How far did you get?
Great guide! Must have taken forever to put it all together. Those flowcharts give a fantastic overview!
I was one of those stymied by [11] exit 2. Missed the 4 GAs gated behind it, including the 2nd Gremlins that I was so desperately trying to find... 🤣
I also missed exit 2 out of [21] because:
(a) I was too fixated on solving [11]
(b) It was very well hidden. The keyword doesn't show up when I do "View Selection Source" in Firefox. I have to display the entire page's source code. Even then, it's very hard to spot. Note to self to pay more attention next time.
I luckily found the <H4XOR End> by guessing the word with only 5 keys.
Thanks again!
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In the room about mirrors and reflection, I tried typing "kool" but never thought about putting them like that together! Even though I didn't win anything, it was really fun to solve. I'm proud that I was halfway there. Thanks for the entertainment!
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Yeah, I'm embarrassed to say that I needed strong hints from the Support Chat to get that one! In retrospect, it was a very clever puzzle.
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What great fun you created!
A few comments:
[7] I found the letters PHy03. But adding them to took me to a "page does not exist". When I copied the complete link with "punch-club", the link works. When I erased "punch-club" from THAT page, it still took me to "page does not exist". So ultimately, I did not get to that giveaway even though I solved the riddle.
[9] You definite tricked me! In the explanation going from [9] to [10], I did not even figure out which letters are corrupted? So it was not possible to re-arrange them.
[10] Perhaps if I were not new to this sort of game, I might have found "Metal". But this was a definite "end of track" for me!
And... life calls... perhaps I'll have a chance to revisit this later.
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Glad you had fun, but sorry it messed up for you like that :(
Sometimes you need the extra "/" at the end of the URL for it to work. It's not super obvious, but I had honestly forgotten it was required to get some URLs to work.
instead of:
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Ah, by the time I reached 10 I had only a couple of hours remaining (started the puzzles on the last day) and I was really fixated on the fact it said "A Table..." and then what looked like NOBEL on the briefcase. It didn't occur to me to examine the image data! Using strings <image>
would be another way to read that.
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It amazes me how much effort some people put into making events here. Thanks for all the hard work and for making the SG community a more enjoyable place :)
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Thanks a lot for taking the time to make this answer thread! Really appreciated.
A bit disappointed to have not gone after step 10 (I guess uppercases through me off).
Great puzzle, without too much technicities. Congrats.
Do not hesitate to make others!
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Hey-o answers/spoilers incoming.
You can still hop on the Puzzle Train if you are so inclined. (No more prizes, but still fun to try.)
This guide is formatted more as a ‘hint-book’ for those still wanting to play.
I’ll say it only one last time. If you haven’t checked out Zelgh's guide, you probably should.
Now, without further ado, the answers.
[1] <Start>
For those of you that were very stumped, or came in late.
There was also a ‘hidden’ phrase under the Important section
Like the first riddle, but asked in a different way.
(I use GREAT punctuation…most of the time).
This was one of the first hurdles most people encountered
I think the space in ‘o clunk’ was throwing people off, however this puzzle was made to show how most of the answers relate to the ‘situation’ each room puts the player in.
This was one of my more devious puzzles, and made me happy that it caught a lot of people off-guard. It may have been a little too steep of a difficulty jump though.
This puzzle is also the beginning of the ‘maze’ section. The maze is just a few loop-backs, but enough to be confusing
-Exit 1-
The crossword puzzle is straightforward. The ‘outside’ hint was probably not worded the best, but I was trying to keep them all train-related
1- outside
2- engine
3- movement
4- valve
5- rail
6- express
-Exits 2 & 3-
I love simple solutions like this.
-Exits 2 & 3-
First key piece.
I’ll admit, you could probably figure out what the keys meant without finding all of them, but it probably made things easier.
-Exits 2 & 3-
This was a dead end room. Nothing ‘progressed’ the story, but you could grab a few endings.
-Exits 2 & 3-
Maze exit. No need to worry about that anymore.
Ohh, fun with images!
I thought this was a fun way to trick some people. I hope I got at least one person confused :P
[10] <The Briefcase room>
This silly briefcase became more important to the game/story than I originally thought. At first, I just slapped in a briefcase thinking it may be fun to open later on. It led to the inclusion of multiple keys, traceback clues & the final ending. I kinda wish I had a different giveaway on this page, rather than Sonic 2 :P
Not all exits were immediately available when you first entered the room. That’ why there was a more cryptic ╠ + symbol instead of the normal ones.
Start of a small branch that converges at [16]
I’ll admit I messed up a little on this puzzle.
Exit 2 had a method where a link was concealed in a way that didn’t use the normal ‘hidden URL’. I did check compatibility in Chrome/Firefox, but still, this method only worked on some devices and not others. I believe it may have had to do something with the ESGST addon. I didn’t realize the mistake till after the GA had ended. I won’t spoil the technique in case I ever get it working.
Some people still figured out the answer, though!
This was another large barrier for the folks at home. I hope I supplied enough clues in the page so it didn’t turn into a ‘guess what I’m thinking’ puzzle.
This one went through a lot of iterations to get the Exit 2 answer to fit in a clever way. I wanted the feeling of actually finding a trap door.
Yay! More buttons. I actually liked how this one turned out. There was a minor edit where I removed a leftover “a” from one of the buttons. It didn’t effect the puzzle, but I can see how it was throwing people off.
For those of you wondering, this was “Batman” that some people were posting about.
This page mostly has exposition and technically one exit that takes you back to the briefcase page [10].
You get 2 clues here for later on. 1st is a gear with letters, 2nd is the clue from the fox. Clicking the link from the fox sends you to the briefcase page
[10] (again)
Back here again!
I put in the ‘Get Out’ exit because a few folks got here without first getting to [19] and having the right item. I suppose the word ‘time’ was being guessed from another puzzle.
First use of the ≟ symbol since we were nearing the end!
Main Exit
This had a small error that I did catch before the game ended. Not sure what caused it since some people got the clue before the bug was pointed out to me. If I ever do this again, I’ll make some kind of changelog.
This is it. The last puzzle! Congrats to those that got this far!
And that's it! All 25 puzzle solutions (and 38 giveaways).
Thanks for sticking in there, despite any road bumps along the way. Hopefully (if I make another one) it will be bigger & better. I’m already thinking of somehow implementing an inventory system.
I want to shoutout nunolg88 & abbadon01 for helping me out with some bugs and exploits. Thanks y'all!
That’s all from me for now. I’m surprised I ever made it this far. The whole process hurt my brain.
Have a good one!
P.S. Here's some flow charts.
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