I really agree, but why people like to contradict. What is the benefit to get into drugs, I dont see a good path around that.
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Ask someome who take drugs.
Mostly the same reasons as alcohol in more powerful.
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Or good food? Or sex? Or playing computer games? Everybody likes doing something pleasurable. Some of these things are legal, and others aren't. Many of these things can screw you up if you do too much of them. Most people like to feel good.
Other people may do these things to fill a void, whether it's by over-indulging in food, drink, drugs, or any other activity which can cause harm in excessive quantities.
So many folks like to reduce everything to black-and-white, in order to support a black-and-white opinion/judgement. I don't think there is any real basis for looking at things in black and white here. Drinking a glass of wine with a meal, or smoking the odd joint, may be just as illegal as taking heroin in some countries, but while it's possible to be a fully socially functional casual drinker, I'm yet to hear of a casual heroin user...
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Nothing really, you get nothing of drugs, just a little time thinking of nothing or forgetting things you are worried about in that moment
Also what kind of "illegal" drugs are we talking about?
Some of them aren't as strong as others
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And I think that propaganda is useless, at least I know a lot of people, including myself, that went to D.A.R.E for example or something related as ended taking drugs at some time
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I'm not from US but in my country they also do that useless program
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I think the phrase is dumb, but the point of the phrase is right.
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When I was very young, I got pretty crook. If it wasn't for the drugs the hospital gave me, the only thing I'd have won would be a long sleep beneath a little infant sized tombstone in the corner of the Waikikamukau municipal graveyard.
Not all drugs are created alike...
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You show me the dividing line, and talk me through the products on sale in a drugstore...
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Definition of a drug: a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.
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Doesn't legality vary from country to country, from time to time, and from context to context?
I don't really know what you're driving at here. My point that all drugs are not created alike is pretty relevant here, is it not? Local legality is a very crude and inherently flimsy distinction by which to separate a huge variety of very diverse substances, with equally diverse affects, risks and benefits.
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Explain better, I like your argument, but how, why?
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Arbitrary decision making. Cultural and historical precedents. Economics. Simple social differences. That's at least a good chunk of "why".
What makes so-called "legal high" products any different from their illegal (and functionally identical) counterparts?
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True, but a knowledgeable person, likely a doctor, prescribed those drugs for you. You were benefited in a medical sense by the medicines. When juxtaposed with narcotics that are used recreationally, its obvious which ones are okay. I can't just decide, "I don't feel to good. I'll have some Percoset."
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"Knowledgeable" doctors subscribe all sorts of crap with very dubious benefits.
While I obviously gave the example I did to illustrate an extreme end of a scale whose middle area is all sorts of grey...
The "Winners don't use drugs" slogan doesn't even tip its hat in recognition at the arbitrary nature of legalisation or the raft of different substances contained under the umbrella of that single word. It's a simplistic piece of sloganeering, and with all due respect to the OP, it's clear that he/she just wanted a simplistic answer which reinforced his/her own opinion, rather than one which reflected the true muddiness the waters.
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I found out that he published a game on Steam about his life - The Ball :O
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If you know an addict or two, it helps you understand that sentence.
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Are we talking caffeine addicts or heroin addicts?
Addiction to anything can be detrimental in any number of ways, but as someone who "needs" (or has convinced himself that he does, which is the essence of the mental aspect of addiction) a coffee in the morning to avoid being a terrible human being, I wouldn't class myself as an abject loser...
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If you whish to make a 20 pages debate of the word drug here fair enough, however my own sentence just as the OP was of course by questionable default aimed at the harmful drugs. More precisely in my case when you reach the point where you cannot live without and end up getting money in... antisocial and harmful ways to get your dose knowing that the next one might kill you. Cocaine, heroine etc... That point where you look somewhere between zombie and ghost and skeleton.
And i find the debate of what is a drug and which one is harmful to which you make reference ( as well as the economical interests, especially for hemp and medicinal drugs ) less interesting than the right to do what one wants with his own body and the right of one not to recognize the authority of the society to decide for him.
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Almost everything said in this debate so far points to the fact that a 4 word jingoistic catchphrase cannot possibly provide a worthwhile summation of such a complex issue.
This is entirely my point.
Personally I believe people should have a right to decide what to do with their own body, but only if it doesn't fuck up the lives of those around them. Society has to regulate some things. That's why, while I agree with personal freedoms, people cannot simply do WHATEVER they choose to do, regardless of its effect on others. That's why IMHO society must prohibit heroin use and paedophilia outright, while perhaps adopting a more flexible approach on alcohol and softer recreational drugs. How is that done? Fuck knows... There is a lot of grey area in between the blacks and whites, and between protecting individual choice, while defending the rights of other people.
It's a complex issue, and anyone looking for a simple answer hasn't fully understood it.
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I associate it with kids. This could be wrong, but is there campaign targeted towards kids where they use this phrase? I'm not from USA, but I'm thinking it's there for some reason.
Anyway, as something for kids, sort of as an introduction to warning them about drug abuse etc. I think it's an ok phrase. It's a bit simplistic for older people who won't care about being a so-called winner.
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Your assertion that Bob Marley's music/talent wasn't influenced by pot is a bold one sir :P
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It reminds me an indie game back to early 2000's which i never found it again.
I even asked people around here on a topic like "which game was that" but nothing... I'd like to try it again.
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Do plants not contain chemicals?
Cocaine is not a natural drug?
Tell me more...
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Per the dictionary a drug is "any article, other than food, intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of humans or other animals."
Please tell me how weed doesn't fit into this definition?
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So you guys tell that use drugs is well... So much contradiction, I just need a really direct answer, not an answer with lots of stuff on it, doing circles and circles to the main phrase. Just a no, a yes... I know you guys aren't retarded, you know what Im talking about Drugs, bad drugs that hurt you and destroy your body, not the drugs from pharmacy. Hope guys you help me to reach a good panorama of the phrase.
I made this question here, because where I live, the person closest to me give me a really good answers, but this is SG and thousands of people watch this post in minutes, so I want to know another answers from people from other parts of the world.
PD: I dont use drugs and I dont plan to do, in my around no one uses drugs as far as I know, but I got attacked for use this phrase really hard, I dont understand why people hate the people that said this Phrase, what it means, probably I dont see far away than my perspective. I also not incite to discriminate, to isolate or to not help people involved in drugs, contrary, I incite to help them and to fix them to be succesful (If possible, I mean there is a lot of people that one just cant help, they like to live like that, or they are really addicts, people that hurt you for try to help). But why people got so mad for hear this?... Are really winners drug people?... what is the benefit of go in drugs?... I NEED TO KNOW THIS STUFF GUYS, TELL ME PLOX. :D
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If you're looking for a simple answer, you haven't understood the complexity of the question or the topic..
If you and your friends are looking to base some sort of decision on a few one word answers from a bunch of strangers on an internet gaming forum, I can't help but feel you already know more about mind altering substances than you're letting on.
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says who ? What if X decides that you do not have the right to hurt yourself, or that harming yourself sets a bad example for others, or that ( if we talk about heroine etc ) the money you spend on your drugs goes to some murderous guys ( who also happen to use that money to build schools - since really harmful drugs are rarely homemade ).
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That's the problem with this, you will always hurt somebody in some way
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People will only jump on you for that phrase if they have a guilty conscience. Otherwise, they won't care.
What funny is that I can remember when "Winners don't use drugs" was actually true. These days, it seems half the winners are juiced up. Basically, everything you put into your body has an impact, even food and drink. Your body was designed to ingest food and drink, however, not the other stuff.
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implying people who disagree about something do so because they have a guilty conscience ?
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It's not even that complicated. The person obtains the drug from someone else and tries it, they like how it makes them feel so they get more. The person then becomes addicted to the drug and needs it to feel normal again because the feeling of withdrawal is awful.
The only somewhat complex part is how they obtain it in the first place. But no matter how they obtain it the first part of becoming addicted to a drug is obtaining it for the first time.
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Mr. Punchy. :)
Some people need drugs to win. Others are natural winners. I would say that it's most accurate to say that natural winners or hard workers do not need drugs, and people at a disadvantage mentally and physically do. If you wanted to get technical about it.
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You always have the right answer, I dont know how you do it, but you are awesome mate!
Your answer is consize, it has professionalism and as well it resolve the entire confusion In which I was involved. Your answer just gives me the panorama and the picture that was really blind.
Your answer is just true... People could be natural winners, and people need to use them, thats what my dad told to me and its awesome. Thanks a lot Bunny, your answer was the best one I have heard in my life. Thanks a lot mate!
Best wishes from my part mate, you help not only me, some friends too. Thanks a lot Bunny!
One in a Million like you. Rock hard mate!
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Without meaning any disrespect to either of you, all he has done is rephrased your initial 4 word slogan, and voiced his approval.
Did I miss something, or were you just looking for a slap on the back and holding out for someone to apply a "Yes - this is the truth" rubber stamp to your "Winners don't do drugs" motto?
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Also, would anyone say the Beatles weren't "winners" in their field, or that their music didn't owe a great deal to their experience of illegal (in their country) drugs?
For the record I'm not recommending the consumption of hallucinogens. Simply offering a little balance to refute a very simplistic and factually dubious post...
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Presentation of winners as a ( debatable ) moralistic definition, not as an achievement definition.
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Oh, for sure. It's all relative, and one man's win is another man's fail.
Having said that, the Beatles' album sales, and enduring popularity has to count for something in the field of natural winnery :)
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Both of you seem to be a little too caught up in your own ideas to make sense of my post, reasoning, or even my subtle but accurate use of grammar. You're welcomed to try again though, and this time in a manner that's not trying to win or lose a silly argument but simply understand what's being said and why.
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Well, please feel free to point out your "reasoning", because it was conspicuous only by its absence. No compelling argument. Simply a "take it or leave it" statement.
I see no need to try again, since it appears you missed the subtle but accurate example in my post.
The Beatles got into drugs after their initial success, achieved through a mixture of inate talent and hard work.
The drugs came afterwards, and pushed them down a different, and perhaps more unique avenue, but the band members were neither averse to hard work, nor musically inept, even before they took hallucinogens.
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What do you think about Guns And Roses Atomic... do you remember what happened to Duff?
You people are excusing yourselves of the idea that drugs are bad calling famous names... Thats really, well thats not right, and its an insult. Like those people who just like Bob Marley to excuse themselves of smoke pot, people that dont like their albums or their word. Its just awesome what people do. Makes me sad, really, its awesome.
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The problem is that it really simplifies what drugs do and also gives drugs a negative connotation. It implies all drugs are bad, even medicine used to save lives and other natural drugs that do have proven benefits to our health and longevity. A prime example is drugs such as tobacco, alcohol and steroids. Steroids are given a bad rap by their use to shortcut in sports, but they also are used in transplant patients to prevent rejection and do save lives. Alcohol and tobacco also have numerous proven benefits (with smoking it's actually the additives that cause cancer, not the tobacco itself before anyone gets on that soapbox) as well.
In the end if a drug is negatively affecting you, it's bad. If a drug is allowing a shortcut to hard work and determination, then it's unfair to those who do put in the work. And even when it comes to drugs that have proven benefits and can save lives, if the side effects are worse than the disease they are meant to treat, then we really should use another treatment. If such a thing doesn't exist yet, then we need more research to find one.
In the end drugs are much like guns and knives. We all know that a gun or knife can be used to kill, but they also have many good uses. Drugs are a tool much like this and in the hands of some people can be used to treat disease and retain good health. In the hands of others they can be used to do harm. It isn't so much that winners don't use drugs, it is that winners use drugs responsibly and fairly and only when necessary. Even medicine can be bad, plenty of drug users actually are addicted to legal drugs obtained only via prescription and started on using them for a valid reason. This also doesn't even begin to get into the attitude that with medicine there needs to be a pill for everything even if it doesn't need a pill, like the practice of prescribing antibiotics for viral infections.
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I like the phrase, but if you tell this to people, they got offended, not all, but most.
What do you think?
Also, I was talking with my friend and he contradicts me about Bob Marley. I told him that Bob Marley is great for his talent, no for the drugs. (marihuana)
What do you think guys?
People told me that phrase is discriminating people, that phrase isolates people and that phrase tells that people who use drugs are losers, but I never say that. The thing that I say was. Healthful life, good knowledge and good influences can give you a easier path to a successful life.
The thread got resolved, thank you guys. I love you all.
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