Hello everyone,

I've had some weird stuff happening on my steam account. Somehow someone managed to use my steam wallet balance to buy a cheap csgo skin for a ridiculous amount of money. Contacted steam and they told me it is basically my own problem and they are not going to help me. Does anyone know what else I could try or do since it was a big amount of money. I have no idea how this happend since I did not get any notification someone tried to enter my account. Before I could do anything the balance was already gone to the ''seller'' probably the guy who got into my account. If anyone know what I can do about it please let me know.


3 years ago

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do you entered case site with steam account

3 years ago

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Yes, I have entered different sites. But there is no way someone can login on my account since I have the phone authenticator enabled and I need to use my phone and the 5 digit code to login elsewhere.

3 years ago

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But if you enter your 5 digit code in a third party site they can and will use it to login to your account, never do that, always login to steam directly.

3 years ago

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When you enter your password and 5 digit code to a fake Steam website, the scammer will immediately log in with the pass and code you just gave them. You're not going to get any notification that someone else has logged in, because you just gave them the go ahead with your 5 digit key. From that point, they are logged into your account and can do whatever they want until they log out.

Never ever put your Steam password or 2FA code into a website you aren't sure about.

For the future, if a website you visit asks you to log into Steam, open a new tab in your browser and go to "https://steamcommunity.com/", and log in there. If the website still asks you to log in, it's a fake. No website should request your login details if you're already logged into the community site.

You can try opening a new support ticket with Steam and tell them you fell prey to phishing and give as many details as you can (eg. the fake website you logged into, if you remember it), but it's unlikely they will revert the transaction.

3 years ago

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For the future, if a website you visit asks you to log into Steam, open a new tab in your browser and go to "https://steamcommunity.com/", and log in there. If the website still asks you to log in, it's a fake. No website should request your login details if you're already logged into the community site.

THIS! When you're logged into steam (or any other website) webpage on 1 tab, all the other tabs will recognize that. I was very paranoid when I first came to this website and logged into steam with another tab.

3 years ago

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One exception: The store will sometimes not be logged in when the community is, and vice versa, because they're on two different domains.

3 years ago

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remember a site where you entered for first time and give you error on the first try then ask you for the authenticator twice? first try is for log and capture your login data, second try is when the script removes your authenticar and put some automatic authenticator by itself, is when you lose your login account. Anyway talk to support and they will recover your account but I doubt they can give you the money/wallet back.

3 years ago

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If you dont have steam guard up, you are on your own.

3 years ago

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Always has been enabled.

3 years ago

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Only thing you can do, is learn from it, and don't make the same mistake again, which is logging into third party scam sites

and before you say no no, they're all legit, there's a reason Valve censor their names on Steam

Your money is gone

3 years ago

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Please connect accounts to complete certain types of tasks. We are using OAuth API of those services to get your unique ID to identify you when checking the completion of tasks.

This is what is says. Is this even save or?

3 years ago

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They're all scams

3 years ago

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this is why i dont keep a balance and always delete or never save payment info.

3 years ago

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Thanks for the reminder 👍
always delete or never save payment info.

3 years ago

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good advice, just did it..better safe than sorry

3 years ago

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I never save my payment info, but in my country it is not possible to purchase anything on the internet without getting redirected to the bank page and then you can continue only once you approved the transaction on the banks personal application on your phone.

3 years ago

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If you enter your steam login data on another site, steam guard is useless. You've gifted your money to the scammers.

There are two ways to prevent this:

  1. (weak) Always login to steam independently using the real steam start page and only then login to the site, not entering any data.
  2. (strong) Don't go to scam websites at all. If people stopped going there, the scammers would stop creating and advertising them, and the world would be perfect.
3 years ago

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So steam basically told you this.

3 years ago

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Sorry you got scammed.

Kinda weird Steam cant undo the trade, but how are they to know you're not scamming someone and abusing the situation. Easier for them to just nope right out, and not possibly make the situation worse.

How much was lost?

3 years ago

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266 euro

3 years ago

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They probably hit you with the API key scam
go here and revoke it: https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey

Or they stole your browser cookies

That is if you didn't logged in a fake steam site

3 years ago

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5 digit code to login elsewhere


3 years ago

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Change your password now. You will be logged out from all devices that way. From now on, make sure to only login to steam whenever you are sure that it is not a scam site. If you are already logged in on steam but the website says that you are not, get out of there immediately. Or you can always type the steam website manually and login there before logging in through third party websites or similar looking ones. Some url like store.stearnpowered.com and store.steampowered.com can look similar at first glance, albeit different.

3 years ago

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Change your password now.


3 years ago

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Iam sorry this happened to you but it is your own fault. Do not share your login credentials with anyone, trying to log in on fake site is sharing. If you get any message related to CSGO then you can be sure that is probably scamming attempt.

Only thing you can do is to go to the Police, as this is a cybercrime(no clue how "huge" was that wallet, but if some serious amount the might be worth to do that, just for statistical purpose.). Yeah, nothing will happen, but eventually they might force valve to track the way of the money. However, if everyone would contact police who got scammed by these CSGO scammers then sooner or later it would have effect: some law regulations and forcing valve to implement some changes (like the one i mentiones at next paragraph) because of the amount of police cases.

Valve also could solve this. NO item should be purchasable by selecting the price and seller, not even skins, you should just purchase the cheapest, and if something is 0,03€ and you set up 50€ purchase value, still the cheapest should be purchased and only 0,03€ should be deducted.

3 years ago*

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Choose any 3-cent item.
Offer 50 cents.
See what happens.
Reread what you wrote.

Edit, from a reply:
"Then he can only go to the police and then send a letter (not an email) of formal notice to Steam's legal department, to bypass normal support."
Nothing is lost, but it will take time.

3 years ago*

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There are some items (I think they are considered "unique") where you can still select the one you buy. Like it was for all items many years ago.

3 years ago

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But why wouldn't they also trade his inventory to him? Just dk how this all works.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

3 years ago

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Got it. What does having an API key do? I've given my API key for Do You Even Play Bro, but now I'm concerned.

3 years ago

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It seems not that much, according to this discussion: https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/7/2270319347588907691/
So I guess unless you're into trading, it shouldn't matter much even if you don't trust DYEPB. And of course if you don't think that the script is trustworthy or safely made you shouldn't use it.

3 years ago*

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thats just how csgo items work in general ^^

3 years ago

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It doesn't work like that for all steam items, just check any csgo weapon.

3 years ago

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Then he can only go to the police and then send a letter (not an email) of formal notice to Steam's legal department, to bypass normal support.

3 years ago

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The comments calling you a hacker on your profile are pretty funny too.

3 years ago

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i feel ya, i got hacked 2 years ago, they stole like 3k inventory items from me. steam basicly told me "shit happens"

3 years ago

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You entered your credentials on some phishing site (pretending to be steam). Since it was your fault - steam won't help you to return balance or items. You can try to go to police and ask them to find scumbag who scammed you, but IMHO that has very low chance of success, since you don't even remember which site it was, and police rarely work well with cyber-crimes.
So, all you can do is change your password, check if you have api key on https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey and revoke it if you don't remember creating it, and optionally change password on your mail connected to steam too. And be more careful in the future.

3 years ago

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I would say, it's basically impossible. Specially with small amounts

3 years ago

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Lost 266 euro because of this shit so its not a small amount tho.

3 years ago

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why would you even need or want this much Store credit at once?

3 years ago

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Saving for Steam Deck maybe? It's a long way to go by selling cards etc. :)

3 years ago

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Steam mentioned what it was after all? Mirror site, you giving credentials without realizing , click on link etc?

3 years ago

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Nope, I even provided all the proof of the account who received my money etc and yet they are still not able to help me or anything. Really terrible service in my opinion.

3 years ago

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Many people think (including me) that the marketplace needs a loooot more attention than what it has..

They won't do anything as long as it is user fault. And 99,99% of cases it is user fault. "Fault" is a broad term though..
What I was asking was if steam told you what kind of scam you fell for (or atleast probably fell for).
Was it a mirror site? (aka providing steam guard to something that looks like steam but isn't steam)
You clicked a link, tournament, vote, whatever similar to this?
Phishing scam?

3 years ago

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