Hottest Subculture
I almost lost this entire thing to Windows update, fuck yourself Microsoft, suck off an xbone.
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No goth girls means no vote. That said, people need to stop worrying so much about "identity". Just do what you do, be who you are, and stop worrying about an identity, or how people choose to label you.
In my eyes, the most labels like Goth, Emo and Punk are worth, is fashion. I've had countless friends in all categories who share widely varying tastes in everything, from music, to religious and political views and so on.
I love metal music (all genres), and anything cryptic or ominous. I hate the sun (mainly because it gives me migraines), and love the night. The world to me is viewed through an artistic lens because I love all things artistic and try to see the beauty of existence from every angle. Although I'm not religious, I'm obsessed with religious scripture of all kinds, as even it is art to me. With my knowledge of religion, I have no issue with people being religious or having views I don't, however I'm strongly against the concept of organized religion and religious rights which imo give special treatment, and possibly negate the rights of others. Where politics stand, I'm very centralist in my views, and would most likely be best described as libertarian. However, my centralist views come down to a combination of everything, from land ownership, military, crime and punishment, etc etc... However, when it boils down to peoples freedoms and rights, I'm exceptionally liberal, though radical liberals would argue otherwise, which is a bit hypocritical since I find they seem to be less tolerant and accepting. My morality boils down to a simple yet complex system of, people are free to do whatever they want, so long as doing such does not bring suffering (emotions don't count), physical harm or death upon another being (though there are exceptions).
Anyway, I can go on and on and on about who I am as a person, and my views and opinions on everything under the sun. Could even put a lot more detail into it all, however... The simple point I'm getting at with that is, I'd be surprised if even 3 people on this site commented on my post saying they are exactly the same as me, even with so little detail. Thus, what merit does a label other than I'm an individual have towards your identity? Since sharing a label with someone else will not mean we are identical in the slightest. Therefor, a label is nothing more than a descriptor of a single detail, like perhaps fashion, or sex, or taste in music, etc etc etc. It'll never truly define who we are as a person, for we are an individual.
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Is that a bad thing? lol.
Edit: I should note your post also presents an argument I should have mentioned. Another reason focusing so much on identity is so fruitless, since we all change constantly throughout the duration of our life. More reason to spend less time stressing on our identity and just enjoy life.
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I think there's too much focus on who you are, and how much you really identify with a group, and are you X enough to fit in with Y...
Just do you, be who you are, and don't worry so much about fitting in. You say you want to be punk, I say you are punk. You don't have to fit every punk stereotype to be punk - that seems to go against the basic principles of non-conformity that punk embraces. Hell, I show up for punk rock shows in a polo - punk fashion isn't really my thing. And you know what, no one's complained or even mentioned it.
You say you can't write anything other than your experiences. I say that writing about your experiences is the most powerful thing you can do. You want to change the status quo - write your experience, share it with the world, make people understand what it's like to be you, and they will come to your side and they will face the public for you and embody the change you want to be.
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Interesting perspective... but why the need to concern ourselves with whether or not we fit in with this group or that group? Labels should be used to define something - not for judging others. At the end of the day, its our skin we have to live in.
As Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet: "This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man."
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Seems to me you know who you are: you are you. In all your complexity and perfect imperfections.
As for fitting in, I've always found that the most interesting people I've met are the ones who would check more than just one box when asked to define themselves. Even when we feel we fit in, we change and shift and we end up redefining ourselves as time passes.
Just pick and choose what you like in whatever subculture, and make it your own. And if that means you're never really one thing or another, so be it. Keeping others guessing is about as much fun as keeping yourself guessing who you'll be 5 years from now ;)
Thanks for the book recommendation, looks intriguing. And I am forwarding that article to my lady who just hates it when people tell her "Wait... You're Goth?! but... you don't really look Goth... well you do wear a lot of black..."
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Searching for the True Meaning of Goth in 2018 By Biju Belinky
I guess this is a follow up to my previous post relating to goths. I saw this article and found it interesting, especially as an American. "cause here the subcultures don't really exists in the same way. Emo, punk, and goth are all kinda consolidated together, with probably punk having the biggest separate identity, having actual political statements and activism instead of just having the basic ideas of anti authoritarianism (Where authority usually refers to local authority but still subscribes to ones with the most power) and anti puritanicalism.
Punk is not a singularity though, There are so many different ideologies and and groups within, but that's the deal with all those subcultures. Being all mixed together isn't a bad thing, i mean the idea of the melting pot is a wonderful, no, we may not all be the same, but we all share [commonality], and we can relate somewhat to each other and have community based on that, even if we fall into smaller, more unique communities within that.
However it can create an issue for identity. Yes, you might fit in with the group, but if you want to know where specifically you fit it, it is difficult to figure out. I mean Straight Edge punks ain't gonna want b be associated with the rest of punk, and the rest of punk wants nazi punks to fuck off. And most of these groups are pretty tolerant and don't have a problem with most in the wider community, but it's still nice to know where exactly you fit.
I don't know where I fit. You probably seen me use goth, punk, and emo to describe myself, and that's 'cause I don't really know what I am. Emo has always been used sarcastically, no one self identifies as it. Goth, I stylistically fit into, but I don't participate in the music or scene, and don't really feel apart of it.
Punk is what I want to be,but I'm not punk. I present myself as punk rock, when I'm a terrible activist. I can't do it through the arts, I can't play guitar or cello, can't sing,can't songwrite, can't draw, cant mold or whittle 'cause I can't find the inspiration or motivation. I wasn't even good at any of them anyway besides writing, but I can't do it anymore. I can only write from my perspective. I have no creativity, I can only write my experiences. In the streets activism I'm even worse at, I can't get past my anxiety of fucking talking to people yet I wanna teardown some institutions of the government. I wanna say fuck society but I'm too much of a fucking pussy.
So I don't have any good giveaways left. Here's a good previously free game of you don't already have it, and a decent one I can get some cv from.
I don't really know shit about the goth scene so I can't direct you to shit from there. but I guess I can talk about some punk. Y'all should check out and Laura Jane Grace's Autobiography, Tranny: Confessions of Punk Rock's Most Infamous Anarchist Sellout Amazon Link, and her band Against Me! It's amazing as a Trans person to have representation from such a popular and influential band, but they can be a hard listen, especially if you can relate. But that's a discussion for another day. Their entire discography is pretty great and you should give it a listen.
This post was supposed to be a placator while I finish my level 8 celebration, but it seems I've lost the cv again (I blame FiddlerOnTeWeb), so that'll be a little longer, specially since I'm out of ga's. I love this outfit, it makes me nostalgic. I wanted to be steampunk when I was a kid. I should go to a renaissance fair again I think.
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