This happen me very often these times , what does that mean ?

I am logged and then few hours later i have this message .

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9 years ago

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Probably if you have a credit card or debit card it has been expired

9 years ago

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Does that happen after your internet disconnect or something?

9 years ago

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but it's like any other place. if you don't click "remember me/password/whatever", session ends and you need to re-login next time you access it

9 years ago

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is not like that, I have it with remember me and everything but sometimes it just logs out and shows a pop up with that message to enter the stuff again

like this

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9 years ago

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Hmm, any chance someone else has your password?

9 years ago

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not really, it is not that common, it happened like 2 or 3 times and they were separated by a long time
the last one, a few days ago happened after I launched a game
most of the time, I have my pc and laptop running steam at the same time, I was idling cards in my laptop but then I started playing a game on my pc, so obviously it kicked the laptop out of the game, the when I went to the laptop there was the pop up message

9 years ago

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only times, ususally, for me when it logs me out is when i have interruption in internet connection and on next retry i get this prompt

9 years ago

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Right place to ask this is steam support obviously.

9 years ago

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"Sorry, we cannot assist you further with this issue"

PsyKo, Steam Tech Support

9 years ago

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support is busy right now

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9 years ago

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Maybe someone reset your password

9 years ago

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It sounds like your account is being logged into from somewhere else. If it isn't you, or someone you've specifically authorized to do so, you may have a problem on your hands. It's likely your email is compromised as well (you do have Steam Guard on, right?). I would change the password to both your Steam account and email (to different passwords!), and maybe change the email used by Steam as well. And if you don't have Steam Guard on, turn it on ASAP. Run a virus scan before doing any of this (besides turning on Steam Guard) just in case you were compromised through malware, like the one distributed by those bots that say stuff like "Hey, have you seen this screenshot with you in it?" or "WTF!" and then link a .scr (screensaver, basically an .exe) file.

9 years ago*

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my e-mail cant be ijacked, even if you have the pawword, so do my steam account

9 years ago

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I'm not sure why you think it can't, but it can.

9 years ago

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Any email can be hijacked with the right tools

9 years ago

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Whenever you login you need a code from my phone number ! so if you want to hack my email you need to kill me .

9 years ago

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If you have 2FA on your email then it's probably reasonably safe, though I'd check the login records just to be sure. Now, the question is if your Steam account has the same protection through Steam Guard. If it does, and you're absolutely, 100% certain no one has gotten into your email, then account hijacking is unlikely (though there are still probably ways).

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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This happens to me, when i try to launch games from the same steam account on another pc.

9 years ago

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Bad log-out (client crash\net fault) or... better change your psw :P

9 years ago

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WiFi connection?

9 years ago

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Maybe you have some program that is cleaning registry files and whatnot?

9 years ago

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This only happens when someone logs into my steam on another computer..

9 years ago

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