My first giveaway, and it's a puzzle one! Honestly, after all these fun puzzle giveaways the thought of making an ordinary giveaway disgusts me xD

Alpha Protocol awaits you in this one
The giveaway ends 2011/12/13 at 2PM GMT, so hurry up and solve this:

MAIN QUESTION: The story of Alpha Protocol has a stunning similarity to one particular TV series. Name it.

(A,B): The personality of the main character of the TV series is correspondent to what "game personality" of the game's main protagonist? (H,M)

(C): The TV series main character's first name? (N)

(D): The model of the car of the TV series main character's father? (L) -> just the model, not the manufacturer

(E): The first name of the actor that plays the TV series main character's best friend? (O)

(F): What is the favorite food of the main character of that TV series?

(G): Each protagonist (both from the game and the TV series) can be added one letter to their last name without significantly changing its pronounciation (like adding c to Fisher -> Fischer). Name both letters that you added.

(H): What is the alphabetical distance between the letters in (G)?

(I): What is (F) made of/from?

(J): What is the alphabetical distance between the second and second to last letter in (I)?

(K): The nickname of the TV series main character's significant other is? (significant other = mate, spouse, companion, girlfriend, boyfriend)

(L): Position in the alphabet of the first character in (K)?

(M): What is the alphabetical distance between the first and last letter in (I)?

(N): ((H)-(L))^(M)? -> ((H) minus (L)) to the power of (M)

(O): (N)-(J)?

the entry code should be written like this:**ABCDE/ (the ABCDE** corresponding to the five characters you'll need)

Oh and please do not spoil the fun for others and reveal the answers or methods... that's my role xD

Enjoy and don't forget, brute forcing/phishing is frowned upon!

hint #1: If you haven't figured it out yet, (A,B),(C),(D) and (E) correspond to ABCDE in the giveaway link ^^

hint #2: The letters in the right of the question correspond to the result of the questions represented by that letter in some way (you have to find out how :D)

hint #3: Every answer follows the rules of the English language regarding capitalization

hint #4: Regarding (G), I see a lot of you are having problems xD. Lets just say that Sean Darcy made the mistake of misspelling Mr. Thorton's name in that way in the game. The other character has a similar variation to its last name.

hint #5: A general collection of hints regarding some trivial things. The final answers behind the lettered questions will either be a single letter, one or two words or a positive number (and that number is always less than 10). The "temoporary result" can be anything. For (G), don't focus on the actual spelling but the possible spellings if you have just heard (not read) the last names. And I repeat, read all previous hints carefully!

hint #6: Hmm, let me just say this to broaden up your views. What is the difference between one questions and all the others? And how could this relate to the result that you should get?

13 years ago*

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Just a heads up: The game is AWESOME. Even if you don't win or can't solve the quiz (I can't since I don't watch TV): GET THE GAME if you have even a fleeting interest in Action-RPGs and/or spy stories.
DeS3InY, thank you for this giveaway.

13 years ago

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Maybe my english is not so good after all, but I'm stuck. I'm pretty sure I guessed the show right, but G is killing me. And K I just don't understand at all: whose nickname should we guess? Can you paraphrase this one?

And as for the alphabetical distance, not sure I understand this concept correctly. Is alpfabetical distance between letters a and d 3?

BTW, the puzzle is awesomly entertaining, thank you!

13 years ago

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added explanation to (K) and a hint #4 regarding (G)

about 23 hours left, still just one entry :D

13 years ago

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That IS indeed very helpful, thanks.

Damn it, still doesn't fit. I'm pretty sure I've got the answers, but those numbers are messing with my brain ))

13 years ago

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2nd entry!
feels proud

13 years ago

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Sorry, I don't like this game. Reviews were like "this is piece of crap" so no thank you.

But good luck to the rest of us O:

13 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

13 years ago

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I really want to try to solve this but I can only think of one show that fits this description and I don't think it's the right one. Major sad face :(

I refuse to give up though, google here I come!

13 years ago

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I am pretty sure I got the right series, however I can't seem to find the answer to (K), and even if I just took the short form of the name, the numbers don't seem to add up, as (O) returns a negative number. And trying to link any of these numbers with the potentially wrong answers in (A)-(E) just boggles the mind.
Also about your hint #4, did you mean 'misspell' or 'mispronounce'? Because both ways are possible, and it would require looking through heaps of spoilers to find the relevant clue.

13 years ago

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Yep, same here.

13 years ago

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also here

13 years ago

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any of the letters in the () parenthesis can't return a negative number. You're doing something wrong.

13 years ago

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And what about (H)-(L)? If it's negative, then when it is to the power of, for example 2 or 4, (N) is still positive.
Can this be?

13 years ago

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This is adressed in hint #5

13 years ago

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Well, I cleared out my questions bout alphabetical distance, I finally figured out G and K, I narrowed my choises to one single 5-letter code... and it's freakin' invalid. This puzzle is evil )) But man, so fun.

Damn me. What am I missing?

13 years ago

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Me to :(

13 years ago

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i know what series you are talking about but still don't get how to solve it :S i suck

13 years ago

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Added a general hint #5

15 more hours people ^^

13 years ago

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Well, all of my answers qualify to the terms of this hint ) I'm even more sure in the one for G.

And the code is still invalid. I simply don't know, what else to think.

13 years ago

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Leave it for a while and read every line carefully. Maybe you're too much into the solving to notice something you've missed or guessed wrong.

oh and I've added some explanations for the questions

13 years ago

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13 hours left in the giveaway and we have one more entrant!

Well done ^^

13 years ago

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I keep getting negative numbers. :( No idea where I went wrong or if I'm missing something.

13 years ago

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About 5 hours left and now there are 4 entrants!

13 years ago

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Make it 5 )

13 years ago

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Like twinchenzo said, make it 5 ^^

13 years ago

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Best. Puzzle. Ever.
I'm so glad I realized my mistake in time. :DD

13 years ago

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Congrats to the winner, thanx for the fun.

13 years ago

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Answer, please? I'm just curious.

13 years ago

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Well this has certainly been fun! Many congratulations for the winner and I hope you enjoy the game :D

Now, I'm going to discover the "proper sequence" of the puzzle just so you can review your mistakes or check the answers if you didn't know them or knew how to find them.

Let's start from the beginning. The TV series in question is Burn Notice, our burnt spy Michael (yeah, same name xD) is trying to restore his status and get back at the people that burned him. The game storyline roughly resembles a few seasons worth of events and, having played the game before seeing the series, I was constantly getting dejavu's from some events xD

Now, let's start answering the questions.

In Alpha Protocol, you have the three game personalities, Jason Bourne (professional), James Bond (suave) and Jack Bauer (aggressive)
In Burn Notice, Michael Westen is by most part the professional spy, and Jason Bourne is the answer here. /wiki and a little knowledge of the series or just trying every combination/

The first name of the protagonist(s) is Michael.

The model of the car that Westen's father owned is Charger /wiki/

The name of the actor that plays Sam Axe (Michael's best friend) is Bruce (Campbell) /wiki/

His favorite food is yogurt. If you've watched the series, this would be a well known fact to you, but it' possible to google it. /google/

Now, for the toughest question after the main one. Michael Thorton can be misspelled as Thornton (this pun is played on in the game) and Michael Westen can be misspelled as Western. This, I guess, is because we associate words that we already know well to the spelling (Thorn, Western) to the approximate sound of the last name.

The alphabetical distance between n and r is 4 (n=14, r=18, 18-14 = 4)

Yogurt is made from milk :D. I hope you knew that without googling ^^

the second letter in milk is i and the second to last letter is l, the distance is 3 (i=9, l=12, 12-9=3)

Fiona's nickname is Fi. This question was meant to take more time from you than a normal question, because her first name also starts with the same letter xD /google/

The first letter in Fiona's nickname is F, which is the 6th letter

The first and last letter in milk are m and k and the distance between them is 2 (m=13, k=11, 13-11=2)

This one included a little bit of math. (4-6)^2=(-2)^2=4

And the last one, if everything behind is correct, gives 4-3=1

Now, to the parenthesis. I believe you could already notice I used alphabetical positions and distances so you must have assumed that the letters in the right of the question correspond to that letter in the sequence given from the answer. The only enigma would be the (A,B) part, but then you'd have to notice that this is the only answer with two words, so it should correspond that the first number is for the first word and vice versa. Or you could try various combinations until it works ^^

Next is the whole thing compressed into a smaller format :D

(A,B)=Jason Bourne(H,M)=Jason Bourne(4,2)=o,o

I hope you've enjoyed this as much as I did, and I hope I'll have more puzzles (and games!) for you in the coming months. This all depends on my financial situation (which is bad for our country's standards, let alone American T_T). I hope this little puzzle giveaway has created an interest in either the game, the TV series or making/solving puzzles in general.

Geez, so many hopeful sentences xD. Well, have a great holiday season and I wish you all the best :D

13 years ago

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Thanks for the puzzle, DeS3InY!

My answers were all correct except for the first question. For whatever reason, I thought game personality meant the actual in-game personality and not the names of which the personalities were based on. As a result, I ended up with professional and the letters f and r.

Oh well, happy holidays! =)

13 years ago

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Burn Notice? Never heard off it... the Wiki refers to 24 for similarities, and I think many of us where on that track^^
Well very nice puzzle though. Grats to the Winners :A

13 years ago

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Real Nice puzzle Man As soon as you said the show i knew it had to be burn notice got all but the first one right the personalities question through me off i was like da hell is he talking about but now i get it again great puzzle hope ya make more like this :)

13 years ago

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Geez... I went just a little bit off course.
Anyway, thanks! It was really fun!

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by DeS3InY.