Is there a site or tool which can give me a list of all the region locked games in my library? planning to move countries soon. Thanks

7 years ago

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And by region locked, i mean play-locked games not activation-locked

7 years ago

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I don't think games that are already redeemed to your account are region locked, only redeeming keys or gifts are.
Not completely sure though, I bought a ton of games when I was abroad for a while (switched regions) and I can still play them when I moved back :P

7 years ago

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yeah most games still work, but games that are available in my old country, and not available in the my current wont work

still would like to see a list of the games that wont work tho..

7 years ago

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Apparently games you buy for yourself on steam aren't really region locked.
Sorry I couldn't help, Good luck on the find :)

7 years ago

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they arent region locked but some are play locked, example is if i buy ff 4 in us, then i go to sea, i wont be able to play it. because it s not in the sea store

7 years ago

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normally games you buy become region free 90 days after activation

edit: nvm, that the puchase lock, not the play lock

7 years ago

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is that a thing? i thought that was just a hoax

7 years ago

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it should work for purchases on steam but not sure how it affects games that aren't available in the new region. All the games i bought are still available in my new region

7 years ago

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I did it the other way around and bought a ton of games when I was in Asia, and found they worked when I returned to Africa and changed my region online, but like you said not sure what happens if they aren't even in the region.
My brother also redeemed a key when we where in Asia and after a couple of months it worked here.

7 years ago

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maybe this can help:

Step 1. Go to your region's Steam page and find a game that you are interested. In this case The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. {pic}

Step 2. Now open the Russian Steam store on a separate browser and copy/paste the URL of your previous store page. {pic 1} -> {pic 2} -> {pic 3}

Step 3. Go back to you local Steam store page and mouse over the green "ADD TO CART" button and you'll see a code in the bottom left corner of your browser, write it down. Now do the same for the RU Steam store game.

As you can see those codes are different.

Step 4. Go to and paste at the end of the URL the /app/xxxxx part of the Steam store page. {pic 1} -> {pic 2}

Step 5. Click on the "Packages" tab find the two entries that have the code that you got from the mouse-over trick. In this case 12248 - Skyrim (your local Steam store) and 19255 - Skyrim RU (the RU Steam store).

As you can see the 12248 - Skyrim doesn't state any restriction, compared to the 19255 - Skyrim RU that states "onlyallowrunincountries = AM AZ BY GE KZ KG MD TJ TM UZ UA RU" (that can be played only in these regions) and "PurchaseRestrictedCountries = AM AZ BY GE KZ KG MD TJ TM UZ UA RU" (that can be bought only from those regions).

It seems that Skyrim RU version is region-buy and region-play locked. I'm sorry no luck! :/
7 years ago

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I tried that b4 but it takes a long long time to check each, that's why im hoping there was an app/extension out there that could just list it all to me

7 years ago

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thanks tho

7 years ago

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