People are dumb sometimes. Or just confused about the rules.

1 month ago

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You can create a support ticket and request a couple of slots.

1 month ago

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I believe the general answer is 'yes, a deleted giveaway will result in a giveaway slot being returned to the user.'

Source: I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

But I would say double check with Support to be sure.

EDIT: don't listen to me! (except the part about contacting Support)

1 month ago*

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deleted GA's eat up slots
support can give more slots with a ticket though.... although it looks like their slots are potentially eaten up by lvl 10 required whitelist only giveaways with no winners(I forget if no winner GA's eat slots or not)

1 month ago

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A new account start with 3 GA slots.
If you delete 1 GA, you lose 1 GA slot.
You get 1 GA slot for every 3 GAs that are marked as recieved from your winners.

1 month ago

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That hidden statement reminded me as something Icaio could have said (or the kind of humour) and made me smile.

1 month ago

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You've got a pretty peculiar way of making GAs. I'm curious: do you even have level 10 users on your whitelist?

1 month ago

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Damn that's weird

1 month ago

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I would have thought restricting to just L10 would have been enough, but obviously not!

1 month ago

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I wonder if they thought it was an OR function rather than AND... That would make sense to me, if they wanted to create a GA just for their whitelist but also wanted to include level 10 users, and they misunderstood how that worked.

4 weeks ago

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A new account start with 3 GA slots.
If you delete 1 GA, you lose 1 GA slot.
You get 1 GA slot for every 3 GAs that are marked as recieved from your winners.

1 month ago

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by making a new giveaway you use up 1 slot. this slot is only returned after the giveaway has ended AND marked as received. pending or not-received GAs keep using up the slot.
Deleting on-going or unsuccessful giveaways wont return the slots.
After 3 successful giveaways that you gain an additional slot.

if you use up all your slots by mistake or generally need more slots to make giveaways support can grant you more slots. (make a ticket for that)

1 month ago

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Emphasis on "deleting ongoing giveaways", that will indeed waste the slot too, something some people may find counter-intuitive. Same for giveaways that haven't even started (if created and set to start in the future). So, double-check before you create, and double-think before you delete 👀 Extra slots can indeed be granted, but that will typically be a one-time thing, for users who ended up stuck at 0 slot.

Also obviously, for multi-copy giveaways, multiply by the number of copies.

Edit: one particular case there, if your giveaway ends with no winner, you get the associated slot(s) back too. But you lose them if you delete it.

1 month ago*

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now thats something interesting about the no winner GAs.
thanks for the info

1 month ago

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Nope. Need to make and finish more giveaways to get new slots.
I learned this the hard way XD

1 month ago

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Thanks for the answers.

Then what's the point of asking someone for permission to delete it? I can't get it. 🤔
Shouldn't there be punishment for deleting something without permission, but no punishment after obtaining someone's forgiveness, just like a reconciliation agreement?

4 weeks ago

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You're right, there is no point in mentioning so. It's just a request in good faith.
A GA host would always want their GA to be 'marked as received'. For that they must provide the particular key for that GA. But if they don't... like if the key is invalid/ or for another game / or they can't buy the gift for the winner. The GA host aims to get their deleted in order to move on.

So now the winner has 2 options:

  • Agree to get the GA deleted, and move on as well. The mods need winner's consent for the deletion.
  • Refuse the outcome that the key provided isn't working and demand a working one! If the GA Host can't provide, the GA will not be 'marked as received'. And so that GA will remain an annoying waste of time for both the parties.

There will only be punishment if u receive the key, but don't 'mark as received'. Or vice versa too(I think). So always ensure that the exchange between the Host and the winner is for that particular game for which the GA was created for.

[As for the main post question. Nope. U made a GA, u lose ur slot. Ask the mods for more with a reason or justification.]
Also, as the number of ur successful GAs increase(marked as received), so do your additional GA slots! So take it slow and keep going!

Edit: why on earth are u making Level 10 whitelist GAs! Recipe for nil slots, buddy!
If you wanna continue doing so, ull likely get more entries for newer AAA titles...but I have a feeling that is not what you are aiming for, as a Level 3 user urself!

4 weeks ago*

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All deletions remove slot(s) from the creator's account. Both without permission (e.g. GA is still running or did not start yet), or with permission (after GA ended).

And there is no reason to delete GAs without winners. It may look "weird" on the user's profile to have piles of GAs no one wanted to enter, but deleting large amounts of GAs with no winners or "it may not get enough entries to bother" does delete slots, and support won't keep "topping up" lost slots. There was user once who deleted so many low-entry and "bad" GAs they ended up with no slots.

4 weeks ago

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