It was a hell-a-good laugh of this list. Although, leaving the jokes aside, I feel sorry for all the lives lost. I don't think Russia is ever going to recover from getting a bad name out there for a while, at least for a couple of generations. I honestly don't want that and even if their army failed miserably, we must still show respect to Russians.
I want this war to end soon. I can only see Putin being taken responsible and sent to Jupiter, as stated in point 55. 🤣
This is the result of unmotivated and misinformed force. They half fight out of confusion and half fight of fear that they will be punished or their families will be punished because Putin holds them in an iron fist.
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I agree with you. That is why there will be peace after putin and his friends that took bribes with him and ruined the whole country will be in prison or dead.
Russia needs a new leadership one made by people and for people not that CCCP that they got right now.
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True, I firmly believe that if we want to build a prosperous life on this planet, where we fight together a common enemy, we need to be united now more than ever. I am very happy that nation stand for Ukraine's injustice and now, more than ever, nobody wants anymore violence, but we have to change our focus on greater things than self-destruction. I guess thousands of years of human existence has not taught people anything. I believe that today, in our day in age, it's rather impossible to conquer a country with infantry, and the most effective way to eliminate it is through bombs. People are now united more than ever and we can clearly see the support coming from all sides. We don't want this cruelty to continue.
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Whole world wants peace. This war is where we start to resist but we must start to resists all wars everywhere on our planet. It is time to say enough to people with power that don't care abut lives of others. The whole world should work together to improve and make life better for everyone.
What we spend on wars we should spend to feed the poor and to find homes and jobs to homeless people.
We as humans and we as society have to grow up and understand that we are one species. We need to improve life on our planet for everyone and after there will be no more hungry and homeless people on Earth we can start to think about exploring the universe.
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It is an admirable thought, but we both know that politics never involved investing in places where they can't obtain money out of it.
Human nature may never change as far as I can tell. History tells it. We are yet a lot smarter now than 1000 years ago, but still we have a long journey to go until we obtain that.
I do agree with you that our focus should be more humanitarian and more towards unity and working together. It's so rare now that it's a treasure to see it online by random strangers. We need more of that.
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You can cross out point no. 46. Swift was turned off only to ordinary citizens of Russia. Alfabank, 'Citibank, N.A. New York', 'Raiffeisen Bank' serve state-owned companies and military orders. Western governments are cowardly hypocrites.
Do Poles really hate Ukrainian refugees and love Russians? In Russia, most people do not know about the events of 1939.
I never thought that I would live in Nazi Germany in the 1930s They caught up with state employees, someone sold their homeland for $ 2, students for credit for a semester. Police searched bags and phones, although organizers said that Putler would not arrive - a cunning plan lol
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You can thank us (Germany) for that... We need the gas (we would suffer rather mild inconvenients, but heck let's go Russian gas and oil). I'm ashamed of that.
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We Poles took 2.000.000 Ukrainian refugees so far under our own roofs and we give them our own food and clothes. We even work overtime to provide for them and to send money to Ukrainian army so I don't think we hate them :)
I think Russian propaganda tries all the time to create fake accounts with fake info about Poles and Ukrainians. The amount of fake news were counted a 2000% rise since the start of the war and it is easy for us to spot Russian propaganda accounts in social media now.
We remember everything that was done to us by Nazi and ZSRR but we decided to remember this but also to forgive. We can't blame people living now for the actions of past generations. And if we want to build world peace and future for everyone in the world we must all be working together.
Sad part is what happened in Germany in the past was possible because of inaction and apathy of people that didn't support Hitler. If there will be inaction and apathy in Russia now it will just be another millions dead in this war as this is looking just like the start of World War II.
We as humans, as world, as society need to show people like Putin and others like him that the human life is above everything else and is worth more than money. If we want a better future for us and our children we must show the world that you need actions not only inaction and apathy and words.
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We in Poland have a little summary why Russian army is the weakest but also the most funny army in the world and why Ukraine is awesome and their soldiers and civilians are GIGACHADs.
If there are any errors in translation please tell me. The list will be updated each day with more stupid things that Russian army do.
If someone is offended we are really rally really not sorry.
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