stuff deamed palatable for an american audience would be licence fee funded.

4 years ago

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Didn't see the series. I'm trying not to get on the hate wagon, because I think it's unfair without watching it first.

From the adaptations of Pratchett works, I thing that Hogfather and Going Postal were the best ones, Colour of Magic was tolerable, but Rincewind is too old, and the setup required a MUCH higher budget. Sean Astin was a pretty good Twoflowers, albeit isn't asian. Didn't see the animated miniseries (well a little bit of Wyrd Sisters, but none of Soul Music).

Truckers is very good. It needs a better edition.

The videogames are a mixed bag. The first one is absolutely gorgeous, and Eric Idle is an amazing Rincewind, but the moonlogic of the puzzles is off the, charts, Disc, Turtle and multiverse. The second one is the best experience. Discworld Noir have an amazing story, but it is very difficult to play today (emulation of the PS version seems to be the easier way)

Now, I think that Good Omens is one of the best Pratchett thingies that are out there.

4 years ago

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It was utterly terrible. Ep 8 (the last one?) ended with a cliffhanger. I hope they won't be producing season 2. And by the way, where is klatchian foreign legion office?

4 years ago*

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