Ugh, couldn't it have been a more known game?
too out of the way for me to find out :3
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I'm too much of a lazy asshole, but good luck to everyone.
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Google gave it to me on first search first result. you need to practice google-fu!
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This is incredibly difficult, especially considering I don't even watch TV. But I shall try nonetheless.
Good luck to all.
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There were no bugs in my first playthrough so I wondered if I was the lucky one, but then I started the second playthrough with the Veteran. Not overwhelming but certainly a fair amount of bugs encountered.
But that was the most fun I had since the original Deus Ex, so I won't complain too much :D
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If only I knew the answer to the first question,
the rest would be a breeze.
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Well if the letters in parentheses are the letters of, for example, the main character (N), that would make the show I was thinking of invalid. In which case I would say what show it is considering it is great, but I'd need to know if it was the same show before I said it to refrain from spoiling clues :x I do know the favorite food of the main character in the TV series I am thinking of though :)
Also it is extremely confusing with all these hints and parentheses and theres subtracting this and you need to find that.. ?_?
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Solved it but i already own the game so good luck to everyone else ^^
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There we go, the first entry is here! The puzzle is hard but it's not impossible and it's completely logical once you answer the main question ^^
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Damn, there are thousands of spy films starting from Bond series and finishing with Austin Powers. Of course the main protagonist is betrayed in two thirds of them. How the hell it is possible to guess the correct movie? The whole puzzle is also locked in itself - to answer any of the questions given you need to answer the main question; no question or hint helps to answer the main question; so the whole puzzle boils down to guessing the only thing. Sorry that I sound complaining, the intention is great but this "quiz" doesn't promote keenness of observation or education or any skills, just big number of films watched.
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I believe you are looking for the wrong thing, it's a TV series, not a movie :D
My intention was, and still is, to gift the game to the people who can solve this. To solve it you must either know about the series (and be able to connect its story elements to the games' one) or be a master googler. It's intentionally non-trivial :)
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Nice, I got the idea. Then I hope you understand that this site is worldwide. And TV may show completely different things in various countries so this may be a disadvantage factor for someone. Personally I won't even try to solve this puzzle - it's probably too low profit/time invested ratio for me. But thanks for the giveaway and for trying to make it more interesting than simply clicking a button.
PS: Make check that the person who's entered really solved the puzzle and not using a bot brute-force the letters in the link.
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Well I'm from a small and lousy European country and I still know of the series. Actualy, you don't even need to know about it, just know how to google (and the first person with an entry did just that)
As for brute-forcing, you really can't do it in a day's notice without being blocked by the server for DOSing it :D
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yep, G is driving me nuts... I've got at least four options for the first one and three for the second... :P
if it's worth another hint later, a good one would be whether or not the additional letters may already exist in the names.
[edit] remember, some of us are from America :D -- [/edit]
[editagainjustbecause] why do I feel like I'm doing my taxes...? :P [/editagain]
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that's a lot of work for a game that was $2 on steam once
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My first giveaway, and it's a puzzle one! Honestly, after all these fun puzzle giveaways the thought of making an ordinary giveaway disgusts me xD
Alpha Protocol awaits you in this one
The giveaway ends 2011/12/13 at 2PM GMT, so hurry up and solve this:
MAIN QUESTION: The story of Alpha Protocol has a stunning similarity to one particular TV series. Name it.
(A,B): The personality of the main character of the TV series is correspondent to what "game personality" of the game's main protagonist? (H,M)
(C): The TV series main character's first name? (N)
(D): The model of the car of the TV series main character's father? (L) -> just the model, not the manufacturer
(E): The first name of the actor that plays the TV series main character's best friend? (O)
(F): What is the favorite food of the main character of that TV series?
(G): Each protagonist (both from the game and the TV series) can be added one letter to their last name without significantly changing its pronounciation (like adding c to Fisher -> Fischer). Name both letters that you added.
(H): What is the alphabetical distance between the letters in (G)?
(I): What is (F) made of/from?
(J): What is the alphabetical distance between the second and second to last letter in (I)?
(K): The nickname of the TV series main character's significant other is? (significant other = mate, spouse, companion, girlfriend, boyfriend)
(L): Position in the alphabet of the first character in (K)?
(M): What is the alphabetical distance between the first and last letter in (I)?
(N): ((H)-(L))^(M)? -> ((H) minus (L)) to the power of (M)
(O): (N)-(J)?
the entry code should be written like this:**ABCDE/ (the ABCDE** corresponding to the five characters you'll need)
Oh and please do not spoil the fun for others and reveal the answers or methods... that's my role xD
Enjoy and don't forget, brute forcing/phishing is frowned upon!
hint #1: If you haven't figured it out yet, (A,B),(C),(D) and (E) correspond to ABCDE in the giveaway link ^^
hint #2: The letters in the right of the question correspond to the result of the questions represented by that letter in some way (you have to find out how :D)
hint #3: Every answer follows the rules of the English language regarding capitalization
hint #4: Regarding (G), I see a lot of you are having problems xD. Lets just say that Sean Darcy made the mistake of misspelling Mr. Thorton's name in that way in the game. The other character has a similar variation to its last name.
hint #5: A general collection of hints regarding some trivial things. The final answers behind the lettered questions will either be a single letter, one or two words or a positive number (and that number is always less than 10). The "temoporary result" can be anything. For (G), don't focus on the actual spelling but the possible spellings if you have just heard (not read) the last names. And I repeat, read all previous hints carefully!
hint #6: Hmm, let me just say this to broaden up your views. What is the difference between one questions and all the others? And how could this relate to the result that you should get?
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