Which theme would you like to see for November?
SG username | Number of achievements | Hours of Playtime | Games beaten |
samwise84 | 414 | 276 | 14 |
Radicalutopian | 200 | 249.1 | 7 |
Moony1986 | 5876 | 233.1 | 46 |
Zelrune | 109 | 159.6 | 4 |
LaVolpe99 | 205 | 156.2 | 8 |
PapaSmok | 139 | 156.2 | 6 |
EyeofArrow | 169 | 133.1 | 5 |
vot4ol | 175 | 131.6 | 9 |
PoeticKatana | 195 | 112.7 | 11 |
Carenard | 241 | 101.3 | 12 |
Cece09 | 499 | 94.8 | 28 |
AiSora | 109 | 94.4 | 3 |
CultofPersonalitea | 85 | 91.4 | 3 |
KonTa | 124 | 89.5 | 3 |
DarkRainX | 39 | 84.1 | 2 |
Noxco | 131 | 80.6 | 10 |
goplayer7 | 127 | 79.8 | 7 |
Naitas | 190 | 79.1 | 5 |
Xeloses | 30 | 66.9 | 1 |
GrowingStrong | 43 | 61.4 | 2 |
eledhrim | 125 | 58.8 | 4 |
escollo | 14 | 57.8 | 2 |
ZPE | 149 | 56.8 | 7 |
lav29 | 115 | 56.8 | 3 |
Trinity1999 | 48 | 55.4 | 1 |
Gellax | 115 | 53.4 | 3 |
Mitsukuni | 81 | 52.9 | 3 |
SpiderDen | 35 | 51.9 | 3 |
adam1224 | 84 | 51.6 | 6 |
Lunaedge | 40 | 47.1 | 1 |
mateot93 | 121 | 44.8 | 11 |
Vasharal | 42 | 42.5 | 1 |
Tewam | 31 | 41.9 | 1 |
aza3l12 | 182 | 41.8 | 2 |
ExcelElmira | 80 | 40.4 | 4 |
RiseV7 | 39 | 40.4 | 1 |
Volcanic | 83 | 40.2 | 3 |
Mayanaise | 43 | 39.7 | 2 |
Kyrrelin | 104 | 39.5 | 6 |
Wildstorm | 35 | 39.2 | 1 |
moonlightdriver | 50 | 38.5 | 4 |
Millsshogun | 99 | 37.2 | 1 |
Gozu | 45 | 34.7 | 2 |
amusedmonkey | 30 | 33.8 | 1 |
Arthur13 | 32 | 33 | 1 |
krol7 | 77 | 31.1 | 4 |
Pinajet | 43 | 30.3 | 2 |
cassioht | 41 | 28.4 | 1 |
SolubleCrow | 38 | 28 | 1 |
Zarshir | 41 | 27 | 1 |
Wasari | 58 | 26.8 | 1 |
aquatorrent | 36 | 25.6 | 2 |
SanderHyrax | 68 | 25.3 | 2 |
cynnix | 5 | 24.6 | 1 |
CptWest | 48 | 24.1 | 4 |
MrPantera | 33 | 24.1 | 2 |
wifishark | 38 | 23.4 | 1 |
AllTracTurbo | 14 | 23.4 | 1 |
Zlia | 37 | 23.2 | 1 |
RePlayBe | 11 | 22.9 | 2 |
aleluist | 22 | 21.8 | 1 |
Aldcoran | 110 | 21.7 | 2 |
Metalhead8489 | 92 | 21.6 | 5 |
MrPerry | 44 | 21 | 2 |
Epaminondas93 | 21 | 20.9 | 1 |
Naturefusal | 45 | 20.4 | 1 |
ThePonz | 57 | 19.8 | 2 |
Nidetag | 30 | 19.8 | 1 |
MouseWithBeer | 129 | 19.5 | 4 |
RavenWings | 38 | 19.3 | 1 |
xxxka | 16 | 18.8 | 3 |
galiane | 37 | 18.6 | 3 |
xymjak | 10 | 18.4 | 1 |
Zarakkii | 28 | 18.2 | 1 |
RiderOfPhoenix | 14 | 18.1 | 1 |
Blueaquapearl50 | 20 | 18 | 1 |
aklgupta | 74 | 17.6 | 1 |
Razgul | 34 | 17 | 2 |
Fluffster | 45 | 16.6 | 3 |
jimmy09172000 | 42 | 16.3 | 3 |
stfmnsl | 21 | 16.3 | 1 |
Cbasplay | 14 | 15.9 | 1 |
mathisgreat | 26 | 15.8 | 1 |
Thexder | 19 | 15.7 | 2 |
Sylom | 15 | 14.7 | 2 |
CharlesNonsens | 25 | 13.6 | 1 |
ManlyMeatMan | 24 | 13.6 | 1 |
freshduke | 32 | 13.3 | 1 |
Francoo | 31 | 13.3 | 1 |
andreeeeeww | 65 | 13.2 | 2 |
Fun532 | 44 | 12.6 | 4 |
BarefootMonkey | 9 | 12.6 | 1 |
HurrJackal1 | 14 | 12.3 | 2 |
AiKirika | 29 | 12.2 | 2 |
Almostn33t | 61 | 12 | 2 |
TheNothing | 27 | 11.9 | 1 |
Foxpile | 38 | 10.7 | 5 |
AlvinCanCabbage | 1 | 10.7 | 1 |
Ninglor03 | 21 | 10.4 | 1 |
JohnWickTheQuick | 16 | 10.2 | 2 |
nanji | 6 | 10.2 | 1 |
ChocolateVC | 13 | 10.1 | 1 |
zohir | 48 | 9.9 | 1 |
microporoso | 52 | 9.5 | 1 |
GabbyGabe | 22 | 9.2 | 1 |
Roleri | 48 | 9.2 | 1 |
psousa | 12 | 8.9 | 1 |
Akuburanir | 38 | 8.7 | 1 |
Devirk | 12 | 8.7 | 1 |
KoRayven | 24 | 8.7 | 1 |
SilentBlood | 63 | 8.2 | 1 |
SmokyMonki | 10 | 8 | 1 |
740kt | 28 | 7.9 | 2 |
MeowMilkyWay | 77 | 7.7 | 4 |
greatmastermario | 4 | 7.5 | 2 |
CallMeKap | 6 | 7.3 | 1 |
alancml | 48 | 7.1 | 1 |
sunmi | 15 | 6.6 | 1 |
VicViperV | 21 | 6.6 | 1 |
LightX | 27 | 6.6 | 1 |
RussellCZ | 45 | 6.5 | 1 |
igel2005 | 11 | 6.3 | 1 |
Lucifera | 15 | 6.1 | 1 |
Yukiin | 5 | 6 | 1 |
BlackStark | 22 | 6 | 1 |
AnuPatel | 9 | 5.9 | 1 |
juhaszandor | 13 | 5.8 | 1 |
robocub | 31 | 5.7 | 1 |
fernandopa | 19 | 5.5 | 1 |
Kokkol | 32 | 5.4 | 2 |
SnowyWing | 9 | 5.1 | 1 |
LordSpyMaybe | 37 | 5 | 5 |
moemustaine | 50 | 5 | 1 |
damianea103 | 9 | 4.8 | 2 |
AndyFrost | 32 | 4.8 | 1 |
Slide95 | 15 | 4.7 | 1 |
Gelweo | 72 | 4.5 | 5 |
someonequeer | 14 | 4.4 | 1 |
VinroyIsViral | 9 | 4.3 | 2 |
Sir9 | 31 | 4.3 | 1 |
g2gfast | 1 | 4.2 | 1 |
fedordolohov | 14 | 4.2 | 1 |
Mikoy7 | 11 | 4.1 | 1 |
Heprer | 10 | 4.1 | 1 |
Leon30670 | 23 | 4 | 1 |
Kehai | 14 | 3.9 | 1 |
doubleomurfy | 19 | 3.7 | 1 |
mjy | 31 | 3.4 | 1 |
stuped | 19 | 3.4 | 1 |
Jorin | 24 | 3.2 | 1 |
Dux80 | 30 | 3.1 | 1 |
ComNguoi | 12 | 3.1 | 1 |
ngrazer | 18 | 2.9 | 1 |
vohaha | 6 | 2.7 | 1 |
Trashes | 17 | 2.6 | 1 |
Valmar666 | 31 | 2.6 | 1 |
Arcsurvivor | 53 | 2.5 | 1 |
axolotlprime | 23 | 2.4 | 1 |
z00rox | 16 | 2.3 | 1 |
xurc | 2 | 2.3 | 1 |
Nariel | 29 | 2.2 | 1 |
DrSlitheen | 37 | 2.1 | 1 |
Naia | 35 | 2.1 | 1 |
quijote3000 | 0 | 2 | 1 |
LieEater | 5 | 1.9 | 1 |
sweetcuppincakes | 12 | 1.6 | 1 |
NeverOnline | 3 | 1.3 | 1 |
mulchand | 2 | 1.2 | 1 |
ecefromhell | 129 | 0.7 | 3 |
sallachim | 27 | 0.7 | 1 |
Tristar | 10 | 0.2 | 1 |
ba2 | 8 | -3.1 | 1 |
Total | 14675 | 5043.3 | 449 |
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740kt - 76561198080709468
AiKirika - 76561198287468787
AiSora - 76561198071376710
Akuburanir - 76561197992752428
Aldcoran - 76561198062660320
AllTracTurbo - 76561197980988545
Almostn33t - 76561198453663783
AlvinCanCabbage - 76561198296872531
AndyFrost - 76561197987167534
AnuPatel - 76561198345906612
Arcsurvivor - 76561198107078391
Arthur13 - 76561198023788861
BarefootMonkey - 76561198025461537
BlackStark - 76561198415650031
Blueaquapearl50 - 76561198211520780
CallMeKap - 76561198073694096
Carenard - 76561198025173613
Cbasplay - 76561198216123223
Cece09 - 76561198140547710
CharlesNonsens - 76561197990245665
ChocolateVC - 76561198861195865
ComNguoi - 76561198197903170
CptWest - 76561198073881948
CultofPersonalitea - 76561199067998064
DarkRainX - 76561198967999484
Devirk - 76561198043240987
DrSlitheen - 76561198064851272
Dux80 - 76561198113664675
Epaminondas93 - 76561198205498640
ExcelElmira - 76561198072995245
EyeofArrow - 76561198030464920
Fluffster - 76561198116544343
Foxpile - 76561197967055456
Francoo - 76561198864609429
Fun532 - 76561198883771677
GabbyGabe - 76561198001080350
Gellax - 76561198352939969
Gelweo - 76561198118982727
Gozu - 76561198073351098
GrowingStrong - 76561198070830819
Heprer - 76561198046535688
HurrJackal1 - 76561198006309422
JohnWickTheQuick - 76561198059841583
Jorin - 76561198049772991
Kehai - 76561198090938080
KoRayven - 76561198064274333
Kokkol - 76561198128535425
KonTa - 76561198123183990
Kyrrelin - 76561198036297204
LaVolpe99 - 76561198376046355
Leon30670 - 76561198107002973
LieEater - 76561198067727574
LightX - 76561198120285206
LordSpyMaybe - 76561198001148159
Lucifera - 76561198049840570
Lunaedge - 76561198059261733
ManlyMeatMan - 76561198012473463
Mayanaise - 76561197996314287
MeowMilkyWay - 76561198089694727
Metalhead8489 - 76561198069420656
Mikoy7 - 76561198054907249
Millsshogun - 76561198075996214
Mitsukuni - 76561198036913791
Moony1986 - 76561198249392362
MouseWithBeer - 76561198063952731
MrPantera - 76561197977850741
MrPerry - 76561198262548891
Naia - 76561198181584249
Naitas - 76561198054939035
Nariel - 76561198137420576
Naturefusal - 76561198031807383
NeverOnline - 76561198122258825
Nidetag - 76561198233912132
Ninglor03 - 76561198007224367
Noxco - 76561198047132749
PapaSmok - 76561197982447568
Pinajet - 76561198020728219
PoeticKatana - 76561198027595057
Radicalutopian - 76561198031335027
RavenWings - 76561197976457279
Razgul - 76561197978098202
RePlayBe - 76561197960990984
RiderOfPhoenix - 76561198886227993
RiseV7 - 76561198069480389
Roleri - 76561198184693922
RussellCZ - 76561198070108772
SanderHyrax - 76561198069356699
SilentBlood - 76561198054273498
Sir9 - 76561197970871898
Slide95 - 76561198444127759
SmokyMonki - 76561198087131382
SnowyWing - 76561198146443901
SolubleCrow - 76561198423956440
SpiderDen - 76561198050400321
Sylom - 76561198028338018
Tewam - 76561198027547755
TheNothing - 76561198000660439
ThePonz - 76561197993524388
Thexder - 76561197989280149
Trashes - 76561198044242678
Trinity1999 - 76561198862162678
Tristar - 76561197982136630
Valmar666 - 76561198203134216
Vasharal - 76561198026481132
VicViperV - 76561198071754116
VinroyIsViral - 76561198089693705
Volcanic - 76561199058860061
Wasari - 76561198103123646
Wildstorm - 76561197989463326
Xeloses - 76561198163759050
Yukiin - 76561198015626617
ZPE - 76561198007145340
Zarakkii - 76561198054890119
Zarshir - 76561198028027215
Zelrune - 76561198201613371
Zlia - 76561197999536618
adam1224 - 76561198025823574
aklgupta - 76561198242625678
alancml - 76561198139162457
aleluist - 76561198032550800
amusedmonkey - 76561198014730910
andreeeeeww - 76561198023327915
aquatorrent - 76561198132503739
axolotlprime - 76561198051261596
aza3l12 - 76561198042775435
ba2 - 76561198120364067
cassioht - 76561198094715296
cynnix - 76561197975164603
damianea103 - 76561198113581790
doubleomurfy - 76561198041749780
ecefromhell - 76561199273404293
eledhrim - 76561199085338397
escollo - 76561198071731888
fedordolohov - 76561198033081054
fernandopa - 76561197994335129
freshduke - 76561198034335591
g2gfast - 76561198024551500
galiane - 76561198055205614
goplayer7 - 76561198040715710
greatmastermario - 76561198102492245
igel2005 - 76561198029691323
jimmy09172000 - 76561198353873501
juhaszandor - 76561197998619018
krol7 - 76561197998466535
lav29 - 76561198271692078
mateot93 - 76561198105596181
mathisgreat - 76561197999508776
microporoso - 76561199030769754
mjy - 76561198026492008
moemustaine - 76561198025889911
moonlightdriver - 76561198177083337
mulchand - 76561198028260044
nanji - 76561198027120088
ngrazer - 76561197993897227
psousa - 76561198138783151
quijote3000 - 76561198014144429
robocub - 76561197992633946
sallachim - 76561198032097080
samwise84 - 76561198100730699
someonequeer - 76561199008758692
stfmnsl - 76561198132214571
stuped - 76561198070507427
sunmi - 76561198333940820
sweetcuppincakes - 76561197970536949
vohaha - 76561198321267080
vot4ol - 76561199141726712
wifishark - 76561198060528934
xurc - 76561198267201249
xxxka - 76561198329951470
xymjak - 76561198027967076
z00rox - 76561198313415063
zohir - 76561198113427854
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1 person
THE BUTTON by Elendow
Cats Hidden in Paris
The Count Lucanor
The Heiress of Sorcery
These nights in Cairo
Fursona Festival
Pet Animal
Ghostwire: Tokyo
AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES - nirvanA Initiative
Arrow Tourney
Big Red Hood: Halloween
Never give up!
The Rabbit's Scroll
There is No GreenDam
Family Mysteries 3: Criminal Mindset
Gordon Adventure
The Witch, Wife, & the Wish
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Would https://store.steampowered.com/app/684410/Bridge_Constructor_Portal/ count as a chaotic game for next months event?
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Hmm, good question. I'm actually not sure since I haven't played it but it's a physics game and a building game. I checked some gameplay videos to be sure and it seems you can create dangle-y bridges which makes the outcome kinda unpredictable. It's also a planning game, so more like a middle ground I guess. But you can use "other (physics)" as an explanation for future reference because I doubt this will be the only one people ask, most physics games should be OK I think. Quick check on the Physics tag: Wreckfest is chaotic while Forza Motorsport is not. Goat Simulator is perfect. Simulators are not chaotic but games like Kerbal Space Program is acceptable since it can get crazy.
Should've put it in the tags, welp. :)
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Shadow Warrior 3 (Tag : animal : dragon)
Note : not a win
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Game | challenges | Achievements | Status |
The First Tree | Tag Fox | achievements | Complete(100%) |
Zoo Seeker | less than 100 reviews | achievements | Complete(100%) |
DEEEER Simulator | animal achievement images | achievements | Complete(100%) |
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whoop tee doo
Game | Subcategory | Notes | Status |
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante | Games with animal achievement images | Backlog - Horse in "Trampled", Ant in "Revelation", Bird in "What long arms you have!", "Heretic on the Loose" and "Master of Diplomacy" | Beaten! |
Alchemy Garden | Games with animal cards | Backlog - Cat in "Spooky Pocus Skullcat" trading card | Completed! |
Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel | Games with animal achievement images | Backlog - Beetle in "Bug awareness" achievement | Beaten! |
Through the Woods | Games with animal achievement images | Dog in "Good Dog", Wolf in "The Girl Who Cried Wolf" | Unfinished |
Spec Ops: The Line | Games with animal achievement images | Backlog - Cockroach in "MFWIC" | Beaten! |
Arcade Spirits | Games about love, friendship, dating | It's a Dating Sim, so. | Beaten! |
Batora: Lost Haven | Games with animal emotes | :btyouke: | Unfinished |
Still Life 2 | Gifter avatar includes an animal | Gifter | Beaten! |
Gigapocalypse | Tag: Dinosaurs | - | Beaten! |
Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut | Games with animal achievement images | Backlog - Dog in "Dante's Inferno" and "Down, Boy" | Beaten! |
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Fobia beaten! Story's complicated and sets up for a sequel, but satisfies your curiosity enough, and it is a pretty great game overall.
Spec Ops: The Line I finished today! No matter if you know the story and plot twists already, playing it is something else entirely. Very sad and gut-wrenching, something you're unlikely to ever forget.
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The king's heroes
Game | Subcategory | Status |
The King's Heroes | Games with less than 100 reviews (win) | Completed |
Ultimate Arena | Games with animal achievement images (backlog) | Completed |
Temtem | Gifter avatar includes an animal | Unfinished |
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Game | Subcategory | Play stats | Notes |
STRIDER™ / ストライダー飛竜® | Gifter avatar includes an animal | Beaten | giveaway link |
The Surge | Games with animal achievement images (backlog) | Beaten | dog |
Marvel's Avengers - The Definitive Edition | Games with animal achievement images (backlog) | Beaten | ant |
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Beacon Pines
Metal: Hellsinger
The 39 Steps
Cult of the Lamb
My Memory of Us
Battle Chef Brigade Deluxe
Ghostwire: Tokyo
Pumpkin Jack
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Game | Category | Status |
Sunlight | Points to join <= 5 | Beaten |
Alwa's Legacy | Animal achievement images | Beaten |
Sakura Agent | Gifter avatar includes an animal | Completed |
Regions of Ruin | Animal achievement images | Completed |
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Name | Subcategory | Won From | Won/Activated on | Status |
Chicken Police - Paint it RED! | Games with animal title (backlog) | - | Jul 8, 2023 | ✅ |
Pinstripe | Games with animal achievement images (backlog) | - | Feb 3, 2019 | ✅ |
Freedom Planet | Overwelmingly good games | TomatePourrie | Nov 3, 2020 | ✅ |
Here Comes Niko! | Games with animal achievement images (backlog) | - | Dec 19, 2022 | ✅ |
Bullet Witch | Gifter avatar includes an animal | LastM | Apr 30, 2023 | ✅ |
Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim | Gifter avatar includes an animal | LastM | Apr 30, 2023 | ✅ |
Maneater | Games with animal badges (backlog) | - | Nov 3, 2022 | ✅ |
Bad Rats: the Rats' Revenge | Games with animal title (backlog) | - | Oct 18, 2018 | ✅ |
Energy Cycle | Games with animal cards (backlog) | - | Aug 18, 2017 | ✅ |
DRAGON BALL FighterZ | Games with animal title (backlog) | - | Dec 24, 2022 | ✅ |
Kraken Academy!! | Games with animal title (win) | atti | Sep 12, 2023 | ✅ |
RB: Axolotl | Games with animal protagonists | steveywonder75 | Sep 2, 2023, | ✅ |
Blue Whale | Games with animal title (backlog) | - | Dec 17, 2017 | ✅ |
Pixel Puzzles Ultimate Jigsaw - Halloween 4 | Games with animal achievement images (backlog) | - | Nov 10, 2021 | ✅ |
Coloring Pixels - Halloween Pack 1+2 + Bonus pack | Games with animal achievement images (backlog) | - | Aug 29, 2023 | ✅ |
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate HD | Gifter avatar includes an animal | LastM | Aug 1, 2023 | ✅ |
Resident Evil 6 | Gifter avatar includes an animal | samwise84 | Oct 13, 2023 | ✅ |
Little Nightmares | Games with animal cards (backlog) | - | Feb 03, 2019 | ✅ |
A Juggler's Tale | Overhwelmingly Positive games | Gelweo | Oct 8, 2023 | ✅ |
Recursive Dragon | Gifter avatar includes an animal | - | Nov 14, 2018 | ✅ |
AWAKE - Definitive Edition | Games with less than 100 reviews (backlog) | - | Oct 23, 2022 | ✅ |
Free Bowling 3D | Games with less than 100 reviews (backlog) | - | Nov 14, 2018 | ✅ |
The Cat! Porfirio's Adventure | Games with animal title (backlog) | - | Sep 26, 2018 | ✅ |
FoxyLand | Games with less than 100 reviews (backlog) | - | Dec 16, 2017 | ✅ |
Mouse (Sneaking) | Games with animal title (backlog) | - | Oct 13, 2018 | ✅ |
Bridge Constructor | Gifter avatar includes an animal | - | Jul 23, 2018 | ⌛ |
Dinosaur Hunt First Blood | Games with animal title (backlog) | - | Nov 23, 2017 | ✅ |
VITATIO 2 | Games with less than 100 reviews (backlog) | - | Jul 30, 2017 | ✅ |
Colony On Mars | Games with less than 100 reviews (win) | GediKnight | Dec 21, 2018 | ✅ |
Bang Bang Fruit 2 | Games with less than 100 reviews (backlog) | - | Sep 20, 2018 | ✅ |
Ninja Midori | Games with less than 100 reviews (backlog) | - | Jan 24, 2019 | ✅ |
West of Red | Games with less than 100 reviews (win) | anpa | Apr 10, 2018 | ✅ |
Suna | Games with less than 100 reviews (win) | icaio | Apr 2, 2019 | ✅ |
Alien Cat 2 | Games with animal title (backlog) | - | Aug 14, 2022 | ✅ |
Bad Caterpillar | Games with animal title (backlog) | - | Aug 01, 2018 | ✅ |
Tourists Kidnapped a Little Bear | Games with animal title (backlog) | - | Jul 29, 2017 | ✅ |
TAIKU MANSION | Games with less than 100 reviews (backlog) | - | Jul 30, 2017 | ✅ |
The Pasture | Games with less than 100 reviews (backlog) | - | Aug 12, 2017 | ✅ |
simian.interface++ | Games with less than 100 reviews (backlog) | - | Nov 01, 2017 | ✅ |
Nightork Adventures - Beyond the Moons of Shadalee | Games with less than 100 reviews (backlog) | - | Jul 30, 2017 | ✅ |
Gravity Wars | Games with less than 100 reviews (backlog) | - | Jan 01, 2019 | ✅ |
Tomb Joe | Games with less than 100 reviews (backlog) | - | Jul 22, 2017 | ✅ |
Redium | Games with less than 100 reviews (backlog) | - | Jun 01, 2019 | ✅ |
Deadly Escape | Games with less than 100 reviews (backlog) | - | Mar 30, 2018 | ✅ |
The Quarter Game | Games with less than 100 reviews (backlog) | - | Dec 29, 2017 | ✅ |
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Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel | 25/28 | 21.7hrs | Beaten |
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders | 39/50 | 8.9hrs | Beaten |
Chained Echoes | 21/37 | 61.9hrs | Beaten |
TOTAL: | hrs | 3 games Beaten |
with the conditions
for the 1st 2 games: Gifter avatar includes an animal and could pet animals for chained echoes
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I'm playing Sentience: The Android's Tale (5P game), and/or Through Abandoned: The Forest (single developer based on the developer's name being someone's name, but I'm not 100% confident about this because I couldn't find much information online about the developer) Lost Grimoires: Stolen Kingdom (the Eagle Eyed achievement has an image of a bird)
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i took the liberty to install through abandoned: the forest for you
here is the credits (idk why it says through abandoned: the underground city, but it's definitely through abandoned: the forest since i only have that one on my library):
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Tacoma, Category: Animal achievement image ("Catsitter", all achievements), Status: unplayed
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I looked at the discussions of pagywosg many many times but now i'm finally going to participate.
Name | Category | Status | Play time | Achievements |
TSIOQUE | Overwhelmingly positive (95%); Animal achievement images | Completed | 4.3 hrs | 31/31 |
Torchlight II | Games with animal companions | Unfinished | 9.8 hrs | 29/119 |
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Congrats on beating a win for October is a "play a game you won on Steamgifts" month, you can request to join the group if you want. Giveaways are available on the event website.
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Spiritfarer®: Farewell Edition. (Games with animal title, cards, badges, backgrounds, emotes, achievement images - backlog)
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Anna's Quest (achievement with an animal)
Calico (fits like half of the categories)
Darksiders (achievement with animal)
Shift Happens (game with animal background)
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (gifter avatar animal)
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Game | Category | Status (Achievements) | Hours taken |
Roki | Games with animal title, cards, badges, backgrounds, emotes, achievement images (win) | Completed (32/32) | 8.0 |
Time Loader | Games with animal title, cards, badges, backgrounds, emotes, achievement images (backlog) | Completed (29/29) | 4.0 |
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun | Points to join >= 40 | Not started | - |
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Congrats on beating a win for October is a "play a game you won on Steamgifts" month, you can request to join the group if you want. Giveaways are available on the event website.
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Black Mesa. Overwhelmingly good game with more than 100 000 reviews.
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Name | Category | Status | Notes |
Escape Goat 2 | Games with animal title | Beaten | - |
Autonauts vs Piratebots | Gifter avatar includes an animal | Beaten | Spammathon's avatar is a crow |
Meeple Station | Games with animal achievement images | Unplayed | Achievement: "So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish" |
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I'll be playing:
Games with animal protagonists - Inspector Waffles - Finished!
Birds tag - Aviary Attorney - Finished!
Games with animal protagonists - I am Fish
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Congrats on beating a win for October is a "play a game you won on Steamgifts" month, you can request to join the group if you want. Giveaways are available on the event website.
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Game | Subcategory | Achievements | Status |
The First Tree | Games with animal protagonists, Games with animal cards, backgrounds, emotes, achievement image | 11/14 | beaten |
Will start playing the game during next week.
Edit: I finished the game.
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Name | Subcategory | Won On | Status |
Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy | Tag Dragons | February 15, 2023 | Completed |
Life is Strange | Games with animal emotes (backlog) | - | Completed |
Visual Novel Sisters | Points to join <= 5 | September 29, 2023 | Completed |
Lair of the Clockwork God | Games about friendship | August 22, 2023 | Beaten |
A Girls Fabric Face | Games developed by a single person | June 17, 2023 | Beaten |
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These last few months have been rough. But at least I made some progress. Plan to finally finish Zwei this month.
I'll play Zwei: The Arges Adventure - Gifter avatar or name includes an animal: HurrJackal1
*Edit Finished Zwei. That took a bit of grinding. I'd say the sequel game definitely makes combat a lot easier with the magic auto-targeting on enemies. This game required me to really get good. I was almost always 5 levels above the minimum recommended to finish each boss fight. Inventory management due to items not stacking was a bit of a pain. But near the end game with all the pack expansions, it did make things a little bit more convenient. Story was okay. What I enjoyed was the characters bantering back and forth. The dialogue was quick, witty, and had plenty of puns from Pokkle.
Let's see if I can finish another game, I'm halfway through.
Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan under Games about Love. There's an achievement called "Marriage Bonds" as proof ♥.
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Train Valley 2 - "Gifter avatar includes an animal" Gifter: https://www.steamgifts.com/user/MountainWulf - I'm not sure if this is far-fetched, but his avatar is a dragon. I didn't consider "Wulf" for obvious reasons
Merchant of the Skies - "Games with animal achievement images (win)" https://steamcommunity.com/stats/1040070/achievements Achievement: "Fish Appreciation"
Garden Story - "Games with animal cards (win)" https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/753/1062140-Rana
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Game | Achievements | Hours of Playtime | Subcategory | Status |
Anthology of Fear | 8/13 | 2.5 | Animal achievement image | Beaten |
Batman Arkham Asylum | 37/47 | 16.5 | Animal title | Beaten |
Dead Space | ␀ | 15.6 | About love | Beaten |
Evil Within | 25/71 | 25.7 | Animal trading card | Beaten |
Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel | 18/28 | 7.3 | Animal achievement image | Unfinished |
How Fish is Made (New content) | ␀ | 0.8 | Animal title | Beaten |
Iron Lung | 5/7 | 1.6 | Solo developer | Beaten |
Maid of Sker | 5/30 | 2.7 | Animal achievement image | Beaten |
Siren Head: The Siren's Forest | 6/9 | 0.4 | Solo developer | Beaten |
STASIS | 27/27 | 7.5 | Animal emote | Completed |
131 | 80.6 | 10 |
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Can I assume that Gal*Gun 2 cleanly falls under the "Games about love, friendship, dating" category and it's obvious enough from just looking at the game? ^_^'
So, um, that one. And also Gunborg: Dark Matters and Chenso Club, both of which have less than 100 reviews. Yeah, I hope to get a lot of progress this month. ^_^
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Well... the "a lot of progress" sure as heck DID NOT happen. <.<
In fact, free-time-wise, this was a reaaaaaaaally terrible month for me and I barely got to play anything. First got sick at the start of the month, then after a few days after getting better got some annoying time consuming obligations that leave me too tired to play anything and will probably eat into the start of next month too. T.T
Had to rush the 100% on Gal*Gun 2 now at the last moment and cancel the other two. Sorry about that. :/
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Game | Category |
Bengbo | Games with less than 100 |
Meeple Station | Games with animal achievement images |
Nigate Tale | Games about dating (Has the tag "Dating Sim") |
Maybe I won't be able to play Nigate Tale because doesn't work on linux and my windows pc is experiencing some difficulties.
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Game | Category | Playtime | Status |
Kingdom Two Crowns | Animal Tag | 47.3h | Beaten |
World to the West | Gifter avatar or name includes an animal | 14.1h | Beaten |
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Name | Category | Status |
Double Kick Heroes | Tag Dinosaurs | Beaten |
DuckTales: Remastered | Games with animal protagonists | Beaten |
Yakuza 3 Remastered | Games with animal backgrounds (backlog) | Completed |
Return to Mysterious Island 2 | Games with animal companions | Completed |
Hiveswap Friendsim | Games about friendship | Completed |
The Quarry | Games with animal achievement images (backlog) | Beaten |
Portal 2 | Games with more than 100000 reviews (backlog) | Beaten |
Retrowave | Points to join <= 5 | Beaten |
Victor Vran ARPG | Games with animal emotes (backlog) | Beaten |
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Game | Subcategory | Achievements | Playtime | Status | Notes |
Kraken Academy!! | Games about friendship | 48/48 | 9.4h | Completed | "Make friends, free spirits and make sure that the world doesn’t end!" |
Portal Dogs | Tag Dog | - | 0h | Unfinished | - |
Worms | Games with animal title | - | 0h | Unfinished | - |
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I beat Honey, I Joined a Cult. Cults are kind of like friendship right? I got the world peace ending where everyone joins together in love and friendship for world peace achievement Totally Psychedelic: Trigger a Peace & Love Finale.
There's also an achievement called Unwavering Faith that has a bird on it if the love/friendship is too much of a stretch.
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Let's see if I can do more than one or two this month.
Quick word about the games then:
A Juggler's Tale was a tad disappointing. Sure, it's beautiful but there isn't much there. The "story" feels like a lightweight ripoff of Strings, without the meaning. The gameplay is kinda limited in the platformer puzzle genre. And it's short, really short. The narration gets annoying really fast, also. But it really is gorgeous. I just wish they had done more with it.
Tohu is cool. Definitely a relaxing game, with short, easy puzzles. Also looking pretty good. Getting a little long by the end but an enjoyable play.
Tried A Fistful of Gun again. Daaaaaaamn it's haaaaaard. I stopped counting how many times I started the story mode all over after 25 times. I only ended up beating the last act thanks to the a series of softball randomized levels.
I don't know how HLTB ends up with a 2 hours average on that game but I guess it was either on the arcade mode, not the story mode, or crackheads playing the game while on drugs.
Steamhunters have the median completion time at 14 hours, which seems way way closer to reality, imo. Let's just say I will never 100% this one I'm afraid.
Game | Date | Playtime | Achievements | Status |
A Juggler's Tale | Games with animal achievement images | 2.8h / HLTB (2h) | 16 / 18 | Beaten (Achievement: Together we are not alone) |
TOHU | Games with animal achievement images | 5.9h / HLTB (5h) | 19 / 21 | Beaten (Achievement: Happy end) |
A Fistful of Gun | Games with animal achievement images | 8.4h / HLTB (5h) | 10 / 13 | Beaten (Achievement: Bye Bye Boon) |
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Congrats on beating a win for October is a "play a game you won on Steamgifts" month, you can request to join the group if you want. Giveaways are available on the event website.
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Congrats on beating a win for October is a "play a game you won on Steamgifts" month, you can request to join the group if you want. Giveaways are available on the event website.
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Game | Link | Hours of Playtime | Subcategory | Status |
The Crow's Eye | Achievements - 33/33 | 13.7 | Animals in: title, gifter name/avatar, achievements images, cards, emoticons | FINISHED! |
Smile For Me | Achievements - 24/24 | 6.1 | Animals in: gifter avatar, achievements images, cards, backgrounds | FINISHED! |
maybe | soon™ | --- | --- | --- |
Total: 57/57 |
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Well, I always like to pick games that are very related to the monthly topic.
In this case, I think Chicken Police - Paint it RED!, where all the characters are animals, is trhe best
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Finished Submerged: Hidden Depths recently. It fits under "Games with animal title, cards, badges, backgrounds, emotes, achievement images" category.
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There is a game called 6.0. (I was also confused, how can someone fail such trivia math :D)
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Randal's Monday - Has 3 different achievements with images of animals.
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Game | Subcategory | Status |
CRISIS CORE –FINAL FANTASY VII– REUNION | Points to join >= 40 or <= 5 | Beaten! |
Golf Club Nostalgia | Games with animal title, cards, badges, backgrounds, emotes, achievement images | Beaten! |
The Spirit and The Mouse | Games with animal protagonists / companions | Achievements bugged out for me, idk if I'll be completing it like this |
Will try looking for a few more games that fit the theme in my wins backlog if I have some more time before the end, but these are priority!
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Congrats on beating a win for October is a "play a game you won on Steamgifts" month, you can request to join the group if you want. Giveaways are available on the event website.
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Game | Category | Status |
Yes, Your Grace | Category: Gifter (duville) has a lizard profile picture | Beaten |
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Congrats on beating a win for October is a "play a game you won on Steamgifts" month, you can request to join the group if you want. Giveaways are available on the event website.
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games beaten this month:
Games about friendship:
Games with animal cards (win)
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I've been so busy this month that I only now realized that I never made a post here with the games I entered. I initially planned to continue with the games I didn't get to in Sept (Pato Box and Forgotton Anne), but I didn't get them again. I've added Paperbark (animal protagonist category) to my entry since it's short enough for me to squeeze in before the month ends.
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Happy Holidays!
Poll Format: Happy Holidays! - Tags: Action, Adventure, Arcade, Atmospheric, Casual, Comedy, Co-op, Multiplayer, Racing. Games with official holiday themed artwork/promo material/game content. Games with alcohol, fireworks, pumpkins, Santa outfits, snow or turkeys in them. Games won/activated/released in Nov-Jan. Games that can be played with others. 1st part of a game series.
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Poll Format: Santa Claus is coming to town - Stealth, Flight, Monster Collector, Tycoon games, Games gifted to others on SG by the participant, Games that have you travel across the globe, Games where you play as an immortal/evil overlord, Games that entirely take place during a single day, Games with elves but no dwarves
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Just realized I never posted my suggestion :D
Poll format: Die Hard - Tags: 1980s, Action, Action Roguelike, America, Cult Classic, Difficult, Heist, Roguelike, Roguelite, Souls-like; Achievements for dying; Achievements for deathless playthroughs; Villains with german name; Games playing on/around Christmas; Games with towers, terrorists, policemen; Games where you can fall to death; Games with a hard mode; Games with a health bar; Game title includes the word "Die" or "Hard"
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How do we define overwhelmingly good games? Is it just "overwhelmingly positive" games or any title with a rating over 95%? I have a game to play with a rating of 96% but it only has 360 reviews so Steam doesn't count it as overwhelmingly positive.
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What qualifies as a backlog game? I would like to play a game that has 4 steam reviews but bought it just now. I don't know if that is okay or not. I have played all the games I have won except for one that doesn't run well on modern hardware.
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We distinguish between wins and normal backlog games, where backlog games are all games not won on here that you own on steam. But since you already have played all your wins you can take part in all categories with your normal steam backlog and you are not just restricted to the backlog categories.
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hey im sorry im really new to do and i dont know how to participate. if im correct if theres a game i won here but havent played yet, i have to play it and after that i can play backlog games if it has one of the requirements?
do i have to comment here w the name of the games im gonna play or is it okay if i just enter the game to the event page?
and lastly when the event ends where can i see the winners? thank you so much,,,
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We expect you to play wins first, as long as they fit the current theme. If you have no wins that fit the current theme or you have played them all, then you can feel free to take part with any steam backlog game that fits the theme and is unbeaten. Exception to this are the specifically designated backlog categories (we usually have a few subcategories where you always can take part with backlog games even if you still have unbeaten wins) .
You do not need to comment here with the games you want to play, but we do encourage to leave some form of comment here or join our discord server, so we can easily contact you, if there is something wrong or we do have questions concerning one of your entries on the event page. Once you have beaten and marked the game as beaten on the event page, it will be checked by the admin team and once it is approved you will see the GA links on the event page.
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Congrats on beating a win for October is a "play a game you won on Steamgifts" month, you can request to join the group if you want. Giveaways are available on the event website.
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Hey, sorry to bother, but hoping to get into ZPE's GAs. I have one win and several backlog entries.
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67 Comments - Last post 9 minutes ago by eeev
28 Comments - Last post 17 minutes ago by JMM72
1 Comments - Last post 19 minutes ago by pb1
18 Comments - Last post 30 minutes ago by VahidSlayerOfAll
200 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Skwerm
13 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Adamdoodles
2,403 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by FranckCastle
23 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by hbarkas
896 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by eeev
89 Comments - Last post 15 minutes ago by Xerxas
56 Comments - Last post 16 minutes ago by Williamatics
980 Comments - Last post 22 minutes ago by Swordoffury
3,701 Comments - Last post 35 minutes ago by yugimax
17,384 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by insideAfireball
The event officially opens at 00:00 UTC, any playtime/achivements before that won't be counted.
Countdown until event starts
Countdown until event ends
Congrats to everyone who participated in September! The stats are the following:
Hope to see you all again this month :)
Due to timezones/people not being online 24/7 I am still accepting any edits/applications for September for the next couple of days.
The theme for this month is
Great or Small, Love Them All
(Thank you to Moony1986 for the suggestion!)
Tags: All animal tags
Games where you can care for / save / pet animals *1
Games with animal protagonists / companions *1
Gifter avatar or name includes an animal
Overhwelmingly Positive games
Games developed by a single person *1
Points to join >= 40 or <= 5
Games about love, friendship, dating*1
Games with less than 100 or more than 100000 reviews *2
Games with animal title, cards, badges, backgrounds, emotes, achievement images *2
*1 Please provide some kind of explanation/proof (screenshots or link to some proof) in the notes or it will be rejected.
*2 wins or backlog games are okay for everyone. Proof needed for non Tag category
For those using the Secret Santa games a link to the discord post is required.
No win that fits the theme or played them all?
Please use the "Note" section when submitting the game to inform me of this situation.
You can submit this months games you are going to play here:
Updated FAQ Version on our Discord Server
Who can participate
Anyone who does not have any unactivated wins. You can participate even if you don't have any SteamGifts wins, see the "Have already completed all your wins?" below as it applies to this scenario too.
Extra Rules:
If it gives you one bundle of games with one steam ID then it depends. Do they each have achievements of their own (including an ending achievement)? Then go ahead and play them separately. Though make a note in the notes section, so we know what to look for. Non achievement games or games that play continuously (e.g. all entries play through without an ending between them) are not allowed atm since we do not have a good way to track them separately.
Theme for November
Butterfly Effect
Boys Love
Thnks fr th Mmrs
Bring Out Your Dead
We're Doing This For Fun! (No really)
If we only get 2 theme suggestion I will revive the second runner ups from previous years.
Theme for December
Do you think you have a good idea for a theme for December? Leave it in the comments below. If there are not at least 3 suggestions I will take some of the previous runner ups for this month and put them in the poll next month and the one with the most votes will become December's theme.
Everyone who beats at least one win this month will get the chance to win any of the games listed below. Times are UTC :
Bridge Constructor Portal by samwise84
MORTAL KOMBAT XL by samwise84
Unsouled by samwise84
Roadwarden by samwise84
Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey by samwise84
Neversong by samwise84
Chicken Police by samwise84
Gamedec by samwise84
Mutazione by samwise84 (2x)
Devil May Cry HD Collection by samwise84
The Forgotten City by samwise84
XCOM: Ultimate Collection by samwise84
SCARLET NEXUS by xxxka ends on October 31st
Trek to Yomi by ZPE ends on October 31st
Patch Quest by ZPE ends on October 31st
Ghostwire: Tokyo by ZPE ends on October 31st
Meeple Station by ZPE ends on October 31st
Autonauts vs Piratebots by ZPE ends on October 31st
The Invisible Hand by ZPE ends on October 31st
The Wild at Heart by Zelrune
Moonscars by Zelrune
Tales of the Neon Sea by Zelrune
Bottle: Pilgrim Redux by Zelrune
Foretales by Mayanaise
A Juggler's Tale by adam1224
Breathedge by Carenard
Demon Turf: Queens Edition by Naitas
Hokko Life by Naitas
Call of the Sea by Naitas
Remnant: From the Ashes by Cece09
GRIME by Cece09
Curse of the Dead Gods by Cece09
Murder by Numbers by Cece09
Metal: Hellsinger by Cece09
Rebel Inc: Escalation by Cece09
Mr. Prepper by Cece09
Lords and Villeins by Mayanaise
GOAT OF DUTY by Kokkol
Shady Part of Me by AndyFrost
Spirit of the Island by Volcanic
Lords and Villeins by Volcanic
Tinykin by stfmnsl
Pathologic 2 by stfmnsl
The Evil Within 2 by stfmnsl
Frostpunk by stfmnsl
Dead Estate by stfmnsl
Repella Fella by stfmnsl
Fall of the New Age Premium Edition by Tristar
Have already completed all your wins?
Then feel free to participate with your normal Steam backlog instead :)
Useful links:
Steam group - please don't bother requesting to join unless I told you to do so, you will get denied.
How Long to Beat
Do You Even Play, Bro? – kelnage’s script
BLAEO website - BLAEO application thread
Source code of the website.
Steam Library Filter
FAQ, Updated Version, Discord
Who did you win from and how many games
Previous months:
2023: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October
2022: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
2021: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
2020: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
2019: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
2018: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
2017: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
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