I bought the Mega Take Off Bundle ~5 hours ago. When I go in to see the keys, it only says "No serial available yet"? Any clue when the keys show up? (for those of you who have had this happen - this is my first time buying a bundle off of IndieGala so I have no clue)

UPDATE (1/14/16 @ 10:40am EST): I got an email back from support and now my keys are available! Thanks all for the replies~

9 years ago*

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It's usually instant or within a couple minutes for me. Once you've received the order confirmation email from them the keys should be available.

9 years ago

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Oh that's weird, it's been a few hours for me, I bought the bundle @4pm EST
I bought it using PayPal, received the email, went into the link, claimed my account, and went into the bundles section of the library. It was weird at first because the bundle didn't pop up but after 15 minutes it did, and then I went in but the Steam keys never showed up.

9 years ago

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Yeah that is weird. I wonder if it's because you are a first-time buyer, perhaps some kind of additional fraud checks or something.

Or maybe their key-monkey forgot to eat a banana and fell asleep at the computer. :P

9 years ago

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Maybe it is because I am a first time buyer, meh. I checked and money was already taken out of debit card tho. ;-;

9 years ago

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I have the same issue as OP. Maybe this bundle was more popular than they anticipated and they are actually out of keys.

9 years ago

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Same issue here, but with a store purchase. I've sent support an email and haven't got anything back yet.

9 years ago

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I guess it will take a day or two to restock the keys

9 years ago

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same here.
I yesterday bought the Take Off Bundle and no keys available, I wrote yesterday to support, but no answer yet.
So if anyone sees that keys are available pleas let us know

9 years ago

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Don't worry, they will give you the games, they're probably just out of keys and going to restock.
Indiegala never scammed anyone, you will get the games OR your money back. :)

I mean, It's not Humble bundle, but it's not Digital Homicide either. :)

9 years ago

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I got mine instantly. Probably out of keys. I think they'll become available asap

9 years ago

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I had the same problem some times with keys from there. You'd be surprised but I believe it's either a cache/popup blocker problem or a browser problem. Logging out , and re-logging in almost always fixes it for me, otherwise you might have better luck with trying a different browser. I even opened a useless ticket once there, while relogging and seeing that it was playing fine after all, and had received the keys already.

9 years ago*

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I had this problem once. But only with one single key from a bundle. I wrote a message to support (along with the order#) and they answered quite fast and put the key up so I could access it via the account page on their site,
So it could be either technical problems or they're really out of keys...

9 years ago

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I had this issue both with IndieGala and HumbleBundle on store purchases. I got the keys the next day, so I guess they just ran out of them.

9 years ago

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UPDATE (1/14/16 @ 10:40am EST): I got an email back from support and now my keys are available! Thanks all for the replies~

9 years ago

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same for me.
I got email this moment :)

9 years ago

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Closed 8 months ago by Mhango.