19 hours ago, PSA from Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/GameDeals/comments/5x5rny/psa_check_your_email_to_see_if_you_were_signed_up/

4 hours ago, official response from Indiegala: https://www.reddit.com/r/GameDeals/comments/5x5rny/psa_check_your_email_to_see_if_you_were_signed_up/degd19e/?st=iztpvq4z&sh=6166231a


  • Indiegala signed up with G2A for processing their credit card purchases because it was cheaper than their prior company.
  • G2A added a checkbox to sign up for the G2A Shield. That checkbox was turned off by default.
  • G2A changed it to active by default, resulting in some users signing up for G2A Shield without being aware of it. These users received an email stating they were signed up for a G2A Shield trial for 30 days. CHECK IF YOU RECEIVED ONE OF THESE EMAILS. IF SO, SET AN ALARM TO REMEMBER YOU TO CANCEL IT, DUE TO IT CAN ONLY BE CANCELLED IN THE 2 DAYS PRIOR TO THE TRIAL ENDING.
  • Indiegala has removed G2A as credit card processor BY NOW.

Added tutorial for cancelling G2A shield (it is not trivial...) by courtesy of @blieque in imgur: http://imgur.com/a/m66DA

Image by courtesy of Reddit

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8 years ago*

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G2A being shady shits that break a contract in order to force people to pay for their useless subscription service?


8 years ago

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+1 who'da thunk it?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Not sure why they love shooting themselves in the foot but they can't stop :/.

8 years ago

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I was too slow (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Thanks to feedback from a few users and the GameDeals mods, yesterday morning we discovered that G2A had switched G2A Shield registration to default to "ON" whereas initially it always defaulted to "OFF".

from IG rep

8 years ago

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perrolijo: https://www.reddit.com/r/GameDeals/comments/5x5rny/psa_check_your_email_to_see_if_you_were_signed_up/
perrolijo: [PSA] Check your email to see if you were signed up for G2A Shield after buying from Indie Gala
EsE: lol
perrolijo: "Indie Gala recently switched to using G2A Pay for their credit card processing" wtf?
perrolijo: buy forever indiegala
perrolijo: bye
perrolijo: indiegala: "now over 24 hours ago that it has been removed as a credit card processor from IndieGala"
perrolijo: so the story was true and g2a was signed up for g2a shield to indiegala customers lol
perrolijo: signing

perrolijo: isnt there a thread in steamgifts? S:
EsE: you are the choosen one
perrolijo: I dont like responsibilities T_T
EsE: is your dutty!
perrolijo: done :C

My fault, sorry

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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"But guys, G2A is totally above board! They're a good company! I bought from them one time and had no problems!!!11one"

8 years ago

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Oh, that's good to know! If you are the one saying it, then it must be true. I have always trusted you and I know you would not mislead me journalism!

8 years ago

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Go on...

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8 years ago

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My one weakness, little ponies! Ponies, poison, predatory animals, sharp objects, blunt objects, moving objects, invisible things, visible things, my one weakness! How did you know!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Pivot? It's been more of a careening slide ever since their inception.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Indie Gala recently switched to G2Pay for credit card payments

8 years ago

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And the funniest part is that they would actually replace keys anyway, Shield is just some sort of "high priority support lane".... or something like that, I don't know for sure as I never bought from them, and never will.
I'd bet they make more money from "accidental" Shield subscriptions than from actual purchases.

8 years ago

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sticky this for the people who swear that G2A is totally legit and doesn't do shady shit

P.S. - if you bought their recent monthly bundle or whatever that was headlined by SUPERHOT & Lords of the Fallen and paid with Paypal then I would suggest that you go into your Paypal account settings and disable the pre-authorized payment entry for G2A just in case (if you haven't already)

8 years ago*

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lol =)


8 years ago

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And high points for the u-turn of IndieGala, guess they didn't think this could happen so quickly. ^^

8 years ago

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Yeah, people are blaming them right now but kudos to them for taking action and switching CC processors ASAP, not even waiting for a reply from G2Pay 😺👍

8 years ago

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I wonder if IG really knew how G2A shield is perceived by it's customers base and if they knew that G2A would silently switch the shield from on to off.

8 years ago

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I don't think they knew about the G2A shield thingy but they had a pretty good idea about the customer attitude towards it. From what I can see the only mistake they made was trusting G2A thinking it'll be all okay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

8 years ago

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The positive would be that IG has learned something and that this news and events will make other bundle/store sites think twice before using G2A shield. :-)

8 years ago

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Someone was suggesting it to the DIG rep, and I really hope they don't go for it now 😬

8 years ago

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With a little common sense they shouldn't, but the question will be: does he now what level of resentment there is about G2A shield. 😉

8 years ago

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I guess I wasn't wrong when I stopped buying from IG. I'll reconsider now that they've apologized and removed G2A Pay.

8 years ago

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They did apologize and removed G2A Pay already ;)

8 years ago

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I'll reconsider now that they've apologized and removed G2A Pay.

Uh that was what I said :D

8 years ago

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doh, sorry then, my bad, idk why I read it "when they apologize..." ;p

8 years ago

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They wanted to save some money but in fact they only shot themselves in the foot...

8 years ago

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Lol, right now when the company was "recovering" from the last shit, comes with another. Looks like someone wants to be in the spotlight

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Typical Italian incoherency, they wanted to fight grey market resellers by allying with said grey market (if you can't fight them, join them, as a popular saying goes), but their plan backfired in a spectacular -not so much for them- way.
At least they managed to sort it out before too much damage was done, but they won't escape completely unharmed...

8 years ago

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You know, developers and official retailers have been blackmailed to sign up with G2A in order to access their servers and check for stolen keys.

Furthermore, aware that G2A is a marketplace, we intend to co-develop a tracking API for our keys to avoid the resale of keys sold from IndieGala on G2A's marketplace. We asked for the community's input on this subject last year. Of course, this API would be adopted by G2A only after the trial period and if we decide to adopt G2A Pay as a permanent solution.

8 years ago

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Never used indigala in the first place but definitely won't from now onwards.

8 years ago

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Woah, indiegala is now shitiegala

8 years ago

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Don't blame them they are trying to fix it (ಥ‸ಥ) after the fact, but still

8 years ago

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Well in fairness, they can't claim ignorance, as there is no way a company of their size haven't done research into what kind of company they do business with, and they only made a post in a thread on Reddit after people were up in arms about it. As far as I know no emails were sent to users as a result of this debacle.

Furthermore, their post gives the vibe (and says so even quite clearly) that they aren't totally against working with them again.

8 years ago

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I think they took action much before that, but didn't post about it till much later.

it is now over *24 hours* ago that it has been removed as a credit card processor from IndieGala

And if you mean this post

We have no plans of enabling G2A Pay again especially in the event that G2A does not clarify its position to us, and thus to our users, ensuring that malicious activity will never be encountered during transactions.

It's a little tempered with European politeness, and usual corporate language because a single representative of a large company cannot make sweeping statements on their own. This is their PC way of saying "G2A can go fly a kite" but sure it can be subject to interpretation

8 years ago

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They took action 24 hours prior to posting, but didn't deem to announce it, and still only announced it as a reply in a thread on reddit.

I think your last statement as to politeness is not accurate. I mean at least that's not how I see it. I might be just as wrong as I think you are on that, but if it was just politeness, he could have said "we have no plans to enable g2a pay again" and left out the "especially in the event etc etc" part.

And again, I stand by my point of there's no way a company of Indiegala's size don't do research prior to making deals with other companies. They knew what they were getting involved with, and this is, in my opinion, a fairly big blemish on their otherwise good record.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm sure they knew about the terrible customer record of G2A, but they did a Pro-Con analysis with the pro being an API for IG keys to avoid the resale of keys sold from IndieGala on G2A's marketplace and probably figured that would beat the negative rep from what they thought would be a small portion of customers ASSUMING that the G2A shield would remain off because honestly if this had not happened and had the Shield remained off there would actually be 0 problems with it.

8 years ago

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I haven't bought anything from Indiegala since finding out about them working with G2A a few weeks ago.

8 years ago

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well - good thing I never ever pay with CC, even if paying with card I always process it through paypal ;)

8 years ago

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I always use Paypal for IG but the guys and girls that used a CC should really check their mails if they didn't get a free G2A subscription as a bonus.

8 years ago

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May be over now that they broke ties, but even considering partnership with G2A gives me one more reason to never trust IG.

8 years ago

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Terrible mistake on their part.

8 years ago

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I wanted to buy a game @Indiegala 3 years ago. They didn't let me (log in).

Bought elsewhere & never tried again yet, lol.

8 years ago

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I hope that g2a sees chargebacks. Lots and lots of chargebacks.

8 years ago

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This is the most shitty way to charge people with unwanted services.
Sadly, I had set an alarm that didn't triggered notification as expected and miss the cancellation time window by a few hours.

8 years ago

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meh, I saw that, figured I'd never buy another IG bundle with a CC again.. Quickly cancelled my forced G2A subscription,, not before they took another 2.50 out of my account though mind you.. free trial.. yeah alright..

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Ha ha.

100% positive customer service they said, not shady money-earning ways they argued.

8 years ago

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I received an email a few hours ago with a Steam key and this message:

Sometime during the last few weeks, you made a purchase using G2A PAY. During checkout, you signed up for a free 30-day trial of G2A Shield by leaving the Shield checkbox active. Since the box was accidentally marked active by default, we have deactivated your subscription. You do not need to do anything else regarding this issue. If you ever want to activate G2A Shield again, you may do so and can still use the free 30-day trial. If you want more information about Shield, click here.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. As a token of thanks, we want to give you a surprise game for free - no strings attached. Activate it on Steam and enjoy.

Best regards,
G2A PAY Team

7 years ago

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What game did you get?

7 years ago

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I haven't activated it yet, I'm trying to find out what it is first.

7 years ago

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It turned out to be Lords of the Fallen.

7 years ago

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Right on. Thanks for letting me know :D

7 years ago

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G2A are fucking retarded scammers... look at this shit:

" After the deactivation process is started again, please await the deactivation e-mail within 20 minutes, and then use the token link. It is valid for 10 minutes. "

After you signup to deactivate the g2a shield it sends you an email in 20 minutes with a link that is valid for the first 10 minutes... wtf? i LITERALLY can't unsubscribe.

EDIT: I'VE DONE IT . Your membership has been deactivated

7 years ago*

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Closed 7 months ago by FateOfOne.