This. Lately I've been rekindling it by playing through some of the longer old games that I never finished, but were considered classics, and had been something I'd always been meaning to get to (there's a lot of those...). Finished Just Cause for the first time the other day. It was fun. :)
Started in on Far Cry 2 now (finished FC1 a few years ago, and FC2 came out before Just Cause 2, so figured I'd get to both, might as well not go technologically backwards). And it's also nice playing on a PC that will run it smoothly; on release, I had a laptop that played it okay, but now my old PC runs it perfectly. Loving the scenery in both games, even though the game mechanics are a bit clunky and there's no real controller support.
But yeah, definitely comes and goes. If you're in an off cycle, that's perfectly fine. There's lots of other good things to do apart from gaming. Have fun doing that, too! :)
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How many different genres do you play? Maybe you just need a new taste to make you interested in games again.
Like, if you usually play something heavy on action, try something that's more puzzle-y, or something slower with more story?
You can have too much of a good thing. You can also try to focus on different hobbies until you remember what it is you miss about games. When you come back, there should be a lot of new ones that came out in your absence!
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that happens when you get too many free games i guess. we end up filling our library with terrible games, and than it becomes really hard to find a nice one to play.
that's why I stopped entering GA of games that I have 0 interest in and picking up every freebie i could find on the internet.
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you can play the first several missions of SC2 campaign for free with a free account
plus it still lets you do some online matchmaking
and some extremely long crazy ones too!
arcade mode!?!!?!?!?!?
and hey since you mentioned SC2 that means RTS games
i extremely recommend OPENRA. its command n conquer 1 red alert, dune 2000, command and conquer 95. all balanced and tweaked to modern RTS gameplay.
or theres the other command n conquer stuff i haven't touched in ages. with a lot more CnC games at
CnCNet dot org
it has CnC 95, Red alert 1, 2, yuris.
dune 2000
and tiberium sun
if you actually own some of the games. you can still play them multiplayer vs others at
CnC-online dot net
if you're looking into some RTS games.
I extremely highly super duper recommend
Impossible Creatures
a ye old classic from 2000s RTS that still is extremely great even now.
but unfortunately hard to get others to play multiplayer.
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i would think it's normal, we have all moments when we are tired of playing. Sometimes it is also the lassitude due to multiplayer games, we see that we spent 1000h in a multiplayer game and wonder about that time. At that point, it can help to play a game we don't play usually, or go through a solo experience to re-learn to follow a story and be able to finish something.
And you've some interesting games you didn't play much : mark of the ninja is excellent, coh1 and coh2 have both interesting campaign, and need for speed hot pursuit can be fun.
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google trad from french, don't take it that way, i just copied-pasted :D
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The more games you have the less you want to play them.
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here image failed to upload retrying wait
is imgur not working?
here is new link-
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Dont help. I have 50 games of 5k installed but play only the same 2 games.
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The upside is that you can play whatever and whenever you like on your own Steam account! :3
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I was asking myself this a few months ago... but then I decided to update my PC.
Now I'm playing Mad Max with every single set in ultra and I find joy again on complex games.
When I'm on my laptop, I often play pixelated addictive games like nuclear throne and risk of rain.
I think you just need to "revamp" your gaming preferences...
FYI I don't even know why I do have CS:GO installed here... It is currently one of the worst game on my account IMO.
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is my gaming fading? i seem to be no interest in gaming anymore
Just take a break from gaming and pick up another hobby for a while.
Either your desire to game will come back or it won't, and you'll have another hobby to fill the gap.
This happens to everyone, because anything in excess is too much.
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Take a break and/or sort out your life. I tend to binge-play LoL instead of proper games if I know I shouldn't play games and tend other business, but I kind of escape from it into games... and League are just shorter rounds, right? No real dedication... :| Pick up some good books and/or series, listen to podcasts (yay for gaming podcasts!) and if any of these makes you want to play something, just read it up, play or don't play, as you want. But this helps you focus on games you're interested in, while technically still ignoring games so you won't get overloaded again.
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You need a girlfriend or something to distract you for a long time. jaja
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You're just getting old. Happens to all of us. You'll find satisfaction again doing things that adults do.
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