I need to buy a new computer. :/ thats the problem. I do need a new graphic card now :/
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the gtx 770 and 280x are almost the same in benchmarks. The 280x is slightly cheaper but is generally louder than the gtx 770. I wold say the gtx 770 is the way to go
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16384MB DDR3 Dual Channel 1333MHz (2x 8GB)
Processor AM3+ (FX-Serie) AMD FX-6300 6x 3.5 GHz
Mainboard AM3 Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3P (Chipsatz:AMD 970/SB950/ATX)
HD 2000 GB SATA III, 7200upm
Cooler Master Seidon 120V watercooler
650 Watt Corsair VS650 power suply
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if you want to play games or watch movies in 3D i would recommend NVidia, because of their 3D Vision. Also you can install "GeForce Experience" to set the optimal graphics settings to many games.
Some time ago i only used NVidia because of several bad ati/amd configurations (in notebooks) but today i can also recommend the am/ati graphic cards.
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I just had to make the same choice and went for the Gigabyte R9 280X 1.1GHz with the Windforce 3 cooler. Very happy with it, especially since it was $300 CAD on sale when I grabbed it, about $30-$50 cheaper than any 770 I could find at the time.
It was a little loud when I first got it but actually runs much quieter now after about a week and a half (gradually started running quieter the more I ran it). Not entirely sure why it quieted down but temps, clock speeds, voltages, and performance haven't changed, so I'm quite happy with it now; might just be it some of the hardware had to settle in a bit as it was a whole new rig.
I got a REV1 but the REV2 with the cherry picked cores are apparently shipping now, they are supposed to be a bit better for sound too.
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If you don't necessarily need the gpu power now, I suggest buying some cheapo used one and waiting for the next gen. gtx800 should be way more powerful and includes unified CPU. This + the huge performance advantage over nextgen consoles = investment for years. Though, if you don't care about cutting edge, the 770 should run games just fine for years.
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If ou're not in a rush, maybe you'd like to wait until the next gen, and if you don't need so much power now, take a cheaper one, maybe used, and wait for the next gen (I have a nvidia 9400GT and I can play even quite new games such skyrim and hitman absolution). Aren't many the games that require a gtx. Actually are being quite popular indie games, and they have really low specyfic, generally. If you can't wait, I'll suggest to buy the nvidia one. The geforce experience tool is way a good invention: you haven't to search for new drivers periodically, as it checks for you every time you start your pc.Furthermore, if I'm not wrong, nvidia gives you some free steam codes for new and quite expensive games when you purchase a gtx. And the AMD hardwares suck energy like parasites suck blood.
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Playing BF4 on ultra with an EVGA 2 gig version GTX 770 on 40+ FPS with 2 monitors plugged in, aero turned on and recording via shadowplay using a i7-860 @ 2,86 GhZ CPU.
The card is very silent and performs rather well, wonderful buy for 294 €!
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I would probably check that and then look for some side-by-side benches. Otherwise, there really isn't much of a difference between the cards. Personally, I'm still running dual HD 5770 Junipers and pretty much play everything on with awesome clarity. Sometimes just doubling up on the last gen will get you better results (and be cheaper). Although, I've had these cards since they were new.
This page and the following page also have benches for both cards that you are looking at.
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Are you going to hold on with the GPU for years to come or are you going to upgrade sooner?
AMD is known for lousy support over the years. Their products go to legacy pretty fast and when that happens, support is non existent to them.
So I would advice against AMD if you plan to keep using for over 4 years. Otherwise it doesnt really matter, get which one is cheaper currently.
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Nvidia Fanboys
Nvidia Fanboys everywhere
Buy the R9 280X, MSI or Sapphire. Mine LTC/BTC and get your money back.
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LTC is bouncing between 20-40 USD lately, while BTC goes from 800-1100 USD each. Stick to LTC, ASICs make BTC less profitable in the short term.
OP, AMD cards are great crypto miners. Nvidia can't get a tenth of AMD hashrates. This isn't even hyperbolic, it's just truth.
As for gaming, the AMD you picked out is very powerful for the money, and the Nvidia you mention is less capable. Nvidia led the high-end pack before the Rx launch, but now it's AMD again.
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r9 280x for me is the best solution but from ASUS
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I like Nvidia cards. Every time I've gotten a non Nvidia card, I've encountered issues.
Of course, this only holds true from the first time I replaced my Voodoo Banshee.
3dfx BABY!
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I say get the AMD R280X if you are looking for a better value and plan on getting better one in a year or two.
If you plan on keeping the card for more than 3yrs, get the nVidia for a bit higher price.
I couldn't decide between 780 and 280X, but then I took the GIGABYTE R928XOC-3GD for 230eur. Its quiet, it got performance and I saved the 200eur ^^
But I bet, the next one I'll get, will be nVidia as they are concentrating on PC gaming <3
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I was stuck between this too :/ but I would choose the gtx 770 if you're not playing above 1080p if you are then get r9 280x
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Hi guys! I am about to buy a new graphic card.
Can you guys help me to decide what should I get and why?
I have 2 options:
2048 MB NVIDIA Geforce GTX 770, MSI N770 TF 2GD5/OC, 2x DVI, HDMI, Display Port
3072 MB AMD Radeon R9 280X HIS IceQ Boost Clock, 2x DVI, HDMI, DP
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