It was my cakeday, I made some gibs, posted a picture of myself and asked other people to follow my example. Much to my surprise they did!!

[Because I'm a lazy bum and didn't update the OP for cough cough let's say .. a long time cough cough our dear Fnord started a list, sorted alphabetically. Please go here, pro stalkers!]

A mosaic of all people Per3zat made for us:
Now with everybody ;):

By popular demand now: The brave SG users who participated (in order of appearance)
I linked the usernames with their first posted comments and added all pictures they spread across this thread.

Larren101: looking like a space cadet. hurr durr
PrinceOfJerusalem: picture - on a boat - less like a villain
Yazael: picture
SexyBudgie: the left one
AuthenticZac: JUST DO IT
Kathleen: dreamy - TerrorMieze - horrornurse - fuull body horror nurse
zelghadis: before he became fat and (more) ugly - nowadays fatass ugly zelg1: nowadays fatass ugly zelg2 - nowadays fatass ugly zelg3 - unhealthy skinny - 1st from left
Yzil: picture with husky
hustlayo: guy in the black jacket - Aye 2
Ruaben: Ruaben's haircut
ZemunBRE: picture
Fnord - getting ready - hiking - with collection
MuahahahaMeow - picture - after going outside - Because why not
olfox1 - :3
vinirockman - HOG - recent
Idiosyncratic - brave selfie
heavenhairsixes - very serious - the young hhs
Bombaklats - on the beach
Sundance85 - smiling
Quisty - brave
Sugicloud - picture
deguzmanricardo - in the dark
DownwardConcept - click the link
CoralineCastell - happy smile
leonidas56 - with dog - @ hackaton - in da club - zombifiey
YunieRozier's dog - Bohème
AboveAverageJoe - with friend
MysticAarrgg - unshaved
coezo - with hat - with longer hair - - lion's mane - captions - spooky coezo - killing with forks
keohookalani - it's keo!
missmewx - okay
Aseed - he's the guy
DracoGriffin - trapped
MuIIins - click the link - Christmas!
xarabas - seducing selfie - not actually drunk for once - 30+ hours of no sleep - Some camping trip - Ruining perfectly good picture with crappy camera filters - hiking trip - quite dissapointed for some reason
MagnificentOne - the day gravity decided to give my hair a miss - with headphones
IgotElbows - Elbows!
MrWubbleStein - work photo
SpankyPie - Aaa
kraken9 - Hello SG - fancy photo edit
Dustmop - picture
cmiddlebrook - profile picture
Nightshifty - Top Gun costume
Pesmerga - at a wedding
Eduelmago - garden - cupboard - bed - kissing teddy
JustDucky - eating crab claws
Tort1 - picture
Ikkebott - with graffiti - right now! - without beard
xScreaMx - headphones
Luxy - peer pressure succeeded \o/
murk3 - cosplaying Yeliena - just being cute - beauty in the corner - with hat - in the "snow"
kukeemon - in better times
XyazanX - bert
BrekkeKktus - profile picture
cifudux - while competing
tristetea - few years back
RaPtUrA - picture - with his 5 year older sister - ready for Oktoberfest
Wallister - boy, not a grill
FameTaker - him - his dog - together
zibo86 - picture
drewmb10 - with his wife
Paxnit - in his younger years - now
Elunes - black & white beauty - part 2
bludshade - male equivalent of resting bitch face
lforlazy - cat! - purple
andreadandrea - on vacation
Misskpavd - classy - opening door - with parrots - video with parrots
Mattereye - one year ago - in space
SilentGuy - not a totally new picture
DominusFerrus - yum
JustinSane059 - third from right
Kaesestange - a silhouette - a hat - finally
Nemurenai - out of bed - very happy
LevTaylor - recent - older pic 1 - older pic 2
Extinox - needs love - slim and happy
NaztyFox - bold soldier - smiles
Fyantastic - grrr - parrot - dat hairdo - I'm so beautiful - true love - real true love - air guitar - is that a sombrero? - Fyan's love - ready to die
Winthorp - with his love - with is wife
KonOkami - Too smexy fo his shirt
Argyle31 - Crown Prince of Darkness
PHAZE7 - on stairs
Milliare - playing - working
cloudfan - pretty face
borsdy - holding a holographic wolf picture in the rain
LordVampyr - cute smile
VyleKillius - damn hot
Wissaul - okay, he's in
mushclone298 - forgot to shave
Abaction - not his real ribs
Undac - yum - on an airport - in the army now - something stinks - or does it? - with long hair
jbondguy007 - still not posting a picture
JoaoWho - groans - still cute
PsychoClown - so cute horrible - on Halloween - part 2
GhostZ - thinking
Angel9RakouCobra - smiling - flirting - happy - a true lady
m139 - the man
IronMaiden666 - blurry
tankerbell - the "i" was taken
AJIam - y so grumpy?
FoxCunning - tiptop
TheZooZ - 2 years old
aurorable - natural beauty
AnnieBolton - a fairy
CarlEric - bank robbery gang
s1N - BoringDay - pouting
HiroHiro - wild party
atb85 - butterbeer
Kabdzsi - with his cousin
Tyler889 - omg, he's hot
Venhiem - find him! - true selfie - with manly beard
kataztrophik - with his twin
Monukai - a nice guy
anktejp - you're not Bob Ross!!!
Khazadson - the baron's beard
jbondguy007 - handdrawn selfie
Oppenh4imer - the left one
Futome - smile!
CrystalSoulSpear - at work
Khalaq - young him - old him
ShinNoChikara - Que?
Shenfara - sandwich
Teliko - blonde facial hair wasn't mean to be
Yupy - picture
nellyneko - in a hut - where's my food?
malabagaa - 2014 - it's in my nose! - 2013edition - 2012 - 2008/2009
Rauchen - cute with cat
zombiehug - he's shy - summer
OsakaMilkBar - Maverick - PewPew
gweedo007 - badass mofo - with his wife
tso184 - best friends in Berlin - those eyes - zombietso - In Oslo
jbmccune - as a kikd - today
Jonex - working - needs a haircut
taytothief - very British
Zomby2D - fresh for us
Spectre359 - topless & bold
Yirg - in Vilnius (Lithuania)
Foxpile - needs a mirror - eompile
TheChack - TheChack!!
ulvercarvalho - lightning tricks
BluewolfCA - in the car - on the deck
LinustheBold - playing Poins
rachellove - recent - freshman year in Chinatown - cold sophomore year - forgot - with biscuit (and father) - getting festive - Prom Queen 2013 - Prom Queen2013 - 2 - in the gym
fateshaper - big smile
HBNayr - picture
MBcoder - VR
MrWoodenSheep - Longer hair with beard - Shorter hair - Shorter hair while playing drums
Quaestio - when browsing SG - standard selfie - pikachu!!
SquireZed - prepared for an interview
Bonsai393 - skeptical bunny - fucking loser
Eisenzange - omg, a naked man! - now with shirt
Sighery - cute and happy
xMisiu - picture
JonathanKalo - Pre-larp photo - Post-larp photo - Philosopher edition - Did-you-finish edition - I'm-gonna-do-something-stupid edition - Cute pic with his pet
ndx8 - an industrial - metalhead ~20 years ago - part 2
EsE - wearing a DIY "princess crown"
VovanVV1982 - loves Pandas
reasaurus - profile picture - cute with puppy
darveshpreet - profile picture - with his better half
deadxobbit - person on the left
Shaide - him - on Halloween
Shannara55 - Is she a fairy?
srcross - two years ago
silencium9 - pretty girl - more prettyness
SSJBardock - wearing his majestic hat
mariganza - (not) too much light?
Ville - sleepy
NotableSilva aka TheSnake - on a bench - in a lab
SweetDalilah - lady's got style - sparkly - sassy - more sassyness
littlekuillyboo - taken two weeks ago
Tzaar - couple years ago sexy mofo - clean cut tamed Tzaar
missmewx - ain't she sweet?
paVVin - From Russia with love
MrBron99 - innocent - handsome
robocub - with his boy
unfuurl - beauty in the snow
Mehamatica - shy girl
Fleder - profile picture
Dnomyar96 - devoted musician
HA66 - my persian prince
Triisken - true beauty
Lemistio - a gamer and believer
InquisitorAles - on a trip
lxlt - dollface - is she real?
HardeKak - friendly smile, warm eyes
ndx8 - "too many sales this winter" edition
KatAwhYeah - weeeee, redhead curlz :D
Dianatrix - Le Halloween daaaamn, you're hot - Le Christmas
SadisticChicken - Christmas 2015 - Before going out for a meal - Going to see Bruno Mars live - Easter 2015 - I like bunnies heads - natural hair on an alright day - maybe 2013? - Prom Day in 6th year - late 2012
Draconis79 - April 2009 - driving - March 2010 - December 2015
Silent62 - a real gentleman... - ...without a beard
elmerenges - before long hair and beard - after long hair and beard
Olarte - smiling - bald - with cat - with flowers - Halloween - without PC - with stickers - tuxedo
hyperxduell - amazing blue eyes
bonesof87 - all dramaatic and shit
Mullins drunk
TinyPurple - tongue out - drunk again
Fnord - cool in the park - partylion
fateshaper - on the hill
leonidas56 - 2016 - 6k celebratory pic
tso184 - in the desert - posing - portrait
Voidy - serious
numeron - all dressed up
eldeezo - pokerface - junkfood overload - DJing - mighty beard - mightier beard
ozo2003 - rare selfie
keksinator - no smile - smile
Cerint - yo, sup?
kOROMOShYdOpOlOuS - he's fly
Tewam - GoT
Jonex - hair?
MBcoder - big scarf
Tzaar - in the bathroom - still not smilin - half smilin :)
gothrana - smirkin - with beard
SillyScream - bumpin
Dianatrix - introducing her avatar - singing with kitty - on a trip - several pics
JoaoWho - beary
Lemistio - thinking - [teatime]()
CrazyGuacamole - huh?
ProgDroid - intense
noonemakesnoise - does that count?
Soulflyr - smokin - with random chick we all know who that is :P
geogllitch - @ Gamescom - in Iceland - foxcuddlin
Asperyules - with Luna - with headphones
anthracis1 - first and last selfie
Fistrake - so cool fail
MarineSloth - young sloth

tso discovered a thread of similar nature from a few years ago! Pro stalkers go here:

8 years ago*

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Happy Cake Day ! :D
I wont enter any since no level 7 discrimination :D

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8 years ago*

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You're the one with the lightsaber, right?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Im his apprentice :D

8 years ago

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Totally like I imagined you ;)
Thanks for sharing, Zemun. Check back later for more gibs (also level 7, just for you ;D)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Yep, that's the plan.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Says the guy who hosted Midsummer Madness ;) and plans on doing it again ;P

8 years ago

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Why the hell would you imagine me :D :D ahaha

8 years ago

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It's not like you're the tiny little hard to notice flower of the forum, so yeah, seen you around, thought my thoughts, made my imaginery images. So that's why.

8 years ago

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When you said it like that I feel, kind a famous :D

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8 years ago

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This is what I look like, when I wear my regular work attire.
That's my labcoat, and yes I do use it in the lab

'edit' More pictures on page 12.

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8 years ago*

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What's the red stuff?? If I remember well you worked on something like waste-disposal system development and implementation-thing :D

8 years ago

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The waste disposal system was sadly all theoretical work, no lab work (then again, I suspect that it would have smelled terribly bad, so I'm kinda glad that I did not have to do any practical work), and was done after this picture was taken.

8 years ago

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so, you're an evil doctor, now all makes sense :o

8 years ago

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Evil? doctors save lives, those are blood stains from closing wounds... thats it.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Funny that you would mention that
That picture is not very good, the outfit looked closer to what Dr. Horrible looked like when I was not bending my arms like that, while at the same time having things stuffed down one of my pockets. Also the goggles are the wrong colour

8 years ago

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Haha, nice. And we even get a slight idea of how you look like. I like it :)
Thanks for sharing, Fnord :)

8 years ago

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Apparently the first image link had timed out, fixed it.

8 years ago

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Hmm, I'm still getting a 404.

8 years ago

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Does this one work?

8 years ago

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Ahem... keeps his distance.
Errr... hi Doc.

8 years ago

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Happy cake day! :)

8 years ago

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Thankies :)

8 years ago

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Happy cake day!! Hm, I guess Since I'm entering some of your giveaways, I can post mine, even though it did used to be my Steam profile picture lol.

I took another (because I went outside finally) and so that is why there is now a second picture.

(There are now 7 pictures of me on here)

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8 years ago*

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I went "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" for a second while scrolling

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8 years ago

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Hahahha XD

8 years ago

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remember it :P
but now you got a lovely cat with big eye

8 years ago

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Yeah :p People would rather see a cat anyways ^-^

8 years ago

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Not really ;)

8 years ago

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Well there were at least 30+ people that specifically told me so, sooo ;)

8 years ago

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Those people are crazy :)

8 years ago

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Psshh :p

8 years ago

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As long as it's not that tounge wiedling cat gif that haunts me at night I'm cool with that :D

8 years ago

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I have no idea what you're talking about!

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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oh well, that escalate quickly

8 years ago

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Surpisingly I'm cool with that. I guess it's just that it seems like an innuendo when Meow does that, plus the cat is hypnotic and looks like it wants to rape me :D

8 years ago

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It sure is hypnotic, I cant stop watching that gif. O.o

8 years ago

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It's because it represents me- And I want to rape you.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Mmmph. See? This is why you're sexy.

8 years ago

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'Cause I know how to google for Gifs? Glad you appreciate my skill, m'lady.

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8 years ago

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Damn.. That's my fetish. (Also, you are adorable anyways, even without your skill <3)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Is it intended to be a step further than the other gifs? :P

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8 years ago

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Everything is intended ;)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Aaah, I remember this from back in the day when it was your profile pic. Thanks for bringing back memories, Meow ♥

8 years ago

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Haha xD

8 years ago

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You're a trickster, expecting a red kitten, you're a black one... :3

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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That was a very contained laughter for a Meow like you.
You're not living up to your name. :P

8 years ago

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It's because I just woke up half an hour ago after having a long night xD

8 years ago

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Hmm... Please tell me more. :P

8 years ago

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Yesterday was my boyfriend's birthday so we went over our friend's house (which a few more of his friends were at- there were 8 of us total), and we went over at dinner time and had some kind of steak that was delicious. Then, we played games for the rest of the night. We played Balderdash, Munchkin & Cards Against Humanity. Just playing those three games took us.... 6+ hours? We fucked around a lot, PLUS we were all drinking a little (Mike's Hard Lemonade is delicious). I won CAH- We were playing up to 7, and I won a little too fast, so we just played for fun and I won 10 total before people got up to go to bed xD I didn't sleep until 4:30, and I woke up at 10:45 this morning :p It was fun, though. First time I went outside since 4th of July :p

8 years ago

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That was... TMI!
T... M... I! O.o

Just kidding, although i'm not gonna quote a certain part... but start reading from the end of the 3rd line again... :P
And no editing, that's cheating. :P

8 years ago

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Didn't say we fucked, we fucked around- like getting off track, watching two of them chug a few beers, getting off-topic. Stuff like that, not completely focused on the games, which is why it took us so damn long.

8 years ago

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LOL, i know what you said. O.o
Was just messing... :P
But well, it's me... so... :3
Yeah, i got no good excuse... :P

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Here, because why not xD

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8 years ago

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I recently took these ones so why not?

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8 years ago

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Tammy 2 ~~

8 years ago

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You wish ;)

8 years ago

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This could be us, but ... thanks obama!

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8 years ago

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Wait- why not?!

8 years ago

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I cant believe that im have to say this but: sorry, i have a gf :o

8 years ago

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That's ohkay, I have a boyfriend :p

8 years ago

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im not a jealous person ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

8 years ago

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That makes it easier ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

8 years ago

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I'm sorry I take too many sometimes :(

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8 years ago

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Not too many. Looking good! :-)

8 years ago

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Aweh thank you ^-^

8 years ago

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You should sleep more, stupid xD

8 years ago

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I usually get between 8-10 hours of sleep a day doe .-.

8 years ago

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Livin the life

8 years ago

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Why do you even think I need more sleep?

8 years ago

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Finally, a picture where we can see your true self.
Half weird smiles dont fit you, meow, the second picture is much better

8 years ago

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Aweh, thank you Bear <3

8 years ago

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D'aww kids are behaving nicely to each other today :^)

8 years ago

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Yet, another.

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8 years ago

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You seem a bit overly excited about whatever you're listening to :D

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8 years ago

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Hahah xD

8 years ago

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Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu deinem SteamgiftsGeburtstag! Hope I got it right :D
I look roughly like this. One bad custom that if I'm stressed, I just don't like to shave, soo I usually look somewhat different when the midterms hit me in the face :)

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8 years ago*

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I'm the same way about not shaving when I'm stressed. It's almost a ritual to shave after the stress passes. You feel like a new person :)

8 years ago

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Kudos for the Shirt! :)

8 years ago

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My thoughts exactly :)

8 years ago

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Thanks, it's my favourite one! Full picture looks like this
I've bought in Prague - it's maybe the number 1 favourite city I had the luck to visit :)

8 years ago

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Never been there, but everytime I think about it I think about the movie Hostel. :D
It's so close and cheap to get there, I think, do you have any tips for me?
Obviously I won't go there tomorrow but I never really considered going there and you saying it's your favorite city made me curious!

8 years ago

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It's quite hard to decribe, but Prague has serious atmosphere. They somehow made a city that have a lot of medieval buildings, castle, church in it but it doesn't feel old in the way it's outdated. It has history, yet the city have incredible night-life - not parties, but tours, hundreds of people walking on the streets after sunset, lots of shops still open, it's almost like an afternoon, but the air is much more chill, so it's really pleasant to have a walk. Also the Czech are really good at tourism - they speak quite good english / german, so it's easy to communicate with them. We've spent 4 full days dedicated only to Prague and it's museums and landmarks, and it felt really, really good :)
Also, in the Czech Republic there's a town that's on the must see list: Kutna Hora, because of it's Ossuary If a place can be unique, this is it.

8 years ago

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Oh, i so wanted to visit Prague one day.
A very good friend of mine visited for 2 full weeks and had the nicest things to say, he really liked the city and its atmosphere as well.
I know it's not something you expect to hear from a tourist, but he was particularly impressed with their public transport system as well. Dunno if you found that as interesting as he did. ^^

But what about Hungary? Any recommendation? ;)

8 years ago

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Adam, that's you?? I was thinking you're looking like the Fallout dude all the time ;) Flawless German btw :)
Thanks for your bravery. Much love to you ♥

8 years ago

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This topic was so weird to see for the first time, because the day before for some reason I started thinking about how members could look like - maybe it was after reading the comments in K's group, about how different the people are.:) Also, bravery for bravery, you started the whole thing before us :)
(And this might look silly, but that T-shirt I'm weaing on my picture, as it's my favourite one traight from Prague (I LOVE that city) - I rather won't take another picture of that, but This is the picture below the name :)

8 years ago

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Nice photo. You look very familiar to me. Have you studied at Moscow?

8 years ago

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Sadly no, I've never been to Moscow, but I want to visit it once :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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haha, thanks for the wishes and the laugh :)

8 years ago

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dont laugh at my tattoo :( thats bulling

8 years ago

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Nope, that's not bulling, that's... cowing.

HAHAHAHA GET IT? GET IT? Oh gosh I'm dying, help!

8 years ago

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there, drink it, it will help you *** with love

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8 years ago

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cries endlessly in the corner

I was just j-joking.

8 years ago

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Just cry on my shoulder; ignore the drool.

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8 years ago

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steps away a few paces

Uh... thanks but I gotta go to the place, do the thing. Yeah. Haha.


8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You're the happiest looking crysalid I've ever seen

8 years ago

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I'm just so happy from all the love I have to share with EVERYONE!

8 years ago

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dont cry, it was a bottle of venom, its safe to drink (if you dont have any open wound its not lethal :O)

8 years ago

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I actually do have wounds all the time, so hahaha

8 years ago

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well, if you are going to drin venom, you would die if you have wounds on the gastrointestinal tract, dont think that you have wounds inside :O

8 years ago

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 Disclaimer: I do not like Anime and I am very bored!     


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8 years ago

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I shall save this for future use hahaha

8 years ago

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Can you see them? :D

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8 years ago

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tankerbell, you're drunk, go home :O

8 years ago

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Noooo, there are 3D cows in that pic. :3

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Wow, only 1 year. I thought you're older :) Happy Cake Day!

8 years ago

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Thanks, Cr1s7y :)

8 years ago

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Hm. I'm not sure, but most likely you think that I'm a girl (as what you wrote may be with high probability considered as short name for female name Crystal). I must say that I'm not :) Congrats with super successful topic!

8 years ago

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Oh, nonono, I'm sorry. I was mixing up your name with another user's whose profile pic is even a little but similar to yours (obviously Cr1s7y - some glowing thing on it). I think my mind made an unexpected loop when I replied to you.
Funny enough, I never thought you are a girl.
And thanks. I'm actually totally surprised and stunned how this developed into this absolutely super massive SG party :)

8 years ago

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I know who you are talking about :) There is the helmet of Isaac (from Dead Space) on that avatar. While I have aurora borealis

8 years ago

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LOL :))

8 years ago

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HEY! I found the original comment only to find out there's no pic XD

8 years ago

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Thanks for searching :) Sorry, too shy. Also I don't have any good photoes. But may be some day...

8 years ago

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some day :)

8 years ago

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Here is the picture that i promised :3 now gimmie cake kitty on fire o/ plox

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8 years ago*

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olfox, you're as cute in real life as I have always imagined you. Very charming, thanks so much ♥
Here's some cake for you:

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8 years ago

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Thank you ! <3 and thanks for the cake kitty on fire, u are cute as well - u really are on fire blushes

8 years ago

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Awesome pic! I think smiles always bring the best of people's features (:

8 years ago

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Thank you ! u look really cute and pretty on yours ^///^ i like the fact that u did the same gestures that your Steam pic :P

8 years ago

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Hhahaha that's a funny thing for you to point out! I hadn't realized it :P

And thank you, fox blushes :3

8 years ago

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I thought it was on purpose and no worries, i just told you the truth ^///^ hugs

8 years ago

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It wasn't! I guess you're just a super perceptive individual. Kudos to that.

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8 years ago

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body language is always important ^///^ It says a lot about people ~

8 years ago

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As an aspiring psychologist myself, I know! :D

8 years ago

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Oh ! That's awesome to know :D i'm pretty sure that u will be an amazing psychologist ^///^ ~ Glad to know that u know all those things well ;3 u look pretty smart aaand cute

8 years ago

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My cuteness shall render itself useless when I enter prisons to talk to inmates, though hahaha

Yeah, I do plan on working with large groups of people on institutions, and not cooped up on my own office or something like that.

I shall take your two compliments eagerly, though, fox! You seem like a pretty cool dude yourself, and it's always nice to talk to people kind as yourself in here (:

8 years ago

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Thank you :3 and i enjoy talking with most of the people in here, we have a pretty nice community in general and i enjoy talking with all of you :D

8 years ago

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I'm here to say that you indeed look like a cool guy, but I still don't know how to feel about your licks. But maybe that's just me!

8 years ago

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Thank you ! :D u also look really nice :D your hair looks awesome ~

And about the licks... GET LICKED !

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

8 years ago

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Thank you :3 U look cute as well <3 hugsssssss

8 years ago

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Time for some stalking ʕ ͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°ʔ

8 years ago

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Ohhhhhhhhhh no ! D: starts running away

8 years ago

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You can't outrun a bear tho. :3
But don't worry, he dumb, you can outsmart him. ;)

8 years ago

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:D Yeyyy ! licks

8 years ago

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happy cake day! like people who like puzzles, you can try to find me.
somewhat it gives me a great idea for a puzzle in future. thanks OP.
bump for justice. :)

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8 years ago

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if you mean puzzle like "guess who this SG member on the photo is" I have sad news for you ;p It's not the first time such topic appears on SG and it was already used for puzzle in the past at least twice :D:

8 years ago

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i thought it just for a fraction of second til remember all that talk of yours about picture treatment on puzzle tutorial.
i'm pretty sure that there's a gooooood tutorial on internet with a pretty fun way to puzzle it in so many different ways...
since I have this picture in high resolution, it can be very funny manipulate it :D

8 years ago*

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My guess is first line from bottom the second person.

8 years ago

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bottom lines are from tall people... i'm 1,70 :(

8 years ago

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I think I know which one you are, mvp. But I don't wanna guess right and ruin the fun or be wrong and ashame myself, soooo hahah :D

edit: man, we're about the same height, tiny pants! I'm 1,67 :P

8 years ago

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don't point it out! being short is nothing good with girls, mvp. :(
natural selection did not gave me this feature :((((

8 years ago

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Being short has its perks! Like... being an armrest and... uh... not being noticed and... reaching lower shelves without bending too far?

But seriously, girls are normally pretty short too, so don't worry (except on parties with those damn high heels of doom).

8 years ago

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but in that pic tall people in the front aren't armed...who's got the power now? :3

8 years ago

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in war, always try to aim on people with smaller weapons
they are the most powerful units and they don't need weapons to be powerful...
but shhhhhh... that's none of my business.

8 years ago

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My guess is second line from top the first person on the left.
Ain't it a picture from yourself you're using as a profile pic?

8 years ago

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profile picture is me. i'm afraid that you missed...
i'm the second one (left to right) in the second line (or first line with battle rifles).
although, a bit more skinny than profile pic. here's very recent one :)

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8 years ago*

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What a nice shot! :D

Here, personal badge to you now, mvp.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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2nd row starting from the bottom, 2nd guy starting from the left.

What's my prize?

And don't lie, i totally got it right, i'm a telepath. :P

Reads additional comments.

8 years ago

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shhhhhh. I just added spoiler format on my comment to everyone thinks that you guessed right.

8 years ago

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The frustrating part is i actually did, unless you changed your avatar since the comments, because that's where i looked at to compare. :P

But it's of no importance, i'll show my telepath skills one day!
Evil Grin. è_é

8 years ago

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Achei vc kkkkk

8 years ago

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Thank you for the giveaways. (:

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8 years ago*

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Hey sexy, what are you doing tonight?

8 years ago

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You're welcome.
Aaaaand ... I imagined you a tad prettier. Just a tiny little tad...

8 years ago

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Naaah. Unfortunately, I've really let myself go over the years. Also, I forgot to say... happy (belated) cake day! (:

8 years ago

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gasp you remember me of dragon age origins: awakening's broodmother :O

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8 years ago

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boobs :D

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

8 years ago

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Happy cake day Ev, and brave selfie day to all that participate :)

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8 years ago

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I always wondered what you look like! :D

8 years ago

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nice looking guy! :p

8 years ago

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You look a bit tired in this picture, idiosyncratic.
Thanks for your bravery ♥♥

8 years ago

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It somehow fits the mental image of you.
I had picture a very intellectual image. ;D

8 years ago

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Bump, thank you, and happy cake day!

8 years ago

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Thanks, heavenhairsixes
Also for posting a picture of yourself in one of the gibs. You look like a really nice guy :)

8 years ago

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Also, thanks for the extra giveaways I just noticed! If I looked in anyway jolly or nice it was because I was on a lovely holiday! This is me the rest of the time;

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8 years ago

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Ahahahaa, this just made me laugh so hard, sixes.

Dat serious look. Haha, yeah, that's totally you. Clear as day.

Ahahahahaaa :D

8 years ago

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If you want a laugh this is me before I lost my beautiful hair and got so grumpy...

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8 years ago

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it seems that you were dave murray when you were younger

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8 years ago

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I was trying for Dave Mustaine.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You still look better than Vlad, so don't worry :D

8 years ago

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Although I have been photographed in outdoor pursuits it has never been topless...

8 years ago

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Hah, good one! And I think our Russian friend was trying to imitate some famous Italian dictator of the past there.

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8 years ago

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2/5ths of a great Village People tribute band right there!

8 years ago

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That made me lol :D

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8 years ago

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you were better looking than Dave

8 years ago

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How did you turn from light blonde to black???
Also very very cute ♥

8 years ago

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Chemicals. And I was too drunk back then to get it right very often. Either side of that it was green and sort of orange and stripey...

8 years ago

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And here is a sexy me I just posted elsewhere if you want to add it to the list...

8 years ago

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The serious one looked really scary compared to this one ^__^

8 years ago

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you look extra tall there!

8 years ago

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I'm 6' 3" ...

8 years ago

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taller than most probably (at least taller than me) :)

8 years ago

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As I currently have too much time on my hands I googled this. I am the same height as;

Muhammad Ali
Fidel Castro
Oscar Wilde
Arsène Wenger
Idris Elba
Anders Breivik
Lou Ferrigno

Who would have thought...

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Happy cake day, enjoy it!

8 years ago

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Thanks, I did :)

8 years ago

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I know I already said it, but I wanted to say it again so happy cake day ♥

Took some digging, but I finally found a decent recent one.

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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My, you're a classic beautiy.
Thanks for bravely showing up in this thread, Triisken ♥

8 years ago

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You seem so natural in this picture. :o
I wish I had that talent.

8 years ago

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Hahah, my pictures tend to look very forced, but this one was a fairly lucky one.

8 years ago

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I wish I had that luck then. lol

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

8 years ago

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You are so awesome, What a sweet Gif I loved that episode so much.

8 years ago

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Awwww. removed :°(

8 years ago

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I got self-conscious :(

8 years ago

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Hey, i want to see ):

8 years ago

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Happy Cakeday!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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picture @ whitelist section ;p

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8 years ago

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Haha, love this gif :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Happy anniversary :D
Nice idea so we can put some faces to the names. I'll try to remember to come back and edit this with a picture of me but except a few from job applications (and those are way to formal) I hardly have any pictures. My dad is a big photo buff so most of the nice pictures are from family reunions and stuff like that and I always forget to ask him for a backup.

Edit: Maybe it's just getting late but on some pictures you bear a striking resemblance to a certain Gamestar reporter. :D

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8 years ago*

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Thanks, Diceman :)
I have the same problem, the second pic I posted is almost ten years old. I wouldn't mind family pictures tho ;)

Oh, which one do you mean? I'm afraid I don't know any Gamestar reporters.

8 years ago

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I'm on it but it might take a little as they are on the countryside over the summer.

Petra Schmitz. This is an older picture of her as I've stopped reading GS a few years ago but on this one she looks like she could be your older sister. ;)

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8 years ago*

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Sorry it took forever but I finally managed to get ahold of a few family pictures.
I still have to go through the rest of them some other time but it's just too many :D
It's a picture of my little nephew and me from last christmas. I exchanged it with the cat picure in my first message.

8 years ago

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Oh, what a friendly smile you've got ♥

8 years ago

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Thanks :D I normally look a little distressed on pictures that's why it took a bit to find a nice one.

8 years ago

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Those pesky cameras stealing souls usually worry me as well :)

8 years ago

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Indeed :D Naw ^^ I think the reason why I'm a bit weary of photos is that my dad is a huge photo buff so as a kid whenever we took a trip we had to take photo-breaks like every 30 minutes that's why I hide now when I see a camera.

8 years ago

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Happy cake day! Thanks for all these GAs :)

8 years ago

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Thanks and you're welcome :)

8 years ago

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Happy cake day, eve! I'm the one on the left in the first picture. I have no idea who the other one is. Sorry, I don't take selfies.

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8 years ago

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This looks totally like the area where I live. Interesting.
Love the way you glance into the camera. Thanks so much, Quisty :)

8 years ago

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Awesome awesome shot! I wish I could practice a rad sport like this one one day.

Where was this taken at? (:

8 years ago

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Thanks, if you have the chance you should definitely try it. It feels great up there. The picture was taken in Ev's area, I'm going to steal her cake inserts evil laughter Brasov, Romania actually

PS: do you still want those Runaway games?

8 years ago

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I really want to! Just need to be of age to do it here, I think. Plus, I wanna do it in a special moment of my life - just the sport itself won't do!
Maybe I can catch a ride and help your cake-stealing skills too? >:D Cool!

PS: I shall want them until I have them, why do you ask?

8 years ago

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Happy Cake day, thanks for the GA

Here are two mine

Younger me (the last one)

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8 years ago*

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sexy for a guy :D

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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thanks haha

8 years ago

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Dat dreamy look of yours...
Thanks for sharing, sexy ;)

8 years ago

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my pleasure :D

8 years ago

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So... coughs any plans for tonight?

Jokes aside, you look pretty hipster (in a positive kind of way)! And I wonder how you got your hair to cooperate with you like that on the first pic? Mine those the exact opposite whenever I attempt a photograph haha

8 years ago

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hahah we can go dinner and then...

In the first pic, I remember after a shower I used to brush...comb (what's the word in this case) front to back, then when it dries get that shape. I got a really messy hair, but with hair conditioner can be tamed :)

8 years ago

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Hahaha smooth

God bless combs! My hairs pretty messy too, since it's curly and what not. I'm glad you could tame yours :D

8 years ago

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Took me some time to find your pic here but hey, you are really cute =)

Now I understand the question about the hair, I used to have long hair and got it wavy like yours hahah

8 years ago

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Haha thanks, even though I get pretty awkward with receiving compliments :P

Yeah, that's because my hair is short now, compared to before! When I was a child, I had to take my hair out of the way to sit! It went down past my butt haha Now I keep it trimmed falling a little bit down my shoulders, it's easier to keep and it still looks nice (:

8 years ago

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Amazing how different beards can make people look like different people. lol

8 years ago

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Beard always make the diference :-)>

8 years ago

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True, that's also why I always have a stubble: I look like a bloody moron without.
I'd show a pic of young me without a stubble, but too many people have already gone "were you in an '80s boy band?" already.

8 years ago

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I'll add a younger pic to show you the difference haha

8 years ago

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Only me who cant see the pics? forbidden...

8 years ago

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I can see em even now, weird

8 years ago

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yeah, strange. it always says: forbidden 403...but nevermind, at least i can see your avatar. Handsome guy^^

8 years ago

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thx ^^

8 years ago

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Happy cake day, I'm too shy to show a photo of me, but believe me, I'm very sexy.

8 years ago

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I believe you

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8 years ago

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For a second I thought you posted a picture. ;_;

8 years ago

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is that you, dark heart?

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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just missing the glasses!

but the matching red hair is awesome. <3

8 years ago

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Of course.
Thanks :)

8 years ago

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bumpo~, thanks, happy cakeday! :3

8 years ago

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Thanks, Archi.

8 years ago

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Happy cake day! Thank you for the giveaways and photo!

8 years ago

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Thanks and you're welcome!

8 years ago

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Happy cake day.
And my face

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8 years ago

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Hoho, hello Chuck :3
Thanks :)

8 years ago

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Happy Cake Day! Lemme take a slice thanks.
My selfie in the dark :)

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8 years ago

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Hey, you're a cutie :) Such a warm and friendly look you're having and such a shy smile.
Thanks so much for bravely showing yourself!

8 years ago

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Thank you too hahaha.

8 years ago

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