Should I region-lock my events
Did you consider that a lot of users may be from RU and PL simply because these are besides US top represented countries in the community? Yoiu have 127k russians on SG, 57k ppl from Poland and in comparison only 9k from Hungary. So it would be strange if there were let's say as many Hungarians entering your GA as poles and russians ;)
Also - Poland doesn't have restricted Steam Store - only some keys are restricted, but we can easilly buy region free gifts.
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But not to that extent, I considered it trust me I did, but when about 2/3 of your giveaway are going to one region ehhhh.
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Plus, even those stats are twisted ... false accounts could also be a reason for those high region user percentages.
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To be fair Zelg, it's not all polish people, just the few. I'd say his name but it's like Beetlejuice he will show up if his name is said in a thread three times.
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How would you region lock your events? Do you just mean prevent people with a certain percentage of region locked giveaways from entering with sgtools?
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yeah, though the problem with that is that some people might get caught up that I don't want to get caught up. It's really not fair.
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Ask Archie/knsys if they could not ban those entering through leaked link and use the info from GAs only to discover who leaked the links. It is entirely possible to find them if there is enough of different GAs leaked.
According to stats, three biggest countries on SG are USA, Russia and Poland. If you add other russian speaking countries it may well be that RU/CIS region has most users of all (and at the same time is easiest to spot due to alphabet used). Shouldn't be surprising to meet users from those countries most often
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Hi thelaughinman I once win your game so let me thank you again :p
I know it is quite irritating that someone breaks the rule you set on purpose.
And i wanna say... just do it if it's already been a problem/trouble for you.
there are more and more people breaking the rule ,that's why SGtools exist .
if giveaway have been a trouble for a giver, then something must be wrong,
that's not their and your fault and giver shouldn't feel disturbing doing giveaway.
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Just test the outcome with a single SGT wall gift and decide what's the better outcome for you.
SGT provides some great filters and is possibly one of the best tools against leaked links with inbuilt proof it got leaked.
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the leaker is the real issue here (which is impossible to track and find)
That is not true. With information collected in SGT database it is possible to identify leakears. True, not all of them, and not with 100% accuracy (but dna-test accuracy is achievable).
Agreed on no real harm done with leaked entries (except extra work with reroll tickets)
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It's not that really the excuse that I found a link on another website, and I decided to click on it just because and enter is problematic. So I didn't do the leaking is just a shitty excuse. How about don't enter private giveaways because you found the link on some random website, that wasn't published by the creator of the giveaway. I'm not even against people from region-locked countries, honestly but it leaves a crappy taste in my mouth and I don't want to punish the people who truly can't afford games because of the actions of one fuckface.
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I don't approve nor excuse entering through leaked links. Been there, seen that and I'm not happy when something like this happens (especially in puzzles). I just think that perma-banning for entering is going over the top. Entering GAs should be fun, not a walk through a minefield with double checking of every step.
As Mullins said, real culprits are those posting private links. Banning users entering through leaked links makes it actually harder to track leakers. And since entrants don't go through the sgt gate, banning them doesn't really reduce invalid entries.
Also SGT gate is nice in that those entering through the leak can be rerolled - nothing hurts more than a disappearing win )
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I agree with the Permabanning bit, I don't want them permabanned nor do I want to prevent people like Mullins or anyone else from entering my giveaways. Mullins is on my WL so really my problem isn't with Mullins. Just people who enter my giveaways through a leaked link. I don't want to put up walls to the point where some people can't get in even though I think they should get in.
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SGT without any rules protects you from giving a game to one entring through leaked link. Idk if knsys can be persuaded to not ban reported entries (now it's multiple offences needed for permaban) and only use them to track leaker. If yes, it's a win in longer run - when all leakers are banned, there would be no more entries through leaked links
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What's the point of private/invite giveaways if everyone around the world can join your PRIVATE/INVITE ONLY gibs with the usual excuse "A friend..bla..bla...Oh,i didn't know...bla..bla..bla...Hey,it's not prohibited" without any further consequences ?
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No MuIIins,the leaked winner can keep repeating this without any consequences (again and again).
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and the more you accept it the more free people feel to leak GAs, the more GAs gets leaked, the more people enter via leaked wins, the more leaked entrants win GAs, the more rerolls get requested, the more time support spends on these rerolls instead of doing other stuff and so on and on ;)
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Um, no. SGT is not SG. It has fas growing database of who and when received the leaked link. Given enough time it's not hard to identify leakers with probability so close to certainity as dna tests. For me it's good enough.
As long as you won't ban leaker, new users entering through leaked entries will be flowing
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I guess my problem is I don't want to be a dick to that point where I punish people for simply being born in a place that they had no choice. I guess that's the real problem that I have. Yeah you can't stop everyone but like =S I don't like party crashers sort of thing.
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I think you're a tad too lenient what I mean is when somebody tries to cheat the system by entering through leaked giveaways or who does leak the link so his buddies can enter, that should be more than enough to report them to Knsys. These days most SGTools giveaways have a clear warning to go through the main gate link so the " I don't know nothing cheaters " are unbelievable at best. I have had people with VAC bans and non activated games that entered hundreds of my SGT giveaways while my reqs were no VAC bans and all activated. These SGT crashers do know what they are doing...
You said that you can't stop everyone but you can stop most and if you give the invalid entries to Knsys you're doing other SGTools creators a great favor because those that are (perma or temporary) banned while crashing your giveaways won't crash the giveaways of other SGTools creators. So by reporting them you're doing something good! ^^
Also in the functionality of SGTools you have some possibilities to use the region restricted but as they are your giveaways the choice to use them or not is fully your choice to make.
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My argument to you lost is those people aren't the problem. Because quite frankly they never would have made it through the check to begin with. The people who should be found are the leakers because by definition they're the ones that are the real problem, yeah the people who make it through are shitty people. An Sgtool ban doesn't affect them. Because they are still going to enter your giveaway regardless of if they have the ban or not. I don't want to deal with the symptoms I want to find the root of the infection and burn it with fire. =D
The inherent problem with the leakers is that they do generally have good ratios and even if they didn't they can give away games and say it's not region locked for groups. So they can keep themselves rather free. Either you make all your giveaways region-lock free as in that person has never given someone a region locked game or you try and find the perfect ratio but again you're also getting rid of a lot of innocent people who aren't even tin those countries to begin with.
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Leakers are indeed the worst problem and I think that prus666 has a valid point in how one maybe could identify them.
However I also see those that use/enter the leaked links as a part of the problem. Why? Because as I said most SGTools giveaways have a clear warning that they are SGTools giveaways and contain the main SGT gate link. It's like one would make a giveaway with something like " I want no thanks comments from those that enter " or " I want a comment from everyone that enters" . What I mean is it's not difficult or painful to read the creators giveaway description so those that enter leaked SGTools giveaways should really read the description and should know that they are cheating the system.
Also there's the possibility that those that enter leaked giveaways leak themselves the leaked giveaways and so one.
And those that enter SGTools giveaways should really know that entering any SGTools giveaway one should only use the SGTools main gate/link that one can find in the original main post of the giveaway creator and to not enter through links posted on other forums, Steam activity, given by friends or from everywhere and anywhere else.
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It was the original idea =D but there are people like yourself who wouldn't have been able to enter anything.
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One thing that has ticked me off a little is no ability for North American SG users to make North American region restricted giveaways. Every other region can make region restricted giveaways but because we get ROW keys only we are not allowed to make a North American restricted giveaway now and then?
I understand why I can't enter a russian restricted giveaway the key will not work for me. But why shouldn't I be able to make a North American only giveaway, at least now and then if I wanted to.
Or even better, a giveaway restricted only to all countries that receive only ROW keys.
This isn't going to stop me from making giveaways for all the world, but every now and then I would like to giveaway to just North Americans.
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Eh, that Russians/CIS country residents win many giveaways, especially no-level ones is not unexpected. Given their sheer number on the site, it is rather normal.
But why, oh why do the largest portion of the rule-breakers have to be Russians as well?
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On an emotional level, I would be totally fine with stringing them up by their thumbs. Realistically, however, we can only do our best to catch the perpetrators. Most people follow the rules and get along well with others, but there's always someone who pees in the pool.
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Pssst Khalaq do you have the powers of suspension? I've been bad.
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Out of curiosity and you being a SG Support member with experience: does the data SG support have show that those that pee in the pool are from all over the world or do certain countries/regions stick out head and shoulders in the "pee in the pool" statistics?
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From my (limited) experience I can say that percentage of not-so-nice ppl is about the same in every nationality. Some feel like sticking out just because it's easier to identify them - it's not so straightforward to tell apart British from Australians on first sight for example.
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I've traveled the world and met people from pretty much everywhere you can imagine. Jerks are to be found in every group of humanity.
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you now make me curious about that incident with betttlejuice
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Well, I see a lot of Polish and RU+CIS users giving away ROW keys as region restricted. That way they form some kind of small communities but they also enter the public giveaways.
60% of my Public/Public Group/Invite only giveaways are won by russians who have contributed multiple copies of some cheap non-bundled restricted game and got to lvl 4+. It's kinda unfair but I can't blame them. It's Valve who have created those insane region restrictions "based on market studies"
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I wish i could just lock my giveaways from certain people entirely. Yes i'm talking about russians.
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so, how can you check, if your GA has been leaked?
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The last time I did an event I noticed that most of the winners were from Poland/Ru-cis countries. Which I thought was odd, like I sort of expected it to be a scattershot around the globe but later I found out that the giveaways had been leaked. But since I couldn't prove it or figure out who entered my giveaways I decided to siimply throw my b-day event behind an SGtools wall. But I was careful more or less with who could get in, I prefer people who give a lot to be able to get in.
I get irritated to a certain extent by people who have region locked giveaways but I also understand that it really isn't their fault and Valve should allow them to purchase ROW games. That being said, when you have people leaking my links like that, it makes it exceptionally irritating that I have to do more work to deal with the situation, because on the other hand I don't want to have people banned from SGtools either. But the excuse that I clicked on a link and I didn't know that it was protected is old and tired.
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