You would?, you DO!.
The shop thing is not a problem.
I take'ed a look of the Vishera(TM) cpu too.Thank you!. I will wait maybe someone can give me a impression of it. And can say how the stability of usage looks like and some other stuff.
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By the way, if a word ends in an "L" you have to add "Ly" at the end. Example: Really.
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AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1075T 3.00 GHz.I'm using it for 1 year and its great.I'd recommend 1100T Black Edt. but it is too hard to find.Anyway, 1075T is great and should do the work for you.
I just realised that 1075T is too damn old.A lot cheaper and a lot better CPU's released since I bought one -_-
AMD FX-8120 Zambezi 3.1GHz Socket AM3+ 125W Eight-Core Desktop Processor <--- this looks good if you're in for bulldozer series.It needs AM3+ socket though, I have AM3.I'd buy this if I could.
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I looked for it and just found the Cpu at the "AMD Phenom II X6 1090T" edition at 3200 Ghz.Would you say this is better?, and that you use it for at least 1 year and can recommend it to me is just awesome thank you so much.
Price is ranged at 96,90 € this is amazing. (1090T)
Thats maybe the reason why i dont found it to buy, the FX 8120 is good at the performance and as i take it good at the stabillity too. Would you tend to the Series FX-8320-8350?. Thank you for the impressions.
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Yep, FX series a lot of better.If you have AM3+ socket, I suggest you to buy one of the FX CPUs.Their Price/Performance range is a lot better, you won't be disappointed ^^
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A actually have a "AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+ ~ 2,5 Ghz".
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These specs looks very very good and @QuantumSolace Posted it too.
thank you so much, could you say something about the FX-Series from amd?, i meen did you had ever problems with the 6 cores stabillity or something?.
It would be realy important for me.
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I have the FX8320 Black edition (8 core) and it's really nice. Go with the 8350 if you have the funds, but the 8320 would do just fine. I also have a Sapphire HD7870 XT GPU, all games run great @ 1080p.
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Okay i think this is it,
Good recommends over good recommends. I'am going for the FX8350-CPU. And this because your and the others amazing help.
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the FX 8320 cost around 140-150€, get this. Or if you like one with integrated graphics, choose the A10-6800K for like 140€, but the first is more better. Running Battlefield 3 depends on the Graphics Card, even the integrated graphics processors (APU for AMD), can run Battlefield 3 smoothly but not in 1080p.
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I actually got much recommends for the FX-Series about 8320-8350,
Time for me to look forward and go for some benchmarks of it. You guys realy help me with that.
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As I just noted in response to another comment above (or below if you like scrolling down to see new posts :P), avoid the APUs! While they're great for budget gamers, and you'd have a great experience gaming, you would likely be adding hours to every render which is just insane.
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You might saved me for buying a APU - CPU, i thank you realy much for reading my decent discription.
Youre awesome.
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These days, most 3D software handles multiple cores pretty well, so the more the merrier, which is why I would recommend the FX 8320 to fir your price range, though the 8350 will give you a little more bang for your buck. The extra 500mhz right out of the box per core will really help with any single core reliant operations you need to do, but it's a bit out of your budget. Either one will handle everything you throw at it, and you won't need to upgrade for several years. Unless you have a garbage GPU, bf3 will run on ultra easily at 60+ fps, more likely 100+.
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These sounds are pretty well for these FX-Series 8320-8350.
It is just amazing how you all (Steamgifts-Community) helped and still help me, if i dont see any bad reviews of the benchmark or something i will go straight for the FX-Series 8320 or 8350.
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Alot of people will say go for the FX CPU's, I say screw that ...
Get an AMD A10-6800K Richland 4.1GHz, even a good FM2 mobo is cheap
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He said he wanted to use it for 3d rendering. That's a very CPU intensive process, where choosing a weaker cpu like one of the APUs will mean it can take hours longer to render your projects. If he was just a casual gamer, than yes skip the FX and get an APU, but he clearly stated he needs to do 3d artwork including "massive rendering" so an APU is a TERRIBLE choice for him.
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In this case, it isn't a weaker CPU, his is old and dead ...
And I use the same APU with Maya, Poser, AutoCAD, PhotoShop and a few other programs and it takes the same amount of time to render most projects as my FX-8150 while running cooler and using less power, so ...
And it is cheaper to boot, CPU and MOBO.
EDIT: Of course I just now saw his budget is 150€ ..., my bad, with that budget, you may as well go for an eight core FX CPU or Black Edition.
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8150 and 8350 are VERY different CPUs. Yes, they're both FX 8 cores, but that's pretty much where the similarities end. I'm also just going to call bs on renders taking the same time on your APU as an FX. Your anecdote isn't backed by benchmarks and common sense.
Sorry, but I'm sticking to my guns. 8320 or 8350 all the way if you can swing the extra money.
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Since I do not use the Multi-threading in some of my programs, especially the older ones, I am getting similar results between the 2, I am not the only one, here is a 3d rendering test using Cinebench done by hot
EDIT: you will notice Single-thread performance of the AMD A10-6900K is better than the AMD FX-8150.
Not everybody has alot of money.
Not everybody has the Newest/latest/greatest software, basically if it works/does what we need, we use it.
Why must everyone be an Elitest.
I was giving the guy something that would get him another 5 or so years down the road with rather little expenditure.
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This is my build, AMD masterrace included.
Either the CPU I have list or the FX-6200 is best.
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Another FX8320 CPU,
At first, thank you for your comment
You computer build looks realy good for me, could you say me more about the FX-8320 CPU?, did you ever had problems with the cores/stabillity, temperature or something. Would you maybe bring me to the 8350 then?.
I think i just realized that AMD bring it to that point where the 6 cores doesent do problems anymore, love you guys
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Well, I don't know how much is it in your country/using your currancy, but I'm using AMD since forever, and now I have Phenom II X6 1055T
I think you'll be more than safe with anything between 4 and 8 cores. Do not cofusse with threads. AMD is very good hardware price-wise and is great for both play and work; I do renders myself as a hobby I like to model 3d objects and even a bit of animation. Check what's available to you. Also very important: don't forget about ram, as much as you can buy, no more than 16gb no less than 4 or even 8. VGA only if you want to play. I have Sapphire 7850 2gb and it rocks!
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Yes the other Computer-Parts are realy importing too,
I just rememered a time ago, where AMD(TM) just released the first 6-Core Processor. Much bad reviews about the stabillity and things like that. You guys just bring me up to date, things have been changed.
I use AMD too since i own a Computer, i realy enjoy their Products, but i can understand Intel(TM) users too, Both make great CPU's.
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I can run BF3 smoothly (even on 64 player servers) on ultra with an amd phenom ii x4 840T, so anything better than that should be able to run it well.
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I don't want to be rude, but I'd buy an i5, because those are better for what you need at this moment, and you don't buy the brand, but the product. If you really want to go for an AMD, I'd buy either an 965be or an 960t, because they are cheap and have good performances; also the am3 motherboards don't cost much + the FX series don't worth the price.
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First of all i´ll thank you for looking in my thread and try to help me, and maybe some of the other users of Steamgifts.
Finally i have reached the limit of the usage from my old loved Cpu. I wont believe it but it´s time to get rid of it.
My Question for you guys is, wich Cpu can you recommend to me. I will mainly use my Computer as my old: Create and edit 3D Objects, Massive rendering and i love to enjoy games.
I will build on Amd side.
Socket type doesent matter, ill buy it after i choose the cpu.
Budget limit 150€.
Additional infos:
Games like BF3 should run smoothly on medium settings.
I will realy enjoy your comments and i will promise you to read every single comment, so dont think like me "He will never read my comment anyway". If i misspelled something i am realy sorry, my english isnt realy perfect.
Thank you!
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