So I started off by only hiding the big name games that I already owned on other platforms or games that I'd heard of before but had no interest in playing. But over time I kept adding things to that list and before I knew it... 2,461 games hidden!

I dunno if I want to keep it up cause Steam had something like 15k games added to it's library last year so that's a lot of games to keep clicking hide on.

What do you guys do? Just skim the list of new GA's every so often or hide every game you possibly can?!

6 years ago

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Which is the best

View Results
King Edward
Jersey Royal
Maris Piper
What are you talking about?! XD

I hope there will be features that you can hide games under 5P and steam now has tons of trash game after 2016

6 years ago

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That's potentially a good idea. A lot of the crap games are certainly the cheapy ones. Would be interesting to see a stat that broke down how many games there are on Steam between 0-5, 5-10, 10-20 and so on.

6 years ago

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Well if you want to see the stats for the whole Steam store, go here and scroll down to "Price". :)

$0.01 - $10: 29,102 games

6 years ago

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There is that feature already!
You can either put it manually in the link:
Or use a script like ESGST which adds text fields for custom filters and assembles the right link for you.

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6 years ago

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9357 so far for me. I'm generally down to 2-3 pages at this point, which is fine with me :D

6 years ago

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I've got 1,852 "games" filtered. It contains things like DLC I already own but not detected by SG, and games that I know for sure I absolutely don't want.

These days, though, I mostly just use the wishlist option when browsing for GAs to enter.

6 years ago

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do you mean on steamgifts? I have no games hidden I didn't even know you could do that! But I do have - games I own already, giveaways above my level and dlcs for games I don't own hidden. To have all those unhidden would just be depressing haha

6 years ago

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Yeah! If you click the little icon on the right hand side of the games name that looks like an eye with a line though it you can choose to hide any future GA's for that game. It's pretty handy! :D

6 years ago

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I don't hide games on SG, I just only browse giveaways for my wishlist games.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I've got 1134 hidden, I hide games I have or I'm not interested in playing and of course DLC i HATE dlc ;-)

6 years ago

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9541 😀

6 years ago

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8,498 and it is growing every day.

6 years ago

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Yes, about the same number on SG, less so on steam.
I started hiding like crazy on steam until i saw it was too many to bother- also unfortunally found a title that had something interesting for me that i had hidden from too quickly going for the ignore/hide on steam.

So nowadays i go little by little. When i wonder what a game is, be it on steam or SG, i check that one- and right away it goes to hiding or wishlisted (rarely neither). Well at least in intention- i intended to hide most of steam if needed to only focus on what interested me. It has proven to be harder then i tought and when my wishlist got past 1k i have been changing gears Weren't the wishlist so slow to open and some people on sg being picky against those with large WLs i would stick to it- so far its the only sane way of filtering on steam. Having a backlog like everyone else more and more i bother less with games that only seem cool to me- so the wishlist way makes more sense for me then doing the opposite.

But then it adds another problem- of wishlist clutter. I slowly clean it up, way faster for it to grow... steam needs more filtering soon, seriously, because its their loss (and ours).

Im conflicted now because of it- on sg i was going for wishlist GAs only, the filtering via wl was proving great in more ways then one- but needing and wanting to clear up my WL means ignoring some nice games both on steam and on sg, or going back to browsing SG unfiltered with all the clutter and time lost hiding (the same issue with steam browsing) that drives me insane. The few times i think on doing a clean up (hiding games until i see no more of then) i notice how i lost more time hiding then doing any actual thing- also the fear of hiding games id like stops me on the tracks (i love indies and some really ugly ones, wich makes it hard to just hide clearly budget games).

In the end... i stopped bothering. I just click one or another to check, hide one or another and just live with it, saddly.

6 years ago

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Yep, same here. I just hide everything I'm not interested in. It takes a while, but makes browsing SG easier most of the time

6 years ago

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I only filter out stuff that I already own that still keeps showing up (like DLCs and removed games) as well as games I will never technically be able to play (e.g. all games requiring a VR headset).

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6 years ago

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I only enter giveaways for games on my wishlist so no.

6 years ago

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10,427 games have been added to your filter list

Only one page of giveaways on the main feed ! What a gain of time to only enter those !

6 years ago

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My hidden list will grow as long as trash will be added to Steam.

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6 years ago

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Yeah, if I'm not interested in a game then I just hide it. This way is easier because then I notice new giveaways for games I haven't seen before and find out about the games themselves, which sometimes leads to me wishlisting them. I currently have 10,822 games hidden, which means that the giveaway pages are just couple pages long. :D

6 years ago

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10,586 games have been added to your filter list.

I only enter giveaways for games that I definitely want to play

6 years ago

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Closed 1 year ago by Fenchurch.