Did you receive the mail?
Subscribed for the classic plan for years, 12USD per month, and never get any offers like that.
Firstly, the quality of the games degraded, secondly, they've started to give all games to non-classic/premium plans, and now all those 6$ offers I've missed.
The only time I were offered a 6$ discount for 1 month was when I paused my subscription for 4 months in a row :\
Probably, will cancel my subscription if the next month's lineup would be as disappointing as this one's.
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So... If I had cancelled this last month I would have another 6 months for 6$, but as I didn't cancel I get "punished".
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The other thread on this topic has an actual attached screenshot of the offer.
According to the fine text on that screenshot, pausing or cancelling the sub voids the promotional offer.
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I received and I haven't even canceled it.
Well, crap... Even though my coupon was valid for this month as well, I did not buy this month's Monthly yet, and now that I have, the new coupon got auto-activated. Now I have 5 months of $6 per Monthly instead of 6 months. -_-
Oh, well... It's still a great deal! ^_^ And they'll probably give out some more deals in the meantime, so...
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Yes, thank you for the math, but not quite...
Bought it in Dec 2020 and got: JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY.
The coupon was supposed to be valid for June, and the auto-bill is June 29th.
The new coupon is only "Valid until Dec 7, 2021, 10:00:00 AM", which is, I believe, before the time they will reveal the new Monthly.
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the old coupon expired june 4th at 10 am pst, so it wouldn't have worked on june's autopay date
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Except that mine wasn't. I know I clicked on the latest bundle, and checked the price, several times before, and each time it said it would cost me $6. Therefore, it would've applied.
Also, if we take a look at other posts, it seems that many people activated the offer at different times; someone activated it in Nov 2020, while I did so in Dec 2020.
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No, the DEC one was still 8 EUR for me, so - another coupon deal.
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My $6 coupon expired this month and I already paid for it. Would like to cancel to TRY get another coupon, but I'm on the Classic Plan and afraid to lose it.
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A pause for a month is different to cancel it, I guess.
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I got the coupon in my email. I haven't canceled yet. The last time I looked it said my next bill would be full price, but now it says the next bill will be $6. I don't know if anyone can confirm, but it looks like they are just automatically extending it? I'm so confused.
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Nope. I just logged into Humble to check the price.
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Hm, if it's a "cancel your subscription" (not pause or anything) deal, it's probably not worth it. I'm on classic after all. But I'd feel cheated if they decide not to give that offer to people who stay loyal.
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Yeah I’m feeling cheated for staying on classic because these back to back $6 deals are half of what loyal subscribers are getting
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HumbeBundle continues to show they don't really care about retaining their actual core, long-time customers. Apparently I need to cancel in the hopes that I randomly will get rewarded with some email bait.
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I had no idea they've been offering these kinds of deals to their newer subscribers. I just paused my classic plan, and will likely cancel unless there's a significant increase in the appeal of next month's bundle to convince me otherwise. I hate when companies treat their new customers better than their existing ones, especially since they've tried so hard to make it seem like the classic plan was some once-in-a-lifetime deal we'd be throwing away if we ever cancel. Turns out, I'd actually have saved myself quite a bit if I had. Lesson learned.
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It's the same shit when you pause a month then resume it straight away, just to see if you're In their algorithm for the $4 coupon you could use in the next month.
They're teaching us to cancel, pause and not to buy their longterm deals.
How is this fair to the regulars who have supported this company and bought yearly packages.
Well we know, Humble knows, that this time everyone will, cancel on month 5.
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They're teaching us to cancel, pause and not to buy their longterm deals.
If you want EVERY month's bundles in the next 6 months, I guess thats one way to put it IF everyone gets the coupon after cancelling. Remember that the deal becomes void as soon as pausing or cancelling.
But cancelling just in hopes of getting a half off email coupon for 6 months (compared to Classic) that not everyone is guaranteed to get, seems awfully rash.
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Scumble butthole
Why am I on the classic plan if I could save $72 for a year if I wasn’t a loyal subscriber
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Hmm... I'm already subscribed on classic (paused tho) can I still buy this $6 offer?
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cause they lost so many subscribers XD
canceled 9 days ago and never got an email
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Didn't cancel yet, but didn't receive one. well it's more a reason to cancel now then.
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i didn't get anything - all i keep being told pay 15.99 per month
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For all of you 6$ people who just cancelled their 6$ subscription: check your mails for another offer.
"An exclusive offer just for you! Come back to Humble Choice and we'll reactivate your $6/month plan for the next 6 months."
"Join today and start playing. Offer ends 6/31."
EDIT: I canceled my Sub in this last month of the 6 months of 6$. So all others might get this mail next month when their 6 months run out.
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