do you miss the puzzles before jigidi
Jigidi is a type of puzzle. There are hard jigidi puzzles too, with a lot of pieces. Also, I usually see some other types of puzzles too, so no need to complain. xD Don't stop the puzzles now! ;P
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What? You don't like spending 1/2 an hour+ of trial and error to find out what the GA creator wants you to do in order to get less than 1% chance of receiving a reward?
.....Me neither, but good on the people who do enjoy it. :P
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Don't get your hopes high. You have to pass the SGTools check first!
Jokes aside, I loved the drawing puzzles, where you had to figure out the game, or maybe it was Tempete who had gif-recognizing puzzle (had Bioshock, Alien Isolation, Supreme Commander and I don't remember the fourth one :P ) - these are more abstract, with a solid answer. Budgie's detective stories work awesomely as well :)
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Yah, this is why I've mostly stopped doing puzzles. The cost/benefit has gotten insane. There were sometimes puzzles I did even when I knew I had the game, because the puzzle itself was interesting... but there's NOTHING interesting about a jigidi, or a brute force ITH like I've seen recently.
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Hmm, I was going to say if you don't like jigsaw puzzles, you have the power to change this situation all by yourself, but unfortunately someone else beat me to it... :)
It's actually fun to make a puzzle, so if you haven't made one yet, give it a try! :) If there's a subject you know well, think of some questions and put them on or whatever people use nowadays... Then everyone who answers the questions sees your private giveaway url. Whee! :)
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Of what timeframe are we discussing? Just some months ago Jeff made a giant puzzle pyramide with tons of crosswords, cross thinking and weird decrypting. The last of Nordhbane's Puzzle Agency case also has been recently. Other than that consider it the summer hole. I'm doubting puzzles will vanish this easily from Steamgifts. Other than that you are free to tempt our brains.
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Jigidi puzzles offer everybody fair chance while requiring to put some effort, which is very good if giveaway creator actually expects that. Remember that not everybody wants to reward smart people - sometimes I'm making a giveaway targetted at people that want to put some minimal effort into getting a link, and that doesn't have to match your expectations of thinking and/or being smart. It's up to giveaway creator and I can't really see the connection between jigidi and lack of quality in puzzles section, maybe just people got more lazy and prefer to put giveaways behind jigidi instead of traditional puzzles now.
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The old puzzles made no sense for newcomers and ppl who warent really into the Inside forum things .
I had a friend explaining me how to solve those puzzles and it literally made no sense to me :)
Those kinda puzzles really limited the entry pool of such giveaways heavily , and warent friendly towards newer users ...
Jigidis are fine , its actuall puzzle and gives everyone a chance in return of some fair amount of time .
My jigidis used to be quite hard , there ware ppl investing over 2h into solving them , i think thats good enough of a entry barier :)
And i was not even gibing away some good games per se , just few copies of a bundle game @ a time ... still ppl seemed to like solving those :)
So TLDR PPL Like Jigidi , Deal with It ...
Also make some giveaway ffs.
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They need beards. :/
Everyone knows that to be extreme, a dinosaur needs a beard.
Well, that or sunglasses and some sort of board, if you're willing to go retro with it.
Or, well.. there's also one other way- but it's pretty darn extreme.
Anyway, do it again- properly, this time. :|
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Frankly Redino, who the hell do you think you are?
What right do you have to complain that the people who are contributing to this site not only through creating giveaways (which you evidently don't feel any need to do), but through also creating puzzle events (however simple or elaborate they might happen to be) aren't doing a good enough job for your liking?
I've only been here a matter of weeks, and I've already seen a significant variety of puzzle events. They've inspired me to work on a few of my own - but you needn't worry about them matching up to your high standards, because you'll never be eligible to enter any of them, nor any of my giveaways, ever again.
Never has someone so overwhelmingly earned a position on my blacklist. If you reciprocate, I will of course be devastated to miss out on all the incredible giveaways you create, at a rate of 0.5 per year of membership.
Seriously, some people...
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and this is why i like reading threads.
You tore dino a new one
you showed that bird that bipedal mammals are the apex predator
you were the real reason dino's are extinct
moving on. (thanks psychomonkeyman)
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I don't miss the other puzzles because they are still around.
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Making puzzles are hard ;_;
Here is a cheap riddle for you though :D
A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms. The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 years. Which room is safest for him?
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Well, I haven't seen many animals surviving for 3 years, so I guess that room. :B
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Second room full of assassins with loaded guns is the safest way to die fast and quickly, with little pain ^^
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I won Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution, that I know for sure. On Sep 26 will be 3 years :) But afair it wasn't proper puzzle.
No more wins, so I can't be sure if I've solved something or not. But if Award's puzzle is any indication of skills, it's a possibility )
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Hah, personally I enjoy the jigidi puzzles way more than the ITH ones ;)
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tbh puzzle level declined waaaay before jigidi. I remember when I first joined SG and got into puzzles - there were all sorts of crazy stuff - from real hard encryption (and I mean really hard, things you needed skills to solve, not just input them into xlate), through all kinds of crazy and innovative stuff to really tech savvy thingies like Quick Fixes. Not to mention big puzzle events like ones jatan hosted. But level of puzzles declined way before jigidi - people making "guess what I'm thinking" ITH quizes for example, or all puzzle being just binary and oh imma so much puzzle maker I can translate GA code into 0s and 1s! I mean - back in my days of heavy puzzle making my puzzles were considered extremelly hard - having like 5-10 solvers, sometimes no solvers at all etc - and they were actually at most medium difficulty level if you compare them to stuff like Quick Fix or generally hard puzzles from when I joined. Now when I made a simple logic puzzle for jeff's science event few months ago it was considered one of the hardest puzzles in the event - because OMG IT'S NOT ITH QUIZ I CAN GOOGLE ALL THE ANSWERS FOR, few years ago such a puzzle would be considered quite easy.
But again - jigidi is just next level, but not something that solely destroyed SG puzzles difficulty, it's much longer and more complex process. I believe it all comesto that - few years ago making puzzles was much harder, it required time and dedication,. Not a lot of people were doing it, because not a lot of people were willing to contribute hour or a few to make a puzzle. Because of that there were not so many puzzles on forums and people were dedicating much more time to fewer puzzles. In time more and more puzzle tools emerged making puzzle-making much quicker. ITH, xlate, jigidi, nonogram makers and probably few more I forgot about now. With them process of making a puzzle got much shorter - you no longer had to dedicate hours to ity - you could set up a ITH quiz in 15 mninutes, you could make xlate encryptionpuzzle in 3 minutes, you can upload image to jigidi in few seconds. Because of that a lot more people became willing to make puzzles - because they may not have enough dedication to aste hours, but they can have to waste few minutes/seconds. Because of that a lot more but a lot simpler puzzles appeared on SG. Few years ago we would get one puzzle every few days - now we get a few a day. Now from the perspective of solver - which is better? Dedicate a lot of time for really ahrd puzzle you may never solve and to get chance to win just 1 GA, or in the same time solve few dozens of easy puzzles and enter few dozens of GAs? Because of that harder puzzles got less and less attention, because there were no longer people wiling to solve them. When you had 1-2-3 puzzles to solve you could dedicate a lot of time to them, now with dozens of puzzle to solve all the time most of people tend to pick easiest stuff - because almost noone has enough time to try all puzzles anyway, so people pick stuff they know will be able to solve. we exchanged quality for quantity. But again again - it's complex and long process, not something caused only by jigidi ;p
Also wall of text crits for over 9000 xD
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Well for me it wasn't "OMG IT'S NOT ITH QUIZ I CAN GOOGLE ALL THE ANSWERS FOR", but fact that I didn't even understand syntax of it.
It's like if I'd been making my own puzzles, which would be heavely based on words (as it was logic puzzle) and release it in polish. And be suprised why people don't get it, as translation from polish to english would be IMO perfectly reasonable.
Same way I wasn't able to solve evolutionaty puzzle, as I didn't see those animal crossovers as new words. And native speakers were like "omg it's so easy" :P
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Hosting puzzle harder than jigidi requires also the presence on the forum. Watching the thread, answering people, being on guard against unwanted hints etc. And either GA's duration is short and it risks no solvers or it's long and then the author has to be constantly present - reacting to everything that happens in the thread. That's how I see it. Harder gibs should also require some games that are actually the prize for the effort - not these "overwhelmingly negative" crap. Of course, I have nothing against giving it away, but when you sacrifice hours of life for solving something and then discover it's a game that you don't want to touch with a stick... No.
that's why I didn't make the complex puzzle myself despite having some nice ideas :3
When I first came to this forum I had so much free time on my hand that loved this hardest puzzles (it was already after the level of "toughness" lowered). I had time I was eager to solve them, I could afford it. Now I came back home from work and all I can do is jigidi and some simple quizzes or conversions, 'cause my brain is already so tired I don't want to stretch it :<
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first part fully agree and it fits to what I've been saying - more time requirement - just not only in creation phase but also later on vs no time requirement - neither in creation phase nor later on. No wonder a lot more people choose the 2econd option.
As for the second part I gotta disagree - you're argumenting with your personal situation which cannot be related to overall situation. Yes you nowadays have very little time, while in the past you had a lot of time. But the same way - in the past there were also people who had very little time, or maybe someone had very little time in the past but have a lot of time nowadays? I think such explanation cannot be related to overall community, because it's noit like something happened making most of community suddenly having much less time.
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The second part is less the argument and rather the addition of personal experience why I started to focus on easy riddles and jigidi instead of any harder types of puzzles. And I kinda regret it but I don't even visit Puzzles section anymore, only click these that pop up as the most active.
If it looks like I'm trying to convert my experience to the general argument titled "people have less time nowadays" - that wasn't my intention :)
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There was also tiring of material in solvers. The same basic trick used, only more, hm, detailed (you know, like pixel-hunting in games)
There was also problem of not enough/too vague hints (or I was too thick xD) and you were left with X 'formally' valid solutions to check by brute force
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I really loved the ... I think it was Train of Madness, with really varied puzzles. Now *that* was my jam, I was motivated to solve it just to prove myself. Most of the guesswork-puzzles are making it just too much work, and with diminishing returns. Finding out someone's favourite food is like "pizza, then what next? I give up" after checking their profile. I just refuse to do guessing in puzzles, especially that rewards are usually not enough for that amount of time I spent solving.
And about value: I'd do puzzles for something I really-really want, OR for literally anything if the puzzle is fun. Budgie's little logic-detective stories, or the long-forgotten SG-killer case (damn I should try and resurrect it....) was so fucking much fun, I would spend hours on them just because it's great fun.
I still do some jigidi when I feel a little bored, was made by a friend and/or it's not too big. A simple puzzle is still than no puzzle, variety is good :)
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Hm, if I had to blame something from the logic puzzle in the science event than the fact that it had no unique solution >.< Other than that it was actually one of the easier ones because .... you know .... logic. The ITH's I found actually a lot harder since you need to get into the creator's mind and need to get the exact spelling of the answer. And then there was Revilheart's Geometry Cube where I needed an hour alone to understand how it works.
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And who are you to judge what and how people should do their puzzles? If you're that good at having puzzle ideas, well hey! Feel free to create a puzzle. It would be a nice opportunity for you to actually contribute a bit to the community, for once.
With that said, classic cryptic puzzle isn't dead, just out of the spotlight. People who didn't make puzzles in the past because they weren't good at it/were too lazy for it/didn't want to bother with it, now do Jigidi puzzles because they are easy to make but require a certain amount of effort to solve. Therefore, there are more puzzles than before, so among the more popular Jigidi puzzles, cryptic puzzles may go unnoticed.
My guess is that you aren't active enough on the forum to notice the nice puzzles. And to prove that these aren't dead, I'll link to a few of mine:
And don't get me wrong, I dislike Jigidi puzzles as well, but I wouldn't go as far as to tell people what they should do. Heck, I don't even solve any kind of puzzle on SG.
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I will be one of the few who kinda agrees with you :P It really seems like there are less puzzles now in favor of jigidis. I agree that jigidi is just a mindless putting pieces of a picture together but I wouldn't say it's bad we have jigidis. I rarely do them because I'm not as hyped of winning games to spend so much time on solving them but there are people who enjoys them. So as long as there are people enjoying them I am fine with their existance. Also I think that giveaways are good enough reward for time invested in solving jigidis so I wouldn't consider it wasting somebody's time. If you don't wanna imvest your time in them then just don't = your time saved. Additionally I suppose we cannot compare them to the puzzles as they are different thing.
When it comes to puzzles there are strictly less puzzles creators nowadays in my opinion. Or they are not as active on this site anymore. I didn't solve puzzles as well cos I suck at it but I can understand that some people might miss them. However there are puzzle events happening quite often now so if somebody's much into puzzles this is a great chance for them. Too bad your ratio become more important (although I think I know where it came from) than the thread itself though because it was an interesting thing to discuss in my opinion. But oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Have you been around when Jexel introduced "key collecting" to ITH site?
They made one event with it, saying that they may introduce this functjonality to ITH site afterwards. But then they went inactive and idea was lost. But it was really cool :D
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I don't remember much details, but it was group puzzle, people were looking for keys (and I mean literall keys, they had different colours and nice icons) which unlocked doors or chests to next part of ITH puzzle.
And fact that Jexel "manipulated" puzzles, as they're site owner :D Like adjusting ITH code to match game given away or something like that.
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I used to solve "harder" puzzles, but then I got a lot of stuff to do IRL. So best I can do daily is to browse forum, bump few cakeday threads, have some idea what's going on around here and nothing more. I don't even have time to solve jigidi puzzles, unless they have like 12 pieces.
I made biochemistry part of knowledge puzzle few months ago. And it took me whole week to put together. So making puzzles take time. A lot of it. I have idea for few more puzzles / quizes, but I know that I absolutely don't have time to sit on it.
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whenever someone made a SG puzzle it used to be very cryptic, like you had to translate a language, answer a riddle, or discover that really the answer lay in the nth letter of every nth sentence. It used to be there were good puzzles, like trying to spin a dial to uncover a message, or interpreting a picture or getting the RGB values or whatever. what ever happened to puzzles like this? now all we have is brain-dead jigidi puzzles that require no thinking whatsoever.
i miss a puzzle where you actually need to think for a second, not just stare at a computer for 20 minutes and moving puzzle pieces. that's not testing your SG users--that's just saying: if you want to enter my giveaway, just give up 20 minutes to solve this jigsaw puzzle. You are forcing your users to waste their time, whereas with the other puzzles you can walk away from them and your brain is thinking about how to solve everything.
tldr: jigidi puzzles have ruined sg puzzles
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