Do you like licorize?
The googlesearch pointed me to that exact site...because obviously it couldn't be just a spelling mistake with those answers :D
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For me FFXII is one of the best FFs around, we are all different i guess:)
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Oh god yes that DQ8 battle theme. Who thought that beginning was a good idea on the single most-played song in the game?
Final Fantasy X's normal battle theme - it's not bad, but it's not a very battle-y song, and after listening to it ad infinitum over the course of way too many playthroughs, I got to where I didn't want to hear that intro ever again. The remastered version is way better, though I'm not sure if it really is or if it's just because it's something different.
Final Fantasy 8's world map theme - once again, not a bad song on its own, but it's too slow and peaceful and trying to grind AP at the beginning in preparation for a low-level run literally puts me to sleep, and now I have a Pavlovian response to that song that makes me bored and sleepy. T_T
I had another song in mind too, but I forgot what it was. Oops. XD
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Animal Village from Link's Awakening. The only bad track there is in a Zelda game.
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Full Throttle has actually a great soundtrack, but there is one song I really hate! It took me way too long to figure out how to progress at this moment and that song repeated over and over and over...
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It was not the music, but during an early dungeon in Xenosaga III, an intercom beeps out a warning every time you use a door. The doors are spaced far enough that you are hearing that loud beep and several seconds of it speaking, before you hit another door. It was the new Sonic the Hedgehog drowning music resetting the stage music.
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undertale trash 8bit music. not that with a composer like hans zimmer it would have been a good game anyway, but i had to mute the game while playing it.
mad max was pretty bad imo, i also muted the music and played fury road's soundtrack in the background xD
diablo 2 has some extremely annoying songs (lut gholein and jungle).
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As flawed as the game is, I've got a soft spot for Blue Dragon. As much as I like the game despite it's flaws, it's Boss Battle Theme is trash. No, not trash metal - it wishes it was, but it's really just trash.
And well, there's CrazyBus, which only qualifies as music in the most post-modern impressionistic definition of the term.
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I'm sure I could come up with plenty if I gave it some thought, but the first one that came to my mind is
It's easily one of the most repetitive songs I've heard ever, which of course means that it's the one that plays the most often in the game. The stage music in that game is great, though.
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Almost as bad as Gradius' iconic Aircraft Carrier. So many versions, and most don't make it past 6 bars of music or so.
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Super Meat Boy....
... PS4 version. I don't understand why would they port it if most of the people played the PC version earlier + the soundtrack makes the PC version far superior #_#
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Here's another one that came to mind recently:
Like, what were they even going for? Everything about it just It's like they just coded software to make the song instead of having a human with functional ears work on it.
And while we're at it, there's
I read that they were trying to go for a creepy (and perhaps sad) song, but instead, it's just really grating and awful. The only thing creepy and sad about it is how it managed to get approved and shipped.
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2 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by MarvashMagalli
While there are many topics about music wich we love on here I thought why not doing something else and gathering some tracks in here wich we found to be pretty annoying while playing games? Two examples came in my mind right away:
Persona 3 - City Theme
Just not my style of music. Not sure if this is a good term to describe it...but too funky? Also you have to listen to it quite often while playing the game. I really liked the city theme from Persona 4 though.
Also finally give me Persona 5 for PC or at least on PS Now. ;_;
Dragon Quest 8 Battle Theme
A bit ironic but my second mention comes from a game wich I consider to have one of the best soundtracks of all time. But this one track in particular really got on my nerves after a while. Especially the first seconds. Guess that you have to hear it over and over...and over again didn't help there.
Oh I also included some random non-related poll.
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