Thanks for the info. It looks like they have given away 1, 3, 4, and Unity in the past, but I am missing this one.
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They gave away first one? Damn, it seems I missed it(
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They must have because I have never paid for an Assassin's Creed game :)
On that note, I have also never paid for a game on Uplay.
Edit: I tried searching to find out when it was free, but I can't find anything, so I don't know how I got it. I have never purchased or traded for a Uplay game. I have also never purchased a product that came with a free game.
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I only have 3, Unity, and Chronicles China (got them for free). Guess I missed out on 1 and 4
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That is possible since it was in the $1 tier. I use to trade a lot of leftover bundle games, but I keep a history of all my trades and I don't have it listed. I also don't remember ever trading for something outside of Steam keys. That could be it though.
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I have it written on my list of owned games, but I'm not sure how I got it. I have never paid for or traded for Uplay games. I am trying to verify that I own it, but I don't currently have Uplay installed and I'm not sure where to check on their site to see a list of games. It keeps saying "Ubisoft Club is not available at the moment. Please try again later." when I try to view my owned games.
Edit: I installed Uplay and verified that I do own the first Assassin's Creed game. I don't know how I got it, but I do know that I didn't pay for it. I have never purchased a game on Uplay, I have never traded for a Uplay game, and I have never received a free game on any platform that came bundled with a product purchase. It must have been free at some point.
I tried searching to find out when it was free and I can't find anything about the first game ever being given away for free, so I'm not sure how I got it.
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It was in the $1 tier of a Humble Bundle in Jan 2017. I don't have a record of trading for it and I don't remember ever trading for anything other than Steam keys, but it's possible that is how I got it since I use to trade a lot of leftover bundle keys.
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Assassin's Creed Bundle
Pay $1 for:
Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia
Beat the average for:
Assassin's Creed Liberation HD
Assassin's Creed III + Assassin's Creed® III Tyranny of King Washington: The Infamy (DLC)
Assassin's Creed II Deluxe Edition
Pay $15 for:
Assassin's Creed Unity
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood.
Also, for freebie promotions:
and the Chinese oriented one (where AC2 apparently had an English language workaround):
(Did I miss any?)
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I had that up there, then removed it 'cause I thought it was a trial version (due to the url and lack of any details in the thread). Whoops.
So, ignoring newer (2017+) AC games, I guess that means only Liberation and some DLCs/Expansions (which I'm including Freedom Cry under) are the only ones not freebied or T1-bundled so far [after this current promotion]?
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Oh, wait, no. Looks like Syndicate, Rogue, and Revelations are still missing?
This series seriously has too many titles in it.. :P
And cool. Not sure whether or not I missed that promotion or not. I really need to go through and play the series at some point (especially now that I'll have an English version of 2 on-hand), but it's a bit intimidating for a completionist-minded gamer such as myself. :P
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Free AC II (China Only or VPN) was for Chinese New Year I believe
Free AC Brotherhood (Korea Only or VPN)
Free AC 3
Free AC China
Free AC 4 (Black Flag) is the full version not trial, I completed the entire game after that date.
Free AC Unity after the burning of Notre-Dame
Free AC Syndicate (Epic but will unlock on Uplay)
were never free:
AC (I don't care what that Amazon thread says)
AC Revelations
AC (5) Rogue
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AC (I don't care what that Amazon thread says)
I mean, it says "$5 Amazon credit, can be spent on several games, the OP recommends you spend it on AC" :P
Iirc, the $10 amazon credit thread similarly started by recommending Civilization 5, though it was updated to include additional games after.
were never free:
Putting aside Odyssey and Origins, what about Liberation? The context in this nesting wasn't strictly to freebies, so I didn't explicitly mention it in the post above, but it should also have not have gone free yet.
Well, hopefully eventually we'll manage to get all the AC games for free. It's rather impressive how many they've managed to churn out since the first game released in 2007.. :P
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You also needed to have spend money on Amazon before, and then you got a coupon you could use on several things.
Putting aside Odyssey and Origins, what about Liberation? The context in this nesting wasn't strictly to freebies, so I didn't explicitly mention it in the post above, but it should also have not have gone free yet.
I didn't include them because you didn't. I think Americans could have gotten Odyssey for testing Stadia or something I don't recall very well. Origins was never free though.
I didn't consider "Assassin's Creed III: Liberation" since it's originally a handheld title and spin-off. But you're correct that it wasn't free before either.
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The new license activated fine for me, no special actions necessary.
I simply right clicked on the Chinese version and set it to Hidden.
Now, as desired, I have one game showing in Games and one in Hidden.
If you're confused as to which is which, just click the Download button.
Prior to it installing anything, it'll ask you to select language;
The Chinese one will show Chinese, while the English game will show English.
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Do you have AC 1 in other platform?
When you buy Ubisoft games on another platform you have to link them, after that they appear as owned in Uplay
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No, the only Assassin's Creed game I own anywhere outside of Uplay is Syndicate that was free on Epic.
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I have Brotherhood as well, and don't think I paid for it
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Two was given away free for chinese people, and you were able to redeem it with a VPN, but no english langauge lol. So at least this way we will get the English version.
I think all the AC games that I own (well besides origins and odyssey (well got that free from the stadia promotion) I've gotten free. I must have missed out on the first AC game since I only own 2 (chinese version), 3, 4, unity, synd, china, brotherhood.
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I don't really remember where I got it for free, but it must have been free since I never bought any of the ac games besides origins so it had to come free from somewhere and I don't think I got it through humble monthly?
edit: after looking it was free to chinese people as well and I think maybe it was the same where it was stuck in the chinese language - I think for past two maybe three chinese new years theres been an AC title given away: First I remember was AC2 and then maybe it was last year (dont think there was one this year with corona?) was the brotherhood one.
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LOL I have all the AC games on my wishlist, but I haven't bought a single one yet (I have played them on PS3 before, so...). Funny thing is, I already have over half of the series on Uplay because of the freebies xD
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Seems that Syndicate, Rogue, and Revelations were never bundled/freebied, and Liberation was never bundled below BTA.
I'm missing all four of those.. and, shoot, Brotherhood as well; Looks as though it was removed from my account?
And I just found out there's no way to remove games from account, so I hope the old Chinese AC2 doesn't interfere with this new promo at all.. :X
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I know it's not the same, but Revelations was given for free in a special bundle with AC1 (or the other way around, can't remember). I saw it in retail stores, don't know if that applied to any digital bundles.
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I was aware of the Ezio Auditore Pack/The Ezio Collection (AC 2 + Brotherhood + Revelations) and the double pack (with Revelations & Brotherhood), but neither of those had any of the games as a "freebie" nor included AC1. They also make inherent sense, given that they base on having the same protagonist (whereas the first game had a different one).
That said, I did find the promotion you were referring to, though it took some effort.
Seems as though it was a limited release bonus for the PS3 version:
I found user comments confirming the promotion wasn't available for the PC or Xbox versions of the game.
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Yeah, that might be it, since I had a PS3 at that time. Again, it's a long time ago, and my memory is spotty anyway :D
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Well, I mean, it'd still be relevant to you. If you've got the game on one platform, you wouldn't really need it on another, right?
I mean, unless that first platform is Epic, of course. ..We're still hating on Epic, right? :P
I'm still miffed about that time I rebought Tales of Maj'Eyal on Steam despite already owning it on GOG..
..nevermind then later finding out it had been bundled. x_x
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Well, I see Steam as my main platform, so ultimately I want to own all games there. I just recently bought South Park: Fractured But whole on Steam, without realizing I already had it on Uplay ^^
And yeah, f*** Epic ;P
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Meanwhile, I see GOG as my main platform, despite basically having not used it at all for the past 3 years. :P
Steam really has way too much of an edge over other platforms.. Meanwhile, I won't use Epic until they use a tenth the money they spend on making games available for free, on fixing their bugs, their terrible* support, and their shoddy** launcher.
* Really, my experiences there were pretty amazingly bad. Imagine if Steam Support swapped their "Bots pretending to be Human" for "Douchey humans" but provided just as little "support". Still not as bad as the support that Hex outsourced to, which flat out insulted and attacked you when you contacted them [and stands as one of the three worst support teams I've ever encountered], but it's definitely terrible support by normal standards.
** This one puportedly, as I haven't used it myself, only read reports and seen screenshots; That said, I first used Steam back in 2003, and didn't end up using it seriously until this [5th] account back in 2014/2015, when Valve finally fixed the previously terrible library and store interfaces (via separate but closely timed updates). So I already know I can't tolerate lousy clients, even if my experience with Netflix and Amazon Prime hadn't already made that emphatically clear to me. Nevermind how critical I am of poor interfaces in the games I play. So yeah.. that's a big one, for me, even if it's less significant in severity than others have indicated.
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And I just found out there's no way to remove games from account, so I hope the old Chinese AC2 doesn't interfere with this new promo at all.. :X
It shouldn't, Uplay allows you to activate the same game several times on your account. I have "Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon" twice on my account because of that.
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Unfortunaly it was already given way.
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Well, it was an opportunity to get AC1 free, but it wasn't an official promotion for any specific game, any more than other Amazon store credit offers were. The real issue is that it was Tier 1 bundled (as quoted earlier in the thread), which may be considered comparable to freebie'd on Ubisoft's end of things.
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It lists a start time of 11:00 on the 14th.
The possible timezones are France (where Ubisoft's HQ is), Germany (as the linked promotion is based in German contextualization), or the NA western timezone (as that's a common starting point for promotions, as most US divisions are headquarted in California, including Ubisoft's).
We also know that 11:00 can only apply to "AM" for the first two options, as Europe (rather reasonably) utilizes the much less confusing 24 hour format. Likewise, Germany and France share the same timezone, which further simplifies things.
Thus, we end up with three likely possible start times, which I'll be relating to the time I'm making this post:
18 minutes from now (French or German time)
7 hours18 minutes from now
19 hours 18 minutes from now.
In all likelihood, it'll probably be up in 18 minutes, given how heavily the data points favor the first time slot. This is further supported by the fact that the Rayman Legends thread (which is tied to the same promotion) was posted at a time of day that'd be 4 hours 18 minutes from now, which would only fit to the first of the time options (assuming a consistent start time between promotion offers).
tl;dr version: Anyone reading this may want to check the Ubisoft site in some minutes. :P
My guesses for URL would be one of or
There's also to follow.
Edit: Guess it won't be up in this time slot after all. :S
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You all so excited =) just wondering how many will play it actually
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Just finished syndicate, bought origins with the epic coupon for 5€, so I'm hoping I can now install that on my SSD since it was unplayable on my secondary HDD (didn't have the space to install more)..
Definitely plan on finishing the entire series, remember finishing this one on a pirated version ages ago
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Mm, yeah. For the first game the movement is erratic and oddly tanky, interactions are erratic (I never know when I'll shove or "gentle push" someone..), parkour/etc associations are unreliable [as you noted for AC2], and the control layout design is needlessly clunky.. So if the later games are just a bit more refined and a bit more forgiving, then that'd be enough to relieve a significant amount of the exhaustion the first game evokes (though the games would probably still be rather lacking, by broader considerations).
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Depends on if I can ever get through AC1 or not. Those controls are decidedly bad. I mean, not Witcher 1 or Trigger Man bad, but definitely bad when compared to any standard above "normally only found among the torture methods of the nine circles of hell."
I hear the controls get slightly better, starting with AC2, though?
Further, I hear they finally got "playable" with Odyssey, even. :P
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I don't remember the controls being very bad for Assassin's Creed 1, I did play the game when it came out though. They did greatly simplify the climbing in later games though. Witcher 1 controls work pretty well, I think most people get confused by the way combat works though.
I'd argue Tomb Raider games have far worse controls, or at the very least very unfortunate camera changes. Oh let's change the angle of the camera mid jump, now you don't know which buttons to press...
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For all countryes??? When in spain?
Thank you!!! 😻
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While I may not have gotten the start time right, it appears that both of the URLs I guessed earlier ( and do actually direct to the promotion. ^.^
I mean, just for those looking for a shorter URL option. Though it looks like the register.ubisoft link also allows you to claim the game via browser, while the link you provided seems to require loading the Uplay client (or at least, it didn't give me the same confirmation of claiming the game that the other link did, and simply promoted loading the client instead), so there may be some extra utility benefit to the register.ubisoft URL.
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Attention! All people who does have any Assassin's Creed on Steam. Do not ever get additional Uplay copy. Why's that? it will make conflict. Steam version still uses Uplay and create game in Uplay directory. And You would have problems and issues with that.
I had Assassin's Creed III for 20 years Celebration or something like that. Then I bought AC3 at Steam. Maaaaaaany years later. And that's caused problems. With DLC and even opening the game. The game crashed 90% of times. 9% of times it has no audio. And when I contacted support to delete the wrong copy (Celebration one) and they told me how to activate DLC's right way (because logical way =/= right way for Ubi), it just corrupted my 90%+ save of AC3. And I was so mad I stopped playing at all.Almost every mission with perfect score. You can guess that I was at the end of the campaign too.
So If You, by any chance, have AC2 on Steam, do not activate that copy. It can (but it's not necessary) cause troubles.
I just want You to not get the issues I had with it. 3 weeks of contacting support, DLC activation problem, then save file corruption...
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Here's a proper link:
However, here's the steam page
It looks to me as if the free is inferior version and if you bind it to your uplay account then it will cause conflicts with the steam version if you ever buy it.
Plus, having it on steam might be better idea if something ever happens to uplay or ubisoft. Valve will give you copy of the game because you will have it on steam.
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I got problems when tried to get the game on the store page you pointed to. It just started Uplay and opened a panel "Activate key" where I should type an activation code.
So... good link for me is
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Your game is activated on your Uplay Library.
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Assassin's Creed II will be free on uPlay (PC) this Tuesday, April 14th.
Link to the giveaway -
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