Today we enter FINAL RECRUITEMENT phase. This phase will last for the duration of this group promoting GA.
After this phase ends recrutation will be CLOSED but be aware that does NOT mean it will be impossible to join the in the future. It will be considerably more difficult to acquire an invite later on.
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i see youre refering to my group. My group, is about over the average account value, while this seems to be about games played. Overall, similiar, but the topi is a bit different. And no, i am not part (at least for now) in anyway in this group, even though the creator (@Devirk) is a higher class member in my group.
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You actually do use japanese O.o Are you from Japan?
Yes, I know the rules kinda suck :/ As I said - when I saw the money group created I instantly thought "wow one like this but with gaming instead of money would be nice" And then after someone expressed similar interest I went on and made this group.
If you have any idea how to improve the system then I'm more than open for suggestions :)
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You could say that. Partially. I live in europe though.
At least standard rules to avoid leeching, like gift difference and some level restriction? The problem is, there are plenty of users that qualify as above average, and forcing rules on such a numerous group may be difficult. Group for those that are above average in everything would be significantly smaller. I would be disqualified though.
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Cool. Japan is one of very few places I'd like to visit.
We'll see where it gets. So far most people seem to be over lvl 3 anyways. In case we'd get a real flood of users here I might add some additional verification, for the time beeing I don't think it's necessary. And I really don't want to impose mandatory GAs on people. Mainly 'cause I myself may not be able to comply :D But honestly, I know how life can be and it may be difficult for some people to sustain steady stream of gibs... It is the last resort
EDIT: and what do you mean by "everything"? I assume that with some stats like "spent per genre" or "playtime per genre" you cannot get all of them above average as they add up to 100% so you could either be exactly equal with all of them or have at least one below the average value for that genre...
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Number of comments might be good then. In general, users that are able to communicate are less likely to (unashamedly) leech. I think.
And if you ever want to cut off farmers, you can look at the % of games with 5h+ and below 2h playtime, as it usually takes 3-5h to get all drops. So those with any other playtimes are more likely to have actually played the game.
By "everything" I meant stats like number of created GAs, owned games, overall time spent in-game, steam level etc. I meant users that excel in most major categories, excluding those mutually exclusive. Shouldn't have used "everything" there. But it's more of an idea for a new group rather than suggestion for this one.
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number of comments is a bad idea. I remember back in the old days... someone did that thing -super awesome GA limited only to people who had as many comments as entered GAs or something like that. I'll admit, as I was preety noob then myself I went on on spammed boring "thanks" comment under any GA possible, without even entering. Grinded a couple of hundred more comments in the process and qualified for said GA but yeah, that's not the best idea.
Not to mention bots autospaming "thanks" under every GA they enter.
The playtime even without farming cannot be truly reliable. Here, my own sins are the best example again. For over 800 hours in TF2 I don't think I have actively played more than 1/8th of that time. The rest was ideling on idle servers to get weps drops to convert into metal etc...
The other case here is my hour count on Wh40k Dawn of War, which was apparently bugging out and not turning off properly leaving the game running despite me exitting. Combined with my habit of not turning my PC off, a couple of hours play before bedtime resulted in bonus 12hrs on the count. I bet I've grinded about 48-72hrs before I've realised this bug and started to manually kill the process via task manager after turning the game off...
All in all so far, IMHO, there's no need for further verification. If such need arises all measures possible will be taken to weed out the leechers and maintain the healthy community.
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Ah, I forgot that the comments in giveaways also count. My bad.
Nothing's reliable in that regard, but it might work as a last measure. That or % of games an user got any achievement in (from those that support achievements). And as I said, "if you ever want to cut off farmers". Didn't say it's necessary or recommended. As far as I know there are no reliable ways to check which games were actually played. So, yeah, right now there's absolutely no need to do any of that.
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This is a much better idea for a group in my opinion as it celebrates people who play their games (I am not counting the farming part). I barely qualify; it's 51% on my account while average user also has 51% games played but I am an achievement hunter and my friends are giving me more games than I can finish them 100% (I prefer to focus on 1-2 at a time) :P Anyway this is not a request to join , I don't exactly qualify I guess anyway. I just wanted support the idea behind this group. Thank you.
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just as was pointed here farmers are ineviteable to qualify as well. I have no way of telling whether someone really played those games or was it just all IdleMaster.
Anyway, fear not! If you're that close you should be able to grind that % soon enough :) just bookmark that thread and come back when you're ready! pro tip: as this is "percentage of your Steam games that you play " rather than "time you play" you might be able to boost it just by launching some games ;)
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Yes I can do that but as I mentioned I'd like to focus on 1-2 games at a time. I can easily go over that limit if I want right now but before I do that I will wait for the more detailed guide you mentioned on the post :) If there are rules with keeping a certain ratio or doing giveaways on a scheduled time I will pass on it but again, I like the idea behind this group :P
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Actually, a good way to find the farmers is to see their playtime verses their achievements, (at least in games that have achievements.) While I have encountered some games that require a lot of playtime before getting the first achievement those are few and far between. An overall pattern should be pretty easy to spot. If they have between 2-6 hours on most of the games but no achievements on any of them, they're a farmer.
I know this means a slightly more involved vetting process so I can understand why it's easier to just let them join too. But it's something to consider since there are many of us here who do want to try to play most of our games. (shameless plug: Anyone reading this who shares this sentiment, consider joining BLAEO - Backlog Assassins Extraordinaire!)
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yeah, all of that is cool and stuff but it can all be tricky... Just for the achievements thing - this. And no offence, but following your logic I've spent over a 100 hours idleing in With Fire and Sword. Which I didn't in fact. For no apparent reason it's not counting my achievements. I don't care as I don't really give a crap about achievements in general, but thanks to this I can assume that anyone may have bugged games (since actually there are poeple who have unlocked achivements there so it's not like the game itself is all out broken for everyone) Not to mention all the stories of bugged achievements and other crap.
All in all, what matters is that we're not in dire need of elaborate selection right now. Something more accurate yet comperatively easy to the current system may be chosen as a replacement but anything that requires more work on my end won't be deployed unless there's a reason for it. Be it overwhelming ammount of users, leechers or whatever else.
And BLAEO strikes again... So many times I've bounced off of that thing... That's something I'd really like to do but am way to lazy to even start... Though It's not like I'm not working on that crap. The aforementioned M&B is one of the things and If I wasn't trying to finish the story for at least one faction to consider the game "complete" I wouldn't have ground that many hours (and I wouldn't realise that the achievements aren't working for me). Anyway I've wanted to finish a lot of games for the long time but laziness, the fact that there's many games I DON'T want to finish (or play ever again for that matter) and all the non steam games with "higher priority" made me give up on the idea of joining BLAEO all those times...
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Good luck in assembling the group.
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Someday I wish to get my stat as high as yours. :D
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i was surprised to see i'm at 72% xD well to be fair i do play quite a bit xD just in csgo i have over 1.5k hours and payday 2 got my attention recently so i clocked in about 6 hours recently xD not to mention games i cleared and some others i'm still playing like dragon's dogma as example is this good?
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I've even highlited most important stuff for you...
Hello fine people of SteamGifts!
In spite of
recentcertain events and comments following those events note: said comments and event used to be linked, but links were removed since they are not relevant anymore. This bit is left only for context/opening purposes. I'm making a new steam group for all of you folks!The group focuses on active gaming, friendly community and most importantly cool giveaways (we're on SG after all)
Right now recruitment is temporarily open
Since the days of open recruitment are long gone the following rules remain only as a guideline and/or memento of what used to be required. Fullfilling those will not guarantee an invite. From now on we'd like to know why should we invite you, how the group will benefit from your presence within it etc. Popping a lonely screenshot will no longer suffice Invites will be sent at admin's discretion.
Hope you'll have a good time.
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