Have u ever get this offer?
I haven't but others have and some got better offers. Check https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/ahCgcWl
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That's really wierd, 12$ is nothing for monthly games, it worth much more. and still more deal ...
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They must be desperate to keep people on the overwatch monthly and next one. I suspect subscriber numbers are going down fast and they have quotas to hit.
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I've been wondering about this too. I thought maybe Overwatch wasn't attractive to some people and the low subscriber numbers led them to early reveal the other two games, but the amount of advertising is getting extreme. Their off-monthly bundles haven't been really successful either, due to rebundling.....
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Most of their recent bundles haven't been great or repeats, but today's one has been ok even if some of the games are repeats. People are tempted to skip as it s anon steam game so I think they are trying to entice people to stay with it. The deals are quite good to be fair.
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I suspect Overwatch failed to bring in the numbers they expected due to several reasons:
People who want it already have it because it's such a big deal. There was actually an Overwatch free weekend and sale just before this, which ate up a lot of their potential customers.
Many of the sorts of people who buy bundles don't want it. Bundles generally appeal to people who play a lot of different single-player games, not people who devote a lot of time to one deep multi-player game like Overwatch. Also, most bundle people care a lot about games being on Steam, partially because it's a pain to track a large library of games across many places.
Because it was only one pre-reveal, anyone who didn't have it skipped entirely. It can't even be given away or traded because you have to link your Blizzard account to your Humble one.
They expected that offering the cheapest price ever on Overwatch would bring in a lot of people, but because of all these factors, it isn't.
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I did not. I paused this month. Instead I got an email telling me . . .
"Congrats on getting Overwatch!
As a subscriber you get great perks like 10% off any game in the Humble Store and access to 60+ games in the Humble Trove."
Yeah, funny. XD You paused, no payment nor keys sent BUT! Congrats. I still appreciate the congratulations though hahaha. I am thinking hard on getting the 12months deal that gives $25 store credit but I read comment(s) that I will be subbed for Overwatch too so I am hesitant.
Cheers, Cruse~
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Sry for misunderstanding, U subscribed for 12 months and ended or paused for this month?
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My current plan is Month to Month which I paused for this month(Overwatch). Yet, I received an email telling me I have received Overwatch, which I did not. Its just an automated system fault.
There's an ongoing promotion of 12 months, 1 month Free with $25 store credit BUT I may have to sub for this month for Overwatch. I am not clear so I am still pondering about it.
Cheers, Cruse~
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That deal is only for this month, so if you want the deal, you have to sub for October. You can pass on it and just wait for other deals to come up, if that is what you desire.
I am curious as to why acquiring a "key" for Overwatch is so abhorrent to you that it would put you off taking a deal you want. If you don't want the game, don't redeem it.
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Well, 1st I am not a big FPS nor shooter fan, I get dizzy playing 1st person too long too not sure if its the cast now. I used to play browser games that I realise it takes too much time and its harmful to my health so games that involves multiplayer are not to my liking usually. I am fine with survival games like Don't Starve, 7 Days to Die, Conan, etc though. As those communities aren't as "salty" and you chose whom you play with.
I actually hasn't played any Dungeon series games and from what I've seen Twitch Streamer Dansgaming played I am not really digging it even though I am a big Strategy fan. I actually saw your comment, I wanted to ask you about it but unsure if I'll get a response so I didn't.
I like Hidden Folks but its not really an expensive game which I can get it on a Steam Sale if I really wanted to play it. Overall, its really not that enticing to me. Not sure about the total amount for the Monthly this month is but its not looking promising. Thus I am put off by Overwatch as a majority factor but these other reasons as well.
Cheers, Cruse~
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Why would I fail to respond to a direct question???
Regardless, if there's nothing you want in this month's bundle, I recommend you skip it. The only reason I would see to buy it anyway would be if you either plan on giving the games to others or you "need" to buy it for some other reason that has nothing to do with owning the games.
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Because sometimes I prioritize replying as this is not the only outlet I communicate in. I comment on GMG forums at times, I have not spoken over there for more than a month as my attention is on SG and other things in life. I started to chat again there over the weekend but I have yet look into the replies as I am putting my time here. There is only so much time we have for a day and attention. Its not really a high priority question and I normally do not expect every question to be answered as I am a curious puppy. :)
I've only started buying bundles actively over the past year. Majority of the games I bought were bundles, a few single purchase during sales are under $5 usually. Most of the time I look at value for money in the bundle and if those are the games I wanted to play in the early reveals. At this point, even though I wanted to, I do not wish to be branded as a "trader" by Humble due to their strict rules as I had been enjoying their customer service from requesting full refund for a monthly as I did not know I could pause previously. To full refund on a Game bundle as I had the game for its highest tier but the "Pay Now" button caught me by surprise and made a full payment.
I do intend to play the games I have in my library, its just that i am using an old PC now. Also I am kind of saving for the PC, which I am hopping the prices of RTX will drop 1070s' price but apparently not for much this year. I want to weigh my options so I do get value for money for Monthly. Although yes, its already cheap but as I am not looking to trade, I have no idea what to do with games I have no interest in like Overwatch. With IGN's take over, no one can guarantee what's the quality of next year's bundle. I am not a lucky person with mystery things often getting the negatives so I really ponder if I should spent it and start with a bundle that I do not really want. All in all its just budgeting and looking out for value.
Edit: I forgot to mention that my currency conversion now is est. $1 = $1.43 so there is an additional cost I look into too. :)
Sincere Regards, Cruse~
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As an update I eventually folded and subscribed to the Overwatch Humble Monthly. I'd actually like Dungeons 3 and I'll take my chances on a free month. I'm currently waiting to be told I don't actually qualify for my next month free due to being a 'trader'...
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Do u remember H1Z1 monthly bundle? all new subscribers got 30% Discount.
But games of this one is much much better than that month.
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Yeah, I got that offer too, but I don't have the money for it :\
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got paused about 3 weeks ago
did not receive this offer
did not receiver 3$ off for monthly also :(
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3 months for 23$ instead of 35$? and u get one more month?
Or just 3 Months for 23$?
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Hmmm, 3 deals then,
1+1 for 12$
2+1 for 23$
1 for 4$ (66% Discount)
1 for 8$ (33% Discount)
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I checked the other topic, and I have to agree with himalaya. They probably haven't met their sold-Overwatch-quota and now they're sending out these messages randomly in panic.
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I haven't bought a monthly in... how long ago was the one that had Rocket League as the main game? And they sent me a 66% off coupon for the current monthly. It smells a bit like desperation to me, like the number of subscribers went down to worring levels.
I think I'll take the offer, $4 is about the price I'm willing to risk for trying Overwatch since competitive FPSs are not really my thing but I do have curiosity for this particular title.
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U can buy 2 large pack of fries in MCD, Do not risk with that money: D
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You should hide your email address and any personally identifiable information.
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Destiny 2 was very popular though ;)
I don't want to assume but I believe the reason this one isn't as popular is because of the lack of keycodes. You have to link your accounts... therefore unsaleable on gray market sites so none of the resellers buying mass quantities of the bundle.
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I wonder if they'll switch the reveals with some amazing ones just to persuade people into staying subbed in the future. They could afford if the bundle is not doing great.
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Ok great, I got nothing...
Overwatch was a terrible choice for the bundle unlock. It is non-steam plus it has been around for quite a while. Anybody who is interested in that game, already has it and most likely already got bored of it.
Still one free month deal is too good to pass up.
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Same here but it is a huge upfront cost. 1+1 is a better deal IMO
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So, i have just several accounts to get bundles, and every account with no any monthly subscribtion in the past got an offer for 3 months, but main account which spend 100$+ just for annual plan and a lot more for regular bundles before got nothing =_= that smells like shit, humble
also the last bundle with blizzard game (destiny 2) appearance was really awful, and i'm afraid this one is going to be same quality
maybe i'll back to humble when they be able to offer anything to loyal customer, not trying to fool the new one (hello, business)
the current way how and what they're packing in bundles makes no more motivation to buy them. pretty trashy games or good games that will be Free in few months or goes to regular and cheap bundle when i can see everything without stupid lottery =.=
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What if you buy it as a gift though and don't redeem it until an upcoming month where you see some early reveal that you would be interested in? I did it once before, on a single-month plan anyway. It used to be that buying it as a gift gave you the bundle currently for sale at the time that it was redeemed, not at the time that it was purchased.
edit: according to this Humble support article:
NOTE: Content received is dependent upon redemption date! If the desired monthly has released already, clicking claim will provide the following monthly. We won't be able to revert this, or provide a previous month.
And this:
Q: My friend claimed the monthly gift but it gave them a different month. Is there any way to receive the desired one?
A: Unfortunately we don't have a way to change the claimed monthly. This monthly gift will be tied not to the to the payment date, but when the Claim button is clicked on the gift URL. The only way to ensure the proper content is to be received is to claim the page before that monthly releases.
edit 2: I'm assuming you can also still pause the subscription for any given month(s) after redeeming a multiple-month gift, though I can't say I have tried it
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Thanks for the info. Yeah it looks like a much better deal that way since getting something you don't want for free and thinking you made some profit by doing so is just fooling yourself.
I hope it works the way you said though. That buy 2 months get one free coupon seems to be exclusively made to sell the crappy Overwatch monthly bundle, both in the coupon email and after the purchase Overwatch and October Monthly is mentioned. Maybe they haven't thought about the gift purchase trick, let's hope it will work as planned in about 2 hours from now.
I'm also curious about the pause part. Do you know if there is an expiration date for the 3 month bundle gift link?
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Just one hour ago, I got an email from Humble bundle, Is that for all or just for me? Anyone else got this offer?
P.T. (Edited) (Check ur email, Maybe u got this, too)
*Free month will granted on October 5 via a 100% off coupon. Only customers who recieved this email and purchase a Humble Month subscription between October 1st at 1:00pm PT - October 4th at 1:00pm PT are eligible.
One months + One Free Month = 12$
2 Months + One Free Month = 23$
Current Month with 66% discount = 4$
Current Month with 33% discount = 8$
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