100% waste of time for searching things.
some months ago you weren't able to find anything listed on
trades in someones thread other than in their thread headline ...
while now, if one is able to utilize the options given accordingly,
you'll instantly find whatever GAME someone lists in their trade-thread
^ meaning the trading section works pretty decently
I saw 10x threats asking for the same game and 10x offer this game but there is no trading :D !!
What you've witnessed there, are people who are either: not interested enough to utilize the site properly or (yet) unable to,
due to the fact they don't know how to search + combined with the not properly created threads > causing the search not to
find whats being listed ...
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There are often lots of people offering a given game and lots of people looking for the same game and trading doesn't happen because people don't like each others prices rather than they can't find each other. Steamgifts can't do anything to fix that.
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well put, that is most certainly the real common cause for:
I saw 10x threads asking for the same game and 10x offer this game but there is no trading :D !!
Bad Rats, Snake on me Nokia 3310, Dead Island Epidemic, enternal true gold/platinum friendshipz
Skyerim (only LE!!!11), Call of Herpa Derpa X, MGSV PP, Fallout 4, Witcher 3
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[H] Coupon redeemable at participating Applebees locations [W] Nokia Snake
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That is pretty much exactly what I was thinking, but I'd only just woken up and hadn't worked my way up to more caustic commentary on the trading system...
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Still - efficient and spot on, leaving room for examples. :D
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Mostly this is because a lot of SG users try to make a trade in the following format:
Have: " titles of free games obtained from bundles and games sites that give now and then games for free in large numbers"
Want: " titles of new, unbundled and AAA games like fe Grand theft auto V, Skyrim, Mortal Combat X, Deadlight etc "
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Yeah, but it isn't like OP has a trade thread up including [H] Stealth Inc 2 [W] Witcher 3. So I can understand his concerns that it is the system that needs fixing rather than his offer. Oh, wait...
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What I noticed is when one has already a few trades on SG that friends of those traders you traded with contact you also for trading. So it's not all about pushing the trade post but having something to trade with and having traders in your friends list. Also the " I want" search function under SG trades is very good to search for specific game titles on SG.
In about a year I traded atleast 150 games on SG so the current SG trade system can't be a total write-off :-)
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I've never had any problems myself and clearly have a lot of positive rep and have traded with many of those people multiple times and have never been scammed.
Personally I think that problems are more likely to be with users than the system, and although I do try and be open-minded - maybe not this time.
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Trading on SG can be done by traders coming to your trade post and make offers to you or by you actively searching for games using the search function and then posting an offer in their trade post.
Out of curiosity can I ask wich of those two have gotten you the most trades?
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I don't trade so much now with so many restrictions, but I mostly just used to let people come to me. I'm patient and my time was better spent on the more profitable business of art commissions!
Unless I really wanted some game then I'd go looking for it!
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Do you always wiggle when you die?
On second thought, do you die often?
wiggle woggle, wiggle woggle
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the system is fine, the problem is people who don't understand how it works or just don't care.
ignore messy threads and only trade with nice people who put some time into ordering their games/keys with prices and links. at least that's what i do. :3
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This time. Prople really are trading. People find others offering what they want and asking. Others accept and they trade. See those numbers next to users? Those are trades (well not all from here) but most yes. This time.
PS the site works perfectly for me, allowing different use than other trading sites. Please don't remove the current freedom!!!
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Doing things better, improve them does not destroy anything.
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Creating another barter or indiegala ISN'T IMPROVING. You can use them
BTW seems the problem is the title, and the description of your thread. Also the difference between what you offer and you want...
What for you is better, may not be for me. Windows 8 was supposed to be better than 7 as an example.
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One of the biggest gripes I have with the current trading system is people not listing prices for their items. They just put in "offers" in the "want" field, most probably because they're hoping people will overpay.
If you're selling something, list a price. You dont go to the store and then float an offer for a bottle of milk.
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I have a coupon for 10% off a bottle of milk. Or an empty bottle and beta access to a cow.
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Yeah that's quite annoying indeed. And the funny thing is, if you ask those traders how much they want for a certain game most of them will reply telling you their price. So what's the point of not listing the price in the first place, it's just stupid.
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Well, I understand the logic in doing so. You have a minimum price, but if you state it, you'll get rid of the change of someone trying to get it for a higher price. Although I agree with you, it's annoying and, in addition, slows trading and give cause for lowballing a lot.
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Yeah, I totally understand if you want to trade your games for another game, a trade here would definitely depend a lot on the percieved value of the games involved.
What I meant was when people put up trade like [H] Game [W] Keys (I used the term "sell" here because keys are the closest we have to an univsersal steam currency), but then they dont state their price. But I bet they have a pretty good idea of the offer they would accept. They're just hoping some poor soul will go above it. Which is especially the case with bundle games.
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The problem is due to traders themselves. What you see is people too lazy to use the search engine.
But what I think that would be a great idea is to make a tutorial in order to help in searching (and finally in trading). For example:
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Intredastingly, every single person that has a "it's fine the way it is" reply in this thread is already on my blacklist for one reason or another. Not sure if that should be construed to mean anything regarding whether or not it is actually "fine the way it it" or not OP. (It's not, use a different site that is more than just a message board.)
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I will try but considering that I have no affiliation with the trading with this site, I do not like my chances.
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I think a better solution to the general trouble with finding a good trade would be to make searching for things more convenient. It won't completely fix the problem that OP has, but it will at least make it a bit easier, and it won't kill any of the flexibility that the current system currently has.
That said, I did take a gander at your trade post, and I'll be frank here, you have about a snowballs chance in hell of being able to find anyone willing to do one of those trades. I would be surprised if you were able to find anyone willing to trade any of those games for your entire collection of keys. Your games are bundled (and in one case free!), and bundled games hold next to no value.
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I've always had suggested prices on my trading thread, but I only recently started organizing it into a more easily readable table format--just use the vertical bars (|) between your columns and you're done. Anyway, I try to be very open with trades and prices to an extent--slightly higher for rarer games, bit lower for common stuff; you know the drill--and even had an explicit offer to price match from other legitimate threads, but when you get such savvy offers as "currently-bundled-game for $$$-non-bundled-gift," I'd be fibbing if I said it didn't affect my view of humanity.
When I first started on this site, way back at zero rep and handful of games, I had an immediate sense of how important it was to scope out the going prices of the stuff I had on offer by doing a few "market research" searches to see what other people were charging. It still amazes me that people don't do this, and assume that Free Game might just = Fallout 4.
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@ Support please improve the trading system. This time it makes no sence.
All users push their offers but no one is looking into offers from other persons.
I saw 10x threats asking for the same game and 10x offer this game but there is no trading :D !!
My idea now is that you add the same system like the giveaways use to trade games. This time there is only a horribly bad overview.
And it is also hard to find smth because sometimes when you search for "want" or "have" the game is not in the correct list but the offer is listed for you .....
100% waste of time for searching things.
Thank you.
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