I'm bored. Really. Any fresh ideas on what fun things to do? Without any money involved and stuff like "Go and hang out/ watch a movie/ play some gaemz". I would really appreciate some fresh thought on what you guys do when you get bored of gaming. Thanks.

EDIT: Also... I got 2 Booster Trooper guest passes left. Feel free to add me if you want some.

12 years ago*

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Learn video and photo editing?

12 years ago

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I'm doing it for two years now, the start is hard but it's definitely worth it :D

12 years ago

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That is quite impressive, but I suppose mad skills are required and a really good gym to train them. In Soviet Russia GYM goes to you.

12 years ago

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Write some reviews of games - maybe some indie ? or maybe some mainstream? Your call. Also you can try making some videoreview on youtube.

12 years ago

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Draw, play a musical instrument, sing, learn another language, parkour (why not?), count to 10.000 untill you get bored and start playing games again, get a rubix cube and try to solve it.....

The possibilities are limitless.

12 years ago

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You try practice some martial arts like i practice Shotokan Karate you can go search for videos on youtube they are very helpful most them videos, Its exciting, Fun, you'l get more healty, you learn to defend yourself against mingebags + you get tired when you go sleeping in your bed (if you have one ofc, xD)

Regards Jannik

12 years ago

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The Hash House Harriers, if they're in your area.

12 years ago

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papercraft :D
there are some amazing products

12 years ago

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My hobby turned into my full time income in about 2 months. A year later we bought a house. I no longer go to work; I go play. I made >$800 in 4 1/2 hours Saturday.


12 years ago

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Hats off to you, sir!

12 years ago

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This topic is now closed. Thanks to all of you who made my day and gave some tips and advices on how to entertain myself. Have a good day. =)

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Inle.