From what I understand, newcomers to the Counter Strike games will be at a sever disadvantage. I hear the game is mostly dominated by highly skilled players. I may be good at Wolf:ET, but in my experience skill in one game doesn't translate to skill in others, not directly anyways. Everything I've seen and heard about Counter Strike just doesn't appeal to me.
I should also mention, I am willing to give some of the games I've tried another chance if they get a good enough endorsement.
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Well I guess you like team-based games, right? Preferrably with classes? I suggest you try out Battlefield 3. It's a good game, but needs heavy patching. You could also try out Red Orchestra 2 or maybe Tribes: Ascend (still in Beta development stage I think). You could also take a look at Unreal Tournament 3.
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I'm not much of an shooter multiplayer guy so the only games I can recommend are singleplayer RPGs lol.
Which are;
Fallout 3(best game I have and will ever play),
Fallout New Vegas,
The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion &
The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim
These are all adventure/action RPGs. They are EXTREMELY fun and I am still playing these, and probably still play these until I'm 30(I'm in my mid teens right now :P) haha
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Yes I do like Team-based gameplay. I almost never play FreeForAll gametypes. Classes are nice as well, and I love objective-based gameplay rather than deathmatch gameplay.
Battlefield 3 does look interesting but I'm short on funds right now. I almost bought it when it was $30 during Black-friday/cyber-monday, but just couldn't pull the trigger on it. Red Orchestra 2 is also a little out of my current price range. What I've seen of Tribes Ascend does look interesting, but I though it was a closed beta.
Tried Battlefield Player4Free when it first came out, it just didn't hook me and I'm not a fan of the free-to-play models I've seen as character progression is incredibly sluggish without paying any money.
Also going to pass on Nuclear Dawn, doesn't look like my type of game.
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Quite frankly? You're probably not going to get another game like ET:QW. You're right about Counter Strike being dominated by high-skill players, I'd say Red Orchestra and certainly Day of Defeat are the same. Nuclear Dawn is certainly worth a try, being free and all but I thought it was average on the basis that there's a unfortunate number of bad games to good ones. Maybe I'm just unlucky, but that's what I found. Having said that, the good games are GOOD. There's lots of action, territory moving from one team to another, very tactical and exciting.
I'd have to say give TF2 another try. Although it is very different, it's one of the more "fun" games I've played.
I hope you find the game you're looking for. I'm certainly interested in what you find :)
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If you want a fast, simple and almost over-the-top experience (very different from CoD or CS), and if you don't mind a bit dated graphics, you can grab Unreal Tournament 2004 for $4.99 at GOG.
It's completely unrealistic, but it has some very clever teamplay modes, the best being Onslaught: the teams fight over the control of several nodes (a bit similar to TF2 control points), either in vehicles or on foot. Another cool mode is Assault, with the attacking team trying to complete certain objectives, and the defending team, well, defending them. A bit like TF2's payload or bomb defusing in CS.
There are tons of community maps and mods (if you join a server running a map/mod you don't have, it can be auto-downloaded), and enough people are still playing it. (There is also Unreal Tournament 3, which is newer, but less fun IMHO.)
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If I were to pick Unreal Tournament 2k4 I might as well stick with Wolf:ET since the graphics will be pretty much the same and I prefer the gameplay of ET to Unreal Tournament.
The truth is I don't know if there exists a game that is worth switching from Wolf:ET to because none of the ones I've seen offer a similar experience or at least an experience that grabs me like Wolf:ET does. All the games mentioned in this topic so far just aren't my style it seems. I'm not saying they're bad games, some of them are actually pretty good, but they're just not for me.
I almost feel like I need to just make my own game. Problem is I have incredibly limited experience making games/programs. I don't know, I'll go back and try some of the ones I've tried in the past, but I don't think anything will replace Wolf:ET for me.
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You could try Tribes Ascend the beta, you can get it through facebook and so far it works pretty damn good.
Also if you have a friend who has it, you could try BF3, there are some maps where you'll find the typical run and gun style of play, but there are some other modes and maps (conquest), where the fun and the real feel of BF3 is IMO.
As for teamplay, i found Killing Floor to be EXTREMELY team relying, to my surprise it is EXTREMELY fun to play coop, specially when you find a good group of people to do so, personally in the little time i spent there i found alot of guys who play extensivly, and its extremely fun and satisfying to finish a full round :)
If you'd ask some time ago i could have sent you a guest pass, they've expired now, but i think its still on a discount :D
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Nuclear Dawn is fucking amazing. I stopped playing multiplayer shooters for a while, but it brought me back since I tried its free weekend.
It's really a game for those who like to think outside the box. Stealth is an amazingly entertaining class to play as if you know how.
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For almost a decade I've been playing Wolfenstein Enemy Territory. It's still an awesome game, I love it and play it all the time still. But for a while now I've been looking for something new. There's nothing left to discover in Wolf:ET for me, it's all about just getting better now and, not to brag, but I'm very good. So I've been looking for a new online shooter to play.
I played Call of Duty 4 for a bit when it first came out, but now it's all tactical servers that ban you if you put your ironsights down for a single second and there's all kinds of other tomfoolery as well.
Tried Team Fortress Two a bit but there was a lot of nonesense there as well and that was if you could even find a decent server that wasn't already full.
Tried Enemy Territory Quake Wars but the aliens ruin it for me for a number of reasons.
Tried Brink as well but SD refuses to give it proper support and it's still in basically a beta stage of development.
Tried Battlefield BC2, but there seemed to be a pretty unreasonable barrier to entry trying to get into the game this long after it's release. I either find ghost servers or servers where I'm constantly surrounded by explosions and snipers are a dime a dozen.
So I think those are all the main ones I've tried, but I'm sure there are others I don't remember right now because of how shortlived my interest in them was. What suggestions do you guys have for some games I could try?
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