Holy Christ Almighty. 15 minutes. 15 god damn minutes for something that could be said in two. I hope that the uploader gets testicular cancer and instead of the doctor telling them right away, they start it with an essay talking about their life and medical degree for 15 minutes before they break the news.
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I hope that the uploader gets testicular cancer
For someone who is supposedly in recovering health themselves, it seems rather poor taste to wish something like this on another person. Jokingly or not, that's pretty crass behavior for a member of site staff.
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actually im a dick.
nice job stepping up and speaking your mind, but you misspelled asshole.
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guess this is my anthem then
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I have to agree with you. A moderator is part of the staff, and can't have the exact same rights as a plain user.
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How on earth did Tzaar get suspended for this? What a joke.
Watch what you say to staff, folks. Itchy trigger fingers abound.
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Because he said the word fuck? Profanity doesn't make it hate speech. He commented basically the same thing that a plethora of other people are replying here.
So yea, I don't think Tzaar got suspended for that comment. Who knows.
Lol, the proof is in the pudding, https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/TOnkXe1
They realize they banned him without reasonable cause, and are now attempting to bury the conversation.
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Cursing is not hate speech.
Cursing is not the problem.
Still, is there anything in the rules about hate speech/discrimination?
I don't see a single mention of it in the ToS.
So yea, I don't think Tzaar got suspended for that comment. Who knows.
edit: added more
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I hope that the uploader gets testicular cancer
(Junior Moderator)
Choose one.
I don't usually get triggered by jokes, but man, what a bad taste for a joke.
A tip for the next time, before posting switch cancer for any other disease, if it still sounds bad, don't post it.
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Wow. Just wow. I actually think that Tzaar's reaction was perfectly adequate - unlike this comment. I mean, I get his emotions. You're behaving like an ill-bread child who thinks that it's cool to appear callous. Is this really acceptable for a member of stuff?
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Seems like getting a mod status in this site is awfully easy these days.
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+1, that's why I generally hate videos and only read information, except when I'm eating, where reading is too impractical.
This video in particular could be summed up in barely a paragraph...
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you should never, never never ever make fun about cancer.....
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I think that posting links to YouTube vids with a pointless click-baity one line question or statement instead of an explanation or description is a sucky and pathetic attempt to build view counts for a shit vid on a crap channel, and therefor automatically assume that it sucks, and blacklist the poster.
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Yeah, I agree. That's why I posted it here to see if others felt the same or not. I actually liked the channel, I found the ones that he was exploiting game mechanics interesting and believe it or not a bit funny, but this one just hits differently. But if you think of it on the bright side, this "exploit" wouldn't be fixed/patched if it wasn't exposed by him -- that is if it was never "broken" in the first place and the keys were meant to expire after the subscription ends.
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Dude I clicked on the video by curiosity...but I cannot stand the stock images on top of 2 minutes rambling before "step 1" of the method and its 15 minutes long, I can only imagine how much he over repeats himself or overtalks for this, Im getting some BossFTW vibes...a lot of talk, long videos, and very repetitive. And Im pretty sure he is well aware all the keys activate by this can be revoked; its as shaddy or more shaddy than some resellers...thats probabbly where he went to sell the keys tho, so he can keep the money for the sold keys and make EA pay for the refunds.
But knowing EA, they might make it so they dont have to pay anything and keep the money..its EA.
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so they dont have to pay anything and keep the money..it's EA.
What money ? That money no one payed them ? They shouldn't honour refunds for games bought on shady reseller sites where scumbag of the earth use such exploits to scam people out of money with keys they know will be revoked. I don't know if this youtuber actually sold any keys on any site at all, but in the scenario you mentioned - of course EA shouldnt pay out any refunds.
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No, Im saying the ones who paid for the keys on those shaddy websites. And yes as shaddy as the website is...there is people going there aware of the risk, but STILL will complain for the money and feel robbed. The youtuber put on the comments "I just made 4 grand from selling 2000 copies of spore".
This is an exploit yeah, its scummy to sell even 1 ilegal copy, but in the scenario you describe, the exploiters take the money off the people paying for the game, and EA revoke the keys, so the people still HAVE to pay again for the game and the exploiter keep the money. I agree is their fault for using shaddy methods/prices to adquire said games and EA can afford those loses for the exploit...but its EA, they would even fight for your liver transplant money if someone spend it there by accident or such.
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Regarding that comment - I think it's probably meant as a joke. One thing is showing an exploit in a video (thats fixed eventually) but another is actually confessing in comments to doing something potentially illegal. Well if he did - I'm saddened that such a fucker has so many subscribers and views and likes for a video.
Regarding the EA - I understood what you meant.. but I still think EA is in the right. They can revoke the keys and they shouldn't refund those keys if bought from unofficial distributor/seller. There is a known blame on the buyers side of course (but then there is always for anyone buying on craigslist or facebook marketplace as well). The one who sells these keys is 100% the one to blame here and should be prosecuted for losses he has made for all the scammed people and the company. Throw substantial fine or even jail sentence for fraud. EA has nothing to do with this. Mistakes happen and anyone with a brain understands that eventually they get fixed. If you get a free key in a quastionable way you know it may be revoked - why should developer/publisher leave those keys active if they are obtained illegally ?
The problem starts when no one does anything about the scammers.. unfortunately. Either it's not possible to track down these people or actually prove they did anything illegal - but this should be fought more. Everyone is screaming about their privacy on the internet, but this is what we get when everyone is anonymous on internet - people get scammed for the stupidest reasons. And those who know how can easily hide. We should get some China in our internet and start nailing scammers.
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The whole concept of getting free stuff on Unity/EA/Origin makes me think perhaps those platforms just want you to have their storefront and DRM installed, and are willing to pay for it. I wasn't an early Steam adopter for the same reason.
The video is just entertainment though, jeeze the whole thing was for that $$$ punchline.
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Just awesome. Apparently problems with support run even deeper than I thought. Well, at least now we know that, according to a certain timid senior support member who's chosen to delete their comment, wishing someone to get cancer is perfectly fine, while finding such wishes deeply distasteful and unethical requires measures such as closing a thread.
At least Tzaar got unsuspended.
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Completely out of context, but have a Happy đ°day !
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