First and foremost, I'm sorry if this topic has been discussed previously but it's just struck my head and I thought of hearing everyone's opinion on this.

Let me share my story. When I first enter steamgifts , I always feel obliged to say thanks when I won something.
Often, I'll go their steam page and say thanks, but if the comment is disable I'll just let it slip. So my effort of saying
thanks is not really wholeheartedly....... not until I got blacklisted. The first blacklist came through like nothing until
the third one came and I was wondering,"What did I do wrong?". For some people, blacklist isn't a big issue and neither do I.
It's just bugging me for some reason. So I trace back the date and fair enough all the blacklist came from the giveaway that
I won which I didn't say thanks.I thought " So there actually people who really take this as a big issue for them."
From then on, I always leave thanks on the GA page when I won something ( Should've done that from the beginning,I know I'm dumb).
To be clear , I've been always try to be grateful before, getting blacklisted just served as a wake up call so that I do it wholeheartedly.

Done with story, let's talk about how this is matters for some people. From my story, I can see some people will straight up
blacklist you if you didn't say thanks (being grateful). There are also at some point when I leave a thanks on someone's steam profile,
I saw something that says " You won my GA, please mark as received and say thanks" . It show's you how it really matters to them.

Some would say that forcing people to be grateful means nothing. It should come naturally from self awareness.
Some would say if you don't take action to remind them, then they won't be.
I personally would feel glad if someone say thanks, it leaves me a warm feeling that your action is being appreciated but
I don't mind either if they say nothing in return. I accept that as being optional.

What's your thought's on this?
Does being grateful and appreciative a big concern to you?
Does appreciation and gratitude means nothing in steamgifts ?

Would appreciate community input on this. Thanks :3

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8 years ago

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Appreciation and Gratitude, Does it matter to you?

View Results
YES, I will not hesitate to blacklist them as a reminder of how important it is to be grateful.
NO, I am here just to give a gift, whether they thank me or not doesn't really matter.
YES, It does matter to me but I won't force them to thank me or blacklist them.
NO, It doesn't matter to me but I still gonna blacklist them for being ungrateful.
NEITHER, appreciation and gratitude means nothing in steamgifts.

i've been blacklisted for not saying thanks as well. won a giveaway and was online all night checking to see if they sent the key, went to bed, and woke up to see that they'd sent the key. tried to go to the ga page to post a thank you note, and found out i was blacklisted :p

only major reasons i blacklist anyone are if they haven't activated more than 3 wins, if they take more than 48 hours to mark a win as received, or if they're rude for no reason to anyone on the site

on other hand, i do whitelist people who go out of their way to say thanks :)

8 years ago

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juat accept your faith, and move on, here people BL just for breath

8 years ago

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Stop breathing my air.

8 years ago

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I tried, now let me cry in my corner for failing

8 years ago

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Thanks for your input, well it's not really about being blacklisted. What I'm trying to stress here is how much being grateful matters to you.
Blacklisting is just an option that's available for people to express their dissatisfaction with people who didn't show appreciation.
If there's a button "Kill this person". Pretty sure that's more popular choice.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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what about saying thanks and blacklisted? lol

8 years ago

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Never thought of that cause I'm not aware that's possible to happen @@

8 years ago

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It's possible when the giveaway creator doesn't want comments but doesn't state it in the description.

8 years ago

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There're people (mostly on publics) who blacklist the winners of their giveaways to give others better chances the next time.
And it isn't even the silliest reason for blacklisting.

8 years ago

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I think this is still a myth made up by people, who didn't realize why they have been blacklisted.
I see people repeat this, but I just can't imagine that there are much or any people, who do that. To me it deson't make much sense to restrict a nice person who won somethign from, to win somethignelse. :P
I think it's much more possible, that they just got blacklist because the giver didn't like their ratio, or found some older, minor infractions, they didn't like or whatever.

8 years ago

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I like receiving thanks, it makes me feel all warm inside:)
But I've never blacklisted someone that didn't say anything. Actually, I don't think I've ever blacklisted anyone o_o. I never even considered it.
Just like how I never really honk at people when driving >shrugs<. I don't know, for me ~ people can do what they want

8 years ago

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Honking is valuable when you you're pretty sure somebody simply doesn't see you (e.g., when you're a blindspot driver and the other guy is drifting over). It doesn't have to be an "anger honk," just an "I'm here" informative honk. =)

8 years ago

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Yeah, definitely:). I worded it badly, it's not bad to honk, it was there for a reason.
I guess I just meant that I just.. never even consider it for some reason, just like I never consider playing around with my blacklist or whatever. I don't know the reason, haha ~

8 years ago

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I usually blacklist for not offering a simple thank you of any kind for winning. Lately I've even been mentioning it in the GA. I don't bother with my longer trains as I don't have the time to audit 200 winners.
It just seems like common courtesy...I give a pass for brand new SG users as they're still learning the ropes.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I've only blacklisted people who won but did not mark the win as received. And I waited for a full 7 days. The least they can do is to mark it as received!

I do always give thanks when I win to show my gratitude :)

8 years ago

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I say thanks when I win and again once I have completed the game. I don't blacklist since I'm too lazy to constantly manage a list.

8 years ago

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NO, I am here just to give a gift, whether they thank me or not doesn't really matter.

8 years ago

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i stopped caring, there's other things that make sg bitter for me lately.

8 years ago

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Yeah, people are a bit weird at SG.

One time I won a giveaway, the GA creator added and contacted me on Steam and asked when is the best time to send me the gift. I asked him why couldn't he just send the gift at any time and he got all worked up and called me rude for not saying "Hello" before the conversation.
I did apologize (though he never did answer my question) and he gave me the gift and blacklisted me shortly after, despite me trying to be nice in the Steam chat and saying thank you after he gifted me.

So I pretty much learnt to be careful on what I say around the SG community, and try to be friendly/neutral in the discussion forums while also avoiding controversial topics.

8 years ago

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The blacklist concept in itself is a good idea, but people definitely make a bad use of it. I only do it whenever someone adds me to his own BL or -I think it has not happened so far- the user blatantly violates the rules of the site. It is really hard for me to understand the obsession of some gifters with filling their blacklists, with some openly threatening to do so if the participants in their giveaways do not meet certain, often arbitrary, conditions.

That being said, I honestly believe that gratitude has is entirely personal and it is not among my intentions to force it upon others. I give games away out of my own volition because it makes me feel good and I don't care that much about how grateful others are. Surely, it feels better if they genuinely express their gratitude, but I can live with it if they don't.

8 years ago

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I don't blacklist people who don't say thanks after winning a ga I created, I do think it's rather rude to not say thanks. I don't mind people not saying thanks for entering my ga's.

8 years ago

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The most voted option. My blacklist would've been full long ago if I blacklisted anyone who didn't thank me for winning. Also if I started doing it retroactively, what should I do with the people who thanked me sometimes but not every time :s

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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thanks :)
You know what's worse than being blacklisted (not that being bl'ed is so bad)
Finding out that someone blacklisted you and then enters your GA :/

8 years ago

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Yes, it matters. I don't blacklist people for not saying thanks but they will never make it to my whitelist, for example. So it pays to be grateful and it's really nice to do so. Not saying at least "thanks" after someone purchased a game for you for their own money is rude.

8 years ago

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