I have seen this gif before. I will see it again. I laugh out loud every time.
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you serious?
damn, that is so dangerous. don't care where you bought that meat... so many diseases...
please stop doing that. i'm fine with medium done, but some heat.
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Yes, it is different, but the main ingredient is raw meat.
Here's how you make it:
Buy 1 kb of steak. Because you eat it raw, it should be the finest of quality that you can get, and you should only get it from a butcher that you trust.
You'll need:
1 egg
olive oil (sunflower oil is fine too, tastes a bit different)
bay leaf
2 onions
4-5 cloves of garlic
Worcestershire sauce
garlic salt
You clean the steak of any membranes, and cut it up in a few pieces. Make a cure out of the oil and the garlic salt, and pour it on the meat slices, put one onion on it sliced up. Cover it, and put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. You can turn the meat a few times, to make sure that the cure gets into every pore. After 2-3 days, cut the meat into tiny pieces, or mince it thoroughly. Add the other onion cut fine. Add all other ingredients, in a way that the final product tastes to you liking. You should add the egg first, mix it, and then slowly add the other ingredients.
After it is done, you should eat it with toast, maybe with pickles, and fresh vegetables.
Basically, with the spices and such, you don't want to take away the meat taste too much, because the cured meat will taste very good, and too much spices can make the meat taste too thin, spoiling the point of the whole meal.
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Exams. I don't want to study. I want to play video games but I can't because I have to study. T.T
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I was thinking the same thing. You give my exam for me and I'll grade the papers!
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Well, since you asked: it really bothers me when people use num_region_restricted/num_total_sent <= xxx as a SGtools rule. Like, you really think that (num_total_sent=100 and num_region_restricted=50) is better than (num_total_sent=100 and num_region_restricted=100)? Should I stop giving games so my ratio does not decrease? Hmpf.
Also, lists which are not alphabetically ordered. Like, when they you go to a restaurant and the sugar packages are randomly placed inside that thingy where they place the sugar packages. ;) ;) ;)
Otherwise, everything is fine, and it is a nice day here. I can even see the sun. Life is good. :D
Gotta go, experiments to run. Cheers!
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Also, lists which are not alphabetically ordered. Like, when they you go to a restaurant and the sugar packages are randomly placed inside that thingy where they place the sugar packages. ;) ;) ;)
But I thought people just call them by color. "Give me a pink one" :P
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can i rant about rants?
rant rant rant rant rant
ok, that feels stupid. i'll stop... thank you :D
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i wanna know what love is....i want you to show me
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I think I'm losing my mind. I keep having weird hallucinations (ther aren't exactly hallucinations, but I don't know how else to describe them). The urge to hurt myself keeps getting worse an more vivid, and I don't hate that I have them, just that I'm too much of a pussy to follow them.
And If I don't listen to them, what do I do? I've ruined my grades, I can't get into college, and I won't have a job for a month, and even if I get it, I have too much social anxiety to work well.
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mate, this sounds serious, if you have insurance it's really important that you get help so you can turn your life around asap. i've had similar problems as you in the past and it was a terrible period in my life, but i got help and eventually everything got better. it would for you as well. Don't listen to those voices, they're just going to bring you further down, fight with all the strength you have
And if you need to talk, message me.
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I marathoned the A Song of Ice and Fire series, I was tired of getting spoiled. (I started reading the books right after finishing Season 3.) Now people are dying in the show who don't die in the books...so it doesn't matter that I'm all caught up with the books anymore since there are still major show spoilers (I'm behind with the show now).
I managed to not get spoiled by staying away from the internet, and don't I get spoiled by reading the comment section of a gaming video on youtube this afternoon. And of course a lot of people thumbs'd it up for it to be top comment. I don't understand why people think it's so funny to spoil things (ESPECIALLY as soon as it comes out). Gonna try to catch up with the show this week, I've just been not feeling well the past month so wanted to wait til I was in a better mood. :(
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Motherfucking online DRM. Not games that require game clients, but games that cannot be played in offline mode.
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