Men are now supposed to keep their legs closed too.

(CNN) — Along with signs for 'no smoking' or 'no littering,' commuters in Madrid will soon see a new unfamiliar one: No manspreading.
The transit agency in the Spanish city said it will post the signs on all buses asking men to keep to one seat and one seat only.

Manspreading, in case you didn't know, is when men spread their legs with no regard to others' personal space.
The new sign shows a cartoon man with his legs spread sitting on a metro seat. A giant X signals it as unacceptable behavior.
"This new icon's mission is to remind people of the need to keep a civil behavior and respect the space of everyone on the bus," the Madrid Municipal Transport Company said. Madrid follows in the footsteps of transit systems in some other cities that also frown on the behavior.

"This new icon is similar to those already existing in other transport systems around the world to indicate the barring of body posture that bothers other people," the transit agency said.
The agency's decision follows months of campaigning by women's rights groups. Earlier this year, one group, Mujeres en Lucha, started a campaign #MadridSinManspreading (#MadridWithoutManspreading).

Didn't even know what it was till today, but now you know too.

7 years ago

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Manspreading, in case you didn't know, is when men spread their legs with no regard to others' personal space.

I'm always confused by two different perceptions of this problem:

  1. People who manspread when a bus or other form of public transport is mostly empty, and are quick to retract their legs if someone approaches, always making the courteous assumption that they want to take a seat.

  2. People who manspread when a bus or other form of public transport is crowded or has adjacent seats taken by other people, and are slow or unwilling to retract their legs because they don't seem to care about anyone else's personal space or comfort.

The two things seem to be conflated, even though they are not the same.

Also, I see people do similar things when they put their feet up on the seats in front of them on a bus, or the chairs in front of them in a movie theater, and it happens with all genders. To me, as long as a person is aware of the fact that they should yield space when other people approach, I don't see it as bad that they may do it while an area is empty. But I also realize that there may be too many people who are not yielding or being considerate of others, so there is a tendency to make all such behavior verboten, even when no one else is around. Thoughts?

7 years ago

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Hmm... I can only say it's because of the Ancient Aliens. And Mushrooms. Watch out. Their influence is growing more and more.

7 years ago

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It's about time us men keep our legs closed... Tired of us walking around getting so many people staring at our wonderful package! I for one am all for the end of "Manspreading"!

7 years ago

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What I find wonderfully stupid is that a piece of information like that have been on every tv news or newspaper here in Spain for 3 days in a row (with some of their kind: ..."Woman teach her pet to do marvelous trick!" or "Elders in XxX find that this is the hottest summer they can recall"...) while some important information keep going in those little messages in the lower part of the screen or doesn't get any attention at all.

7 years ago

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I take like 2 or 3 seats in a bus (spreading + backpack) BUT when people enter i make space free and look if someone wants to sit... if there are litle kids i stand up and offer them my place so they can drive more safty; same with older people... spreading :P isnt the problem it's the social behavior of most people... :/

7 years ago

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At this rate, The Onion will become a legitimate news source.

The Onion is a satirical newspaper not to taken seriously.

7 years ago

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but i can't close my legs,

i have dangly parts

7 years ago

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Next up: Madrid Municipal Transport Company bans crossing your legs because pointing the soles of your shoes at somebody is considered extremely rude in Islam (because they are dirty) :D

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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"This new icon's mission is to remind people of the need to keep a civil behavior and respect the space of everyone on the bus," the Madrid Municipal Transport Company said.

The article decide to make it gendered to buzz more.

7 years ago

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Honestly, "manspreading" really annoys me. When someone is obnoxiously taking up 2-3 seats because they want the space to themselves, I get genuinely annoyed. That said, I think the name is inadequate and offensive. Women are also guilty of this type of behavior, albeit in a different way. Regardless, it's equally annoying and all people in general need to be less selfish in a public, shared space.

7 years ago

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It's not the official name, this applies to everybodu, it's just how people like to call it to make some buzz...

7 years ago

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If they implemented this when are they going to implement the equivalent and or worse counter part of where women take up a whole seat with their purse...

7 years ago

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They did, you just didn't read.

7 years ago

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This is so sexist. So womanspreading is still allowed. Typical women's rights group, which is also sexist because I think men deserve rights too.

7 years ago

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^ didn't read

FYI, you're reacting to a sensationalist headline, not the actual ruling. If you read a few sentences, you could have avoided being angry.

7 years ago*

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Yes, I made the joke out of anger...

7 years ago

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People should just respect each other in the public transports, I don't really see any difference between manspreading, backpacks or women with foldable pushchairs, if it's foldable then fold it for fuck's sake and yelling at your kid won't make him stop crying.

7 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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How small are the seats on buses?
I think my sack and balls are fairly large but I've never taken two seats anywhere lol..

7 years ago

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whoa! i fully agree with that one, sit as you wish at your desk in job/home etc. but it's so egoistic to take 3 seats (yeah i saw those alpha men's a lot) and give a fuck to others in public

7 years ago

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