Games for "Big event"?
Just finished testing and didn't run into any issues or bugs. It definitely simplifies the process of listing the games. I assume the achievement info gets updated by the event owner.
Here's a suggestion: Add an option to the Game List page to make it only show games that the user owns. Not sure how feasible or easy that is.
Another idea: Add basic filtering options to the Game List page. For example, to be able to filter out anything with "Can do? No"
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For now the achievements get updated by me pressing a button... (It basically web scrapes steam achievement page) Later on can do scheduled maybe and also use api instead...
Personalized Game list is doable and can do stuff like checkmarking games you have beaten to not show up in the available list.. (of course depending on solution) But first I think I need to just fix that games that can't be done not show up as available...
You can sort by "can do ascending" and see "Yes" games on top but filtering is possible.
Also you are added to verified list.
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Also you are added to verified list.
Is a link to the train supposed to show up on the Test Event page once I'm verified? I don't see one.
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done, just used this months MIAM games for it :D
is there a need for the time field? pretty sure that can be pulled from profile just like the achievements and makes it simpler on the user for submitting.
as for the giveaways, something like Brotato(potentially+dlc which came out recently) or dungeon clawler(recently launched into EA and is a great game based off the demo before) would be nice for fairly recent lower priced things
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For now yes(but users can choose to not do time), as time isn't pulled from API yet.. But it's doable, just didn't have time yet.. As I tried to push needed things right now as I will not have that much time later to work on this project that much...
Also you are added to verified list.
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Only got a minor issue when tried to add the game. After clicking "Add New Game" I scrolled down to a botton where field for game is and when i used buttons to go far "next" with the list, then clicked on the game, I wasn't able to submit, it only worked when i added game from the first 5 games (1st page of search)
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I tried a few things. Adding zeros prior or after the playtime hours without a problem.
The search function works well with special characters ยฎ
I was using my own excel sheets with data collected manually until now, but I can see this as a tool for future cjcomplex hb choice events.
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done :3 thank you for the giveaway! (name is Maria, btw)
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Done. No issues, though I was able to add games I don't own and games I have previous playtime on, and I don't know how much the tool will be automatic vs policed by CJ vs self-policed.
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Done! My Steam username is Xu.
I noticed that certain games (specifically, Hellblade: Seuna's Sacrifice and XCOMยฎ 2) show up twice in the list of search results while I was typing into the search box. Other than this possible issue, everything looks great!
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Done. It's Bubbleman at Steam.
It accepts both comma and dot as a decimal separator.
What is the maximum length for comment? The below comment gives me HTTP 403 error.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec mi id ligula commodo sollicitudin ut dictum tortor. Sed efficitur quam eget egestas efficitur. Sed viverra faucibus massa, eget vehicula arcu suscipit commodo. Aenean lacinia, lorem vel luctus volutpat, nisl eros euismod arcu, eu rutrum dolor risus at arcu. Praesent congue, orci nec consequat vehicula, sapien est accumsan ligula, at rhoncus tellus elit id velit. Nunc mattis porta consectetur. Duis ac dolor aliquam, porttitor odio eu, tincidunt orci. Sed tincidunt arcu id est efficitur, nec rutrum nulla vulputate. Mauris dapibus est non eros eleifend aliquam. Ut sed diam at velit malesuada dapibus. Nullam imperdiet pretium diam a mattis. Ut eu leo nunc. Nullam scelerisque interdum elit. Nulla elementum convallis sodales.
I can enter duplicate entry: same game, status, and time. Maybe the website should ask if a user wants to edit a previous entry in this case.
I can enter negative time. It's me, the Time Wizard.
What is the upper/lower limit for time? I get HTTP 403 error with this value.
Why HTTP 403 Forbidden error? I'm logged in. I'm submitting entry.
I think 400 Bad Request, 500 Internal Server Error, or 418 I'm A Teapot are more appropriate in this case.
When there's a HTTP error, the Submit button is disable, no way to recover beside Cancel. There's no error message.
I know about the HTTP error because I look at the browser console.
My stats for Zoeti is 0/30, but Steam says it should be 3/30.
Dark mode is missing.
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Thanks for noticing length of comment, in database it's "varchar(255)" but should move it to "TEXT", will fix that one once this test event is done as need to clean database, at least that's the simplest solution.
Not sure about duplicate entries... If it's a problem or if it's needed to check that the user already entered it..
Thanks for checking negative time, I thought I fixed that one(I guess i fixed it just for editing only...).. Limit for time is DECIMAL(5, 1), i.e. 5 digits and 1 decimal point (not sure if that's correct in english) but will add this as an issue maybe (as the plan could be to make time be automatic like achievement)
I don't handle errors there and as I see in console after time is entered more than 5 digits there's an sql error and then it's doing "Securing POST /error" but I don't have anything like that and on the end it's "Pre-authenticated entry point called. Rejecting access" so gives out 403..
Okay, it's not really planned to have an error there, so when the user submits it disables submit button(so there's no duplicate entries) but I will look into handling errors like that one.
Achievements aren't automatic, I do them by pressing a button but it's planned to do scheduled updating..
Dark mode is planned.
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I'm done inserting the 6 games. My Steam alias is TricksterPT.
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Done. I was surprised that it didn't find some games, e.g., Portal, Portal 2, Dragon's Dogma 2 ...
Nevermind, Only now did I realize that it is only supposed to show games that appear in Humble Choice.
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Thanks. To be honest, I wasn't actually interested in the games. I didn't enter any of the giveaways. I just thought I could help.
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Looks interesting. Will be definitely taking a look tmrw once I'm not half asleep.
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I've been thinking about doing the same thing for as long as I've been participating but I've never taken the time.
Same as all above me i complete info with the game i do this month
Informations / Questions:
Good job to you ;)
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I added time just because some people might want to see how much time was spent etc.. Also later on can implement api to automatically get time...
Verify "Yes" is by me. And as I stated before I have no affiliation with Cj as of now, he's not part of this thing just to be clear.. (Will ask if he wants to use the site or something later or after testing and features are somewhat done) Though automatic added to verified users(when you have 6 games beaten) is broken now :( So I manually add users to that one for now..
"Add game search by appid" Is that needed? It's possible. Also is it for game list or for event also?
"Add a page with user submit game" What do you mean by this?
"Add games with ineligibility information" Also didn't understand this
You are added, btw.
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Add game search by appid
It's not imperative, of course, but I admit that I use the appid a lot. Several games can have the same name and it's a safe bet that only brings back one result.
Add a page with user submit game
From what I can see at the moment, if I need to edit a game I've added, I have to remember which event I added it to before I can edit it.
If you add a page in the top menu with all the information I've add, it'll be easier to edit them.
Add games with ineligibility information
A variety of games are not eligible for the Cj event, including games with no storyline / only multi.
i think about Unrailed, Barotrauma.
I think a tag indicating that the game is not taken into account would be nice.
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1) Appid search for game list or for event too? As it's only humble monthly/choice event, the "problem" with having same name isn't an issue here..As of now the only problem is that you can add games that are sub/ also not just app/ (sub/ wouldn't have achievments tab..)
2) Not sure if this is needed as there is only 1 event active everytime(which will be on top of the events) So you can't really add to events that have ended and you wouldn't want to.. Though I can see a problem finding your entries as I could maybe code them to show up on top or something like that..
3) Oh, that will be fixed as time goes on (also Can do? Unknown to Yes or No), meaning you won't be able to add games that have Can do? No.. Just forgot to "fix" that one before launching this Test event...
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Would love it if the games we owned were somehow highlighted in the game list. Maybe green if no cheevos (so still elegible) and red if we have some achievemnts (so we cant use it for future MiaM)
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Would be great if someone makes a picture how it looks for those that I have added (to be sure that they aren't missing something) as I don't have an issue on my end for some reason...
Yeah, I will take that into account and work on it when I have energy/time for it...
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Added test games and all ok, as well as on mobile. Like that the search-as-you-type feature functions, as not all websites implement that well.
Similar to other comments, it would be very useful if the list under Add Games can be filterable to only games you own only. Or even having it filtered right at the Game List main page and having buttons to add a game to a selected event. As somebody who doesn't subscribe to the Monthly, I manually keep a list of eligible games also or use the bartervg site at the moment.
heehee the site title still remains as AngularFrontend and default icon I myself really should do up a learning website also one of these days...
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A button to add an entry to current ongoing event could be a thing but only when and if there's a feature for games you own...
I left/did the "AngularFrontend " name there as it's just title to the page(Will change it now), i.e. in html it's <title>AngularFrontend</title>
under head body and yeah I left the default icon...
Not sure about what you need to learn exactly but you don't need Angular for simple websites there are a lot of drag and drop tools like wordpress..
Also added to verified list if you are interested in giveaways.
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Added test games under current Steam display name, P. Splitty
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I'm testing why people can't see giveaway link when people are verified, so for now.. I won't add anyone new.. In my local machine I got the same thing with 3rd account, so checking out what's the issue.. But will have time for it later only as right now I'm busy...
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When I first tried to sign in, it failed. Second time worked.
It's really weird that, when you add a new game, it scrolls you a million pages down to the bottom. Perhaps paginate listings, and perhaps it could add at the top instead.
It's not clear enough that if it can't find the game, that you can't add your entry.
I had trouble finding 6 games both in here and in my library, but I did a mix of ones I have achievements and one I actually beat, and some with none, and I think one I didn't own.
You might make it more clear that 'add a new game' is to add your entry that you're doing for the event. It kind of felt like I should be able to add a game to the overall list. Maybe 'Add your event submission ' or something?
Username is same here and on Steam. Good luck with your endeavors!
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idk, I saw in console some problem/errors with user names but I don't know who experienced them..
I made it same as pagywosg though I could make the scrolling be faster...
I'm not sure about "clear enough" as what did you search etc..
For this test event I didn't care if you own the game, just wanted to test basic stuff with users. (And it's planned to show only games you own at least)
'add new game' is fine, it's same as in pagywosg.
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The link triggers a Bitdefender warning for me:
Suspicious web page detected
Online Threat Prevention
The page has been detected with suspicious activity. It is not recommended to continue browsing this website.
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I'm not sure why is that as I'm not that experienced.. (more so not sure how to fix it and what's the specific problem)
The link is just an api call basically that returns games list if you go to that link, you can see returned json with all the games..
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hmm, do you know any source where to look from which choice/monthly they are from? As doesn't show that they have been in humble choice...
Or is it a misunderstanding? The website is not for humble bundles, it's for humble monthly/choice's.
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It's specifically for CJComplex event.
It's mostly for learning(for me).. If the event part will not be used, it's fine.. 1st part games list(where I will implement later on owned games etc..) could be good for users though even google doc might be great, don't you think?
Yes it's similar to PAGYWOSG, I took ideas from it. But if the website will be needed(event part), I will improve it... Make it better for users...
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So first of all I have no affiliation to Cjcomplex, this is my side project and haven't really asked him if he would like to use it in any way...
Some of you have maybe seen me do a google doc already for the event. But on the side I did also a website that is/was mostly meant for learning... So you can check out the site and test it out here Please just test it out but not for performance/stress testing, more so the features... (But you can test, for example, what happens if you click fast submit button)
Also note some things you don't like, want me to add or improve..
As for giveaway where the games are -Autonauts vs Piratebots, Children of Silentown, Zoeti, BLACKTAIL, Diluvian Ultra, Universe For Sale, This Means Warp, karmazoo- and will end on sunday, To Enter you need to login and then go to Test event and add any 6(Edit: you can also do only 1 now but feel free to test stuff) games(Can be unfinished, can be not owned, no time etc..), and then reply to my comment with done and maybe with your steam name if it's different than steamgifts one... I will respond with added when you are added and on event "Test event" page on top there should be a link to the (train) giveaway.
Also after this test if everything is good/okay. I will create another event on the side of CJs that's basically the same event as his where I will provide game giveaway. So if you participate in his then be sure to also do mine on the side(on the website), please. Give me a comment about what game/s you would like to see to win up to 10eur total, preferable ~5eur. (I added a poll also where I saw some okayish deals)
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