Which one would you buy it if you have a chance?

(I would be grateful if you could explain even a little :)

6 years ago

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Metro Exodus in next year :P

6 years ago

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͡° ͜ʖ ͡ -

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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damn boy

6 years ago

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I'm a diehard RE classic fan, so... RE2 is a no brainer for me. That said, I have no interest in the Epic Store, so it just cements the choice on what I'd buy.

6 years ago

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already have re2 remake and i love it

6 years ago

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I mean, how about play time etc. I think open world games offer tons of playtime if they can do it right.

Plus, one more addition to my question. Would you buy Metro if they make it Epic Store ex. from day first? (I mean, without current bullshit)

6 years ago

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I think none of these games is an open world

6 years ago

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Well, even our world have borders so i am ok with that.

6 years ago

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Resident 2 Remake without a doubt. Even aside from all the Epic Game Store furore, RE2 looks like it'd be a lot more visceral an experience. Plus, which one of the two is more likely to tank in price first?

6 years ago

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You can wait for a year if you want to buy Metro: Exodus. It's not gone from Steam permanently. I got myself RE2 on release day and 100% it. I can write a detailed review of it in the morning (off to bed now) if you're interested, just leave a reply if you want

6 years ago

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You don't need to :)

I was just wondering what are you thinking in general.

Yeah RE2 is definitely great but it is too linear. While Metro offers options to you (like other open world games in general)

I was expecting to some RE and some Metro answers but i am surprised almost everyone said RE

6 years ago

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if you wouldn't mind I'd like to read it

6 years ago

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Sure thing. I have completed RE2 Remake 100% (all achievements and routes - Leon A, Leon B, Claire A, and Claire B - so that's 4 playthroughs) The game is a lot of different now compared to the original since this time is actually scary. Darkened areas, implementation of a flashlight and third person camera make this for a new experience. There is a damage model so you can shoot off zombie arms now or their legs (that way they can't open doors or grab you). The optimization is top notch (strangely, the game looks better sometimes on min) and the game runs well and looks amazing even on lowest settings. Another plus is a superb soundtrack and some bonus content since you unlock additional scenarios for different characters after two playthroughs (one A and one B after). I'd say it's well worth the price considering its replay value. This is a remake done right.

6 years ago

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(strangely, the game looks better sometimes on min)

Yeah there are a bunch of "quality effects" that are considered higher quality but that I actually prefer having off, most particularly motion blur.

6 years ago

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had no idea about A and B. Where are the core differences? or where you make choices to access A or B? will it be obvious you have chosen different way? or is it just like a minor difference at the end?

6 years ago

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No matter who you choose at the start, the first run of the game will always be A. After the completion, you unlock a 2nd Run option in menu which is the B run (you can choose if it will be for Claire or Leon). The canon way of play is usually Claire A, then Leon B. There are some minor differences in B, mostly consisting of different cutscenes and an extra boss after the "final" one and that's pretty much it.

6 years ago

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i would rather get metro, but since they moved it to epic, it's re2

if you don't mind epic and you want a longer game, i suppose you could go for metro. re2 is short and unless you like to replay the story 100 times, it won't last more than ~30 hours.

6 years ago

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Why Metro is better for you (if both of them on Steam)

6 years ago

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fps, open world, sandbox, i assume the campaign is longer. already played the previous two games so i'm also interested in knowing how it develops.

6 years ago

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Yeah, definitely makes sense.

6 years ago

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you better read the books since Exodus is continued from Metro 2035

6 years ago

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RE2, metro can wait 2020

6 years ago

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You sure you don't mean 2033? :3

6 years ago

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happy cake day there

6 years ago

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Well, it depends on what you like. If you are a fan of survival horror games, like me, then you'll love RE2. I own both of them, RE2 is truly amazing, reviews don't lie. Can't say much about Metro though, i have started playing it only recently.
About the open world, i would rather prefer short games with a great story and interesting characters (RE2 got it just right) than dead, empty, boring open world (looking at you Inquisition).
If i were you i would just buy RE2 now and Metro Exodus in a year when it will come back to Steam, since it was moved to Epic store.

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6 years ago

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Metro Exodus. It's so damn awesome! :D

6 years ago

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RE2 for sure.

6 years ago

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Metro Exodus is a great game, but have lot bugs and FPS drop. Wait to Steam release, will be fixed.
Resident Evil 2 is awesome, excelent graphics and gameplay, free DLC and i don't see any bug. You will not regret.

6 years ago

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Hmm, i was able to run RE2 demo at all low near 30 fps (960m), looks like that won't be possible for Metro, am i right?

6 years ago

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Metro Exodus need more resources.

6 years ago

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While I'm heavily interested in both games myself, Metro: Exodus'd be a firm first pick for me. Indications are towards it having a richer and more varied atmosphere, more involved gameplay, less predictability [RE games weren't known for being anything other than tropey even before they began remaking games from the 90s], and by reviews thus far, smoother mechanics and more involving camera angling (though eventually a certain mod concept may make RE2 take the lead in that regard).

Early estimates put Metro Exodus at having three times the game content of RE2. With side quests marked on your map, the game seems as though it'd flow smoother than RE2 despite its longer length, given RE's tendency toward working through puzzles, visiting visually similar environments, and its (presumably) less varied enemy roster.

Of course, RE2'll be better if you want more of a survival-horror vibe, while Metro leans more toward typical FPS design. RE'll have you carefully scanning through environments more (ie, microexploration), while Metro'll have you running through different environments more (ie, macroexploration). While RE2 doesn't necessarily lack for narrative elements, it feels as though Metro: Exodus, not being tied down by the framework of a game from the 90s, was designed to offer more in that regard.

Well, gameplay videos and your own sense of which atmosphere and gameplay style is preferrable is likely going to be your best resource in making your determination, especially given how most of us are going to be working off outside impressions alone when offering our opinions. Neither game seems at all lacking, though Metro does seem as though it may have more to offer.

Metro seems like it'd be more inclined to early technical issues, however, while RE2 should be fairly well polished from the start. Metro games seem to discount and bundle sooner, so that'd be another consideration in favor of getting RE2 first, though Metro's one year Epic exclusivity may delay any Steam discounting accordingly.

6 years ago*

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Thank you for this great explanation and your last advice.

Really this sums almost everything i want to know :)

6 years ago

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metro is really fun. i'm only 2 hours into it but it's great. but if you don't already have it on steam just wait and get it next year, it'll probably be cheaper then. i already finished RE2 and all the DLC and it was really good too. go with that.

6 years ago

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Exodus, clearly. Re2 is way cool. But Metro Exodus is way cooler, becasuse it is more atmospheric and etc...

6 years ago

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Re2 is way cool. But Metro Exodus is way cooler,

Seems legit to me.

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6 years ago

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Exodus, next year. Huge fan of metro, and from what I've seen of exodus so far I'm already in love. But it's a bummer that it went epic exclusive for a year.

6 years ago

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Exodus for replayability

6 years ago

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Embrace the healing power of "and".

(Or in my case, "neither" since neither one is available for my platform and I doubt my laptop could run them anyway.)

6 years ago

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I kinda feel you :/ 960M master race :(

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Omg i cried while reading this ;(

Hold on brother, we will see 4k one day...

6 years ago

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REmake 2.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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RE 2. Mainly for the fact that it's the best one of the franchise.

But also to give a great big one finger salute to Deep Silver and their choice of screwing us for Epic.

6 years ago

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while EA unliked too, lets hope this kind of pc exclusivity on third party games will die as apex legends now steal a lot of money from fortnite/epic so perhaps they wont swimming in money that much to throw it away randomly.

6 years ago*

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none. too many good games and never enough time, iam easily 2 years behind current development, you can wait for sales.

6 years ago

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Yeah, you are right :D

I have some games i want to play as well. I just wondered what you are thinking

6 years ago

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ah ok, because you have many good ones unplayed or just idled for cards (like dark souls 3, cuphead, betrayer, half lifes, risens, just a few example but i see you prefer multiplayer f2p) so no point to spend money (and this is the reason i bought only twice full priced games in my life while i started video games in the 80s when got comodore-64). Dont even have time for all the quality games from quality bundles (mostly humble monthly) and i play games A LOT.

but if you asked only because of curiousity: i planned to buy metro exodus for a full price until they wanted us to use it through anti consumer spyware client (however i planned to buy physical copy with goodies like poster etc as it was only ~38 eur while digital one from digital stores were and now on epic is 60eur) but as now i heard all about the crashes and problems with the game i would probably never buy or get it only via bundle "once".

So your question is more likely if you would have 60eur and would be forced to spend on one of the games which would be the choise? RE2 looks a better choice for now or i would get far cry new dawn instead, that pig companion looks awesome and its behaviour in many cases just great:-)

6 years ago

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Well, i just got Cuphead (literally 2 days ago) and Half Life games (recent sale) :D But you are right, i have tons of games to play. I already put them in order but i can't play as much as before. I used to play Dota 2 (even more DotA 1) but i am no longer playing MMO games. (only Hunt: Showdown time to time) I wanted to explain myself since i felt bad that i have so many great games i didn't play:/ (I don't buy/request games for cards tho :)

I actually tried Betrayer but didn't like it :/

Thanks for your answer :)

edit. I just look at your profile and holy... O.O 93% Completion Rate O.O

6 years ago

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you know, that completion rate estimated from games where i earned at least 1 achievement right? not from all owned ones. not that hard to pull it up with a lot of easy to complete 1-2hour long games and i like puzzle/point and click games and many of those easy to complete in a short time.

I have a good ~100 games backlog too:-)

6 years ago

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Oh, i didn't know that :D

I thought 4.5k games with %93 Comp Rate... Holy :D

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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If i had the money for it i'd buy Metro but on steam only. Loved the R6 demo too but not enough content for the price.

6 years ago

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R6 on sales it's super cheap (around 10$ the full game + DLC) and it's worth it, so buy it in the next sales.

6 years ago

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He is talking about resident evil 6 :D

6 years ago

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me too

6 years ago

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Oh, the new game is 8 right. My bad :D

6 years ago

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Oh woops such an addict I typed R6 after 1400+ hours

6 years ago

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