Why do you ask here and not in a dedicated CS:GO or idle master board?
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It is "Off Topic" around here.
I was just wondering as it seems you registered on Steamgifts just to ask this question. I was trying to say that there are probably much more fitting places, as Steamgifts is neither dedicated to CS nor idle master. But it seems you got your answer below. Welcome to Steamgifts! May I suggest you read the FAQ and guidelines, if you have not done so yet.
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I have no idea if the idle master is whitelisted, what do you mean?
I've read everywhere that it's at your own risk, but I haven't found a person banned outright for it.
On the contrary, someone said that they used steam idle master 24/7 while playing on VAC servers, and after tracing their steam accounts they are not banned.
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You calmed me down a bit, because I bought you skins for quite a bit of money and since I'm an idiot, I had to do something extra again.
So did you use steam idle master extended? or how to spell it correctly.
Idoled games while playing on VAC servers and without any kicks, warnings or penalties?
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It's not confirmed, but the Idle Master FAQ recommends not using it while playing Valve games. Just to be sure I never used it while playing anything on Steam really, but it's been quite a few years since I last used it.
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No, i had that 2-3 times on, getting cards with TF2, nothing happened (except for having to reboot, and do some cache clearing).
Still best to not try it out too much and just keep it off whenever you go play such games, idlemaster is so fast anyway, just run it every few weeks once and you already get all cards in 1-2 hours.
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So you were using idle master in the background while playing on VAC servers?
I read something on the forum about VAC triggering, so I'm afraid it won't happen to me.
If it is worth all the expensive things to the second account and wait some time?
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I don't know it's been a long time (years), i believe sometimes i was blocked upfront saying i had something running that would prevent me from joining servers, other times i might have been able to play (but don't quote me on that) it's just that i never got banned over it. And yes i was pretty scared about it too. With me it was everytime by accident, i wouldn't suggest anyone doing it on purpose, nor it's needed, do it outside.
Don't know what you mean with your last sentence. Not like cards are expensive anymore these days.
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If i told you i never been banned, you can assume i mean it's safe right?
I am saying that with 11500 games, and over 10 years of activity.
Again just don't do it on purpose, if it was an accident, leave it at that and you be fine, but don't seek things up.
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What u mean like don't seek things up?
I know you're trying to imply that it's probably safe because you're using XX years.
I accidentally turned it on once on VAC servers and will be careful.
I'll move my inventory to another account so that I don't "just in case" lose everything I have.
And I'll wait for a while, maybe there's a time limit for how long I can get a VAC ban?
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From what I know and read through the source code on github, Idle Master/Idle Master extended doesn't inject anything to Steam or the game you are playing, so you should be fine. If I am correct VAC only detects if you hook into the memory of the game executable (maybe steam exe's too?). This is why you can have for example Cheat Engine open but not hooked to the game and you can play without a problem. If you hook into it though, VAC will go crazy.
Why people recommend not running anything like CE/Idle master/other similar programs while playing VAC secured games? Because you never know when VAC will get changed/updated in the future and what it may or may not look into, running processes etc and what it may or may not flag.
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Thank you, I appreciate your time to study the source code, so from what I understand. The program is not programmed so that there is a problem with VAC protection? I read on steam that VAc protection is easily detected by CCleaner as well. Is this in a similar way or something?
So you think it's safe and I don't have to jump to conclusions?
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As I mentioned, idle master was used in CSGO in matchmaking, it was not used for that game but for other games that I have in the library.
My understanding is that the file only runs in the PC background and has nothing to do with steam and CSGO? Or does it have if I connect to the VAC servers?
Sorry for my stupid questions, but I'm quite interested and want to be a bit smarter :D
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Yes, you are correct, Idle Master does not interfere the memory of Steam/CSGO or with anything that should trigger a VAC ban. The worst that can happen with Idle Master/CCleaner/CE open, is that you may get kicked out of the server, you can read more here:
Steam Support
Try not overthinking it, you are safe but we can't know what VAC will look into in the future, so try not running Idle Master next time, just so we can be on the safe side. Take care :)
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Well, I'd rather skip this idle master, I don't have to stress here :D
I just don't know what the delay is for a VAC ban, Like I could get it in a year or never. I really have no idea, but I will believe and hope that you are telling the truth. I also thought it was stupid that it didn't affect csgo or anything. You put me at ease with your intelligence. You have my respect ;)
I'd rather move my inventory to another steam anyway and wait for a while. Even though my subconscious tells me I'm safe.
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From what I know and read it should be from around 30 mins to ~2 weeks. There are cases that a VAC ban is issued months later, but this is only for manual reviews example for undetected cheats at the time.
VAC sees a program opening a handle to CSGO (active external cheat) or a section of memory in CSGO that matches a detected signature (injected internal cheat) and bans after a delay. Since neither of these things happened here, because Idle Master does not work like that, there is no ban.
I wouldn't bother moving the inventory, but if it makes you feel any better then do it, then few weeks later move it back. :)
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Wait and see, if you get banned then oh well. If you don't then take it as a sign of good luck and don't tempt fate again :)
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Maybe forever, just use Steam and don't think about it :)
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a vac ban can be triggered within 60 minutes even, sometimes a few days or even 2 weeks.
common logic should tell you not to run anything that injects itself or controls another tool on steam while playing a vac protected game
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How about ASF, it's safe and easy to use (and can do a lot more)
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You cant underestimate how stupid/lazy the average person is.
ASF does need some reading comprehension to understand how it works. Most users also need an easy interface with their application.
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Lugum is right, if you want your cards dropping fast use IM. ASF can do more things but that's irrelevant if you just idle games. What I don't understand is why somebody who is concerned about a VAC ban (as improbable it might be) would run any idler in the background while playing those VAC protected games.
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I don't understand why somebody ... would run any idler in the background while playing those VAC protected games
Exactly this. You're running a "cheating" app, while playing a MP game with VAC enabled. Lol, what does one expect will happen.
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Probably not, but there is this risk with IdleMaster.
Like many stated, just use ASF:
It's safe in regards about VAC bans (IM is not - especially with what you did. Not talking about actual reports, but how IM functions the possibility is there and this is bad in itself), has more features.
Though it requires some time to setup, it's not that hard and they also have support channels/forums, if you have problems setting it up.
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Yeah, but this is what makes Idlemaster dangerous / prone to VAC bans (not saying it actually happens, but it could) and ASF safe in this regard.
Farming time isn't an issue at all, dropping all cards per game takes 3-4 hours. For example you could run ASF 24/7 on a raspberry pi, so whenever you don't play ASF farms card for you and stops automatically the farming/card-idling/gaming , when you want to game your other game like CS.
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Never said there is proof, but because of the functionality there is the possibility with IdleMaster and not with ASF.
OP didn't have paranoia for nothing. Yeah, it's unlikely and i don't know reports. But why take this risk for your own Steam account?
And yup, i'm a fan of ASF, because it has way more features, you can use up to 10 accounts (or more), has a good performance / doesn't need many ressources and is fast enough. It's just slower than IdleMaster, because IdleMaster actually uses exploits for farming. It's likely no problem, but in reality it's against Steam ToS. Another risk.
I mean, everyone should use what they want. But these are valid arguments and no "fanboystuff" alone.
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Again with the fanboy stuff. There is no proof or verified comment out there that states more risk for one or the other. Any use of a 3rd party software that exploits Steam's infrastructure is a reason for the ban. That means IM and ASF too. Both farmers have their pros and cons, but both are safe and used by thousands since their beginning.
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I use ASF on PC and Steam X on Android. They both are safe to use.
Generally what happens is I always get asked if I want to stop the idling for a game if I start a new game, so they don't run on top of the other if that makes sense.
What I like about Steam X is that I can particularly idle or adjust the time spent with a game I played long time ago without farming cards for it or anything like that.
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one simple golen rule when it comes to vac. if you are unsure, dont use it. if something happens you have been warned by the tool itself.
right now it doesnt trigger anything but this can always change, theoretically.
but as i said, if you are unsure and you are scared to lose your skins and account, dont use it.
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Hi, I'm wondering if it's likely that I'd get a VAC ban for using idle master extended in the background while playing CS:GO, I forgot I was idle and played about 3 short matchmakings.
Has this happened to anyone and what were the consequences? Should I be afraid and send my skins to another account or is it safe?
Thank you for now <3
Sorry for my english :(
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