ruSSian army can shoot inly unarmed people - jet fighter pilot who was bombarding civil people in Sirya - was shot down in Ukraine and tak in prison.
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I've seen almost all these videos myself with my own eyes, schoolboy
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Guidelines -> User Content -> 4. Personal attacks or hate speech:
"Threats, harassment, and slurs (e.g. insults towards a user's race, sexual orientation, or gender) are not allowed."
Guess it is not applied to the world`s hysteria ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Also, would like to point out that there are bad people and good people everywhere, nation has nothing to do with this
Stay safe, healthy and be positive, people <3
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I'm not atacking anyone race or sexual orientation or gender here.
I'm also not attacking the whole nation or all Russians.
Only DICKtin and Russian military that didn't surrender.
But if someone thinks differently I'm willing to take a few days ban for that.
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I'm not at war.
Russia is at war with Ukraine.
We are laughing about DICKtin and Russian army not about Russian civilians because we know how many were arrested or killed by DICKtin by standing against him and how much did he stole from Russian civilians in his bribes during all that time with all his friends.
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I think, that you've missed the last announcements of your Chancellor.
You are no longer working on certifying North Stream 2 and generously sending Ukrainians 5 thousands used helmets. Merkel's appeasement has ended.
Fortunately, at last, like the rest of Europe, you are also at war. It's just, also fortunately, limited to economic sanctions and sending Ukrainians deadly weapons, as to avoid potential nuclear conflict.
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Is this now an endless parade of people who can't figure out what "We are not at war with each other in this forum" means? I didn't demand to silence everything about the war, I'm actually contributing myself in the Ukraine awareness thread. But there is no need for trolling.
Seriously, sometimes I wonder how humanity managed to survive till today. People clearly struggle to understand even the most simplistic messages.
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but then ruSSians not just trolling but killing civilian ukrainians - is it ok for you?
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I know it might be scary or inappropriate to laugh in situations like these.
Imho we shouldn't be afraid to laugh about anything. The best way to exorcise misery and fear is to joke about it.
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Context for 13 - Barka was a favorite song of Jean Paul the Second, a Polish pope. Polish internet often parodizes his cult of personality in Poland, by in example making remixes of Barka. Thus, the Russian elite military was hacked and disrupted by very online zoomers
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I first saw this video on a Facebook page of a woman I used to study with ages ago, she lives in Nova Kakhovka that's currently occupied by Russian army (there were several days of bombing before occupation). She actually posted it as a comic relief while hiding with her mom in their house, it's literally dangerous to go outside.
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there's nothing funny about war and invading another country.
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I agree on principle. And we know people are dying, on both sides. That's no laughing matter.
However, I take the thread in the sentiment it's posted and since the whole invasion is an exercize in pointless ego masturbation by Putin, I do believe any way that the Russian army is demonstrating its gross incompetence and/or its outrageously diminished technology helps end the war sooner.
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In Russia you will get 15 years of jail for this thread 😁
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Amount of jail term for protesting depends. 1-3 years for just touching the policeman, throwing the plastic bottle to them, maybe help someone from beating by policeman and become a "criminal" here. But most often - a fine.
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Well 30 minutes ago we got a video with many OMON with anti-riot gear dead on Ukrainian road so maybe the soldiers are no longer listening to DICKtin and maybe you guys will soon lose most of OMON in Russia.
It will be easier to protest and fight for freedom and I can only hope that Russia will become free country with time.
And I really wish that simple Russian people would be able to sell all the DICKtin furniture from his palace near the Black Sea so civilians that were oppressed for all these years will get at least a part of what was stolen from them.
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Thank you my friend.
Yep, I heard that news today from our opposition. Of course if there will be too many problems with our "army" Putin will sent OMON, so I think there is humans too and they don't want to die there. I don't know for what they fighting now.
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To tell the truth the ones that are good people just surrendered to Ukrainians. These ones are alive.
But there were groups of soldiers abandoning tanks and military vehicles and going back on foot to Russia and we don't know if they are alive or if they were killed by their superiors or is sending OMON to Ukraine the response for what they did.
With each day DICKtin is standing more and more alone.
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And crazier. Because he doesn't even know what the Internet is.
My good scenario is a massive poorness of country in a weeks (because things are happening too fast) and to survive we just need to go to the streets and tell them to get out.
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To tell the truth DICKtin has no real friends. He only has people he pays with bribes. So I think his generals or other people with power that took the bribes with him will kill him soon. That is why he is hiding in his palace near Black Sea.
Also there are more and more rewards for his head appearing in the dark web and the legal ones in the internet on top of that so someone that will arrest or kill him will never have to work again and neither will have his kids and grandkids.
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im sure that killing putin will not change anything. all people need to come out and fight for their rights. as ukrainians have done and are doing. so that the new state will be afraid of the people. but some people are stupid, and some are afraid. and putin understands this - the destruction of freedom of speech and people with batons perfectly cope with it
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Not only Putin but also people he took bribes with and are now in power in Russia and also Lukashenko and Kadyrow are targeted by headhunting rewards.
But you are right - Russians need to fight for their own Russia just like Ukrainians do now or how Poland did when we were ruled by Russia.
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Simple thoughts, but they don't work for us since Putin gets his throne. And didn't work for Belarus.
So yeah, need to work with stupid people, call them to streets and wait wait and wait a good chance. Unfortunately, there is no other way for us, there is too much zombie and people who "don't want to politics" and then BOOM and see a x2 price on a price tag.
Soon no one will be interested in politics, because it will be forbidden, maybe they want this.
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He also sitting at this crazy 6-meters table and no one just can't touch him, hahaha.
Yeah, this system should be destroyed someday, there is no choice. Idk what is sitting in brain of his people, because without Putin they are nobody. There is confrontation - destroy the system by eliminating Putin or enjoy isolation. What happen with all his kind of friends if he die from heart attack or something I have no idea. There will be chaos, where the ordinary people can put impact and get a better president.
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The 'Nazi' sits in the Kremlin and laughs at everyone believing his lies.
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Don't know if it fits here, but
is kinda funny.
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Russians tried to cover ground from the roof top but Ukrainians cut off power in elevator
Also may be better to cut 2 posts in the other threads and just leave main one with few lines there and hyperlink here? It's hard to read thread on PC and I guess impossible on mobile with all this scrolling. Too bad we don't have "autohide" feature when post is x lines long
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we habe blocked this ))
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Reddit is a great start. Use it to see all the Russian murders they committed in last 10 days in Ukraine. Also use telegram and other sites to see how the war looks and how many young Russians had to die just because of one crazy old man with power. Stand up against DICKtin like the rest of the world does.
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Thanks for the info. After work I will add new things like the elevator one to the list. First I need to check everything people send me in a few different sources and check the info about a military coup that is said to be prepared in Russia.
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Yes this is funny. I also know these pictures and this is a small % of population. Just like in Poland or Germany or some other countries there are some stupid people that miss the nazi times and raise their kids in that way.
But people like this are internal country affair and countries arrest them and deal with them.
5% of population does not give the Russia right to invade and kill everyone and to bombard hospitals with children.
Instead of believing everything from Russia propaganda google how much did DICKtin stole from people like you and seek out the truth instead of believing lies. If DICKtin had nothing to hide he would not use secret police and OMON against his own people and he would not ban most of the internet from you.
Before believing anything find multiple sources and see what they say instead of believing in just one.
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Well said. And we should not forget, that Russia itself has such fuckin Nazi groups.
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Not the point
Your claim was Russia has 0 Nazi minded groups.
Which is clearly not true.
Like Zarddin said,
Every country has their nutcases Russia included.
It isn't a reason to start a war and murdering civilians / kids.
displacing another 1.5 million Ukrainians.
Now you got to wonder what the real reason of Putin is to invade Ukraine...
because Neo Nazi's and genocide is BS of the biggest kind.
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пиздец, я вообще в ахуе.
гугл так наёбывает иностранцев.
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Ukrainian president is a Jew, ruSSian president says he is "neo-nazi" - do you think it can be true?
show us video where is "neo-nazi uses people as a shield"?
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private military company "Vagner" (by the way - this is favorite hitler composer, and putler loves hitler and make everything hitlers do) - have finance from kremlin, and was involved in Donbass and Crimea during annexion and occupation.
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you talking about this kids?
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did this funny??? -
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ahahahah ruSSians are so funny
they don't want to see the truth, because they know they are not on the side of it.)))
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Russians, can you explane, why in your country is forbidden to say "NO TO WAR" and how many deaths your army make and have???
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here you again manipulated - nobody forbidden deths in Ukraine, but mothers of Russia keep getting bodies when your authorities says "no loses"
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so if there is "no war" - why people get arrested? what do you affraid of?)
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Yes we know it, but russian trolls can not explain that.)
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The truth about Donbass from 2014 year from russian woman
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this guy use civiliаn people as shield
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I hope one day Ukrainians, especially West Ukrainians, will apologize for their crimes against Poland and stop pretending like there's nothing wrong with their national heroes. We help and support them in spite of this so it would only be fair.
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wow glad poland can into internet, but still cant into jokes
okay here you got one joke for example
earthquake in poland - 5000 dead
ukraine helped with sendings builders to help rebuilding cities
britain helped with sendings money to help rebuilding cities
france helped with sendings proviance to feed workers rebuilding cities
germany helped with deportation 5000 polanders that was sitting on wellfair
if you think that soldiers who are on the battlefield (no matter at which side) are having fun then you are a bad person and didnt know what order means
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Ahahaha. No they were the ones that didn't save anyone. They were acting just like Nazi and were killing people and sending them to gulags for force labor. They were as bad as Hitler. Poland exists on map thanks to many years of fighting against Russia and many revolutions thanks to west help after the iron curtain was destroyed.
Russia did enslave many countries and backstabbed Poland.
You need to read history books that were printed in other parts of the world than Russia.
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Youre so funny, its fine when you got a complex of a great independence warrior on internet, bad when you cant do same IRL, all that Poland great soldiers done in almost every war - gived up and make collaboration with evil invaders.
Remember famous SS volunteer legions? How many days brave poland warriors defended in 38?
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We never "make collaboration with evil invaders" like Russia :)
You need to read books.
Please Blitzkrieg was a good tactic not what you showed in this war in Ukraine. Your logistics and generals sucks almost as bad as your country leader DICKtin.
Remember how you Russians were so afraid of finnish snipers like Simo Häyhä? You guys painted the snow brown and red all the time.
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Yes last time you collaborated only with "good" nazi invaders, to kill unarmed people behind the frontline.
There was no Blitzkrieg in Poland, you just surrender without fight. Blitzkrieg was dropped on Soviet Ukraine (im talking that just to mention historic state, not the great soviet union) that was fighting with honor against third reich.
And speaking about Finland - they was a russian province also and got their independence with war, it's fine that every nation has its heroes of war, but still no Polanders there. You mostly painted your pants in cellars every time. And all of us see your great support to Ukraine in this war (mostly on internet as always) as your goverment already got full pants (ohh no not again). So please stop brave little internet warrior.
And you didnt answer any of my question, but try to move talk to Finland. I'll ask again how many days Poland was battling invaders? Why you helped invaders of your country by joining their war policy?
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You don't even know history.
There was Blitzkrieg in Poland and we were fighting we even have our own Thermopiles under Wizna.
Russians said they will come help Poland but instead they were allied with Nazi Germany in Ribbentrop-Molotow pact and backstabbed us and murdered many of polish soldiers.
Great soviet union was working with third Reich and after Hitler decided to destroy them they did fight with shit and murdered civilians wherever they go.
We were fighting Nazi Germany for 35 days. The result was German-Soviet victory as we were attacked from both sides - one side Germany the other soviet Russia.We would fight much longer if not for Soviet Russia betraying Poland.
Why you helped invaders of your country by joining their war policy? Ahahahaha! Polish soldeirs continued to fight in UK and Czech republic and Slovakia and we formed underground resistance in Poland and helped France underground resistance.
Why Soviet Russia was working with Hitler and started the war and murdered civilians like they do now?
Do you know that in all Russian history Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth occupation the Moscow for 2 years a long time ago? Or are they teaching you it was never conquered? We can occupy it again. Try us.
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You mean Rzeczpospolita? Sure i know that, Moscow was betrayed by own elite. Still we got no butthurt because of that.
Ill better advice you to learn Russian from your new neighbours cause it's a matter of time when your european friends will betray you again :D
Sadly you cant occupy anything other than your house with limitless glory anymore, try searching for energy sourses in backyard btw, you will need em soon to continue typing those Poland to russians threat messages on steamgifts and reddit.
Until you have nothing to say anymore all that is just flawed worldview of a small nation trying to win at least internet fight to their supressors. kthxby
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You are funny.
We don't need to know Russian to know how to kill Russians if they attack us just like Ukrainians don't have to know Russians to know how to blow up tanks :)
We have energy sources and we don't need Russia. There are already talks to but fuel and gas from other sources ;)
Flawed worldview is a good way to describe Russian propaganda. I love how so many Russians now search how people live in North Korea because that is what will Russia be soon.
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Calm down, bro, it's a troll, russian cyber-propaganda officer.
Tell him "the Snake Island answer" and ignore him.
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Bud you know those changes you talk about was done not long ago, not earlier that every ex-ussr republic rewrite its own history to glorify themself, we childrens of 80's was teaching other schoolbooks with mention of that pact and mostly not so glory truth, and i can live knowing that, it's fine
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Yes i know about that and other crimes that was done in almost every ussr region before WW2 and after. It's not a school program, but if you love history nobody hiding it, or tries to rewrite that. It's bad pages of history and there's nothing to have glory for, but it wasnt only Ukraine, almost every region suffered in whole country, some more, some less, but i hope you know it also. My grands starved from hunger in Nizhny Novgorod at the same time as Ukraine in 30's. Not to mention my grandma was Volga Germans and grandfather white army officer, and i still love my international Motherland.
Can you also agree that our nations have more mutual than diverce or thats not what you learned from your parents?
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And still we dont praise those events, like ex-ussr republics who gloryfies their SS veterans and think it's fine. So will you answer my previous question? How can Europe map look a like if soviet soldiers (not only russians) dont fight back in 1941? Where was all those brave allies? Britain-USA forces opened second front in august 1944, before it was only eastern front littered with corpses of both our nations ancestors.
I'm answering almost every question having no buttpain and mostly dont hear any answer to my questions, so it's looks a bit pathethic. Are those questions not comfort enough to answer or they break strong line of evil russian invaders?
Do you think that support provided to Ukraine by it's allies atm is enough? They help with all they can? For me it looks like betrayal because of self interests or like you know we say here - own shirt closer to the body.
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Dont you think that flowers were bringed by russians who live in Poland? For me it's look more like truth.
How many died in Katyn and how many died while kicking nazis from Poland? Soviets сould stop at own borders but they got whole road to Berlin.
Are you from Western Ukraine? What was robbed from your family? Isnt its Poland region before?
I got lot's of friends from Ukraine and as example it's hard to see how daughter who grown in Yakutia and then moved to Ukraine dont want to talk with mother who still lives in Russia, saying that they also guilty, FFS it's madness. Are those Ukranians betrayers and robbers also?
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Munich agreement was a prelude to war. It was how some countries were ready to sacrifice some countries to stop the war. It is like now at the start of World War III where many countries don't want to nuke Russia to not start World War III but the war is already starting and Russia is promoting Nazism and Fascism now.
After Munich agreement what really started the war was Ribbentrop-Molotow pact.
This is why in all books it says that Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia are the one responsible for starting the World War II.
And now Nazi Russia wants to start World War III and NATO is afraid that the only choice they will be left with will be to nuke Russia.
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I like how you choose to ignore some major events that led to war and overstate other. Also double standards. Sure, it was a necessary sacrifice for France and UK, but USSSR did the same for pure evil pleasure. Or is it only OK when they sacrifice Czechoslovakia but not Poland?
This is why in all books it says that Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia are the one responsible for starting the World War II.
Because that's what real historians do - searching for whom to blame (and it's better not be their country or it's allies). There were no post-WW1 sanctions and reparations, the inhumane colonial system didn't exist... wars just start bcause some countries are evil and other are good, that's what I call a solid science!
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OMG another one, read a bit higher about Munich agreement that wasnt in your school history book i bet, and try to think why (when WW2 was ended and soviet union was covering half an europe) why do they make Poland exist again, they just can say its Russia now, evil evil agressors.
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Sadly we post only real things that happened after we got many sources agreeing on these things. We try to put a funny spin on things as that is how we Slaves were coping with World War I and World War II and all the horrors Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia did to us in many countries.
The list will get much longer before Putin will die sadly because he is afraid and scared animals backed in the corner got nothing to lose.
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War is horrible, don't get me wrong. It's so sad to see that we still haven't grown up to become a peaceful society. Not just that, but it seems the aggressors prefer the barbarian way of fighting, violating established international laws and conventions.
However, stories of how they ridicuously fail bring a glimmer of hope and joy. Some of these stories are so unbelivebly ridiculous that I had to check them up myself.
Internet is on our side, though and that's an ally we didn't have back in the WW2 and soviet era. So, keep up the good fight.
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I wonder why you haven't added any "funny" stories about how pathetic, pitiful and laughable are the "enemies" of this Azov etc., which they have been producing for years.
Probably would be as funny for you as other stuff you list in here. Just a hint since you seem like exactly this kind of person.
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I don't like Azov but they are good in blowing up russian tanks from what we see in the movies they presented. Good that 95% of Ukraine army is not Azov but it is also nice that russians are so scared of Azov that they are shiting their pants when they hear about them.
It is good that Azov is teaching civilians how to defend their country from russian aggression.
You don't know what I find funny but how pathetic russian army is and how good they are at being blown up is on the list.
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So you are advocating for neo-nazies indeed.
Btw from your words - why army is not teaching civilians but neo-nazies do? What ideas they teach these civilians in the process and what they have been doing for all these years country-wide?
Why e.g. from your words Russian army should be afraid not of Ukrainian army but of fascist regiments in particular? We well know why, for atrocities and crimes such regiments would do. How is this a positive point for you?
Why neo-nazi movement growth was allowed for all this time since 2014? Apparently because they were one of the key parties in taking over the government in 2014. This is much bigger and older than this Azov regiment alone.
I care to research because this hits home. Similar growth has been happening all around, in my own country particularly and in EU as whole, in USA and pretty much everywhere else. I have known these ideas all too well. And what is kind of worse, this fascist growth per se is not important, is not the goal. This is just a tool of convenience in our current reality for steering the bigger things in worldwide politics and in shaping the future of humankind. Interfering with the worldview, mind and life of millions/billions of people in the process is a mere byproduct, and all the cost for this is on humanity and human progress.
Obviously this war action is not started solely for fighting fascism, not to undermine this aspect.
No reasoning can be acceptable though for employing fascism in any form, neither for waging wars. The situation is obviously the result of not being able to come to diplomatic resolution and it is obviously not because of one person or one side here. Traces go into current worldwide powers.
If war wasn't happening, I wonder how people of Ukraine would be supposed to get rid of this cancer by themselves, this clearly wasn't happening and was developing in opposite direction up to this point. This situation for everyone is about making choices out of horrible options. Somehow our western news paint this situation as "any, ANY means are fine today to destroy Russia as a worldwide player" (not the current government but for good, for future to come). Why for real? And what I see, this happened before, and will happen again and again with other countries as long as we are fine with this. As German population was in 30s. It is so easy.
In any wars and hostile situations there is plenty of funny stories about "enemies". Probably there were also many funny stories about "stupid soviets and allies" fighting nazi Germany troops, but thankfully history went as it did back then.
There are a lot of people fighting and dying on both sides for god knows what, started far away and long time ago. Why this ridicule? I hope you are very sure in what you are propagating and endorsing, at least this would make it clear.
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I'm not advocating neo-nazis and right now Russia shows that they are neo-nazis with all their Z and armbands and flags with Z that look similar to Hitler ones.
Also there is a reason why people are comparing Putin to Hitler and while all of the free world is against Putin.
Army is teaching civilians how to fight against russian invasion. If you think only Azov teaches civilians you are mistaken.
Russian army should be afraid of everyone everywhere as they show how incompetent they are and how weak they are and how incompetent their leaders and russian generals and Putin and his friends that took bribes all these years are.
"If war wasn't happening, I wonder how people of Ukraine would be supposed to get rid of this cancer by themselves."
Like all the other countries in the world do. No country needs russian bombing their hospitals and killing their civilians to fight nazi. Russia is now showing that they are closer to nazi than any other country is.
"As German population was in 30s. It is so easy." German population was slowly ok with everything that was done because of all the small steps that were done to paint minorities as evil that has to be destroyed just like it is done in Russia or Belarus. It started with hating the minorities in any form and ended with changing of laws and constitution just like Russia and Belarus did. Apathy to others is what made nazi grow in power in Germany before WWII and apathy is what lets nazi grow in power in Russia.
Nazi and soviets were the same as many history books outside of Russia will tell you. Both were murderers and both destroyed many countries and raped many women and killed many childs and starved many people and forced them to work in force labor camps. Soviets were as good as nazi - this is what history books show us all.
"There are a lot of people fighting and dying on both sides for god knows what, started far away and long time ago. Why this ridicule?"
The ridicule is because they got 5 chances to surrender and the wise one did and the stupid ones are ready to die for Putin like people were ready to die for Hitler. So yeah the free world will ridicule them as russian army is the most stupid people on the planet right now and they showed it with all their actions. They could change their country, bring peace and free the russians but instead many choose to die for Putin so we will ridicule them all the time and every time half of their soldat body will fly away with half of their tank we will be happy and we will ridicule them. We ridicule nazi for a reason and we always did.
The biggest Putin mistake was to send his slaves to attack free people. This will end with putin death and his palace being blown up. People don't want to start WW III because of all the innocent people but in the end putin death will be the only thing that will bring lasting peace just like Hitler death did.
I'm not endorsing russian propaganda that is for sure :)
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"Did IQs just drop sharply while I was away?"
-Ellen Ripley
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Yeah I agree that DICKtin and russian army are toxic just like what if this what if that and trying to divert world attention from this war to something you feel personally more attached to.
I post this and update it because whole world needs something to laugh at like russia military and their government in times like this.
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Divert world attention, jaja that is a good one. The world has been consumed by this conflict totally forgetting about covid but I'm the one diverting world attention in little old steam gifts. Face it, more than a western shill parroting what you hear in the news, this thread is what's cool nowadays, just like it was calling all muslims terrorists after 9/11, but hey, enjoy your 5 minutes of fam
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The world did not forget about covid. Every they the new cases are reported and governments keep track of the numbers.
I don't think people were calling all muslims terrorists they only called terrorists the terrorists and it was just a coincidence that many terrorists were muslims.
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We in Poland have a little summary why Russian army is the weakest but also the most funny army in the world and why Ukraine is awesome and their soldiers and civilians are GIGACHADs.
If there are any errors in translation please tell me. The list will be updated each day with more stupid things that Russian army do.
If someone is offended we are really rally really not sorry.
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