Ran out of points D: didn't expect the response I got it was lovely guys, you can feel free to comment on my profile I love reading about what everyone grew up with! Ignore this, it's from the original post almost 1 year ago.

So I have about 40k Steam Points, thought I'd just give them to other people.

I can only give one award per person and it has to be the cheapest one (So more people have the chance to be gifted).

If you want a reward it's simple :)

I'm always looking for games/Steam Deck games suggestions.

Leave a comment on this post 👍 (Don't forget to like) Steam Deck Screenshot


Comment your favourite childhood game or a game that gave you a lot of good memories :D on my Steam Profile (Could be any video game) On my Steam Profile

Please make it a proper comment as to why you enjoyed the game, instead of just a few words
Note: I prefer playing games on the Deck that run well on its hardware, keep that in mind while giving suggestions :)

Once you've done that comment here and mention which 300 point award you want and I will send you your Steam Award.
and... feel free to say Hi :) I enjoy meeting people and getting to know their story.

Be patient with me <3 I'll award everyone as fast I can
Last time a lot of people wanted to thank me back for the awards, there's no need :D
You can always check out my SG group and Curator Giveaway Group

2 years ago*

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Commented, I would be happy for any award, I will award you back too

2 years ago

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sent you a heart warming award :D
Thanks !

2 years ago

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Sent you a heart warming award too xD

2 years ago

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I commented that I liked Dark Cloud 2 and Soul Nomad as a child and now I like Life is Strange and Hades too. ^^ I also sent you a wholesome award just because I like the whole event idea hehe ^^ Also, you haven't mentioned yours! I'm curious what games you would pick.

Btw if you've run out of points again it's no biggie to me haha I like sharing my favorite games and reading about others' too!

2 years ago

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sent you a heart warming award :D

2 years ago

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Commented this time. :)

2 years ago

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sent you a heart warming award :D

2 years ago

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Thanks 💜

I sent you a wholesome award. :)

2 years ago

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I have commented my childhood of gameboy games! I will take any award.

2 years ago

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sent you a heart warming award :D

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Commented, I'd like a Wild award, thanks 💖

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I don't want an award, just to say it's nice of you to use your points this way.

2 years ago

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Thank you!

2 years ago

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What a lovely idea! I also gotta say I really like your background, I gather it must be the Year of the Tiger Steam background but I had not seen it before now.
I'd like the 'Mad Scientist' award, if you will, thank you. ^^

2 years ago

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Sent :D

2 years ago

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I left a comment on your profile. I would like the heartwarming award and thanks for doing this.

2 years ago

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sent you a heart warming award :D

2 years ago

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Thank you :)

2 years ago

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Commented! thanks for sharing

2 years ago

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sent you a heart warming award :D

2 years ago

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i commented, can i get a whoa

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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commented some hours ago.. :P forget to respond here.. suprice me :)
whats your favorite game?

2 years ago

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sent you a heart warming award :D
My fav would be Darkest Dungeon

2 years ago

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I loved the Sims 1. Played all the versions up till the Sims 4..
Can i have a beloved heart?

2 years ago

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sent you a heart warming award :D

2 years ago

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Hyped for Sims 5 multiplayer? I hope they reinvent game at other aspects aswell (also heard char creation will get more detailed)

2 years ago

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Have to wait and see.. not sure about MP...
Would like some sort of COOP but i dont know if Massive wouldnt be overkill..

2 years ago

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Thank you for the generosity, and nice meeting you! I've commented on your profile as requested, and would like to request the Wholesome award. 🙏🏻

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I commented Super Mario Sunshine on your profile as my favourite childhood game :D I would play that one almost every summer! I would really love the Wild award! Thank you so much, very kind of you :)

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I left a comment. Thank you for doing this!

2 years ago

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sent you a heart warming award :D

2 years ago

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Thank you so much! ♥

2 years ago

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I commented wild arms 2. You can choose whatever you think i deserve award <1+2

2 years ago

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sent you a heart warming award :D

2 years ago

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Hello fellow santa. Made a comment on your profile. Would love the mad scientist award please. Saw on your profile you've been playing Deep rock galactic. I bought it in this sale and cannot put that game down. Rock and stone brother.

2 years ago

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Rock N Stone!

2 years ago

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Nice topic, just commented on your profile that my favourite childhood game is Donkey Kong Country, visuals were spectacular and a soundtrack that's of such remarkable quality

2 years ago

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sent you a heart warming award :D

2 years ago

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Thank you!

2 years ago

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Hi, i commented on your profile, my Steam nick is Mr. Floppy, which is based on the series Unhappily Ever After and not on some disks ;)
i would be happy to receive the "good for the soul" award, thank you very much

2 years ago

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I sent you wholesome award!

2 years ago

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Left a comment, any award will do… thanks!

2 years ago

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sent you a heart warming award :D

2 years ago

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left comment 17hrs ago and just saw your message... sorry about that didn't realise, should be public now :)

2 years ago

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sent you a heart warming award :D

2 years ago

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My favourite childhood game was Baphomets Fluch 2. it was the First Game on my First pc. :lunar2019grinningpig:

2 years ago

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sent you a heart warming award :D

2 years ago

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Thank you Santa! =) you are the Best!

2 years ago

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Done, with the same nickname as here. Feel free to choose the reward, and thanks for being this kind!

2 years ago

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sent you a heart warming award :D

2 years ago

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Thanks :)

2 years ago

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Def Jam: Fight for NY, my friends and I play it at public console stuff, good old days XD

2 years ago

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sent you a heart warming award :D

2 years ago

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Thank you!

2 years ago

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am i late? i commented that CTR was my fav childhood games :D
also can i choose the wild award?

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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thank you :D

2 years ago

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