5th Puzzlemania event! Do not forget to join the group :)

[09.08] The event started.

[16.08] The first milestone for hints has been reached! Each puzzle contains new hints now! In case you did not find those puzzles yet, here is another hint for you to make some progress:

First, try discovering the whole upper part of the labyrinth. Checking walls there might be a bit helpful. If after that you still do not know what to do, then think about the words written at the door. Why a blind person can solve this puzzle? That's because blind people have a special writing system, and of course a blind person will immediately recognize this system. If you are stuck right after deciphering the message, then read the words written at the door once again. Can you give an example of a place, which is too hard to find?

[20.08] The second hints set has been revealed! In case you still did not find the place, which is too hard to find, here is a hint for you:

The upper part of the board contains 8 symbols written using Braille writing system. There was not enough space in the map to write the complete 8th symbol. Just assume that the rest of this symbol is empty, i.e. there are no portals in that part. Use the symbols you got to open www.itstoohard.com/puzzle/xxxxxxxx page. This url is case-insensitive.

[21.08] Now you get more treats in case you solved everything!

[26.08] We now have enough contributions for revealing the final hints! I already added them to every puzzle, so wait no more and solve the event! The hints did not help? Just fill in this form explaining where exactly you are stuck. In a couple of days I will read everything you wrote and will probably add more hints if needed.

For those who did not find the place, which was too hard to find, here you go.

[01.09] Last hints have been revealed for all the puzzles taking into consideration all your feedback I received via the google form.

[04.09] Players who solved everything have fought well for this achievement, so now they have a chance to win WWE 2K16 from the latest Humble Monthly :)

[07.09] The event ended.

[13.09] The solution and statistics have been posted.

Hey puzzle lovers,

You know what? I envy you. You know why? Just because I created a puzzle that would blow my mind. Too bad I already know all the answers since I created it. But you are in a far better position than me. You can fully enjoy this puzzle. And I really hope you will.

When I was designing this event, its difficulty level was somewhere around Nightmare. Then, I decided to ask your opinion about which difficulty level you want, and it turned out that not so many steamgifters expect Nightmare. Surprisingly enough, isn't it? :) However, I heard you and I decreased the difficulty considerably. First, I completely removed a couple of puzzles that were more difficult than the others. After it the difficulty level dropped to Ultra-Violence. However, even at this point I did not stop. I then changed the remaining puzzles in a way that they all now contain the information that I would initially only provide as hints. Eventually, I estimate the difficulty of this event as between Hurt me plenty and Ultra-Violence.

I think all the puzzles within this event are interesting and balanced. However, I understand that they might require some time to solve. I wanted to motivate players with good games to be given away and I have done my best. It would be super nice if other steamgifters also create some private giveaways that can only be accessed after solving the puzzle. To do so, you just need to create an invite-only giveaway that ends somewhere near the event finish date and send me a link to it.


I also want to try the following system for hints. Basically, I would give a hint for every puzzle simultaneously but you need earn them first! I will calculate how many points giveaways (that were created especially for this event) are worth, and once this number exceeds 300/500/600, the 1/2/3 sets of hints will be provided. Please don't be mad at me for doing this, I think it's worth a try. Also, please note that if you want your giveaways to be counted for hints, they must finish at least 24 hours before mine. This rule is here to prevent unfair players to get hints first and delete their giveaways later. If you truly need to remove a giveaway, contact me.

Hints piggy bank – 678 points gathered

Hints will be revealed once we reach 300/500/600 points

As for now, the following giveaways have been created by the contributors:

Game Contributor Number of copies Total points
Johnny Graves—The Unchosen One aztech 5 75
About Love, Hate and the other ones Asulf 1 7
Pixel Puzzles 2: Anime Asulf 1 10
Pixel Puzzles 2: Birds Asulf 1 10
Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers Asulf 1 10
Nova-111 Asulf 1 9
Hektor Asulf 1 10
Ethan: Meteor Hunter Asulf 1 10
Don't Starve LookItsMrT 1 15
Terraria LookItsMrT 1 10
Dark Fear Heeroo 1 4
Savage Lands Heeroo 1 15
Humble THQ Bundle (Below Average) alpshrk 1 1
Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® - GotY alpshrk 1 13
Trine 2: Complete Story alpshrk 1 20
King's Guard TD Avantyr 1 3
Vortex: The Gateway Avantyr 1 20
GRID 2 Gracee 1 30
LOST PLANET® 3 Gracee 1 25
There Came an Echo Kuzurreesh 2 30
Poi Samusx 1 15
Starward Rogue Samusx 1 12
Random Access Murder Samusx 1 3
The Jackbox Party Pack 2 Samusx 1 25
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut Samusx 1 45
TransOcean: The Shipping Company Avantyr 1 20
Metrocide OnlyTwin 1 13
Sky Mercenaries OnlyTwin 1 10
Never Alone Arctic Collection chour 1 18
Outlast chour 1 20
Bardbarian chour 1 8
Hexcells Complete Pack mbishop94479 1 9
Industry Giant 2 chour 1 10
Kill The Bad Guy chour 1 10
Zoo Empire chour 1 7
Marine Park Empire chour 1 7
Auditorium chour 1 7
bit Dungeon II chour 1 4
Etherlords Bundle chour 1 7
Wizardry 8 chour 1 10
Stick RPG 2: Director’s cut chour 1 20
Demonicon chour 1 15
Hero of the Kingdom chour 1 6
Door Kickers chour 1 20
Duet chour 1 5
FORCED: Slightly Better Edition chour 1 15
Retro City Rampage DX chour 1 10

Description and giveaways

This event consists of five puzzles. First, there is the entry puzzle, which you must solve to obtain the access to other four puzzles. Those four ones can be then solved independently. Solving each puzzle (including the entry one) will give you access to a number of giveaways. The following tables define to which ones exactly. Note that this is most probably not the final version of these tables because users can create additional giveaways for this event.

The entry puzzle (5.1):

Game Number of copies Min. level End date Creator
Metrocide 2 1 September, 7 ercalote
Pineview Drive 3 1 September, 7 ercalote
Sentinels of the Multiverse 1 1 September, 7 ercalote
Battleborn 1 1 September, 7 ercalote
Call of Duty®: Ghosts 1 1 September, 7 ercalote
Johnny Graves—The Unchosen One 5 2 September, 5 aztech
About Love, Hate and the other ones 1 2 September, 5 Asulf
Dark Fear 1 1 September, 5 Heeroo
Savage Lands 1 1 September, 5 Heeroo
Poi 1 1 September, 5 Samusx
Starward Rogue 1 1 September, 5 Samusx
Hexcells Complete Pack 1 0 September, 5 mbishop94479
Industry Giant 2 1 0 September, 5 chour
Kill The Bad Guy 1 0 September, 5 chour
Zoo Empire 1 0 September, 5 chour

Puzzle 5.2

Game Number of copies Min. level End date Creator
Metrocide 3 1 September, 7 ercalote
Pineview Drive 2 1 September, 7 ercalote
Mushroom 11 1 1 September, 7 ercalote
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! 1 1 September, 7 ercalote
Battleborn 1 1 September, 7 ercalote
Pixel Puzzles 2: Anime 1 2 September, 5 Asulf
Pixel Puzzles 2: Birds 1 2 September, 5 Asulf
Humble THQ Bundle (Below Average) 1 1 September, 5 alpshrk
Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® - GotY 1 1 September, 5 alpshrk
Random Access Murder 1 1 September, 5 Samusx
The Jackbox Party Pack 2 1 1 September, 5 Samusx
Marine Park Empire 1 0 September, 5 chour
Auditorium 1 0 September, 5 chour
bit Dungeon II 1 0 September, 5 chour

Puzzle 5.3

Game Number of copies Min. level End date Creator
Cthulhu Realms - Full Version 1 1 September, 7 ercalote
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified 1 1 September, 7 ercalote
Mount & Blade: Warband 1 1 September, 7 ercalote
Battleborn 1 1 September, 7 ercalote
Call Of Duty Black Ops II 1 1 September, 7 ercalote
Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers 1 2 September, 5 Asulf
Nova-111 1 2 September, 5 Asulf
Trine 2: Complete Story 1 1 September, 5 alpshrk
King's Guard TD 1 0 September, 5 Avantyr
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut 1 1 September, 5 Samusx
TransOcean: The Shipping Company 1 1 September, 5 Avantyr
Etherlords Bundle 1 0 September, 5 chour
Wizardry 8 1 0 September, 5 chour
Stick RPG 2: Director’s cut 1 0 September, 5 chour

Puzzle 5.4

Game Number of copies Min. level End date Creator
Avernum 2: Crystal Souls 1 1 September, 7 ercalote
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse 1 1 September, 7 ercalote
Poi 1 1 September, 7 ercalote
The Jackbox Party Pack 2 1 1 September, 7 ercalote
Just Cause 3 1 1 September, 7 ercalote
Hektor 1 2 September, 5 Asulf
Ethan: Meteor Hunter 1 2 September, 5 Asulf
Vortex: The Gateway 1 0 September, 5 Avantyr
LOST PLANET® 3 1 0 September, 5 Gracee
Metrocide 1 0 September, 5 OnlyTwin
Sky Mercenaries 1 0 September, 5 OnlyTwin
Demonicon 1 0 September, 5 chour
Hero of the Kingdom 1 0 September, 5 chour
Door Kickers 1 0 September, 5 chour

Puzzle 5.5

Game Number of copies Min. level End date Creator
Starward Rogue 1 1 September, 7 ercalote
Random Access Murder 1 1 September, 7 ercalote
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified 1 1 September, 7 ercalote
Planet of the Eyes 1 1 September, 7 ercalote
DOOM 1 1 September, 7 ercalote
Don't Starve 1 0 September, 5 LookItsMrT
Terraria 1 0 September, 5 LookItsMrT
GRID 2 1 0 September, 5 Gracee
There Came an Echo 2 0 September, 5 Kuzurreesh
Never Alone Arctic Collection 1 0 September, 5 chour
Outlast 1 0 September, 5 chour
Bardbarian 1 0 September, 5 chour
Duet 1 0 September, 5 chour
FORCED: Slightly Better Edition 1 0 September, 5 chour
Retro City Rampage DX 1 0 September, 5 chour

In case you solved all 5 puzzles

Game Number of copies Min. level End date Creator
Escape Dead Island 1 1 September, 7 ercalote
WWE 2K16 1 1 September, 7 ercalote


Game Number of copies Min. level End date Creator
The Banner Saga 1 1 September, 17 ercalote


The event will run for one month (till 7th of September), I think it is enough time to finish all five puzzles. Sometimes, knowing the solutions of previous Puzzlemania puzzles (1, 2, 3, 4) will help.

I also would like to remind you that this is an individual puzzle event. It means that you must not share answers, give hints, ask for help anywhere. I reserve the rights to blacklist users and delete giveaways in case I find out that the rules are not respected.

All giveaways are for lvl1+ users and the entances are guarded with sgtools.

Big thanks

I would like to say a big thank you to SErVER51 for both his amazing sWords engine and awesome support. You should consider adding him to your whitelists. Seriously.

Also, thanks a lot to all the contributors! You really made this event more interesting!


The puzzle begins here, good luck!

Hall of fame

Puzzle 5.1 Puzzle 5.2 Puzzle 5.3 Puzzle 5.4 Puzzle 5.5 Fully solved
1 yukulele53 yukulele53 chour yukulele53 reconrey reconrey
2 aapje reconrey yukulele53 nickchanger Grosie chour
3 Kuzurreesh Grosie escollo Klinge chour Citrinate
4 nickchanger escollo scuazmooq reconrey escollo escollo
5 Avantyr chour reconrey chour Antomas yukulele53
6 YoSoyPinguino Domazo OnlyTwin scuazmooq Citrinate OnlyTwin
7 scuazmooq OnlyTwin Grosie YoSoyPinguino yukulele53 scuazmooq
8 reconrey YoSoyPinguino Kuzurreesh Antomas OnlyTwin YoSoyPinguino
9 escollo Citrinate Domazo Citrinate lxc0107 nickchanger
10 chour Avantyr Citrinate escollo scuazmooq utplayer


Puzzlemania 5.1

The game of swords depicted a chess board. There were portals on sides of the board to show you that the board is looped, just like in Puzzlemania4. There were also portals on certain squares meaning that some chess piece is standing on that square. You should have opened a mood music link to figure out what piece exactly: the titles contain words 'king', 'bishop', 'pawn', so if you did not understand at this point that the dungeon is a chess board, now it should have been more clear. Many players experienced problems with seeing the colors of pieces. Here, mood music helped again: words 'mood music' themselves were written sometimes in black and sometimes in white. The portals led to the upper part of the dungeon where you could find rooms sized 2x3 with more portals. The words written at the door you needed to open hinted about the Braille writing system and ITH website. So, in the upper part of the dungeon 8 letters have been written using the Braille code. Using those letter you could come to this page.

At the ITH page you see only one question with the description "in 3" meaning that you should mate the black king in three moves. In the description of the puzzle I mentioned that previous Puzzlemania event may help you with this one, so your task and the notation for this chess problem was the same as in Puzzlemania4. One can notice that in the initial position the black king can go to the square H6 and he does so, the whote will not be able to mate because none of their pieces can attack this square. So, the first move should be to prevent the black king moving to H6. There is only one such move: Ka7. After this, the black have only move pawn to F5 (moving H7 pawn is not possible due to bishop at A8, mind the looping!). Now, square F6 became free and if the black king escapes there, white will not be able to mate him again. Thus, the second move is to prevent the black king from moving to F6, and again there only one such move: pawn to E5. Now, the only possible black move is pawn to F6, and the white them mate the black king by moving the bishop to C2.

So, the answer to the entry puzzle is: Ka7e5Bc2.

Puzzlemania 5.2

The excel file is indeed empty. However, in some cells the text is left-aligned, while in other cells it is right-aligned. If you fill these two groups of cells with different colors, you will see four strange symbols (see image below). Those are glyphs of Thirty Seconds to Mars music band. The least favourable moment for their journey is where the distance between Earth and Mars are the largest. In Orbit of Mars article this distance is stated to be 400.2 million km. The answer to the puzzle is 400200000 / 30 * 3600 = 48024000000.

Puzzlemania 5.3

In this puzzle you can see five pairs of overlapped flags. An overlapping represents a sum. How can we sum flags? We need to map them into numbers! Each flag represents a country and each country has a domain name for its websites. Each domain name can be found in the periodic table. If you find those elements and take their numbers, you will notice that Burundi + Argentina = Iran + Costa Rica = Canada + East Timor = France + Slovenia = Laos + Russia = 101. Back to the periodic table again, 101 is Mendelevium, denoted as Md. You have five pairs of flags, so the results you got can be written as Md5. The MD5 algorithm is a widely used hash function producing a 128-bit hash value.. I mentioned that there was a reason why I uploaded the image with flags at the hosting different from imgur. And the reason is that imgur changes the file name, which I obviously did not want. So, the file name (fc91b871c7d0b565e5680a46d3eade0f) is a Md5 hash! You can crack it either using special software or for example this web service. The answer is 'doom135' (the answer format 'word123' was also a hint).

Puzzlemania 5.4

First, you needed to understand what this system is. Here, the question could have helped you a bit: you needed to determine what the state of the system will be in one year. Which system can be predicted in one year? You could also noticed that in the center of this system we have letter 'S'. All these little hints could led you to the conclusion that this is the solar system with the Sun in its center. And you could actually verify this guess by looking to the left of the sun: N(eptun) U(ran) S(aturn) J(upiter) M(ars) E(arth) V(enus) M(ercury) correspond to planets. The only thing left is to calculate what will be in one year. For accomplishing this you should have calculate the percentage of an orbit each planet will travel in one Earth year, and then rotate the orbits in the Excel file (see image below). "Pick the right thing" from the question was another hint: you must look to the right of the Sun. After the rotation is made, you will see the following letters: SKYLINES. The designer of the Cities: Skylines game wsa Karoliina Korppoo.

Puzzlemania 5.5

8T6 should have hinted you that you must split each row consisting of 14 characters in two groups: one with 8 characters and the other with 6. Then, you could have noticed that the first group represents date and the other one represents time. After converting those timestamps into unix time and colorizing the digits in the same manner as it is done in the original Excel document, you get the image with the Instagram logo and digits '645 1' (see attached image). Just pick the letters corresponding to those digits from the word 'instagram' and you almost have the answer: 'gta i'. The director of this game is Keith R. Hamilton.


Thank you all again! Thank you SErVER51 for the game of sword engine and awesome support! Thank you all contributors, without you hints would not be revealed and almost nobody would solve the event completely. Thank you participants, 502 of you took part in this event making it the most successful Puzzlemaia event ever! This was a big event and it took a lot of my time. Many other things now need my attention, so there will not be another event from me any time soon. But don't be upset, Puzzlemania will be back eventually! Meanwhile, I added another giveaway for this event, it is for blue hearts only. I hope you had a great time solving Puzzlemania 5, see you in several months!


Puzzles solved Number of players % of players
5 33 6.7%
4 3 0.6%
3 6 1.2%
2 6 1.2%
1 11 2.2%
0 443 88.2%
View attached image.
View attached image.
View attached image.
8 years ago*

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5.1 & 5.5 done
5.2... solved it all, but it won't accept the answer. Am I missing something with that calculation? -.-

8 years ago

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I cannot really tell you why your answer is not accepted since I do not know it. Do you use wikipedia as a source?

8 years ago

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Can't really find it on wikipedia, though every other source states the same number

8 years ago

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You need the number from wikipedia. You can find it in the most logical article considering the question you are trying to answer.

8 years ago

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Got it, though my source isn't the first thing you'd logically go to.

8 years ago

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I am looking at two articles in Wikipedia, one for start, another for destination, and adding their respective farthest distances from a central “hub”… I guess there could be a creep up of rounding to intermediate results if you used a single value instead of calculating yourself, but I can't find that exact single value so far… Need to think logically, I guess :D

8 years ago

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The number's on Wikipedia. You just have to keep looking for it. Try different pages.

8 years ago

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Ah, finally found it, thanks! It is off from my own calculation, strange but oh well.

8 years ago

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I didn't understood well how to use the URL
You said there was a motive for you didn't used imgur.
I though it was because dropbox doesn't change the name of the archive.
IMGUR does.
But I really can't connect the URL to what i found.
And I didn't understood why the example is Mg7 and not Mg12 or Mg24

8 years ago

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Yo udid not pay enough attention to how this string is built. Read the hints again. If you do it carefully, you will not expect either Mg12 or Mg24 to be correct. Mg7 is also just an example of the format, it could easily be Mg4, Mg242, O23 or anything else, which includes an element abbriviation and a number.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the puzzle/giveaways ercalote.

Unfortunately my mind is not good enough for the entry puzzle so looks like I'm not getting in.
(I'm up to the last part but my brain can't seem to wrap itself around the game of choice and thus I can't get the answer; I wouldn't know where to start and when ever i look at it my mind just goes blank. Unfortunately this is my brain at it's best due to my health issues, a few years ago I probably would have found this a breeze but not these days. But regardless, I wanted to test myself and I already expected this result, I actually got further than I thought so I'm both a little proud and of course a little disappointed too.)

Hope you have had or are having a good day and if it's a bad one hopefully it doesn't last too long. :)

8 years ago*

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There are a lot of new hints now, maybe you can give it another try.

8 years ago

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Afraid I'm too Ill; thanks anyway but due to my illness I have extremely bad brain fog and also bad cognition, even with hints I don't think my mind could grasp it.

8 years ago

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Bump for fully solved. Thanks for the fun event!

8 years ago

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I'm pretty sure what the answer to 5.1 is but my answer is not accepted. I'm really confused how pawns are indicated and whether or not I should indicate captures..

Thank you for the great puzzle so far :)

8 years ago

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For the notation jsut read wikipedia about the notation you have to use. You'll have all you need for the format of the answer.

8 years ago

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I wonder if you have the same answer as me, I can't get it to work either...

As far as I understand it:

  • pawn movement notation only records the square they move to, with no letter for the pawn
  • captures do not need to be indicated

But I can't get it to work, so what do I know :D

8 years ago

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The format should be just like the answer for Puzzlemania 4. If your answer is in the same format as the answer to that puzzle, then you may need to reexamine your solution.

8 years ago

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5.4 solved bump, just .3 and .5 left for me :)

8 years ago

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Bump because you still can fill in the form if you experience any difficulties with the puzzles.

8 years ago

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.5 solved bump just .3 to win <3

8 years ago

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I guess my brain just can't wrap itself around Cylindrical - or spherical, whichever this is - chess. Can't seem to get the answer for the entry puzzle. Thanks for the brain workout, though!

8 years ago

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You can take a look on puzzlemania 5.4 maybe it will help you a bit.

8 years ago

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I looked at the Puzzlemania 4 solution, it helped me understand what was going on, but I just can't seem to get the mate in 3 moves. Black King keeps escaping no matter what moves I make. I'm sure I'm missing something, but not sure what, lol. It's all good, I'll try again next time.

8 years ago

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Bump for all done, yay! Loved the puzzles, really creative and took lots of thinking (and hinting, so I don't really feel smart, but I enjoyed the journey).

8 years ago

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Bump for one week left.

8 years ago

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I am kind of surprised there are not more solvers considering it has been running for this long (and the hints, of course).

8 years ago

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I think before the weekend there were 450 players according to gameofswords.net and now there are 457. From this I can conclude that almost everybody who wanted to solve this puzzle already tried. And due to the long running period the interest in the event has been lost, probably it was my mistake to allow the event to run for one month. However, I agree with you: we have 20 players who solved everything and 457 who started the puzzle, so the win rate is less than 5%, which is incredibly low. For now, even not every giveaway from contributors received 5 entries. I hope it will be fixed during the weekend. I am also going to provide some more hints soon taking into account the google form responses.

8 years ago

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Yea, I think that people may have been turned off by the difficulty at the beginning of the puzzle and didn't realize that the hints made the puzzles significantly easier. Personally, I feel that with the hints it makes the puzzles rather easy, almost like you are guiding us through the puzzles, which is why it is somewhat shocking to see such a low solve rate.

8 years ago

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I agree, writing third set of hints was a bit difficult, becaus I did not know what else I can write without spoiling the solution.

8 years ago

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I agree with all said and the first set of hint was maybe too much of indications already. But the systeme of contribution bank for hint is really interesting because it promotes the event in a sense but it can also be a blocking system if nobody contribute.

8 years ago

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The problem for me is that I can't get past the chess puzzle, and because that's the gateway to everything else I can't even attempt the others.

It's difficult for me to know what else to try at this stage, and now I'm less inclined to try because I feel like even if I get through I won't have much time to attempt everything else!

It really seems a shame, considering how much effort you've obviously put in to it!

8 years ago

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Thank you very much ercalote for the puzzles and giveaways. That was hard! :-) And it must've take you a lot of time to prepare.

And many thanks to all of the contributors!

8 years ago

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Free bump to say I've read "60+ titles" as "60+ titties" like everytime I've seen this thread.

8 years ago

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Another set of hints has arrived. Everything should be more than solvable now.

8 years ago

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OK, for anybody as inobservant as me: ONLY PUT YOUR MOVES IN THE ANSWER FOR THE FIRST PUZZLE!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd looked at Puzzlemania 4, but didn't notice that little nugget of information. Can't believe I was missing something so fundamental!

8 years ago

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Do I have to write anything besides the number (km/h, dots, idk) in 5.2?

8 years ago

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No, only number.

8 years ago

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Then I must be wrong. I thought it was just to use a simple speed formula.

8 years ago

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You probably don't have the right number

8 years ago

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It is. You need to find correct distance.

8 years ago

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The latest hint gives you a nice advice where to search for the distance.

8 years ago

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Yeah, I just solved. To 5.3 now!

8 years ago

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I can't wait to see the solution for this puzzle, because I can't come up with a single legal move for the third move that puts the king in check and prevents him from reaching F7. So confused, lol. I had already gotten the first two moves, it's only that one that's confusing me.

8 years ago

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Mind the looping :)

8 years ago

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I did. But unless I'm fundamentally misunderstanding how the looping works, there are only two useful places looping could put the necessary piece, and neither covers both possibilities. Both put the king in check, with the piece that put him in check guarded, but the king still can freely move to F7, and there's no further looping possible because both moves end in a capture. And previous moves don't allow for moving the necessary piece into a position to allow both check and mate on the third move. I could just be putting things in the wrong notation, but I don't think so based on your previous chess puzzle and the wikipedia article I read on notations.

8 years ago

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The solution does not contain captures, continue searching! ;)

8 years ago

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Move 1: White only has 3 pieces with possible moves. Black has two pieces with possible moves - possible meaning legal, of course. White moves to block one of Black's moves, Black only has 1 legal move left and takes it.
Move 2: White has has 4 pieces with possible moves, but only 1 that will keep Black king from reaching safety. Black has 2 possible moves. White moves and prevents one of Black's moves, black takes their only legal move.
Move 3: White has two pieces that can put Black in check, but all possible check moves require a capture, and neither prevent a move by Black king to F7.

Like I said, I must be misunderstanding how the looping works or something, because this is what I see. Without giving actual moves and potentially spoiling the puzzle, I can't go any further, and I've tried every possible combination of moves within this framework. If you think this is too much, I'll delete the comment, but I really am at a loss with this one. It's like a cylindrical chess board, but spherical instead, right?

8 years ago

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It is more like a torus chess board. You can check puzzlemania 4 to understand the looping better.

8 years ago

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Yeah, that's how I've been visualizing it. No clue what I'm getting wrong. Like I said, I'll just wait until it's over and probably smack my head at the solution.

8 years ago

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In case you are confident about your first two moves, you can try all possible options for the thirs one :)

8 years ago

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I did, lol. I also tried variations on the notations, but none of it worked. Thanks for the hints, though. :)

8 years ago

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bump for 5.3 solved! In 5.4 even the planets that do not rotate counter-clockwise do in this puzzle?

8 years ago*

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All the planets rotate counter-clockwise around the Sun.

8 years ago

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BUMP for all done :) Thanks ercalote, and all who donated!

8 years ago

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Sent you an invite to talk about 5.2, I'm pretty sure I've got the answer, but it doesn't work.

8 years ago

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Bump for reaching 5.3

8 years ago

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Gotta slap a bump on here, we need to get some more solvers! This is a great event and I feel like it is being a bit underappreciated.

8 years ago

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Just a little bump.

8 years ago

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Bump for one more GA added.

8 years ago

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i thought that this event is already over :)) managed to solve the first one but don't know what kind of link the first puzzle has given me,

8 years ago*

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dont know what to do to this random set of letters and numbers

8 years ago

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The password you found after completing the ITH?

8 years ago

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thanks completely forgot about that labyrinth,

8 years ago

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sorry for another question, i managed to access the other puzzles but how can i access the giveaways on 5.1 , or is part of another puzzle,

8 years ago

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behind the door you had a chest. open the chest then check your treasures and click on the link to access GA

8 years ago

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thaaaank u

8 years ago

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You got the key for the door, just type it as it is.

8 years ago

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thanks, i played this the time first time it was posted and suprised that the event isnt done yet, but i completely forgot some things thatt i did in the labyrinth especially the frst door, im sorry if i caused any inconvnience but thanks for.your help ;)

8 years ago

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