Men are now supposed to keep their legs closed too.

(CNN) — Along with signs for 'no smoking' or 'no littering,' commuters in Madrid will soon see a new unfamiliar one: No manspreading.
The transit agency in the Spanish city said it will post the signs on all buses asking men to keep to one seat and one seat only.

Manspreading, in case you didn't know, is when men spread their legs with no regard to others' personal space.
The new sign shows a cartoon man with his legs spread sitting on a metro seat. A giant X signals it as unacceptable behavior.
"This new icon's mission is to remind people of the need to keep a civil behavior and respect the space of everyone on the bus," the Madrid Municipal Transport Company said. Madrid follows in the footsteps of transit systems in some other cities that also frown on the behavior.

"This new icon is similar to those already existing in other transport systems around the world to indicate the barring of body posture that bothers other people," the transit agency said.
The agency's decision follows months of campaigning by women's rights groups. Earlier this year, one group, Mujeres en Lucha, started a campaign #MadridSinManspreading (#MadridWithoutManspreading).

Didn't even know what it was till today, but now you know too.

7 years ago

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Is it April 1st?

7 years ago

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I wish, its June 9th...... you know where can we find find a colony shuttle to mars? earth is doomed

7 years ago

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Were you raised in the 1950s?

7 years ago

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I agree, Here they should implement that, along with "Pleas shower if you're gonna board the bus" and "Tell your five children to behave or you're out".

7 years ago

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and dont put your shopping bags on every seat near you

7 years ago

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This is in my city, in the morning going to work. If someone does put a bag on his/her next seat, there will be real trouble.
It's a Twitter video.

7 years ago

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Damn, worse than animals :P

7 years ago

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Funny how you call his city inhabitants "worse than animals" and them proceed to use a friendly emoticon.

Passive aggressive.

I suppose that video is taken somewhere in Latin America, many people there cannot afford to get late at work in order to keep surviving.
What I saw in that video is desperation born from poverty.

7 years ago

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José C Paz, Buenos Aires, Argentina. City of poors basically, entirely because of the politics.

7 years ago

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Why are they rushing, didn't seem that crowded.

I seen movies China, or Japan, those are so full, conductors are just pushing and squeezing people in so they can close the doors.

7 years ago

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To get the seats.

7 years ago

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exactly what i was thinking, there was a lot of room and even the amount of people entering slowed drastically, thats a place with very poor manners. i dont know how long those rides are but it cant be that bad to lean/stand for 30 minutes?

i saw that video too, i thought it was fake but if its real thats some crazy stuff

7 years ago

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I know why I hate mega cities and public transportation there...

7 years ago

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Speaking should also result immediate kicking out...

7 years ago

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And mandatory ballgags for all children below 10 since they are not to be trusted to adhere to the no talking rule.

7 years ago

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Double that age and I'm in.
OK maybe triple.

7 years ago

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Haha, that'd be perfect! No more people semi-screaming into their phones :D

7 years ago

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Yeah, sorry for having a pair of balls among our legs.

7 years ago

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Erm... have you never crossed your legs? I'm a guy too, spreading your legs unnecessarily wide thereby encroaching on the personal space of others or just blocking the adjacent seats is a jerk move.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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It indeed is a jerk move, yet that doesn't mean that everyone who is manspreading is doing it unnecessarily wide. I actually am a person who almost exclusively crosses his legs, yet I find this ridiculous.

Scratch that off :D

7 years ago*

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It indeed is a jerk move, yet that doesn't mean that everyone who is manspreading is doing it unnecessarily wide.

"Manspreading" means that you're doing it too wide.

7 years ago

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Ohh, didn't actually know that. I taught that spreading your legs, to a whatever extend was considered manspreading.

Thanks for clearing that out for me.

7 years ago

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And I can see lawsuits just rolling in...
I'm a guy too and I "Manspread" - I also have what doctors have described as abnormally large reproductive organs - that is, while my uh... "old fella" is normalish... my testes have been described as "Big enough to come in a dumptruck" which results in my having to sit down carefully, so I don't sit on them (As you get older this becomes more and more common - check it out - it's a fact that a lot of people won't talk about as it's very embarrassing but men sag in places too - it's not just a womans' issue), and once sitting down it actually becomes almost impossible to close my legs, even with supporting underwear.

7 years ago

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I don't understand how this forces you to take up more than one seat in a public space.

7 years ago

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Well that depends - I don't use public transport anymore unless I have to, however on those rare occasions I must, when I sit down I am MEDICALLY INCAPABLE of closing my legs - this results in me "Man spreading". Having to open my legs wide enough to err.. accommodate what is between my legs without causing pain or damage, or having to stick my hands in my pants in public to shift everything to an upper area. which would be... offending to other people I guess.
Having such a medical issue could result in court appeals, with very explicit images having to be shown.
I agree that other people should be taken into consideration however it's the same thing as a person in a wheel chair - would you fine them for blocking an aisle? A certified medical reason is something that can constitute a discrimination - and that's where I can see a lawsuit forming.

7 years ago

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Again, "manspreading" means that you are spreading your legs so wide, that you are taking up 2 or more seats. It doesn't sound like you have to spread yours as wide. I understand you're pointing out a medical condition, but it doesn't seem to require that you take up more than one seat.

No one is saying you need to cram your legs together, simply don't spread your body across an entire row of seats.

7 years ago

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I would guess that I take up about 1 and 1/2 seats - which puts me in the position of getting fined if I was on madrid public transport. But I'll be honest - I rarely use public transport and When I do I try to stand.
However I'm not the only sufferer in the world, and while I don't know the exact numbers I'm sure there would be some in Spain and eventually one of them will make it to court over this.

7 years ago

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Point being, you are not the person this rule is dissuading.

It's this guy:

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Yeah.. OK... I don't sit that wide. Maybe um... damn - I couldn't even wear jeans that tight in the crotch... I take your point - that needs to stop - I was just pointing out that some people have to sit with out legs open... but yeah... not that wide!

7 years ago

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Wow, I thought it was yet another stupid thing but if Madrid has many people like that I guess there was really no choice. Like spreading legs that wide is uncomfortable so he must be willing to suffer it just to spite people.

The worst I have ever seen in years of using metro and train pretty much every weekday occupied half that space and appears as often from men as from women.

7 years ago

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is this not just a meme...does this actually happen-speaking as someone who thought this was a joke I'm suddenly really confused cause that doesn't look comfortable but idk I guess I don't take public transport

7 years ago

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As I said elsewhere, people are all too happy to be assholes as long as, "It's not against the rules!!!!!!!!11one"

7 years ago

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I don't think many would mind if there was a medical explanation, it's more targeted at the people who only sit like that in public as a "macho" thing or to stop people sitting next to them. I mean... someone would mind (someone always does), but they'd hopefully be cool with it after a somewhat awkward explanation.

7 years ago*

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Heh - I hope so too - but while I can type about this on a fairly anonymous forum, the first time I tried to explain this in person to someone who complained was so very embarrassing - eventually she understood and let it go but she was blushing almost as bad as me, and there were more then just our two red faces on the train that day.
Luckily both she and I got over it, (And now we're married lol) but as I stated before - It's not just me - other who have the issue may be very vocal or too shy - with such a wide spectrum of human interactions and temperaments it could go either way.

7 years ago

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(And now we're married lol)

Haha, well it sounds like you have a pretty good track record with the people you've explained it to! 😜

7 years ago

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Yeah I got lucky with a very understanding and compassionate woman :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I'm a guy too and more than willing to give up my seat for old people, women and children. The word 'Manspreading' is intended to be inflammatory and misandrist.
Singling out men as the ones lacking in manners and using their genes to make a slur word.
I'd have the same stance on a word describing females putting their bags on the seat by them not allowing anyone to sit there. It shouldn't be 'womanbagging' or anything retarded like that. Its just a lack of manners from a person. Its not genetic and shouldn't be described as such.

7 years ago

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Oh boo hoo.

"Won't someone think of the MEN?!?!?!?!???"

7 years ago

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Wow. Well done. I doubt you had time to read what i wrote and i'm certain you don't care about people based on their genetics. Things they don't chose. Congrats.

7 years ago

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I read it, man. Regardless of how the word was coined, it represents something that you immediately understood when you read it. This is how language works. It's not an attack on your manhood.

7 years ago*

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I haven't done anything to any women in my life or anything like that. In fact, i live in Saudi Arabia and if you know anything about our laws restricting women and if you know me personally you wouldn't claim 'i was running the show'.
Had to put my career on hold for my family to carry on theirs. Took them wherever they wanted. I wasn't running the show nor do i intend to have someone's life in my hands.

You on the other hand, seem to lump all men together. If you have done something wrong to women, make it right. Don't blame all men for you own mistakes.

I'll continue to stand for equality and you just be that thing that puts people down based on their genes. Misandrists and misogynists are alike.

7 years ago

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Yeah, I edited to try and avoid the misinterpretation that you're having, but was too slow. We're talking about two different things.

7 years ago

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--' whatever. " attack on your manhood". I doubt we'll see eye to eye. You seem to put things where they don't belong, like that word you're for some reason defending.
Manhood -
- wow. Yes, I'm here to defend my own manhood from a word that smears based on genetics.
Edit, my problem is NOT smearing based on genetics. Nope. Anyone who can read may reach that conclusion, but they are wrong. You are right.

7 years ago

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"Misandrists and misogynists are alike."
Sadly this is the one thing that those shouting the loudest never seem to realise. In their hurry to lash out, they often don't realise they're becoming a perfect mirror image of what they hate. Both are convinced they are fighting a cryptic force of injustice and false victimhood, both are more willing to lash out than to bring positive change. In their efforts to demean anything that remotely sounds like 'the enemy', they are in fact undoing the real progress that more lucid and mature activists have worked hard for.

It's pretty sad really, if both sides were so truly concerned with real equality and justice for their groups, then wouldn't 'the enemy' group actually be potentially their greatest ally? This is why I can't bare to browse social media much, it's like a garbage dump of false trophies and strawmen made by angry children rioting against each other. :/

7 years ago

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I'm completely with you on this.
It is very difficult to change minds online, but I've managed to change few around me and its pretty rough around here. I'm sure most people are coming from a good place and a sit down, face to face or heart to heart talk is all they need.
Stay strong my friend =) we need more of you. I hope one day, I'll be as collected and eloquent as you are during those conversations.

7 years ago

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Why are you trying to instigate a fight with that really shoddy strawman, exactly?
What are you even hoping to achieve with this?

What is more important to you, a constructive dialog, or childish catharsis, because by picking the latter you are usually guaranteeing a total lack of progress (and only feeding ammo to opposing views). Food for thought.

7 years ago

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I'm tired of the male victim/persecution complex.

7 years ago*

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This could only feed the very thing you seem to want less of.
If anything it actually validates it when you use it against such undeserving targets, and only stokes the salt for the genuine buttheads to wade in.

The lashing out only ever fuels those people you hate, and can only really stand to convert more people to their thinking. If you subscribe to part of the gender wars yourself, you need to be careful of becoming an exact mirror image of the pest you want to stomp out, y'know?

7 years ago

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I get your point. As you know, I'm usually pretty lax. I do suppose that I'm a bit off the cuff today; mea culpa.

7 years ago

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I don't really know you, but meehh, I think we've all been there TBH.
Trying to keep a level head on the internet should be an olympic sport, especially given the subject of equality is one of the few truly worth getting worked up over. Doing it the right way is the tricky part though, what with all the drama we get shoved in our face on a daily basis (both real and manufactured).

7 years ago

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Couldn't have written it better myself =) recently I'd go for 'Human Rights Advocate' above any other term. Far less confusion over what it means.
Sidestep the rhetoric dished out on too many fronts, even if it comes from a good place, it doesn't sound appealing or encompassing as Human Rights Advocate.

7 years ago

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I'm really wary of using any term but 'egalitarian' these days. As soon as extremists or trolls start to silently gather under any name, it quickly gets poisoned and associated exclusively with the obnoxious people.

I dread the day even 'egalitarian' becomes synonymous with fight-starting and bullying, because with the way the folks on the internet go, I wouldn't even be surprised if that eventually happened, heh.

7 years ago

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'alt egalitarian'

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This I found interesting this morning -
Apparently a feminist actually took at look at herself, realised both sides had issues and became a Humanist - that is both sexes were equally affected - and when she made a film about it, focusing on how Domestic Violence harms both males and females - she's become a pariah and is being demonstrated against and trolled by the media.
While Domestic Violence in Australia is currently a hot topic, everyone seems to be blaming males - and while I agree most is perpetrated by males it is a problem that affects both sides - I personally know a man who was beaten within an inch of his life by his female partner with an iron bar, is now in a wheel chair and uses a colostomy bag.

7 years ago*

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As opposed to the male aggressor and female victim complex that feminists reiterate is present in and attributable to western culture.

Maybe the truth is somewhere in the middle.

7 years ago

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I understand what you're getting at, but it's also a folly to brush away history. One side has voluminous historical precedent.

7 years ago

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And yet it's as folly to act as if today were the same as 50 years ago.
History can explain how you got somewhere, not really where you are. That's why historical analysis is when done holistically, conducted 20 or 50 years after the fact, so as to have access to all pertinent information.

7 years ago*

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And yet it's as folly to act as if today is the same as 50 years ago.

Except a lot of things still are. Look, I'm not trying to get into a thing with you here, but you cannot act as though men/women can approach the equality argument from the exact same footing. History means something, it's more than a timeline. The fact that we continually repeat the same mistakes ad nauseum, should make it apparent most people do not pay history its deserved attention.

Historical context is extremely important.

7 years ago*

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If you mean that we should be acknowledging the past, I agree, but if you mean we are responsible for the past, in principle I don't.
Any conversation focused on improving today has to be based on what are the facts of today, preferably through statistics and data. Yes, there are unavoidable biases all people have (due to their history and that of the world) but that is no reason to throw objectivity out the window and over correct by setting up biases based on the injustices of the past. For example: in my country there's a movement asking for the sentence for "femicide" to be longer than that of homicide, which doesn't seem right to me, granted gender equality here might be a bit away from what Europe or the US is, but it still feels like an overcorrection.

I agree that the past has meaning and ongoing ramifications, but making history repeat itself by having another gender become social pariahs in the place of women isn't a move towards equality, in my eyes.
I guess my point is that the idea of having women become a protected/victim class doesn't help them achieve equality. In general, marginalizing a group doesn't help their situation.

Perhaps, I just resent that for men, being one, their understanding is judged as carrying less weight on the subject than anyone providing anecdotes, irrelevant of one's qualifications or evidence, based solely on gender.

I'm out. Sorry for the rambling, I was just trying to say that we should avoid creating injustices in the pursuit of justice. I'm not in the camp that men are generally being oppressed.

7 years ago

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This very comment, i couldn’t get out of my head. I may have a problem letting go, this is why i don’t engage in politics here or on any public forum.
So, i opened a doc to type few things hoping you can see where i come from.

You know where i was born and told you a bit about the last 4 years. I truly have no bone to pick with anyone and will stand for everyone's rights to be completely equal to mine and yours.
The issue i have with the word itself is the same reason i did what i did. I dislike collectivist views on anything especially those levied based on things we never chose, like genetics.
It took me a lot of time questioning my faith, what’s moral, ethical or right ? so on and forth for years in one of the most theocratic places in the world. That took me away from religion and please look at the punishment to leaving religion in my country.

Reality, i’d have a harsher time facing the law in my country than my sisters as they remain religious.
The comment itself:
[Oh boo hoo.
"Won't someone think of the MEN?!?!?!?!???" ]

Sounds like downplaying injustice men face just because of their genes. If someone from the other-side tried doing the same, I'd give this very same response.
Meanwhile and i really tried to make that point clear with my comments, let’s stand against injustice wherever it may rise, without going collectivist. I’ve heard religious collectivist figures in my country speaking against women’s rights since i was a toddler. In fact, its one of the oldest tricks religions exploited.

This very rhetoric is why we barely see a reasoned discussion online. In fact, i’ve done better changing minds IRL than online. In a place that is very hardline religious.

I hope this blind dismissive commentary ceases to exist and we can start tackling issues as they affect people on individual bases.

P.S. i'm not playing a victim. I left religion knowing what it stands for and what that meant to me. Its the reason i don't try to sell people around me on leaving religion, especially if i care about them.

7 years ago

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Hey man, you are justified here. I'm sorry I came off so daft earlier, this has actually been sticking in my head too. Where I live, I'm surrounded by a lot of toxic masculinity and that comment was just a shot from the hip. Perhaps I'm tired today, but that's no excuse. After re-reading, I was being too defensive and not being considerate of your point of view.

I am with you on the classification of naming and word-choices. I do wish we could avoid targeted terms as well. However, I do get tired of arguments where people will eventually strawman out to being "whatever-ist" over the "similar-ist" being discussed. I took that out on you, and that wasn't fair of me. I do believe our views actually run parallel, so again I apologize for being curt.

Thanks for replying again.

7 years ago

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No problem =) i was wrong myself, we do see eye to eye and i should always keep in mind, i know as little about people online as they know about me.

I'm glad we talked.

7 years ago

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While it is a predominantly male posture, I don't dispute that "legspreading" or whatever would be a more encompassing term.

My point was more that owning a pair of balls doesn't necessitate spreading one's legs akimbo.

Edit: most cases.

7 years ago*

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That's a very fair response. I get where you're coming from. Cheers =)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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It's not like you have to play with them on a bus though.

7 years ago

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What kind of buses are you getting into? One of those Japanese porn ones? :D

7 years ago

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Good thing I'm apache-helicopter, so I can spread all I want.
Whirl, whirl.

Jokes aside - people, you really don't have to sit on three seats. So keep legs together, don't put bags on the seats, don't put your hands/arms behind your head.

7 years ago

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Another meme becomes a thing people will fight and kill for. Good job Internet.

7 years ago

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It's a shame people have to be told not to take up more than one seat...

7 years ago

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This. People will tote, "well there's no rule against it" just to be an ass.

7 years ago

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It's a shame people have to be told not be assholes, in general.

7 years ago

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Indeed, but it's more of a shame that when this came into consideration, that they decided to make it a gendered issue. Idiots come in all sexes, and don't use just their sitting posture to take more than one seat without due consideration. If you need to use more than one seat due to a non-medical reason, then you should have to pay for a second ticket for occupying the extra seat (and be made to vacate the seat when it is needed if you don't have one).

I just hope the official naming of this isn't 'manspreading' too, because the juxtaposition of fresh awareness and passive sexism would be kinda depressing. Progress isn't really progress when you're just changing the shape of the problem, and keeping the silent acceptance of unnecessary gender garbage. Oh well, here's hoping the article was just leveraging the term for more clicks and that the policymakers are a bit more lucid ;P
Egalitarianism ho~

7 years ago

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The official naming isn't "manspreading," that is simply the buzzword the headlines will use.

7 years ago

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Thank god.
So yeah, it sounds like they're just banking in on drama points to bring in the views and shares. Nothing keeps the views like a good fight / point of contention. :/

7 years ago

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the official naming

From the article the OP linked:

The agency's decision follows months of campaigning by women's rights groups. Earlier this year, one group, Mujeres en Lucha, started a campaign #MadridSinManspreading (#MadridWithoutManspreading).

Given that a Spanish group decided to use an English word, the international utilization of the word is presumably reasonably well established (which also indicates the practice itself is pretty well-spread). That said, it is a predominantly male action (same reason we don't have femsplaining- the labeling is reflective of the entitlement of a majority grouping). The term may be clumsy, but as a means of reference, it's very intuitive and precise. As such, when discussing the specific topic [of male entitlement as reflected by excessive legspreading] it makes sense. As you say, in any setting where equality is of consideration- such as in official guideline establishment- it's clearly inappropriately specific.

That said, it looks like the government hasn't formally used the term as part of the effort in question. From another article:

Fed up with men whose thighs fail to respect the boundaries of bus seats, the Spanish capital’s Municipal Transport Company (EMT) is to put up signs discouraging the practice. The EMT – which explains that “el manspreading” is “an English term that describes the posture of men who open their legs too wide and take up neighbouring seats” – said the new signs are intended to remind people of the need to respect the space of all bus passengers.
Would-be manspreaders will hopefully be deterred by small pictures of a thoughtless, faceless red man invading the seat to his right.

In sum, it looks like all they did was put up fairly gender-neutral stick figure signs, nothing more. The rest is all just outside argument.

7 years ago

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"Mansplaining" is more misandric than this could ever be.
It's just an excuse to disregard any opinion coming from someone male and end a conversation rather than engage in discourse that might challenge one's preconceived notions/eco-chamber mentalities.

7 years ago

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Once I saw a girl giving a hit between the legs to such a "spreader". The man was so surprised of it and everybody was laughing around, I nearly lost my mind that was so ... metro is full of such trash and that's why I love it!

7 years ago

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I get that the man was being an asshole for "spreading," but that's no excuse for assaulting him. Hitting a man in the balls for anything other than self defense is legally sexual assault.

7 years ago

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Well, it is not sexual assault everywhere but I accept your point

7 years ago

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If it's not sexual assault then it's either battery or assault depending on your local laws.

7 years ago

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I admit it

7 years ago

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Once upon a time, parents taught their children how to behave and to respect others. Failing that, people took it upon themselves to ask nicely and to respond appropriately. These days, it seems that proper behavior is so rare and difficult to achieve that it must be legislated.

Farewell, personal responsibility.... We shall miss you.

7 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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The general idea of not being an ass: Ok, fine, whatever. Good for them.

Using the idiotic feminist "term" for it: Kill me now. Run me over with a bus for maximum irony. <.<

7 years ago

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This is how language works, let it go.

7 years ago

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Language does indeed have an amorphous quality, but that doesn't mean people cannot have an opinion that terms coming into mainstream usage sound dumb. 'Sexting' still sounds brain-meltingly dumb to me.
Besides, subjects of passive sexism usually benefit from being challenged (albeit better to do so with rationality rather than gripe against an idealogical totem, but still-).

7 years ago

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I know that anything that I say won't change a thing, but, hey, what am I supposed to do? The way the thread is structured implies that it's asking for an opinion on the matter, doesn't it? I could just not post anything since I know it's ultimately worthless in the grand scheme of things (and indeed that's what I do the majority of the time), but if everyone always followed that logic no thread based on opinion would ever function.

Plus, I guess I'm just kinda pissed off that language is so easy to manipulate that such a stupid "term" would be allowed to be used like that. Anger helps with overcoming existential pointlessness, I guess. :D

7 years ago

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Wow, thanks for the blacklist matey.

7 years ago

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That's kinda old but, sure, you're welcome?

View attached image.
7 years ago*

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Weird, I don't think you've ever been on mine. Must be a lurker then, carry on.

7 years ago

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"This new icon's mission is to remind people of the need to keep a civil behavior and respect the space of everyone on the bus," the Madrid Municipal Transport Company said.

Sounds like thus the cliché female behaviour of "shebagging" is forbidden as well, so no reason to be salty. Bringing in the term "manspreading" looks like malicious intent of some antifeminists to me. I mean, when some people suggest female icons on traffic lights etc. those people complain because the "male-looking" icon addresses everyone, but in this case it suddenly means only men are spoken to? Come on, people. You can troll better.

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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Bahaha, noice

7 years ago

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Haha, thank you.

7 years ago

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Language is a powerful thing. A fumble on choice of words or the popularisation of something that either is or simply seems sexist, that can cause a lot of grouching. Especially with the whole gender-wars going on thanks to social media and constant strawman teabagging between extreme rights advocates. Issues can be touchy.

As for baiting by anti-feminists? That's a bit of a stretch. In the childish games they play, claims of bait and sockpuppetry are the blind first shots of both sides (complete with someone quickly spotting the 'fake' and using it to construct a fresh strawman of their opposition). Its hard to tell with the depths of dishonesty people are capable of on these subjects. I'm more inclined that the site is just angling for extra clicks from these crowds, and really hope the people behind the signs/policy don't call it that. I mean, hell, they even got our forum talking about it. It's an effective tactic that they usually hedge their bets on. At least that's what I'm sticking to, given your alternative (and it's opposite) is depressing :P

7 years ago*

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Uh-huh, I see... now we're mansplaining!


View attached image.
7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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now what exactly is this about? taking up too much space in public transportation or sitting like a proud owner of a penis when in fact you are a proud owner of a penis?

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7 years ago

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Yeah! Stop the spread! It's really annoying when people manspread. I've seen and had my fair share of experiences with manspreaders and my god it's irritating. Most of the time it's men that do it but there are also some women that do this too.

7 years ago

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For someone not knowing how buses are in Spain...

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7 years ago

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looks like a normal bus in Berlin too ^^

7 years ago

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What I mean is that all this is just bullshit trying to cover all the corruption cases opened in Madrid Council with this colourful smoke screen

7 years ago

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but this looks Carmena rather than Cifuentes

7 years ago

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another thing that's also true for other parts of the world

7 years ago

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Is there anywhere that buses aren't like that?

7 years ago

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There was only like 6 people whenever I got on a bus.

7 years ago

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I meant a place with actual cities which for Finland means Helsinki only so is there it was? If so wow, is there dozens of times more buses than needed or people just don' use them?

7 years ago

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Tampere mostly.
I don't remember getting on an in-city/short distance bus in Helsinki.

7 years ago

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That makes sense, my birth place has half as much population Tampere has and there is only a few routes at certain times that get filled up. It is when you get into half a million and above that becomes pretty much inevitable.

7 years ago

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Stockholm in Sweden is about the same size as Helsinki (or bigger, not sure) and the few times I take a bus here it's pretty much as empty as the ones Avantyr wen't to, so it's not the same everywhere! ^^
Though I rarely take the bus, so can't say with a 100% certainty, but, yeah

7 years ago

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I feel lucky if I can turn around on the tram/bus/underground sometimes lol...

7 years ago

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Pretty much that yeah. I tend to be against the main movement a lot but even then that only means it merely full not bursting with people.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I'm pretty sure is the same kinda craptastic situation in every big city in the world, move to a not so large city and it only becomes a problem at rush hour, go to a smaller city and it's the same issue all over again. Is about finding that sweet spot in the middle, a.k.a. mediocre cities, where life is meh all year round.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I bet at the same time they don't offer enough space between 2 seats for people with long legs

7 years ago

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Buy/make human size buses and then i won't need to take seat and a half because I will be able to fit my legs in the space made for them.

7 years ago

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for anyone not aware, men tend to sit with their legs spread because of the shape of the male pelvis. asking people to try to keep to one seat is perfectly fine, but targeting and shaming one sex because of the natural shape of their skeleton is disgustingly sexist.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I dont see how someone could sit like that and not have some kind of medical problem

7 years ago

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maybe he is secretly a crab person and he walks with his legs like that too?

7 years ago

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Manspreading is like mansplaining- it's not that you're posturing/explaining in a way that matches your own natural circumstances, it's that you're willfully expressing yourself in a way that is entitled and limits others. I'm not sure where you're getting the implications you're working off of from, but that direction of thought is not really relevant to the topic at hand. :)

From the article linked by the OP:

Manspreading, in case you didn't know, is when men spread their legs with no regard to others' personal space.

As you say, referencing manspreading is an oddly specific way to express the concept of "stick to one seat", but I assume local circumstances and attitudes made singling out the specific behavior necessary (in the same way local buses I'm familiar with have done campaigns to emphasize that you should yield the chairs for people with disabilities, rather than generalized "be considerate of the circumstances of others on buses" campaigns).

On the other hand, y'gotta feel for anyone that has a skeleton quite that unusually shaped [as per the examples doctorofjournalism or the article provided]- that's gotta be hard to live with, nevermind get around on public transportation with.

7 years ago

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"Manspreading is like mansplaining- it's not that you're posturing/explaining in a way that matches your own natural circumstances, it's that you're willfully expressing yourself in a way that is entitled and limits others."
That's the problem though. While those terms originally served a specific and mostly innocent purpose (dealing with dudebros and obnoxious entitled people), as the terms circulated and came into common usage, their definition softened considerably. Mansplaining in particular is a gripe of mine, as I've seen it used (and had it used against me) as a simple measure of denying any discourse based on my sex, not based on my tone or content of what we were engaging in. Once those terms qualify into genuine sexism, the divided intentions make the word too heated to use passively, especially when the subject they address are not limited to the sex they derive their name from (and problematic when used by any individual).

In the case of these two terms, they're not worth trying to reclaim. The sexist connotations and usage have engulfed them entirely, and it should have been expected given what they're constructed of. "Legspreading" is neutral and immediately more evocative of the subject it addresses. "Mansplaining" might run off the tongue and not have a good alternative in short form for tweets, but 'patronising' works fine in its place.

Regardless, as someone suggested elsewhere in the thread, these aren't the official names adapted for the public transport policy, the website is just banking on the terms to get more clicks (thank christ :P)

7 years ago

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That's the problem though.

Okay, but everything you just replied isn't relevant to my point. :P I was just explaining the linguistic pattern involved in the origination of the word for the sake of context, since Chair was interpreting a more troublesome topic. Whether they're sexist or not is irrelevant to the fact that they're still based in behaviors, not genetics [or skeletal structure].

I can't really click to such a significant shift in topic, so if you you're looking for a reply, rephrase the above so it fits as a response to my more topically relevant reply to you above, and I'll see what I can do. :P

That said, I'm not going to argue that it's not better to use equalized terms, or if you're looking for specialized conversation, to establish the context first and thus avoid the need for terms that establish context themselves. So pretty sure you're not actually in any way at odds with me anyway. :P

7 years ago*

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I appreciate that, but I was replying directly to the rationale you were using in the quote, elaborating on the progression of that word structure and why its original construction is unimportant when compared to its modern adaption. After all you did say you couldn't understand the implications Chair was deriving, but I thought they were obvious, so elaborated.

I was pointing out that those contexts of behavior in relation to entitlement and restricting others is not unique to any sex and lacks a general term, therefore coining a phrase for it that places the onus on one sex and then having said term come into common usage will naturally generate backlash. Just as you can lie through omission, sexism can operate similarly. Passive and innocuous as it may have started, once it enters broader use and with far more relaxed definition, it qualifies up into something worth challenging. Explaining the origin of the word does not really subtract from what it has become, and why it should be discarded rather than defended.

Pretty sure we're in agreement, just pointing out that the origin of a word and its current usage can be quite different, and I suppose keeping you up to speed on something you didn't grok? Outside of that one thing, that's all I really touched on.

To expand upon it, I do wonder about the regional effect that might be in play though. Where I live in the UK, in my experience it tends to be young women (teens) that hog more than one seat, but by stretching out across them rather than spreading their legs. That is only my experience though, and to be more accurate it would be obnoxious mouthy youths that do it, with sex as an almost entirely unrelated aside. I find men and women adopt the patronising parental 'you obviously dont get it' explanation approach, particularly within the workplace, and is a hallmark more of someones personality or their view of the other person than the sexes of speaker and listener. I get that countries with far more overt issues of sexism would be totally suiting of a term like 'mansplaining' or 'manspreading' due to the exaggerately more passive or downcast women and favored men, but it is utterly unsuiting at least for a culture like here in the UK. If there had to be a specific it would be far better served to divide the line as 'yobspreading', as it actually details a quality directly related to seat hogging (inconsideration, obnoxiousness, immaturity).

7 years ago*

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You're still on an entirely different tangent of discussion than the topic I'd intended to address.

I was explaining in-context definition, as indicated by the article itself. My scope of response was reading comprehension and linguistic patterning that should support a similar interpretation where one didn't have time to check for in-context definition. You're discussing sociological elements and extended usage, none of which is relevant to my rather specific point of discussion.

Let's put another way- if CeilingChair had said "What the hell is an OrangeSlam? Is it a weapon?" my response would equate to "Well, slam is often used to indicate a soft drink, and the article indicates that's the usage here".

Y'can help me work on my phrasing, if that wasn't clear, but all this rest.. well, I'll try and give it a read when I'm less fuzzy-minded, see if there's anything that has bearing to my own perspectives. But at the moment- using the example above- it's like having a third party come in and start talking about how many soft drinks using slam in their name have started being used in racist movements. Okay, fascinating and potentially significant- but completely blindsiding to the flow of conversation I'd intended to pursue. :P

Also, just to clarify, the "implications" I was referring to was that Ceiling was interpreting an argument against specific skeletal structures. Regardless of what direction your perspective pushes towards, that's still a pretty intense and oddly specific point of discrimination; so it seems questionable that your considerations would have covered that example. Even referencing genetics as an alternative would be a questionable frame of reference, given that ends up excluding transgender considerations.
Just referencing gender would have been enough, and far more accurate. Ergo, the perspective Ceiling offered was- to my mind- pretty peculiar to consider.

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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the included image seems to be part of the campaign by the group mentioned. both men appear to be sitting in a normal manner and hardly their fault if the seats arent large enough for them. almost all cases where I have seen people commenting on how a man is sitting online, have been about cases where they are not sitting inappropriately at all. any kind of leg spreading by a man is labeled that.
I imagine obesity would likely take up a greater amount of space on these buses, I havent seen anyone suggesting something like a 'no fatties' sign or charging them double fare. and most people would agree that it would be absurd to do.
these signs are likely to encourage harassment of any man just trying to sit comfortably on these buses. and not someone like the example doctorofjournalism gave. As well for every picture of a man taking up 'extra' space you will surely be able to find just as many with women doing it.

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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an angry weirdogendered pre-teen feminist blogger, probably. between an argue about why all white males are inherently rapist and how to subvert the patriarchy conspiracy.

7 years ago

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Your baggage is showing, bro.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Out of all those images, only one being on there bothered me. In my opinion, her legs were not even close to being far enough apart to be considered as taking up more than one seat.

7 years ago

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What exactly is the designated distance a man must keep his legs together to not be "manspreading" but to also not attempt to crush his testicles by pushing his legs together? I've encountered way more issues with people putting their purses/backpacks on the seat next to them when ever seat is filled, probably about 5-6 times more often. It would be much easier and less targeted if they simple said "Keep to one seat only." Just more virtue signaling by people with way too much time on their hands.

7 years ago

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Manspreading drama is my favorite drama, there's enough ridiculousness and salt from both sides that I can drown in it.

I love guys acting like they can't cross thier fucking legs when most definitely can, and I love people getting mad at men who sit normally but not cross legged even when they aren't invading others space because of the term manspreading distracting from the fact that it's some people being being assholes and not a feminist issue, but since gamergate apparently everything has to be now.

7 years ago

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I can't

7 years ago

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The age of moderation is done. There is only feminism and anti-feminism now. You either agree 100% with every "feminist" issue or disagree with all of them. It's exceedingly rare to find people who can see nuance :/

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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lol reminds me of a comic I read once. Guy gets on a subway and sees another guy sitting with his legs wide open. He thinks the guy's being a jerk so he sits next to him and spreads his legs so the guy's forced to close his a bit. The supposed "jerk" turns to him and says, "did you get a vasectomy too?" Funnier in comic form...

Anyways, this is just dumb. Yeah, people who sit like that and invade other people's space are jerks but there's no need to call it "MANspreading". It's needlessly inflammatory. Nor is this problem any more annoying than a host of other problems in public seating areas.

7 years ago

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I didn't know the name of that was called "Manspreading"
Really don't care for it being associated with a gender/sex in this day and age where people fight for "equality." If it was called ladyspreading, I'm sure people would be upset.
Also don't care for the definition "the practice whereby a man, especially one traveling on public transportation, adopts a sitting position with his legs wide apart, in such a way as to encroach on an adjacent seat or seats."
I live in a trashy town and when I used the bus I'd see both men and women "manspreading"

Should be just called 'legspreading', but whatever. People gonna do what people gonna do I guess.

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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+2... legs. I hope.

7 years ago

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It's called this way so that only men can be blamed for it. Because feminism.

7 years ago

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I have two questions.
1- How did this became a thing?
2- Why are they calling it manspreading in Madrid? It's kinda disapointing when they can't come up with a translated equivalent.

7 years ago

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I wasn't expecting to say this but, too many links to click :P
Creo que sigo cual link responde que.
Igual sostengo que los buses atestados de gente es un problema propio de toda ciudad grande, cada vez que voy a Buenos Aires me siento como una sardina enlatada en cualquier transporte público mientras que en mi ciudad solo pasa en el horario que los chicos de secundario entran o salen del colegio, y en las ciudades chicas o pueblos hay tan poca frecuencia de buses que se vuelve inevitable.
Y no te preocupes, nuestros políticos son peores, acá el gobierno de la presidente anterior era tan corrupto que directamente era una mafia. Al punto que cuando un fiscal le hizo una denuncia a la presi el pobre tipo aparecio muerto de un tiro en su departamento a los 2 o 3 días, ni siquiera disimulaban.

7 years ago

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