It was my cakeday, I made some gibs, posted a picture of myself and asked other people to follow my example. Much to my surprise they did!!

[Because I'm a lazy bum and didn't update the OP for cough cough let's say .. a long time cough cough our dear Fnord started a list, sorted alphabetically. Please go here, pro stalkers!]

A mosaic of all people Per3zat made for us:
Now with everybody ;):

By popular demand now: The brave SG users who participated (in order of appearance)
I linked the usernames with their first posted comments and added all pictures they spread across this thread.

Larren101: looking like a space cadet. hurr durr
PrinceOfJerusalem: picture - on a boat - less like a villain
Yazael: picture
SexyBudgie: the left one
AuthenticZac: JUST DO IT
Kathleen: dreamy - TerrorMieze - horrornurse - fuull body horror nurse
zelghadis: before he became fat and (more) ugly - nowadays fatass ugly zelg1: nowadays fatass ugly zelg2 - nowadays fatass ugly zelg3 - unhealthy skinny - 1st from left
Yzil: picture with husky
hustlayo: guy in the black jacket - Aye 2
Ruaben: Ruaben's haircut
ZemunBRE: picture
Fnord - getting ready - hiking - with collection
MuahahahaMeow - picture - after going outside - Because why not
olfox1 - :3
vinirockman - HOG - recent
Idiosyncratic - brave selfie
heavenhairsixes - very serious - the young hhs
Bombaklats - on the beach
Sundance85 - smiling
Quisty - brave
Sugicloud - picture
deguzmanricardo - in the dark
DownwardConcept - click the link
CoralineCastell - happy smile
leonidas56 - with dog - @ hackaton - in da club - zombifiey
YunieRozier's dog - Bohème
AboveAverageJoe - with friend
MysticAarrgg - unshaved
coezo - with hat - with longer hair - - lion's mane - captions - spooky coezo - killing with forks
keohookalani - it's keo!
missmewx - okay
Aseed - he's the guy
DracoGriffin - trapped
MuIIins - click the link - Christmas!
xarabas - seducing selfie - not actually drunk for once - 30+ hours of no sleep - Some camping trip - Ruining perfectly good picture with crappy camera filters - hiking trip - quite dissapointed for some reason
MagnificentOne - the day gravity decided to give my hair a miss - with headphones
IgotElbows - Elbows!
MrWubbleStein - work photo
SpankyPie - Aaa
kraken9 - Hello SG - fancy photo edit
Dustmop - picture
cmiddlebrook - profile picture
Nightshifty - Top Gun costume
Pesmerga - at a wedding
Eduelmago - garden - cupboard - bed - kissing teddy
JustDucky - eating crab claws
Tort1 - picture
Ikkebott - with graffiti - right now! - without beard
xScreaMx - headphones
Luxy - peer pressure succeeded \o/
murk3 - cosplaying Yeliena - just being cute - beauty in the corner - with hat - in the "snow"
kukeemon - in better times
XyazanX - bert
BrekkeKktus - profile picture
cifudux - while competing
tristetea - few years back
RaPtUrA - picture - with his 5 year older sister - ready for Oktoberfest
Wallister - boy, not a grill
FameTaker - him - his dog - together
zibo86 - picture
drewmb10 - with his wife
Paxnit - in his younger years - now
Elunes - black & white beauty - part 2
bludshade - male equivalent of resting bitch face
lforlazy - cat! - purple
andreadandrea - on vacation
Misskpavd - classy - opening door - with parrots - video with parrots
Mattereye - one year ago - in space
SilentGuy - not a totally new picture
DominusFerrus - yum
JustinSane059 - third from right
Kaesestange - a silhouette - a hat - finally
Nemurenai - out of bed - very happy
LevTaylor - recent - older pic 1 - older pic 2
Extinox - needs love - slim and happy
NaztyFox - bold soldier - smiles
Fyantastic - grrr - parrot - dat hairdo - I'm so beautiful - true love - real true love - air guitar - is that a sombrero? - Fyan's love - ready to die
Winthorp - with his love - with is wife
KonOkami - Too smexy fo his shirt
Argyle31 - Crown Prince of Darkness
PHAZE7 - on stairs
Milliare - playing - working
cloudfan - pretty face
borsdy - holding a holographic wolf picture in the rain
LordVampyr - cute smile
VyleKillius - damn hot
Wissaul - okay, he's in
mushclone298 - forgot to shave
Abaction - not his real ribs
Undac - yum - on an airport - in the army now - something stinks - or does it? - with long hair
jbondguy007 - still not posting a picture
JoaoWho - groans - still cute
PsychoClown - so cute horrible - on Halloween - part 2
GhostZ - thinking
Angel9RakouCobra - smiling - flirting - happy - a true lady
m139 - the man
IronMaiden666 - blurry
tankerbell - the "i" was taken
AJIam - y so grumpy?
FoxCunning - tiptop
TheZooZ - 2 years old
aurorable - natural beauty
AnnieBolton - a fairy
CarlEric - bank robbery gang
s1N - BoringDay - pouting
HiroHiro - wild party
atb85 - butterbeer
Kabdzsi - with his cousin
Tyler889 - omg, he's hot
Venhiem - find him! - true selfie - with manly beard
kataztrophik - with his twin
Monukai - a nice guy
anktejp - you're not Bob Ross!!!
Khazadson - the baron's beard
jbondguy007 - handdrawn selfie
Oppenh4imer - the left one
Futome - smile!
CrystalSoulSpear - at work
Khalaq - young him - old him
ShinNoChikara - Que?
Shenfara - sandwich
Teliko - blonde facial hair wasn't mean to be
Yupy - picture
nellyneko - in a hut - where's my food?
malabagaa - 2014 - it's in my nose! - 2013edition - 2012 - 2008/2009
Rauchen - cute with cat
zombiehug - he's shy - summer
OsakaMilkBar - Maverick - PewPew
gweedo007 - badass mofo - with his wife
tso184 - best friends in Berlin - those eyes - zombietso - In Oslo
jbmccune - as a kikd - today
Jonex - working - needs a haircut
taytothief - very British
Zomby2D - fresh for us
Spectre359 - topless & bold
Yirg - in Vilnius (Lithuania)
Foxpile - needs a mirror - eompile
TheChack - TheChack!!
ulvercarvalho - lightning tricks
BluewolfCA - in the car - on the deck
LinustheBold - playing Poins
rachellove - recent - freshman year in Chinatown - cold sophomore year - forgot - with biscuit (and father) - getting festive - Prom Queen 2013 - Prom Queen2013 - 2 - in the gym
fateshaper - big smile
HBNayr - picture
MBcoder - VR
MrWoodenSheep - Longer hair with beard - Shorter hair - Shorter hair while playing drums
Quaestio - when browsing SG - standard selfie - pikachu!!
SquireZed - prepared for an interview
Bonsai393 - skeptical bunny - fucking loser
Eisenzange - omg, a naked man! - now with shirt
Sighery - cute and happy
xMisiu - picture
JonathanKalo - Pre-larp photo - Post-larp photo - Philosopher edition - Did-you-finish edition - I'm-gonna-do-something-stupid edition - Cute pic with his pet
ndx8 - an industrial - metalhead ~20 years ago - part 2
EsE - wearing a DIY "princess crown"
VovanVV1982 - loves Pandas
reasaurus - profile picture - cute with puppy
darveshpreet - profile picture - with his better half
deadxobbit - person on the left
Shaide - him - on Halloween
Shannara55 - Is she a fairy?
srcross - two years ago
silencium9 - pretty girl - more prettyness
SSJBardock - wearing his majestic hat
mariganza - (not) too much light?
Ville - sleepy
NotableSilva aka TheSnake - on a bench - in a lab
SweetDalilah - lady's got style - sparkly - sassy - more sassyness
littlekuillyboo - taken two weeks ago
Tzaar - couple years ago sexy mofo - clean cut tamed Tzaar
missmewx - ain't she sweet?
paVVin - From Russia with love
MrBron99 - innocent - handsome
robocub - with his boy
unfuurl - beauty in the snow
Mehamatica - shy girl
Fleder - profile picture
Dnomyar96 - devoted musician
HA66 - my persian prince
Triisken - true beauty
Lemistio - a gamer and believer
InquisitorAles - on a trip
lxlt - dollface - is she real?
HardeKak - friendly smile, warm eyes
ndx8 - "too many sales this winter" edition
KatAwhYeah - weeeee, redhead curlz :D
Dianatrix - Le Halloween daaaamn, you're hot - Le Christmas
SadisticChicken - Christmas 2015 - Before going out for a meal - Going to see Bruno Mars live - Easter 2015 - I like bunnies heads - natural hair on an alright day - maybe 2013? - Prom Day in 6th year - late 2012
Draconis79 - April 2009 - driving - March 2010 - December 2015
Silent62 - a real gentleman... - ...without a beard
elmerenges - before long hair and beard - after long hair and beard
Olarte - smiling - bald - with cat - with flowers - Halloween - without PC - with stickers - tuxedo
hyperxduell - amazing blue eyes
bonesof87 - all dramaatic and shit
Mullins drunk
TinyPurple - tongue out - drunk again
Fnord - cool in the park - partylion
fateshaper - on the hill
leonidas56 - 2016 - 6k celebratory pic
tso184 - in the desert - posing - portrait
Voidy - serious
numeron - all dressed up
eldeezo - pokerface - junkfood overload - DJing - mighty beard - mightier beard
ozo2003 - rare selfie
keksinator - no smile - smile
Cerint - yo, sup?
kOROMOShYdOpOlOuS - he's fly
Tewam - GoT
Jonex - hair?
MBcoder - big scarf
Tzaar - in the bathroom - still not smilin - half smilin :)
gothrana - smirkin - with beard
SillyScream - bumpin
Dianatrix - introducing her avatar - singing with kitty - on a trip - several pics
JoaoWho - beary
Lemistio - thinking - [teatime]()
CrazyGuacamole - huh?
ProgDroid - intense
noonemakesnoise - does that count?
Soulflyr - smokin - with random chick we all know who that is :P
geogllitch - @ Gamescom - in Iceland - foxcuddlin
Asperyules - with Luna - with headphones
anthracis1 - first and last selfie
Fistrake - so cool fail
MarineSloth - young sloth

tso discovered a thread of similar nature from a few years ago! Pro stalkers go here:

8 years ago*

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Happy cake day and happy life! :D thanks and bump

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Seems legit to me.

8 years ago

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Here's one from my last camping trip:

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8 years ago

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Oh my. What a beast.

8 years ago

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Here's me playing video games:

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Clearly photoshopped. Stop pretending. We all aren't that handsome, no reason to fake your pictures and pretend you are some ripped guy! I did some reverse image search and found your unedited pictures. You are one of us and that's okay this way.

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8 years ago

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You got me, I admit it. I might have tweaked the photo a little. Here's a real one:

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8 years ago

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We have quite a sophisticated furry group within Steamgifts, feel free to join us.

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Yes, it also involves wild orgies. :D
Btw is that movie any good? Entourage?

8 years ago

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The reviews are pretty underwhelming. I gave up on the show before the last season. It lost a bit of its charm every season, and eventually, it was pretty hard to like most of the characters. That show was designed around rooting for them, this group of friends and often, lovable-losers. About the time the main character was banging porn stars was the time I found something better to do with my time.

8 years ago

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xD this broke me xD

8 years ago

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Your replies and comments... They're just the best. :)

8 years ago

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The lulz fill the empty space where my heart should be.
Thanks, guppy :)

8 years ago

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That's where I keep my spare change and an extra pair of socks.

8 years ago

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Being heartless is like wearing cargo pants. So much space for other stuff! But it doesn't look fashionable.

8 years ago

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Its OK. No one will ever see what's in our hearts or our cargo pants.

8 years ago

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That was some deep talk! Either you're playing along or you are a fellow in misery.

8 years ago

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Can't it be both?

8 years ago

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Live action dora the explorer approves.

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8 years ago

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when you said you looked like hercules, i thought you meant this

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8 years ago

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Yes, I used to be a fat black child, but then I grew out of it.

8 years ago

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LMAO, great scene.

8 years ago

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Big nostrils...

8 years ago

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Happy cake day.

8 years ago

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SG is not my favorite place on the interwebs, but certainly nice - met some interesting
folks while being on steam and its communities. Ofc. absolutely interesting to see
which "rl-appearance" might be behind that certain "digital appearance".
@eve, you look like a cutie ;-)

Respect to all who dared to show themselves! :-D
Expect all your pics to be: stored for all eternity, viewed, zoomed, categorized meticulously,
and of course being fapped to at random. Hahaha ... j.k. about categorizing, order is for the weak.

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8 years ago*

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You're ripped, mate! Afraid the chicks won't leave you alone if you show your face? Könnte passieren!

8 years ago

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Thanks mate, somewhat athletic built something - gym-average and so is teh face.

8 years ago*

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Danke für die Glückwünsche, aber Jeburtstach hab ich im April ;)
Gestern war mein SG Kuchentag.

Wie auch immer, hui hui hui. Du bist ja mal gut in Form :)

8 years ago

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Dachte doch tatsächlich das diese Anlässe, mit dem echten Geburtstag den man "irgendwo" hinterlegt hat zu tun haben.
Wieder was auf die "harte Tour" gelernt hahaha - Danke für die Info. :D

8 years ago

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Wait wait... Links in spoilers are now hidden too?? :O
This is a sexy test

Thanks cg!! :D

8 years ago

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Happy cake day to You!

8 years ago

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A friend alerted me to the existence of this thread ('tis rare for me to actually browse the forum, instead of quickly looking through things), and as chance would have it, I took some pictures recently (just before I was about to take a shower :P):

And, by the way, congratulations! Not that I'll join any of the giveaways, but who cares about that? It's about the idea after all. :)

8 years ago*

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That's the spirit!

Thanks for stopping by here and adding your pictures. My favourite is the second one.
Maybe you'll stop by the forums more often now, it's such a fun place to be :)

8 years ago

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Aww, you deleted your pictures. Why's that?

8 years ago

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Anonymity; I figured that anyone who would be interested would have seen it after 24 hours. :)

How did you even know I deleted them though? I could put them back here if you wish. :P

8 years ago

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Do as you please.
And well, I knew because they weren't there anymore.

8 years ago

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But that implies you're browsing the whole topic multiple times, which is quite the determination. Shows that you appreciate it though! :)

8 years ago

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I saw that you deleted them as well! There's a script that shows you how many new comments there are since the last time you were in the thread so yeah, I've been through the thing more than once :D

8 years ago

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Ah, and this script also shows edited things? Sounds useful though, even if it doesn't do that as well.

Alternatively, you're all stalkers! \o/


8 years ago

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No, it doesn't but it has a big fat red NEW next to comments so I can just scroll through pages and stop there.

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8 years ago

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Happy cakeday! Not going to enter any, but I just fell down and bumped into the ceilings

Also, I think I need sleep

8 years ago

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Happy Cake day!
You'll have to excuse me but i'm too shy to post my face on SG so have a shy kitten instead!
I like your profile, welcome to my whitelist! And thanks for all the great giveaways :3

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

8 years ago

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Nooooo mi vergogno troppo :3
Però sono altamente sexy, credimi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

8 years ago

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Non parlo italiano, però voglio un calzone! Mmmmmhhhh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

8 years ago

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Capocannoniere calzone 2015. :P

Sigh, the other thread. Tomorrow it is. This one took my whole day. And then some. 3 am here.

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

8 years ago

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so delicious

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

8 years ago

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unholy hunger

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

8 years ago

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Altamente sexy? la cosa si fà interessante ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

8 years ago

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I dont speak italian but this was so easy to understand ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

8 years ago

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Thanks and Happy Cake Day! (Sorry, no selfies here.)

8 years ago

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Awww. Taking family pictures as well ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Just kidding. Thanks for your good wishes!

8 years ago

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Happy Cake Day!
I don't selfie so my avatar will have to do :B1:

8 years ago

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Dude, do you know how I excited I was when I saw that you made the last comment on this thread? I was like "Carom?! CAROM?!"

8 years ago

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If you want a selfie of mine so bad we can discuss about it in private :B1:

8 years ago

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( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)

8 years ago

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I was gonna say get a room, when I realized you both stopped talking ....


8 years ago

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This reminds me...
Starts Steam

8 years ago

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Enjoy yourself

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Happy cake day, Eve! I hope the coming years will be as enjoyable and exciting as the first one to you! As I've promised earlier today, here's a not-so-recent picture of me and my buds after a presentation for our finals.

I'm the third one from the right. Please do excuse the dirty shoes, it's hard not to get dirt when you're studying in the middle east :P

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8 years ago

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Well, hello handsome!!

How come you're studying in the middle east? You and your bunch look like you're from the far east...
Also I wouldn't have noticed your dirty shoes if you hadn't pointed me towards them ;)

8 years ago

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Awwh, you're making me blush already.As a matter of fact, I am from the far East, along with my friends as well. We're from Malaysia, to be more specific, and we came to Egypt to take medschool. The reason is mostly because it's cheaper to study here rather than in my own country. The scholarship is also a plus point for me come here. It's been 5 good years, another year and a half and I'll be graduating! ^^

8 years ago

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Wow, that's a looong time for studying so far away from home. Don't you miss home? It must be a totally different culture and climate where you are now. I imagine this very hard to handle.

8 years ago

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Definitely on all three sentences! Luckily I had the chance to go back every year during the summer break, even if it's only for a short while. Egypt is nice but I think I have a fair share of desert to last me a lifetime already :P

As much as I hate my student's life is ending soon, I just want to graduate and move back to my country ASAP.

8 years ago

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You guys look like a k-pop band! In a good way (:

8 years ago

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I thought the same. lol

8 years ago

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It's what they say: Brilliant minds think alike!

8 years ago

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Hahaha, thank you for the compliment! If all of us could lose a little weight, that statement might be legit ^^

8 years ago

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Don't worry about the weight, what matters is the charm! :D

8 years ago

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Happy Cake Day!

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8 years ago*

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I think you forgot the link to your image?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Why you doing this? :(

8 years ago

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Don't you think it's an awesome picture? :(

8 years ago

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Well steamgifts is an awesome picture so sure!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Apparently the site the picture is on has some kind of block, I will need to use another one...
Tried to upload it on Imgur, but it is giving me an error everytime, any suggestion on another site I could use?

8 years ago

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Happy Cake Day!

8 years ago

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Happy cake day! :)

No selfie but here you can have a cute bunny instead :)

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8 years ago*

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Happy cake day a bit late, eve! I've been traveling and haven't been online much for the past few days. What a great topic here, although yours always are. :) It's almost unbelievable you've "only" been here a year (plus a day or two). You're a cornerstone for the community. Thank you for not only your generosity but also your presence here. :)

EDIT: I see it's eeev now. :)

8 years ago

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Awww blushes
Thanks for these nice words, guppy. I treasure them deeply!

8 years ago

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The crowd is demanding selfies from you, my dear guppy :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Happy cake day and thank you for the giveaways :D

Some cool looking ppl here btw :p

8 years ago

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Happy cake day! I swear it seems like you've been about well over a year!
I always find it weird when people change their profile names. It may take me a few weeks to finally begin to recognize you again. But at least you have a recognizable profile pic so that should help!
No selfies from me though. I hate taking photos! In fact I don't think i've taken any photos of myself for at least a few years now.

8 years ago

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Sorry bout the name change and any confusion it causes.

When I registered to this site I used a crappy variation of a name I really liked at the time as I always do with crap places I don't expect to visit or use very often. I had no idea I would spend most of internet time around here back then. I was really looking forward to the day when I could finally get rid of that and make it the same as my Steam name, which didn't work out as intended because it was already taken (It's "ev") so I added a few more "e"s.

8 years ago*

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I get it. I felt the same when I registered. But luckily I used my steam profile name that has stuck with me all the time.

Anyway we've all had some bad names in our time. My Playstation Network name to this day is still "thedestroyer3000". Honestly the best I could come up with at the time! I haven't used my PS3 in years so that's why it's never been changed.

8 years ago

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i don't like pictures of me so these are the only ones which exist... and happy cake day and thanks for all the giveaways

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8 years ago*

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The last one is totally badass!
And again, you're also a person around here I imagined much older than you now turn out to be.

8 years ago

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i think i look still pretty young but i'm already 27, or did you think even older than that? ^^

8 years ago

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Nö, 27 passt, aber auf den Bilder siehst du höchstens aus wie 21.

8 years ago

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Ha, your profile picture makes so much more sense now! Don't know if that was intended to resemble your blonde hair :D

8 years ago

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Heh, for once an SG user i somehow - don't ask me why, the avatar alone shouldn't have been the reason - figured was a girl and ended up being a guy. It's been almost always the opposite in the previous.

No offence though, i hope, it's just... oh well, mental images. :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Happy cake day eeev!

Some vegan love to you all!

PS: Thanks for the GAs by the way :)

8 years ago

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Your hair is AWESOME!!! ◕‿◕

8 years ago

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Thank you! :3

8 years ago

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You're a Rastaamaaaaaaaaaaa :D \o/

Peace, yo!

8 years ago

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Peace & love! ^_^

8 years ago

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I'm not vegan, just vegetarian, but I shall accept your kind regards! Take mine too :D

Also: amazing hair! You rock it so well (:

8 years ago

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Thank you, Coraline! I do accept your regards and I do appreciate your comment! :)


8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Thank you very much, my friend! <3

8 years ago

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Happy cake day :)

I liked very much going through all your pics, so it wouldn't feel right not to post mine.

And below 2 older pictures with long hair.

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8 years ago*

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Handsome fella you are. The short hair makes you look much younger tho.

8 years ago

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Thank you :)

I just noticed that the last pic is duplicated so corrected it.

The first picture was made recently, the second one ~3 years ago and the last one almost 7 years ago.

8 years ago

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The first pic is the best one! And man, those eyes bore right through one's soul (and their hella pretty too!) :D

8 years ago

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Oh, thanks :D
I have hell of a luck with them, actually that's the only part of my head I really like :P (don't get me wrong I don't ate the rest of it or something :P)

8 years ago

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I think your short hair goes well with your face, and it shows your eyes better than the long cut! (if you even care about my opinion of it haha)

A lot of people wish they had lighter eyes like yours and, even though I like my light brown ones, on others I've always appreciated the lighter alternatives :D

(I understand, and I can relate!)

8 years ago

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My friends are on the same opinion with you about the hair. I myself can't decide, I kind of like both the long and short one.

And my eyes actually change their color between a lighter grey and a darker greyish blue/blue.

8 years ago

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Whatever makes you feel more comfortable is what you should go for! (:

That's super cool. I initially thought they were blue, but upon a closer look I can now see the obvious shade of grey!

8 years ago

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And quiet a bit of red on the last one :))

8 years ago

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Courtesy of having Vampire powers :D

8 years ago

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Oh my ..... you just revealed my secret, now I have to hunt you down.
It's a shame, you were a pretty one :P

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8 years ago

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Oh please let's just not turn the whole affair into a series of crappy books and movies! D:

blushes awkwardly thanks, I guess? Haha

8 years ago

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Don't worry, I'm a vampire not a shitty glowing emo fairy :))

8 years ago

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I'm so relieved that I can safely say you are now free to kill me. :D

8 years ago

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I gave it a second thought and maybe I spare your life and just turn you. It would be a pity to kill you.

8 years ago

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One of the things I fear most in the world is living forever. Seriously. I even had a debate about it with a friend of mine some time back, when he suggested it was bound to be one of the coolest things ever.

I convinced him otherwise pretty quickly. It would probably be haunting, even after years of being used to it.

Also, just like Newton said, all that goes up, must go down. So I guess it would be ok to kill me, otherwise all the charm of ever doing something great in my life would blow off with the wind and the years and years I could just fill with something greater.

Sorry for long and philosophical response, I realize it was not called for.

8 years ago

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I'm totally fine with the "long and philosophical response".
I do appreciate philosophical conversations from time to time.

Actually I never gave a serious thought of living forever, but I can see it's downsides and why one wouldn't want to live forever. I'm not sure even myself would like to.

And btw vampires can die also, so it wouldn't mean you live forever. You just have more control of how much you want to live. Once you don't want it anymore I guess you can commit suicide or something.

I do realize that the idea of a suicidal vampire is extremely crappy :))

8 years ago

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I'm aware they can die, but only through very specific methods, I guess.

Or it could make for a really great story. Not crappy at all. Wanna see?

Thunder roared outside as the last ounce of life was dragged away from his lover. He looked at his soaked red fingers to try and count how many times it had happened before, but his eyes were too blurry with unshed tears to attempt the feat. He knew he had lost count a long time ago, anyway.

Her face looked peaceful on the bed, even though a thin line of blood sneaked away from the corner of her mouth and down her neck. He wanted to have brought her immortality, to have her live away the days of her life by his side.

She said love wasn't meant to last forever like his life was bound to last.

He felt like one of those overly dramatic humans as he fell to the floor. Like that Shakespeare man he had met many centuries back on that opera house. He felt empty inside, more so than ever before during his eight hundred years or so.

He decided he had had enough. Without another word, he kissed his lover's hand goodbye and went for the nearest candle. He carefully placed it on the floor, near the bed sheets. He did the same with all the candles that hung on the vast bedroom and, with each, the heat engulfed him even further.

Resting his head near his lover's, he silently watched as fire spread from the hem of her dress through the rest of her body. He would be next.

He let out a genuine smile and drifted into a slumber that didn't lead, for the first time in eight hundred centuries, into the waking nightmare that was his life.

Silence greeted him, and nothing more.

8 years ago

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Damn you are a great writer, i've tried myself but i am too lazy as to complete my novels :P

steamgift fanfics ftw


8 years ago

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I'm also very lazy, that's why I have a bunch of unfinished stuff, sadly.

Maybe we should start a writer's thread? :D


8 years ago

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As my lazyness is greater than yours you should be the one to create the thread dear lady, i shall go to sleep~
Seriously 3 pm here and i havent sleeped yet...

it would be cool to post atleast a little bit of my ideas here :P

8 years ago

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Maybe I will, but I'll be super busy today and Monday and Tuesday to actually do it properly...

Hm. I shall happily do it when I find the time! Deal? :D

Also, have sweet dreams! <3

8 years ago

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okay dear, its a deal :D

8 years ago

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I KNEW IT! You didn't die and found the secret to immortality instead!

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8 years ago

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:)) nice one.
I'd actually like if that would be the case.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Orlando Bloom's younger brother? :)
Tesla works too.

8 years ago

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Happy cake day, luv.

Didn't mean to in the beginning but oh well...
Lost all the fucks in the world today so here it is.
Do your worst.
PJs edition.

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8 years ago

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Where you got the Steamgifts jacket/hoodie from? o_o

The SG merchandise is real, people!

8 years ago

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It's given only to the edgiest of men.

8 years ago

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Still not as edgy as xarabas who – as a first thing aside of taking a picture – organized a giveaway of the mug he got for free. ADMINS HATE HIM!

8 years ago

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Thank you, luv :)

Your expression makes me giggle. As if you were about to say something absolutely ridiculous and funny in a totally serious voice. And I know I will die laughing :)

8 years ago

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Being highly cynical and sarcastic has its pros and cons ;>

8 years ago

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So I left you some images and a little message in few GAs, so I will just bump here ;)

8 years ago

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Bah, I looked through the pictures, hoping for a selfie!

8 years ago

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I'm sorry to dissapoint you :'( I'm just too handsome, like a work of art or something. I must be viewed live, in full hd.

8 years ago

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This thread is already shattering my reality. I suppose some mysteries much remain intact.

8 years ago

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Then tell us your address (;

or not?

8 years ago

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Let's have a deal - message me when if? :P you will come to Poland, or even better, Warsaw ;)

8 years ago

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What a beautiful city you live in! I certainly hope to be able to meet it some day (:

8 years ago

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Meet it or meet me? ;D And thank you very much! Still, like in many places in the world, not all the best things are listed on turists handbooks, if you will visit Warsaw, make sure you will get some good local guider ;)

8 years ago

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Haha smoooooth. :P
Maybe you should come to Brazil, then! It's also beautiful here (:

I can trust you shall be my mighty guide and we shall adventure through Warsaw territory bravely, slaying dragons and conquering our enemies?

8 years ago

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Maybe I will, who knows ;) I actually always wanted to see Sao Paulo :) It started when I was looking for info about Interlagos (the race track :P) and I ended reading about your city :D

And, of course you can trust me. I'm not sure if we will be able to find any dragons (they are very rare this days ;/) but we sure will conquer our enemies (or anything else :D)

8 years ago

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Yeah, I live in São Paulo... I wonder how did you know? (:
And Interlagos is great. Lollapalooza '15 was there, and I had a blast listening to awesome bands and what not.

That's good enough for me, I'm looking forward! (perhaps we should conquer those dinossaurs?)

8 years ago

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It's easy, I just stalked checked your steam profile :D And don't worry, If you would like, I will share more details on steam chat if you feel like you should know more about me ;) I'm also a little jealous about that Lollapalooza ;P

I'm happy it's good for you :D Not to mention that there is also some dino park somewhere in Poland, so we will be able to conquer them in ultra HD game called Real Life ;)

8 years ago

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Ain't staking checking profiles the easiest thing? Haha I forgot I even had my city there. Sure, when we have the time it'll be fun! Be jealous. It was aaaaweesssoooomeeee >:3

Dino park? That sound sooo awesome! :D

8 years ago

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I'm not sure if it will so fun - I have some dark secrets ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

And stalking checking proflies might be fun :P Some people have no idea how many thing they share and for once for more serious note - sometimes is kinda scary how people don't care about private stuff; I'm not talking about country or city, not even about name because if someone have FB it's the first thing that strangers see - I'm talking about this people who post adressess or phone numbers because they can 'win' some expensive stuff

BTW, I found this photo today on my FB wall ;)

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8 years ago

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Dark secrets can be fun! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Some people don't even care and, like you said, they really should. But I guess there's no telling these people the harm those reckless acts can cause them.

Hahahaha your FB wall looks so much better than mine, it seems! The dinosaur is glorious I like them sooo much and the colorful windows are adorbs (:

8 years ago

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I wonder if you will tell the same thing when if I will share that secrets ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

My FB wall is meh, but sometimes it pops up some nice things :D And if you really like that builiding we can visit that town, if we will have a chance ;)

8 years ago

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Hahaha I see.

It seems like a nice town (:

8 years ago

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Ok, one set more - we already had oldschool skinny zelg, so now it's time for nowadays fatass ugly zelg :D:

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8 years ago

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Fatass? Babe, you're far from that.
Patrzcie jak kłamie, że lekarz..
Oh, it's a fucking Doctor Who reference.. well.. I think it's time to remove myself from the public eye...

8 years ago*

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I am fatass ;p May not be visile in 1st 2 pics, as I often wear blouses, hoodies, jackets etc, but you can clearly see it on the last one where I'm just in a T-Shirt ;p

I'm also considered fatass nowadays because I used to be very skinny (not to say unhealthy skinny) just a few years ago (on 2nd picture 1st from left):

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8 years ago

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You're too hard on yourself. Don't make me battle you for the title of the fatass, boy.

8 years ago

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I agree to what Extinox said there. You're too hard on yourself. You look so likable, overweigtht or not.
How did it happen that you gained so much weight in such a short time (If I understood that correctly)?

8 years ago

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Well the thing is I always was sitting a lot in front of my PC, eating (and cooking) what's tasty not what's healthy, drinking too much beer etc ;P

But as long as I was living in my hometown I also had quite a lot "healthy" activities ;p As a kid and teenager I was in boy scouts, so a lot of trekking trips, terrain games in the forest etc. Also as my city was quite small, there was no point in travelling by bus (and there was a very few buses) so you'd go everywhere on foot. Then when we got older me and my friends started rock climbing, heavy mountain trekking etc - so while I was always living unhealthy I also had a lot of movement on a daily basis and it was making things even ;p

Then I moved out for studies - 250km away from my hometown to a big city, then started working etc. I no longer had my old pals I'd go for a 4-days-long trekking trip around, I was studying IT and working in IT as well. So generally - at Uni I was sitting on my ass in front of a PC, at work I was sitting on my ass in front of a PC and for my free time relaxation I was sitting on my ass in front of a PC ;p As a city was large getting everywhere on foot was no longer an option. As I have noone to go on trips with I did not go. Long story short in 3-4 years period I went from almost anorexic (50kg weight with 185 cm height) to overweight (95-100kg qith 185cm height) and I stay on this level ever since ;p

8 years ago

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Sounds familiar. When I got out of the Marine Corps, I was about 160, but a few years of college (drinking beers, watching TV & drinking beers, playing on my computer & drinking beers, studying & drinking beers) meant that I was about 230 when I left college. The weight fell off over the years, but I've never quite gotten back down to my fighting weight. Of course, its not like anyone is going to see me with my shirt off, so there's really no need to regain my six-pack.

8 years ago

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You look so positively nerdy, zelg! Plus, I really like that second pic with the beer, you look adorable (:

edit: THAT SHIRT. You like Doctor Who? :D And don't worry, doctor. We trust you.

8 years ago

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I don't just like Doctor Who - I totally freaking love Doctor Who :D: It's my most beloved TV show ever :D: Seen all episodes since old black'n;'white ones from the 60s up to current Capaldi ones, rewatched favoritue ones several times, not to mention I watched whole 10th Doctor era at least 4-5 times because I simply freaking love David Tennant as a Doctor :D:

8 years ago

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Also thanks - I take "you look nerdy" as one of the best compliments there can be :D:

8 years ago

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"Positively nerdy", zelg (:

Man, I have a friend Who's insane about Doctor Who! He introduced it to me about a month ago and I'm just finishing the first season I'm a busy cat, ok?! It's fantastic, although I've wanted to punch Rose's face hundreds of times by now.

Man I'm sooooooo eager to get to Tennant! I've seen a few clips of his as the Doc and man, he's the best! I'm also so excited to see Smith's performance and Capaldi? I'm already stalking him to death even though I'm so so far from the 12th and his season >:

I see you like Doctor Who a lot too! I bet you and my friend would make for good Doctors buddies (:

8 years ago

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one thing - if you're at 1st season with Rose (only season of Eccleston) - it's not 1st season but technically 27th season ;) Series never got rebooted as modern-days Doctors reference their past incarnations ;)

And do wait for Tennant - but also get ready to be heartbroken several times at least. He is not only the best Doctor ever but also the most tragic one. (For all Whovians: "I'msorry. I'm so, so sorry...")

I personally hated Smith - but maybe it's because I loved Tennant so much I couldn't let him go. And Smith was too different. On the other hand while for me Tennant is superior Doctor, Smith's companions totally kicks ass and it's worth watching just for them :>

8 years ago

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My friend told me all about it being the only Eccleston season and the reasons behind it all too (insert sad face here). Yeah, my bad. Modern-day Doctor Who season 1, then haha :D

I've heard of the notorious heartbreaks D: (About that: I actually got spoiled about it.)

B-but... Bowties are cool! Jokes aside, I think I'll like Capaldi the best when I reach him, since I've liked his work so far (on other stuff), and I don't think Smith is all that awesome for the few things I've know of him (plus, he sounds like an unreasonable jerk with Karen for no reason!). But yeah, I really wanna see his companions (:

8 years ago

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Capaldi is awesome - problem is Moffat went overboard with writing last season screenplay :/ A lot of times it felt awkward and not like Doctor Who at all - only thing that was keeping it above was Capaldi acting. But Tennant is awesome actor as well (and same as Capaldi give you this theatre feeling, as he was not a TV actor before but Sheakspirean theatre actor, with heavy expressions etc) but also had superrior screenplay to work with :> Capaldi is sadly hit and miss - there were at least 2-3 genius episodes with him, but also 4-5 very poorly written - so poorly even his acting couldnt save them :(

8 years ago

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Moffat can do that, sadly. He had a few slips on Sherlock, too, even though that show's an overall masterpiece.

I'm very sad to know the most recent season doesn't compare to the others, but I guess that's expected, judged by how amazing Tennant's seasons all seem to be.

I like Capaldi's heavy expressions and humor a bunch! I bet at least that much ought to keep me entertained (:

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Happy late Cake Day!
I'm to shy to post my pic but i will drink in your honor instead

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8 years ago

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Hey, you found my selfie!

8 years ago

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That wasn't even your final form?

8 years ago

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Cheers, mate!
Believe it or not, there is alcohol somewhere.

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8 years ago

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favorite drink!

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8 years ago

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There are only three options, one worse than the other

1) Absinthe
2) Peppermint liqueuer
3) Given your flair... a really toxic Maté

Either way you indeed know how to enjoy the evening!

8 years ago

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i could probbly drink all of those, but i'd rather stick to mint. it's delicious!

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8 years ago

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Have an empty glass cheers!

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8 years ago

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Cheers! Looks refreshing. i wish I had one now :)

8 years ago

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I'm a bit late, sorry... was partying/playing too much this weekend and didn't notice this thread 'til now.
Congratz anyway and I guess my avatar counts as a selfie or not. ^^

8 years ago

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It sure does. Welcome to the party. You're late but not too late. Come in, have fun :)

8 years ago

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I humbly thank you, after scrolling through this thread, I concluded that SG sure has awesome people around the world. (:

8 years ago

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Nice avatar! Which book were you reading? (:

8 years ago

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Thank you ^^ and the book is Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche.

8 years ago

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Refined taste! I'm yet to read that one of Nietzsche's. Currently, regarding philosophy, I'm reading a little bit of Schopenhauer myself. I find him pretty sarcastic and amusing (:

8 years ago

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It was quite some time ago and now I've almost read all of Nietzsche's work. I've got Parerga and Paralipomena and a few essays from Schopenhauer on my bookshelf and Nietzsche mentions him quite often.
Both are great! ^^

8 years ago*

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How absolutely nice! Seems like you have a great bookshelf (:

Don't mind it if someone breaks into your house at night to read your books.

8 years ago

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Well, I leave my window open for the heat to go out over night, so they don't even need to break in, more like jump in. xD
And if some burglar is reading this, please don't rob me, I've spend all my money on books.

8 years ago

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You just love making things easier, don't you?

No one said anything about robbing, just silently feeding off your books every night until all of them have been read.

8 years ago

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Sounds like Twilight: The book edition, every night someone comes and reads 'til down and maybe leaves a cookie every time or makes breakfast.
Ok, I've lost it with that last sentence, sorry. xD

8 years ago

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